Thursday, 1 June 2023


Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being “Suicided in Warp Speed”.

Look up! – And you will see, there is something deadly wrong.

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First published on December 14, 2022


Don’t look up lest you could see what nobody wants you to see – namely the Big-Big Lie.As time goes on and Agenda 2030, alias The WEF’s Great Reset progresses, the asteroid approaching Mother Earth is ever moving closer, is an ever greater risk for the destruction of our planet. Its ever more obvious. And we all feel it – we feel the heat of the approaching meteor. 

Yet, we are afraid to look up. We are even told there is a comet approaching that could destroy us all. We are scared, but we don’t look up to see the ever-growing enormity. Because if we would, we would have to take measures to stop the meteor from hitting our planet.

It would “disturb” our comfort; we would have to stand up, we would have to act in unison to muster the strength to bring about a change in the direction of the asteroid, to save our planet.

We seem to be scared out of our minds – so much so, that we’d prefer the ostrich-behavior, looking down, even sticking our heads in the sand – not to see the obvious.

Literally, the destruction of our lives. The longer we wait the lesser our chances to deviate the “colossal monster” approaching us. We know it, deep down, our innermost intuition tells us that there is something mighty wrong with what is approaching.

Doing nothing is like committing suicide. Because the warning signals have been there and here and everywhere – for years, not just since January 2020, when the meteor was first sighted and officially registered.

Cognitive dissonance and FEAR, yes, repeated FEAR, is their greatest instrument of intimidation.

They don’t hide the comet. But it’s up to us to look up and see it, to do whatever it takes to swerving its trajectory away from our Mother Earth. We can do it – we can still do it.

This call for attention, for looking up, is not meant to spread more fear. Quite the contrary.

By seeing your enemy, by looking him in the eye, you gain strength and lose fear. By doing this collectively, as a solidarity unit of humans – facing the lies and stepping finally away from the lies that have swallowed our lives for decades, for centuries, probably for at least the last 2000 years – then we will be able to breathe fresh air. New Energy.

“Don’t Look Up”

Don’t Look Up is the title of a 2021 released movie about a comet that approaches Mother Earth threatening to destroy her.

The comet is a metaphor for the horrendously forceful corporate finance-digital power engineered covid and climate change crises about to destroy Mother Earth. The movie is yet another warning.

It tells us: Do look up! Look the Monster right into its expressionless, cold killer-face.

That’s a step WE have to take in order to stop it. And we can stop it.

The film director Adam McKay points out that we live in a society that allows us to bypass scientific fact and ignore the threat of our own self-destruction for rich people’s short-term gain.

He is absolutely right.

“Don’t Look Up” is also the title of a German Video entitled “Schau Nicht Nach Oben. (18-min podcast in “apolut” – German alternative media)

See the German video below. There is a German transcript.

While it addresses the German context, it is relevant to Western Europe and most of the western world.

Propaganda tells us not to “look up”

Propaganda tells us not to “look up” unless we forego our comfort and may see a reality that we have ignored for the past few hundred years of human history – if not longer – and we would not like to see the dark hole which is affecting our lives.

Most will not look up and do what the dark power tells them to do – “get vaxxed” and follow the “Green Agenda, the so-called New Green Deal – for your safety and health”.

The New Green Deal that uses fake climate change as a pretext for stopping using energy, for collapsing our industry, our livelihood, for destroying agriculture, our sources of food,  bringing about famine, with the ultimate goal of “depopulation”. It’s genocide on behalf of the “elite masters” who are carrying out this diabolical plan on behalf of the financial-digital-military complex.

Those who despite propaganda and threats to the contrary would like to see what the “comet” looks like, become vulnerable to losing their life-earning activities, their “raison d’être” – unless they let themselves be “vaccinated” with a deadly mNRA-injection (a gene-modifying poison) which since early 2021 has resulted in an upward trend in mortality and morbidity.

The WEF elites also want us to eat lab-made food, meat, or insects from Bill Gates’ insect farms and meat factories:

“Company Gets Grant to Develop Food Based on Insects to Fight Malnutrition

All Things Bugs said that it is a Grand Challenges Explorations winner, an initiative funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All Things Bugs develops insect-derived technologies for applications in food, farm and pharma.

Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, Founder and Owner of All Things Bugs will pursue an innovative global health and development research project, titled “Good Bugs: Sustainable Food for Malnutrition in Children”.

Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE) funds individuals worldwide to explore ideas that can break the mold in how we solve persistent global health and development challenges.” ( Eurasia Review, May 12, 2012)

Bill Gates’ Patent 6,754,472 B1

There is more: Bill Gates has acquired a patent from the US Patent Office. In 2004 Microsoft was awarded US Patent 6,754,472 B1which is titled: Method and Apparatus for Transmitting Power and Data using the Human BodySee this for details.

Click Here or Screenshot to Access the Patent Document


Although this patent dates back to June 2004, it is now of utmost relevance, with possibly as many as half or more of the world’s population having been injected with a vaccine which contains electromagnetic graphene oxide. This electromagnetic substance is slated to play a role. The Patent confirms  that “The human body is used as a conductive medium”. According to The Abstract of U.S Patent 6,754,472 B1: 

Methods and apparatus for distributing power and data to devices coupled to the human body are described. The human body is used as a conductive medium, e.g., a bus, over which power and/or data is distributed.

Power is distributed by coupling a power Source to the human body via a first set of electrodes. One or more devise to be powered, e.g., peripheral devices, a real so coupled to the human body via additional sets of electrodes.

The devices may be, e.g., a Speaker, display, Watch, keyboard, etc.

A pulsed DC Signalor AC signal may be used as the power Source. By using multiple power Supply Signals of difering [sic]  frequencies, diferent devices can be Selectively powered.

Digital data and/or other information signals, e.g., audio Signals, can be modulated on the power Signal using frequency and/or amplitude modulation techniques.  (Emphasis added)

Look up! It’s there.

We are writing mid-December 2022. Forced and fake energy saving measures, mandated by the EU, and adhered to also by the UK, has most of the European Continent already freezing. Sub-freezing temps coupled with dramatic overnight increases in energy prices prevent millions of poor Europeans from heating, pushing them into freezing – all in the name of population reduction.

The artificially created food shortages are an integral part of the noble Green Agenda. British farmers warn: it will bring about a food supply crisis. And in some countries it’s famine.

Guardian, December 6, 2022

A true Cult to be successful has to warn people of what they are up to – but normally nobody listens. “They” know that – we were warned already in late summer, as the heat was fading, that we may expect a cold, a very cold Global Northern Winter, affecting especially Europe.

In the UK, according to figures from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, 16.4 million people (25% of the British population) will be unable to afford heating this winter.

The Warm Welcome Campaign stated that one in ten excess deaths this winter will be attributable to fuel poverty, and that government assistance – despite adding billions of pounds to the national debt, will still fall US$980 equivalent per household short of making up for the increased cost of living.

Some 3,300 ‘warm banks’ have been opened across the UK, as millions of people face the prospect of fuel poverty this winter. The Met Office predicts that temperatures could drop to -10 degrees Celsius in some locations over the next week.

Screenshot The National News

Organized by a coalition of Christian groups, the Warm Welcome Campaign has seen “warm banks” emerging, in the form of community organizations, churches, libraries, and businesses opening their doors to people desperate to come in from the cold. Some of these spaces offer free tea and a space to work. Many are filling up rapidly.

“There’s little doubt that we are heading towards a moment of crisis this winter in the face of energy and fuel inflation,” Christian activist Carl Beech stated on the campaign’s website. “People will be facing a stark choice between food and warmth. Creating warm and super welcoming spaces…is going to be an absolute necessity” (RT – 11 December 2022).

Look up! – And you will see, there is something deadly wrong.

Then look across the Atlantic, from where the energy shortage-drive emanates – “it’s Putin’s fault – Russia, Russia, Russia!” – the mandate on Europe to create an energy cum food shortage, to demolish her industrial base, her employment, her livelihood – look across the Atlantic to the Atlantists who have almost zilch, zero energy savings measures in place.

They are still driving over 5-liter-engine SUVs, pick-up trucks, and otherwise fancy gas-guzzling luxury cars, at literally a third or less the gasoline price from what it is in Europe. Most restaurants are still freezing cold from super energy-swallowing air-conditioning. Even though, outside temps have become quite pleasant in the south, and even cool in the mid- and northern part of the country. – And nobody talks about saving on heating costs.

All the while, in tiny Switzerland, paradise of the money masters and white collar “gangsters”, where (per capita) most Teslas are sold worldwide, a status symbol of the rich, of course! – in this little country, they are talking about banning electric cars for saving energy. The Power of the Greens! Can you imagine!

About 60% of all energy produced in Switzerland stems from renewable hydro-power. The other 40% come from four still operating nuclear power plants. But in 2017 the government decided to phase them out – to follow the powerful Green all destructive Agenda.

To the contrary of the Green Propaganda, nuclear power is one of the cleanest, and, yes, safest sources of energy. What will replace nuclear power? – Environmentally harmful – in every sense of the word – windmills and solar panels? Just to conform to the “Soros-philanthropy-funded” Green Agenda?

Look up! – And you’ll see every-increasing excess mortality everywhere in the Global North.

Then look closer, and find out where these excess deaths come from. A myriad of causes. All sorts of aggressive cancers, from liver, to male and female reproductive systems, leukemia and other blood cancers, stomach, even eyes – heart attacks, Sudden Deaths, myocarditis – and so many other diseases. Yes, diseases that always existed. To some extent. But not to today’s extent. As clearly shown by the excess mortality stats.

On Excess mortality in Canada and US see: 

Already in early 2021, Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer and Director of Pfizer Research, clearly warned, there will be so many diseases as time goes on after the coercive vaccination campaigns, they will be hard or impossible to trace back to the vaxxes.

But they are the cause of the poisonous, toxic injections, called vaccines, we, the people were forced – and in many countries are still forced – to accept, so as to hold on to our jobs, our livelihoods.

Crime has no name anymore.

Our vocabulary lacks the strength to appropriately describe the monstrous ongoing deadly tyranny.

What can you say, when you have a country like New Zealand, that just passed legislation, allowing the NZ authorities to take kids away from anti-vaxxer parents; or you have a country, the UK, that allows one of their counties, Oxfordshire, to lock down an entire society for climate change reasons, which every half-way educated person knows it’s a harsh criminally enforced hoax:

Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming. The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods.

Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t. Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city.

People may travel only within their county, or with a special permit crossing into a neighboring county. The legislation is drafted, so it could last forever. – And it can and may most certainly be replicated in other counties and other countries. (emphasis added)

The WEF’s Academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL)

Let’s remind us all, who the leaders of these two countries are. Ms. Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, and Mr. Rishi Sunak, PM of the UK, are both scholars of Klaus Schwab’s (WEF), Academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL). In one of his recent self-gratulatory statements, Klaus Schwab said, how proud he was that the WEF was able to “penetrate” governments around the world:

I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now… (Klaus Schwab)

Click here or image to access Video 

Look up!

Again, and again – learn, look the enemy in the eye. Seek out on your own statistics – and you will see that fertility rates are going down drastically, by both women and men. In many EU countries life-child births have gone down by 40%. Emphasis on life-births, because death born fetuses are drastically on the rise. – The vaxxes. In many hospitals, pregnant women are forced to be vaxxed.

Crime no-end!

An urgent call for a Nuremberg 2.0 is of the order.

A call for a new justice system. Nothing that exists today can be reformed. It is rotten to the core. A rotten tomato cannot be reformed.

Our society needs renewal.

No Reset.

Schwab, Gates, Rockefeller, Soros – et al – must go.

The colossus financial-digital-military complex, that dictates the ever-growing tyranny and totally genocidal and enslaving control from the shadow, must be sidestepped.

RENEWAL of everything.

But we have to “look up” to see it.

Reaching out hands to each other, in a spiritual and physical solidarity, We the People, can overcome. We MUST. Otherwise……


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year:2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 Get yours for FREE! Click here to download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Lihat Ke Atas! Bangunlah, Orang-orang! Anda Sedang "Bunuh Diri dalam Kecepatan Warp".

Lihat ke atas! – Dan Anda akan melihat, ada sesuatu yang salah mematikan.

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Pertama kali diterbitkan pada 14 Desember 2022


Jangan melihat ke atas agar Anda tidak dapat melihat apa yang tidak ada yang ingin Anda lihat - yaitu Kebohongan Besar. Seiring berjalannya waktu dan Agenda 2030, alias The WEF's Great Reset berkembang, asteroid yang mendekati Ibu Pertiwi semakin dekat, adalah risiko yang semakin besar untuk penghancuran planet kita. Ini semakin jelas. Dan kita semua merasakannya - kita merasakan panas dari meteor yang mendekat.

Namun, kami takut untuk melihat ke atas. Kita bahkan diberitahu ada komet yang mendekat yang bisa menghancurkan kita semua. Kami takut, tetapi kami tidak mendongak untuk melihat besarnya yang terus berkembang. Karena jika kita mau, kita harus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk menghentikan meteor menghantam planet kita.

Itu akan "mengganggu" kenyamanan kita; kita harus berdiri, kita harus bertindak serempak untuk mengumpulkan kekuatan untuk membawa perubahan arah asteroid, untuk menyelamatkan planet kita.

Kita tampaknya takut keluar dari pikiran kita – sedemikian rupa, sehingga kita lebih suka perilaku burung unta, melihat ke bawah, bahkan menjulurkan kepala kita ke pasir – bukan untuk melihat yang sudah jelas.

Secara harfiah, kehancuran hidup kita. Semakin lama kita menunggu semakin sedikit kesempatan kita untuk menyimpang dari "monster kolosal" yang mendekati kita. Kita tahu itu, jauh di lubuk hati, intuisi terdalam kita memberi tahu kita bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah dengan apa yang mendekat.

Tidak melakukan apa-apa seperti bunuh diri. Karena sinyal peringatan telah ada di sana dan di sini dan di mana-mana - selama bertahun-tahun, tidak hanya sejak Januari 2020, ketika meteor pertama kali terlihat dan terdaftar secara resmi.

Disonansi kognitif dan TAKUT, ya, TAKUT berulang, adalah instrumen intimidasi terbesar mereka.

Mereka tidak menyembunyikan komet. Tetapi terserah kita untuk melihat ke atas dan melihatnya, untuk melakukan apa pun untuk membelokkan lintasannya menjauh dari Ibu Pertiwi kita. Kita bisa melakukannya – kita masih bisa melakukannya.

Panggilan untuk perhatian ini, untuk melihat ke atas, tidak dimaksudkan untuk menyebarkan lebih banyak ketakutan. Justru sebaliknya.

Dengan melihat musuhmu, dengan menatap matanya, kamu mendapatkan kekuatan dan kehilangan rasa takut. Dengan melakukan ini secara kolektif, sebagai unit solidaritas manusia - menghadapi kebohongan dan akhirnya menjauh dari kebohongan yang telah menelan hidup kita selama beberapa dekade, selama berabad-abad, mungkin setidaknya selama 2000 tahun terakhir - maka kita akan dapat menghirup udara segar. Energi Baru.

"Jangan Melihat Ke Atas"

Don't Look Up adalah judul film yang dirilis tahun 2021 tentang sebuah komet yang mendekati Ibu Pertiwi yang mengancam akan menghancurkannya.

Komet adalah metafora untuk keuangan perusahaan yang sangat kuat-kekuatan digital yang direkayasa covid dan krisis perubahan iklim yang akan menghancurkan Ibu Pertiwi. Film ini adalah peringatan lain.

Itu memberitahu kita: Lihat ke atas! Lihatlah Monster langsung ke wajah pembunuh dinginnya yang tanpa ekspresi.

Itu adalah langkah yang harus KITA ambil untuk menghentikannya. Dan kita bisa menghentikannya.

Sutradara film Adam McKay menunjukkan bahwa kita hidup dalam masyarakat yang memungkinkan kita untuk melewati fakta ilmiah dan mengabaikan ancaman penghancuran diri kita sendiri untuk keuntungan jangka pendek orang kaya.

Dia benar sekali.

"Don't Look Up" juga merupakan judul Video Jerman berjudul "Schau Nicht Nach Oben. (podcast 18 menit dalam "apolut" - media alternatif Jerman)

Lihat video Jerman di bawah ini. Ada transkrip Jerman.

Sementara itu membahas konteks Jerman, itu relevan dengan Eropa Barat dan sebagian besar dunia barat.

Propaganda memberitahu kita untuk tidak "melihat ke atas"

Propaganda memberitahu kita untuk tidak "melihat ke atas" kecuali kita melepaskan kenyamanan kita dan mungkin melihat kenyataan yang telah kita abaikan selama beberapa ratus tahun terakhir dalam sejarah manusia - jika tidak lebih lama - dan kita tidak ingin melihat lubang gelap yang mempengaruhi hidup kita.

Sebagian besar tidak akan melihat ke atas dan melakukan apa yang diperintahkan oleh kekuatan gelap untuk mereka lakukan - "dihidupkan" dan ikuti "Agenda Hijau, yang disebut Kesepakatan Hijau Baru - untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan Anda".

Kesepakatan Hijau Baru yang menggunakan perubahan iklim palsu sebagai dalih untuk berhenti menggunakan energi, untuk meruntuhkan industri kita, mata pencaharian kita, untuk menghancurkan pertanian, sumber makanan kita, membawa kelaparan, dengan tujuan akhir "depopulasi". Ini adalah genosida atas nama "tuan elit" yang melaksanakan rencana jahat ini atas nama kompleks keuangan-digital-militer.

Mereka yang terlepas dari propaganda dan ancaman sebaliknya ingin melihat seperti apa "kom" itu, menjadi rentan kehilangan aktivitas yang hidup mereka, "raison d'être" mereka - kecuali mereka membiarkan diri mereka "divaksinasi" dengan injeksi mNRA yang mematikan (racun pengubah gen) yang sejak awal 2021 telah menghasilkan tren kenaikan mortalitas dan morbiditas.

Para elit WEF juga ingin kita makan makanan, daging, atau serangga buatan lab dari peternakan serangga dan pabrik daging Bill Gates:

"Perusahaan Mendapat Hibah untuk Mengembangkan Makanan Berdasarkan Serangga untuk Melawan Malnutrisi

All Things Bugs mengatakan bahwa itu adalah pemenang Grand Challenges Explorations, sebuah inisiatif yang didanai oleh Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All Things Bugs mengembangkan teknologi yang berasal dari serangga untuk aplikasi dalam makanan, pertanian, dan farmasi.

Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, Pendiri dan Pemilik All Things Bugs akan mengejar proyek penelitian kesehatan dan pengembangan global yang inovatif, berjudul "Good Bugs: Sustainable Food for Malnutrition in Children".

Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE) mendanai individu di seluruh dunia untuk mengeksplorasi ide-ide yang dapat memecahkan cetakan dalam cara kami memecahkan tantangan kesehatan dan pengembangan global yang terus-menerus.” (Ulasan Eurasia, 12 Mei 2012)

Paten Bill Gates 6.754.472 B1

Masih ada lagi: Bill Gates telah memperoleh paten dari Kantor Paten AS. Pada tahun 2004 Microsoft dianugerahi Paten AS 6.754.472 B1, yang berjudul: Metode dan Peralatan untuk Mentransmisikan Daya dan Data menggunakan Tubuh Manusia. Lihat ini untuk detailnya.

Klik Di Sini atau Tangkapan Layar untuk Mengakses Dokumen Paten

Tangkapan layar

Meskipun paten ini berasal dari Juni 2004, sekarang sangat relevan, dengan kemungkinan sebanyak setengah atau lebih populasi dunia telah disuntik dengan vaksin yang mengandung graphene oxide elektromagnetik. Zat elektromagnetik ini dijadwalkan untuk berperan. Paten menegaskan bahwa "Tubuh manusia digunakan sebagai media konduktif". Menurut Abstrak Paten AS 6.754.472 B1:

Metode dan peralatan untuk mendistribusikan daya dan data ke perangkat yang digabungkan ke tubuh manusia dijelaskan. Tubuh manusia digunakan sebagai media konduktif, misalnya, bus, di mana daya dan/atau data didistribusikan.

Daya didistribusikan dengan menggabungkan Sumber daya ke tubuh manusia melalui set elektroda pertama. Satu atau lebih alat untuk ditenagai, misalnya, perangkat periferal, yang nyata sehingga digabungkan ke tubuh manusia melalui set elektroda tambahan.

Perangkat mungkin, misalnya, Speaker, tampilan, Jam Tangan, keyboard, dll.

Sinyal DC berdenyut atau sinyal AC dapat digunakan sebagai Sumber daya. Dengan menggunakan beberapa Sinyal Catu daya dari frekuensi diferensi [sic], perangkat yang berbeda dapat diberi daya secara selektif.

Data digital dan/atau sinyal informasi lainnya, misalnya, Sinyal audio, dapat dimodulasi pada Sinyal daya menggunakan teknik modulasi frekuensi dan/atau amplitudo. (Penekanan ditambahkan)

Lihat ke atas! Itu ada di sana.

Kami sedang menulis pertengahan Desember 2022. Langkah-langkah penghematan energi paksa dan palsu, diamanatkan oleh UE, dan dipatuhi juga oleh Inggris, membuat sebagian besar Benua Eropa sudah membeku. Suhu sub-freezing ditambah dengan kenaikan harga energi semalam yang dramatis mencegah jutaan orang Eropa miskin memanas, mendorong mereka menjadi beku – semuanya atas nama pengurangan populasi.

Kekurangan pangan yang diciptakan secara artifisial merupakan bagian integral dari Agenda Hijau yang mulia. Petani Inggris memperingatkan: itu akan membawa krisis pasokan makanan. Dan di beberapa negara itu kelaparan.

Wali, 6 Desember 2022

Kultus sejati untuk menjadi sukses harus memperingatkan orang-orang tentang apa yang mereka lakukan – tetapi biasanya tidak ada yang mendengarkan. "Mereka" tahu itu - kami sudah diperingatkan di akhir musim panas, karena panas memudar, bahwa kami mungkin mengharapkan dingin, Musim Dingin Utara Global yang sangat dingin, yang mempengaruhi terutama Eropa.

Di Inggris, menurut angka dari Koalisi Kemiskinan Bahan Bakar Akhir, 16,4 juta orang (25% dari populasi Inggris) tidak akan mampu membayar pemanasan musim dingin ini.

Kampanye Sambutan Hangat menyatakan bahwa satu dari sepuluh kematian berlebih musim dingin ini akan disebabkan oleh kemiskinan bahan bakar, dan bahwa bantuan pemerintah – meskipun menambahkan miliaran pound ke utang nasional, masih akan turun setara US$980 per rumah tangga untuk menebus peningkatan biaya hidup.

Sekitar 3.300 'bank hangat' telah dibuka di seluruh Inggris, karena jutaan orang menghadapi prospek kemiskinan bahan bakar musim dingin ini. Met Office memprediksi bahwa suhu bisa turun hingga -10 derajat Celcius di beberapa lokasi selama minggu depan.

Tangkapan Layar Berita Nasional

Diselenggarakan oleh koalisi kelompok Kristen, Kampanye Sambutan Hangat telah melihat "bank hangat" muncul, dalam bentuk organisasi komunitas, gereja, perpustakaan, dan bisnis membuka pintu mereka bagi orang-orang yang putus asa untuk datang dari kedinginan. Beberapa dari ruang ini menawarkan teh gratis dan ruang untuk bekerja. Banyak yang mengisi dengan cepat.

"Ada sedikit keraguan bahwa kita sedang menuju momen krisis musim dingin ini dalam menghadapi energi dan inflasi bahan bakar," aktivis Kristen Carl Beech menyatakan di situs web kampanye. “Orang-orang akan menghadapi pilihan yang jelas antara makanan dan kehangatan. Menciptakan ruang yang hangat dan sangat ramah...akan menjadi kebutuhan mutlak” (RT – 11 Desember 2022).

Lihat ke atas! – Dan Anda akan melihat, ada sesuatu yang salah mematikan.

Kemudian lihat ke seberang Atlantik, dari mana kekurangan energi-drive berasal - "itu salah Putin - Rusia, Rusia, Rusia!" - mandat di Eropa untuk menciptakan energi cum food shorta…

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