Tuesday, 13 June 2023


Pfizer Caught Funnelling $12 Million to Anderson Cooper To Promote mRNA Jabs to Americans

Fact checked
Pfizer funnelled 12 million dollars to Anderson Cooper

Pfizer has funnelled a whopping $12 million dollars into the bank account of CNN host Anderson Cooper as part of a deal to promote the company’s toxic mRNA jabs to the American public.

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., very few people are aware of the fact that Cooper gets the majority of his CNN pay-check from Pfizer.

80 percent of Cooper’s $12 million annual salary, roughly $10 million, comes directly from Pfizer, according to RFK. Jr.


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“Anderson Cooper has a $12 million a year annual salary,” Kennedy revealed during the segment. “Well, $10 million of that is coming from Pfizer.”

“So, his boss is not CNN. His boss is Pfizer. And they’re unashamed about it. They’re unabashed about it. They say on his program ‘brought to you by Pfizer.’ Of course, he’s not going to tell you the truth about Pfizer’s product. He’s going to try to sell it to you. He’s going to try to scare the hell out of you saying ‘if you don’t take this, you’re going to die.’”

Naturalnews.com reports: To be fair, Cooper is hardly the only mainstream media whore peddling drugs on his viewers in exchange for cash. Most of the corporate media are beholden to Big Pharma as a financial lifeline, hence why the bulk of media commercial breaks these days are advertisements promoting the latest drugs.

For many years, CNN competitor Fox News has been pushing the latest pharmaceutical drugs in between media segments. Even though Fox tends to lean more conservative ¬– or at least used to – it is still paid by the same people that run CNN to report the “news.”

What this means, of course, is that there really is no left versus right, or Republican versus conservative, when the likes of Pfizer is controlling what gets said. Whether right-leaning or left-leaning, all it really is behind the smokescreen is one single uniparty pushing dangerous drugs on viewers.

“The media in our country is an extension of the pharmaceutical industry,” Kennedy said. “Seventy-five percent of advertising revenues now on the mainstream media are now coming from pharma, and that ratio is even higher for the evening news because the evening news is where you see pharmaceuticals advertised.”

One of the reasons Tucker Carlson was kicked off of Fox News is because he started to break the script. Carlson started to raise suspicions about COVID injections, for instance, which is a big no-no when the companies that make COVID injections are paying your salary and keeping your network on the air.

The minute someone on a corporate news channel dares to start telling the truth, chances are that he or she will be encouraged to stop – or else get fired. Carlson learned this the hard way, but Cooper is still raking in the cash because he is nothing more than a Big Pharma puppet on the screen.

“Part of the other $2 million a year probably comes compliments of U.S. taxpayers via the FBI, CIA, and other slush funds,” one viewer of The Liberty Daily wrote about where, perhaps, the rest of Cooper’s salary is derived.

“RFK Jr. is a reminder of how far the Democrat Party has fallen,” wrote another about how the Democrats of yesteryear used to all be like Kennedy, especially when it came to calling out Big Pharma control over the media.


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