Friday, 30 June 2023


Luciferase Microarray Patches Contain DARPA Hydrogel & Autonomous Insect Cyborg Sentinels

By Dr. Ariyana Love

Queensland’s first needle-free “vaccine” facility just opened in Australia, yesterday. The microarray patch for intradermal delivery technology is also being called a Nanopatch and it’s aimed at our children

3D printed microarray patches (MAP’s) are comprised of a series of micrometer-sized projections that can painlessly puncture the skin and access the epidermal/dermal layer, delivering drugs and chemicals into the interstitial fluids of the human body. It also allows for external control of delayed release of drugs and repeated dosage over time. This technology was already being developed back in the 1970’s. 

In May of 2023, Micron Biomedical announced Phase 1/2 data from the first-ever clinical trial of a “vaccine” patch in children – including infants as young as nine months old. This study was tested on Gambian children.

In October of 2022, the first official Luciferase patch trial on children using a placebo, began in Brisbane, Australia. The trial was led by Vaxxas. A number of phase-one clinical trials in adults were already conducted by Vaxxas according to Project Manager, Ben Baker. 

Vaxxas, founded by UQ commercialization company UniQuest in 2011, received $A30 million (US$22 million) through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to support “pandemic” deployment of their high-density micro-array patch (HD-MAP). Vaxxas is partnered with the U.S. Government and funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. The microarray patch is supposedly intended to inoculate children from middle to low income countries with measles, rubella, and polio. 

This microarray patch technology is scheduled to be mandated for children worldwide and it’s on the national immunization schedule for children in Australia. UNICEF is driving the research, development and scale of microarray patches for children. They’re keen on “identifying barriers for scaling and investigating the need for market pull incentives to spark interest and endorsement by vaccine manufacturers.” And of course the World Harm Organization (WHO) is involvedwith pushing the measles-rubella microarray patch on children.

DNA from human origin

The antibody used in the microarray (MA) patches comes from human originaccording to scientific literature (See paragraph #4 and 2.2. Antibody Stability Study). The patches use “nonspecific human Ig” and the “human hlg” which is a human leukocyte antigen, as well as other “nonspecific” amounts of human DNA plasma, including human lgG1 and human lgG2. It is well known that injecting human DNA into humans induces inflammation, autoimmunity and rapid cancer growth. 

The core–shell MA patch has two delayed burst releases at days 10 and 21. Included in the patches is the use of “nondegradable poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (EVA, for the sustained release of human DNA), hyaluronic acid scaffolds, glycol chitosan, and oxidized alginate hydrogels.” (See paragraph two).

Glycol chitosan is insect DNA which is highly toxic to humans. It has never been approved by the FDA for use in humans. Hyaluronic acid based scaffolds is used for tissue engineeringand so is synthetic mRNA

Johnson and Johnson developed the Luciferase microarray patch (See paragraph entitled, 2.3. Vector) containing the Adenovirus 5 vector for targeted deletion of the E1 and E3 genes, located on the X-chromosome. 

PLEASE READ: EPIGENETICS: Vaccines Are Deleting Human Genes & Transfecting Cells With Ebola/Marburg

This scientific paper reveals that Luciferase hydrogel is chimeric DNA from cross species genomic splicing. The Luciferase patches are being marketed (See bottom of page) as something that will “reduce the rate of HIV infections”. Incidentally, governments are coercing schools to mandate HIV testing of children. 

DARPA hydrogel

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military. 

DARPA’s hydrogel replicates into rectangular crystal structures within minutes after coming into contact with body fluids. It grows a crystalline sheath above your muscle and beneath your skin which is magnetic. It acts as an antennae inside the human body that can transmit your internal data through the Internet and receive commands from towers as it replicates and expands throughout the entire body.

Whole parasite “vaccines”

Also contained within some embodiment’s of the DARPA hydrogel patches are Sentinels. Under a highly classified program DARPA has been weaponizing insects for decades such as GMO mosquitos that carry GMO parasite eggs coded with synthetic mRNA. These parasite eggs are otherwise known as “whole parasite vaccines“. 

PLEASE READ: Malaria Parasites In “Vaccines” Target Placenta, Kill Babies In Utero

This peer-reviewed paper discusses “Cyropreserved Whole-Parasite Vaccines” using the deadly P. falciparum Malaria parasite to target in particular, the CD4+ T cells and destroy them by inducing cell death. Please also read herehere and here.

The Sentinels

Sentinels are also found within the DARPA hydrogel Luciferase microarray patches.

DARPA has a full Hybrid Insect MEMS programcalled “Sentinel”. The D.O.D. is also in on this. Much of the funding for this project comes from DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), which has devoted more than US$2 million to the Hybrid Insect MEMS (HI-MEMS) program.

Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), otherwise known as micromachined devices uses organic insects that have been morphed into externally controllable electromechanical devices and ‘living’ biosensors, using genetically modified microorganisms. Micro-mechanical systems are placed inside the insects during the early stages of metamorphosis, allowing for tissue-machine interface and control over insect locomotion. Insect cyborgs have most of the machine component inside the insect body providing stealthy robots that use muscle actuators. Motion trajectories are obtained either from GPS coordinates, or using RF, optical, ultrasonic signals based remote control. The Sentinels work as microsensors and they also can modulate light beams. Through heterogeneous integration, they have merged the Sentinels into a circuitry nanotech system.

While this is a highly classified and secretive project, there’s a paper trail. In 2018, the U.S. Government awarded DARPA a research and development contract funding DARPA’s SENTINEL # HR001118S0005 project to the tune of 10 million dollars. The first Sentinel patent was registered by GeneNews, in 2010. The second Sentinel patent # 7,662,558, entitled “Method of profiling gene expression in a human subject” was registered in 2018.

But who could anticipate that Sentinels would be used inside the human body? Since 2009, Sentinels have been used internally for a breast cancer excision. They can slice right through tumors which explains why my clients are being internally lacerated by these Sentinels, inflicting terrible pain and causing red skin lesions to appear. Also according to client testimonials and peer-reviewed literature, Sentinels shoot out electromagnetic beams and attempt to influence your nervous system using electricity. They borrow into the nervous system and can “read thoughts,” anticipate your movements and attempt to control their host.

The hydrogel-based encapsulation (nanotech) system for genetically modified organisms (GMMs) incorporates a biocompatible multilayer tough shell and an alginate-based core. Sentinels are the core controller of the Operating System. They regulate cell to cell communication between the AI parasites, organoids, hydras, worms and poisonous anaerobic bacteria in vivo, as the linked document shows. 

“Microelectronic integrated circuits can be thought of as the “brains” of a system and MEMS augments this decision-making capability with “eyes” and “arms”, to allow microsystems to sense and control the environment. Sensors gather information from the environment through measuring mechanical, thermal, biological, chemical, optical, and magnetic phenomena. The electronics then process the information derived from the sensors and through some decision making capability direct the actuators to respond by moving, positioning, regulating, pumping, and filtering, thereby controlling the environment for some desired outcome or purpose. Furthermore, because MEMS devices are manufactured using batch fabrication techniques, similar to ICs, unprecedented levels of functionality, reliability, and sophistication can be placed on a small silicon chip at a relatively low cost.”

DARPA openly admits to using AI for brain computer interface with humans through it’s Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) program. Sentinels are contained within a small silicon chip that looks very similar to the chips Dr. Pablo Campra found in the Covid-19 vials. 

In 2017, Finland developed nanocellulose-alginate hydrogel suitable for 3D printing. 

Implantable hydrogel biosensors are scheduled to be used in Covid-19 inoculations and microarray patches. Hillman Laboratories partnered with John Hopkins University, admit that they want to “take the microarray patches door to door“.

One of my clients was a victim of a U.S. government pilot project in Seattle Washington. GMO mosquitos are being unleashed in Florida and other states as well. My client, her daughter and best friend were congregated at a church function outdoors when they were “beaten by mosquito’s,” as she put it. These mosquito’s were smaller than the typical mosquitos they have in Washington state and they had unusual markings. They could not feel the bites but saw the mosquito’s biting. Later, people from the congregation broke out in welts where they were bitten and had terrible pains all over their bodies. Now my client and her daughter are riddled with Sentinels which crawl everywhere in their bodies and torture them. These Sentinels belong to DARPA’s weaponized insects project. My clients best friend could not endure and she died before they discovered my protocols. I have several other clients whom are being tortured by Sentinels and my protocols are helping them. Other clients have already detoxed the Sentinel and DARPA hydrogel out of their bodies. 

ALSO READ: “YIKES! Hydrogel Nano-biotechnology in Vaccines and Nasal Swab Tests Capable of Electronically Linking Human Brains to Cloud Wirelessly” by State of The Nation.

Please consider donating to Dr. Ariyana Love’s investigative research and ministry, here.

If you require a health consultation please schedule with Dr. Love, here.

Contact Dr. Love at or call her cell at +1 928-892-8736. 

Follow Dr. Love on Telegram @DrAriyanaLove and on Twitter @drloveariyana.


Hospital ‘Murder’: Attorney Unveils Shocking Survival Rates Among Mechanically Ventilated COVID Patients

“You got a cash bonus when someone died from COVID. It was an incentive to kill people, and it worked incredibly well.”

The U.S. Federal government incentivized “not people recovering from COVID but people dying from COVID,” testified attorney Thomas Renz to the Pennsylvania State Senate. “You got a cash bonus when someone died from COVID. It was an incentive to kill people, and it worked incredibly well.”

One of the most objectionable protocols for treating COVID was the widespread use of a drug (Remdesivir) so infamous that it earned the nickname “Run Death Is Near.”

“The experts claimed that Remdesivir would stop Covid; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs,” wrote Stella Paul in this piece.

Excessive morphine administration was another issue. A hospital pharmacist blew the whistle to attorney Thomas Renz that the floor she worked on made a habit of going “up on the morphine drip” to “take care of business.” More details on that can be found here:

But the single deadliest protocol of all, based on health outcomes, was the ubiquitous use of mechanical ventilators.

“Fauci knew vents did more harm than good,” asserted osteopathic physician Dr. Joseph Mercola on his Substack page. Here’s what he had to say about “The COVID hospital death trap.”

Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence.

76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%.

The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine.

Data suggest around 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020. Other metropolitan areas also saw massive spikes in deaths among younger individuals who were at low risk of dying from COVID. It’s possible many of these deaths were the result of being placed on mechanical ventilation (see graph below).

“No one told the patients, hey, you’re going to be put on this vent. It’s probably going to kill you, but it may protect the healthcare workers,” remarked attorney Renz. “No one told the families that.”

“And by the way,” he continued, “we actually had whistleblower testimony from a yet-to-be-unmasked whistleblower … who worked for CMS. I’ve got data from CMS that showed in a number of Texas hospitals, as high as 90% of patients put on the vent died. 90%.”

“Now, they wouldn’t let you try ivermectin, but they were more than willing to put you on the vent where you had a 90% fatality rate,” attorney Renz denounced. “You tell me that they didn’t notice? I can’t say all doctors are created equal. [Peter] McCullough is ahead above most. But you got through med school. I would think you would probably be smart enough to notice when nine out of ten of your patients, when they’re put on the vent, die.”

“At least maybe you should ask the question, is there a better way? Why not let someone try ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine if you have a nine out of ten chance of dying anyways?”

So, why did most doctors not opt for alternative treatments instead?

Following the money will give you the likely answer, as Federal funds encouraged a specific course of action. Attorney Renzdetailed the “perverse” incentives in place during his Pennsylvania State Senate testimony last year. “We have incentivized the murder of patients rather than incentivized treatment.”

“When you go to the hospital, you get tested. They get paid more. When you get admitted for COVID, they get paid more. When they put you on remdesivir, they get paid more. When you get ventilated, they get paid more. When you die, they get paid more. This is perverse.”

He ended last year’s testimony by asking, “Do you want us to incentivize hospitals to have good outcomes, or do you want us to continue incentivizing the murder of your loved ones?”

Attorney Renz “fought with hospital after hospital after hospital” to try and save the lives of family members of people calling him on the phone.

And that’s why he said this issue is so dear to his heart. “We essentially legislated these deaths into being … it was an incentive to kill people, and it worked incredibly well.”

If you witnessed a loved one go through a horrendous hospital experience during COVID, please leave a brief testimony and share this post. When stories from thousands, even hundreds, echo the same distressing narrative, it transcends the realm of anecdotal evidence. It then becomes an alarming indication of gross negligence on a mass scale — and potentially malice.

The Vigilant Fox is a citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience, focused on The Great Reset, world protests, and COVID-19.

After being deeply disturbed by COVID measures, mandates, and medical discrimination, he has dedicated his free time and effort to making short, informative clips — featuring top doctors, scientists, and thought leaders from around the world.


What Causes Leg Cramps?

Leg cramps can occur due to dehydration or overexertion. Frequent leg cramps can occur with certain health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes or kidney failure, or while taking certain medications.


Some call them a charley horse, others a leg cramp. But no one calls them an enjoyable experience. 

Leg cramps can be excruciating. They often attack when you’re sound asleep, waking you with a violent reaction, worsened only by the shock of their arrival. 

In some cases, these cramps can be prevented. Read on to learn about their triggers and how to find relief.

Your muscles cramp when they involuntarily contract. This usually feels like a painful knot on your leg muscle and renders it momentarily immobile. 

Leg cramps are most common in the calf muscle, but they can also happen in the thighs or feet

Normally, leg cramps last just a few moments before the muscle loosens up and the pain dissipates.

There are a variety of things that can lead to leg cramps. But it’s also important to note there’s often no explanation at all for leg cramps. 

Because they often happen at night when our legs are slightly bent and our feet are pointed downward, some have suggested that this tightening triggers a spasm

If you’re trying to prevent these painful occurrences, it’s best to minimize the circumstances that can increase their likelihood. 

There are certain activities that make you more prone to leg cramps. These include exercises that rely heavily on the leg muscles, such as:

Some experts say muscle fatigue is the leading cause of leg cramps. The risks are even higher when these muscles are fatigued in hot weather or when you don’t stay hydrated

You can prevent activity-related leg cramps by drinking plenty of water and taking it easy. Avoid exercising when you’re fatigued. 

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Pregnancy, as well as certain medical conditions, can also increase your risk of experiencing leg cramps.

See your doctor if you’re pregnant or have any of these conditions and are experiencing more leg cramps than usual:

In addition, medications can contribute to leg cramps, such as:

Preventing leg cramps is where it begins, but if you’re in the throes of a painful cramp, it helps to know what to do. 

When you have a cramp, massage and stretch it gently. 

If it’s in your calf, flex your foot to attempt to stretch the muscle, or walk around on your heels if the pain isn’t unbearable. Get more information on stopping leg cramps.

Generally, the effects of a cramp will disappear in minutes. But if you have ongoing cramps, speak with your doctor. 

Currently, there are no medications specifically designed to treat recurring muscle cramps. However, if your cramping is a symptom of another condition, addressing that underlying issue could provide relief.


What’s Causing Your Leg Cramps at Night? Treatment and Prevention Tips

Leg cramps at night don’t always have a medical cause, but it’s a good idea to see a doctor to rule this out. To help prevent them, stretch your calf and hamstring muscles before bed.

Imagine you’re lying down, and your lower leg seizes. The pain is intense enough to make you want to scream. It doesn’t let up, and your muscle is hard to the touch. When you try to move your leg, it feels paralyzed. Sound familiar?

According to American Family Physician, nocturnal leg cramps affect up to 60 percentof adults. Sometimes referred to as muscle spasms or charley horses, they occur when one or more of the muscles in the leg tighten involuntarily.

Leg cramps most often affect the gastrocnemius muscle (calf muscle) which spans the back of each leg from the ankle to the knee. However, they can also affect the muscles at the front of each thigh (quadriceps) and the back of each thigh (hamstrings).

You can be awake or asleep when a leg cramp strikes. Most of the time, the muscle relaxes itself in less than 10 minutes. Your leg might feel sore or tender for up to a day afterward. Frequent calf cramps at night can disrupt your sleep.

Leg cramps during sleep are more commonamong women and older adults.

Experts don’t know exactly what causes leg cramps at night. There are, however, known factors that can increase your risk. In most cases, nocturnal leg cramps are idiopathic, which means their exact cause isn’t known.

Nighttime leg cramps may be related to foot position. We often sleep with our feet and toes extending away from the rest of our bodies, a position called plantar flexion. This shortens the calf muscles, making them more susceptible to cramping.

Other factors that may contribute to nighttime leg cramps include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle. Muscles need to be stretched regularly to function properly. Sitting for long periods of time could make leg muscles more susceptible to cramping.
  • Muscle overexertion. Too much exercise can create an overworked muscle and may be associated with muscle cramps.
  • Improper sitting position. Sitting with your legs crossed or your toes pointed for long periods of time shortens the calf muscles, which could lead to cramping.
  • Prolonged standing. Research suggests that people who stand for long periods of time at work are more likely to experience nocturnal leg cramps.
  • Abnormal nerve activity. According to electromyographic studies, leg cramps are associated with increased, abnormal nerve firing.
  • Shortening of the tendons. The tendons, which connect muscles and bones, shorten naturally over time. This could lead to cramping in the muscles.

Leg cramps at night are unlikely to be the first sign of a more serious medical condition. They are, however, associated with the following conditions:

  • pregnancy
  • structural issues, such as flat feet or spinal stenosis
  • neurological disorders, such as motor neuron disease or peripheral neuropathy
  • neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease
  • musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoarthritis
  • liver, kidney, and thyroid conditions
  • metabolic disorders, such as diabetes
  • cardiovascular conditions, such as heart disease or peripheral vascular disease
  • medications, such as statins and diuretics

Though leg cramps at night can be intensely painful, they aren’t typically serious. Most people who experience them don’t need medical treatment.

You can try the following at home to try to relieve a cramp:

  • Massage your leg. Rubbing the affected muscle may help it relax. Use one or both hands to gently knead and loosen the muscle.
  • Stretch. If the cramp is in your calf, straighten your leg. Flex your foot so that it’s lifted to face you and your toes are pointing towards you.
  • Walk on your heels. This will activate the muscles opposite your calf, allowing it to relax.
  • Apply heat. Heat can soothe tight muscles. Apply a hot towel, hot water bottle, or heating pad to the affected area. Taking a warm bath or shower may also help.
  • Drink pickle juice. Some evidencesuggests that drinking a small amount of pickle juice may help relieve muscle cramps.
  • Take an over-the-counter painkiller if your leg is sore after. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) can help relieve tenderness after a cramp. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can work as well.

If frequent cramps are disrupting your sleep, make an appointment with your doctor. They might prescribe a muscle relaxant to prevent cramps. If your cramps are related to another medical condition, they can help manage that too.

The following tips may help you avoid leg cramps while sleeping:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids allow for normal muscle function. You might need to adjust how much fluid you drink based on factors such as the weather, your age, activity level, and medication you’re taking.
  • Stretch your legs. Stretching your calves and hamstrings before bed can reduce the frequency and severity of nocturnal leg cramps.
  • Ride a stationary bike. A few minutes of easy pedaling might help loosen up your leg muscles before you go to sleep.
  • Change your sleeping position. You should avoid sleeping in positions in which your feet are pointing downward. Try sleeping on your back with a pillow behind your knees.
  • Avoid heavy or tucked-in bedding.Heavy or tucked-in bedding could push your feet downward while you sleep. Choose loose, untucked sheets, and a comforter that will allow you to keep your feet and toes upright while you sleep.
  • Choose supportive footwear. Poor footwear can aggravate issues with the nerves and muscles in your feet and legs, especially if you have flat feet.

If you’ve ever experienced leg cramps at night, you know how painful they can be. Fortunately, they’re usually not a sign of a serious problem. Stretching the calf and hamstring muscles before bed may help to prevent nocturnal leg cramps.

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