Monday, 24 February 2025


fighting ghosts’: The challenge the IDF faces in destroying Hamas’s tunnels

Like fighting ghosts’: The challenge the IDF faces in destroying Hamas’s tunnels. 
The reason is simple: tunnel battles are considered some of the most difficult for armies to fight. A determined enemy in a tunnel or cave system can pick where the fight will start — and often determine how it will end — given the abundant opportunities for ambush.
That’s especially true in the Gaza Strip, home to Hamas’s tunnel system that Israel has named the “Metro.”

During a 2014 war, Hamas killed at least 11 Israeli soldiers after infiltrating into Israel through tunnels. In another incident, an Israeli officer, Lt. Hadar Goldin, was dragged into a tunnel inside Gaza and killed. Hamas has been holding Goldin’s remains since then.

Ariel Bernstein, a former Israeli soldier who fought in that war, described urban combat in northern Gaza as a mix of “ambushes, traps, hideouts, snipers.”

He recalled the tunnels as having a disorienting, surreal effect, creating blind spots as Hamas gunmen popped up out of nowhere to attack.

“It was like I was fighting ghosts,” he said. “You don’t see them.” TIMES OF ISRAEL

The IDF said "we are fighting ghosts" 
Israeli soldiers are screaming in pain as they invade Gaza. 

Israeli soldiers reportedly to have said that they were fighting ghosts and backed off. Many even started mutiny. 

The Times Of Israel quotes 'Like fighting ghosts': The challenge the IDF faces in destroying Hamas's tunnels. 

Israeli soldiers testified to the fact that it was as if something supernatural was supporting the Palestinian people. And they don't understand where that powerful force comes from. They don't understand why they can't penetrate Gaza. Most of their tanks and most of their guns stopped working. Their soldiers were getting beaten, dragged and thrown around by some special powerful forces that they couldn't understand. 

"When the Israeli army was on the Gaza border, suddenly half of the soldiers' legs stopped working. Their legs were deformed and they were lying on the ground and just screaming because they were afraid. And the remaining soldiers were trying to help them. And the Palestinian army destroyed 30 or  more than their tanks and armored vehicles. The spokesperson for the Israeli army said that we are fighting ghosts... Subhanallah, are it actually Allah's soldiers or angels that Allah is using to fight them? That they feel like they are fighting ghosts. And one more thing, there are some  Israeli soldiers said that when the Mujahideen (Palestinian soldiers) approached them and they were about to engage in battle, they (Israeli soldiers) felt like there was a great presence, like a big fear that something great was coming, like feeling a very strong force was coming and fought them. And apparently a Mujahid had just appeared who came and fought them, but they (the Israeli army) were already overwhelmed (because it seemed like there was a big force helping the Mujahid)" 

Quran, Al-Muddaththir : 
Allah leaves whoever He wills to stray and guides whoever He wills. And none knows the forces of your Lord except He. And this is only a reminder to humanity.


Itu adalah Bantuan ghaib dari Allah dengan kehadiran Malaikat membantu mujahidin2 Palestine.

Jurucakap utama IDF mengatakan mereka seperti berperang dengan hantu dan mereka sangat yakin ada hantu di belakang tentera Hamas

Banyak cerita dari dalam Gaza. Askar Israel melaporkan, mereka diserang tapi tidak nampak satu pun kelibat musuh

Ada juga tentera pasukan pejuang mujahidin yang berseorangan, melawan konvoi tentera Israel. Apabila dia ingin berundur untuk menukar strategi, tiba tiba beliau mendengar suara yang tidak beliau kenali berzikir dan menyuruhnya melakukan serangan

Allah berfirman dalam quran

وَمَا یَعۡلَمُ جُنُودَ رَبِّكَ إِلَّا هُوَۚ﴿ ٣١ ﴾

“… Dan tiada yang mengetahui tentera tentera Tuhanmu melainkan Dia lah sahaja.…”

(Surah Al-Muddaththir [74] : ayat 31)

Berita ini juga diceritakan dan dilaporkan dalam kalangan penduduk Gaza.

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