Wednesday, 29 May 2024


Gov Caught Manipulating Temperature Data to Push Global Warming & Climate Change

Weather Channel Founder explains exactly how the US government is intentionally manipulating data to fuel Climate Change hysteria for Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050

The US government, through NASA and other government entities, has been caught deliberately manipulating climate data. The craziest part is that they have been doing it for over 20 years in effort to construct the Climate Change Agenda, which is now being rolled out. 

I thought the video below was important enough to share because in my post, Military Causing Power Outages by Dropping Chaffwe learned that the ongoing use of military chaff was also causing temperature data to be incorrectly logged, therefore forever skewing historical readings. 

In another one of my posts (for the life of me, I can’t remember which one) we discussed how, over the past two years, the temperature of the air will be reported in the media to be 80F, but I was taking ground reading temps and they were clocking in so high that it exceeded the temperature at which plants can photosynthesize (104F), which explained why plants were not growing. We know there are illegally high levels of metallic particles coming down in the rain and snow (due to GeoEngineering) so it is not surprising that hot metal particles are drastically increasing ground temps, therefore stunting plant growth, including crops, which is the food supply. Point being, even before the intentional manipulation of climate data, it has already been manipulated in multiple ways.

Here’s the really important 10-minute video in which KUSI meteorologist, Weather Channel founder, and weatherman, John Coleman explain exactly how the data is being manipulated and how the government is involved in the scheme. 

If the video won’t play you can watch it here

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An entire one hour Global Warming special hosted by John Coleman can be viewed here:

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