Tuesday 28 May 2024


Where do the IHR amendments stand?

The official meetings for today ended a few minutes ago and will reconvene at 9:30 am Geneva time (3:30 am EDT)

A large number of countries that tend to follow the US agenda spoke together, one after the other, in favor of passing a package of amendments this week, indicating that much was already agreed.

However, there was interesting pushback from 2 groups.

The last speaker to push back represented the international pharmaceutical manufacturers association, and they can exert a considerable influence on the US-led nations with strong pharmaceutical industries.

The other group that chose to speak and pushed back included:

  • Malaysia

  • Russia (probably Smolenskyi)

  • Iran—no expansion of power for international bodies

  • Paraguay—the process has not been agreed. All nations must be able to implement (in other words be financially supported) the requirements and as of now that cannot happen

  • Uganda—rushing is bad. We have outbreaks all the time that don’t amount to much and we don’t like the process for declaring a public health emergency

I was not paying attention but hear Argentina pointed out the failure to adhere to Article 55 (2).

The named nations will not go along with consensus so to get amendments passed this week there will need to be a vote. There must be many more nations that will also refuse to go along for the same/similar reasons.

Will there be a roll call vote in which nations are accountable for their votes?

As I have been saying, I anticipate some amendments will be passed, one way or another, this week, but on the whole they will be inconsequential and will not advance the One World Government plan.

Precious and Ashley were not happy but not despondent. 

Stay tuned

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