Friday, 31 May 2024


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg : Institutional corruption and the WHO as a plandemic sales agency / Dr. Mike Yeadon & others : Weaponizing the Specter of “Avian Flu”...

Don’t be afraid of "dangerous viruses”.

Image : Wolfgang Wodarg, August 2009.


By Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 31, 2024 : 

Source :

Reading this as well as between the lines, Wolfgang Wodarg sounds very similar in views to mine, as far as he goes in this piece. Unlike him, I don’t have a well-known public profile in a highly political environment, which I must carefully protect. I don’t care a jot what anybody chooses to say about me.

I heartily applaud Wolfgang’s subsidiarity concept. Take charge at the most local level you can. Decentralise as much as possible. 

Best wishes,


by Suavek :

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has emphasized several times in various interviews that he does not believe for a second that the alleged "SARS-CoV-2" virus has ever been isolated. He also doubts the isolation of other viruses.

In the article translated below, Wolfgang Wodarg's words are reproduced by someone who recently attended his lecture as a listener. Please keep in mind that in the case of a text that is not directly by Wolfgang Wodarg, there may have been certain differences between his statement and the reproduced text.

We have Dr Wodarg to thank for the fact that the plandemic fraud attempts of the time, such as the bird flu in 2007 and the swine flu in 2009/2010, were exposed. As a member of the European Commission's Health Committee at the time, he played a key role in uncovering the corporations' criminal activities. However, in 2020, the "Corona" scam was successful anyway. Human memory obviously seems to be a little too short.


I messed something up, for which I apologize.

Shortly after the article was published, I had to shorten my part of the foreword considerably. I noticed that I had concentrated too much on minor details and given them too much importance. This shortening may make Dr. Yeadon's above statement sound a little incomprehensible. Please write for the record: "Suavek is to blame".


Original title of the article is :

Wolfgang Wodarg – don’t be afraid of “dangerous viruses” | By Rainer Rupp

Published on: May 31, 2024 by APOLUT.

Source :

A comment from Rainer Rupp.

Translation into English by Suavek.

The doctor and former SPD health politician, Wolfgang Wodarg, was one of the first to be criticized for their clear criticism of the irresponsible, illegal and totalitarian Corona measures by the politicians, so-called “scientists” and their presstitutes ( German neologism for the prostituting press - translator's note ), who were bought and paid for by Big Pharma. “cancelled”, denounced, personally slandered and silenced. A week ago he gave a lecture on health self-determination in Berlin. It wasn't just about the Corona crisis, but above all about basic questions of democracy, power and control, but also about possible resistance.

The event took place in Berlin's “Rudolf Steiner House” and was invited by the “Denkraum im Kulturkreis Pankow” working group. Below are excerpts from a report by long-time journalist Tilo Gräser, who took part in the three-hour event. According to Gräser, Wodarg began his lecture with the words:

“There was no pandemic with dangerous viruses.”

He was not only referring to the Covid-19 pandemic declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020, but also to similar events before it, as well as warnings about future pandemics.

First of all, however, the author of these lines would like to point out that recently there has been an increase in warnings about a new, allegedly “extremely dangerous” type of bird flu in the media. As Wodarg made clear in his lecture, this approach serves the purpose of using the means of uncertainty and fear-mongering to distract the population from the major social, economic and political problems and to make them compliant to those in power.

At the same time, it should also be pointed out that in the last few days - favored by the new pandemic warnings about the bird flu type A H5N1 - the share prices of pharmaceutical companies have regained a new popularity - after their crash in the last two years Stock markets delight!

On Wednesday this week, Barrons, a flagship of the U.S. stock market information industry, reported that U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Dawn O'Connell said in a press briefing that her agency is in discussions with both Moderna and Pfizer about the order of new vaccines based on messenger RNA technology against the supposedly impending bird flu pandemic. The headline of the article speaks for itself: “Vaccine stocks rise on hope(!) of an avian flu pandemic”; (Original title: VACCINE STOCKS SOAR ON HOPE OF BIRD FLU PANDEMIC). Apparently the same thing is in the pipeline here as with Covid, just with small variants.

Part of the blame for the international decline of pharmaceutical stocks in the last two years was the increasing skepticism among the population, but also, above all, the educational campaigns such as those of the German magazine “ Multipolar”, which supported the publication of the protocols of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). has acquitted. However, this was only partially successful because many passages of text and even entire pages were only blacked out, i.e. censored, and released. Nevertheless, the readable parts of the protocols clearly confirm the warnings and statements of Wodarg and other critics of the government measures against the SARS-CoV 2 virus and its possible consequences.

And now we turn to Wodarg's key messages in his Berlin lecture last week.

Wodarg began with a wide range of basic democratic rules, the role of parties and lobby groups in society, and the question of what individuals can do to defend themselves against the apparent omnipotence of corporations and the state that serves them. “ Back door stories ” such as the influence of lobby organizations must be made impossible in politics. The lobbies have long dominated politics and have become a well-organized industry, Wodarg reported from his own experience. He made some interesting suggestions back to grassroots democracy. You can find out more about this under this link to Tilo Gräser's article (1) .

He also applied Wodarg's suggestions to democratize politics to the care system and the health insurance companies, which the insured would have to win back through the " social elections ". In this way they could free themselves from the corrupt mechanisms that only serve the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

“Society is institutionally corrupted”

As a health politician, the doctor Wodarg primarily dealt with and fought against corruption in the health care system. This is a “systemic undesirable development” in which more and more public structures and institutions are subordinated to private profit interests.

The economy has “assimilated” the solidarity sector, so that even care facilities only serve the interests of their investors and not their residents.

“This society we have is systemically corrupt,”

Wodarg stated, including science. Society is “institutionally corrupt” :

“We can no longer trust the authorities, we can no longer trust the authorities. These are always secondary interests. There are always things that influence these authorities more than us, than those who have democratic power, the population and their representatives.”

This is a consequence of the lobby groups' access to society. The Greeks would have called this “parasites”: “These are people in the community who think about themselves and live off others and who exploit others.” On the other hand, the Greeks invented democracy to limit the harmful effects.

He described how lobbying works today and what sophisticated and professional mechanisms are used to influence politics and society. For this purpose, language is also used in a very targeted manner, through the use of terms, which he described using examples he experienced himself.

Wodarg also discussed how health control has been used since industrialization to enforce and secure dominance and to prevent autonomy and diversity. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now taken on this task globally.

The WHO is a pandemic sales agency

He admitted that he had previously assessed and supported the role of the WHO and its definition of health as good.

“That sounded good. What I hadn’t really noticed was that someone was presuming to tell us what health was.”

He now sees the role of the WHO very critically and recalled that after the Second World War it took over the task from the Rockefeller Foundation of making health regulations for countries in the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, the first funds for the WHO came from the Rockefeller Foundation, which also the first Director General, the psychiatrist George Brock Chisholm from the Tavistock Institute appointed.

Wodarg described the role of the World Health Organization, whose money has long been determined by pharmaceutical companies and billionaires like Bill Gates. The WHO is a “sales agency” that defines new diseases and pandemics in order to bring new products from the pharmaceutical industry to countries and to the people.

Regarding the currently much-discussed and initially failed WHO pandemic treaty, the former SPD health politician said that it was intended to dictate to governments what they should do when it comes to health. But the corresponding negotiations and debates are nothing more than “a huge theater” because:

“In the meantime, those who are behind it, who always use the WHO, who give the money, have long since had all the governments in their hands. They don’t need the WHO.”

This was shown by the Covid-19 pandemic, which was enforced in almost all countries even without new WHO rules:

“People were walking around everywhere with masks on, they were getting injections everywhere. Everywhere."

According to Wodarg, the WHO worked more “on the side” , while the European Union, for example, had long since spread the new rules such as “One health” and made them the benchmark. He also spoke about how the Corona crisis has shown how fear is deliberately used by those in power to control the population. This also succeeded in getting the majority of people to get injected.

Fear as a means of power

Society is being destabilized by a strategy of tension that creates discord, uncertainty and fear, explained the former health politician and former medical officer. As previous values ​​and rules as well as cultural traditions are devalued through migration, concepts are emptied and people are less and less able to communicate with each other, uncertainty, misunderstandings and even aggression would be caused.

“This is how you turn the population against each other ,” stated Wodarg. Then the power apparatus will be expanded and control, including data collection, will be expanded in order to dominate the people.

With regard to the scaremongering with the help of a virus, as has happened since 2020, he said: “I am not afraid of dangerous viruses.” These could not spread. He showed a video graphic showing global air traffic in a day, with an average of ten million passengers per day.

Despite these movements of people, each with 39 trillion microbes on the skin and in the organism, there are no massive outbreaks of disease or epidemics. The argument that vaccinations protect against this is not true, as not so many injections are given, especially in poor countries. Wodarg added:

“I am firmly convinced that even if there are dangerous viruses or if dangerous viruses are invented in a laboratory, that in this world with these many exchange processes, with people who have learned everything with their immune system, what it is in the world that they have no chance. A virus that would kill us, or that is made in the laboratory and kills every laboratory worker or their family, has no chance in evolution.”

Such viruses cannot spread because direct contact is required to transmit them and because they kill their transmitting hosts. He referred to his own experiences as a medical officer in Hamburg, among others.

“They go over corpses”

He also reported that the known Ebola outbreaks had something to do with the fact that the affected people in Africa were often not isolated as necessary. Studies by Western institutes and pharmaceutical companies would not fight the disease, but rather promote and monitor its spread: "They didn't look for the cases, but let Ebola develop."

Whenever he hears about outbreaks of epidemics and cases like Ebola, he looks at the business newspapers. And every time at the same time he finds reports about experiments and studies with new drugs or vaccines.

“What I mean by that is that we are experiencing illnesses, experiencing outbreaks, they are staged, criminally staged. People die, they walk over corpses. You have to think about that.”

Wodarg warned that substances that were developed using genetic engineering from components of dangerous bacteria or viruses and then administered to people by syringe were dangerous. With regard to Covid-19, he drew attention to the suspicion that more people may have died from treatment with incorrect and high-dose medications and substances than from the disease itself.

He advised his listeners not to be afraid, to ask questions and to resist. This is best achieved in a community: “That means, if you have communities, then you should do as much of what you need as a community as possible on a small scale.” Wodarg also said in the discussion after his lecture:

“If we want to reorganize ourselves, then we have to do it on a smaller scale so that we can keep an overview. The whole thing is called subsidiarity. You need transparency. Transparency are circumstances under which mutual checks would be possible at any time and therefore the cost of mistrust can be replaced by trust. Trust makes life easier and society more efficient.”

After three hours of lecture and discussion, Wodarg received standing applause from his 200 listeners at the end. And events with him are still being hindered and canceled at short notice, as he reported in an interview. But that doesn't stop people from still coming to his lectures, wherever possible.

Finally, there is new pandemic news from the USA:

Late last week, officials at the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC; comparable to Germany's Robert Koch Institute) warned that they and the U.S. health care system were alerting themselves and the U.S. health system to the "possibility of avian flu." "increased risk to human health" after a national outbreak of the viral disease in dairy cows and two confirmed cases in which a human was reportedly infected. This proves that the type A H5N1 has jumped the natural barrier from bird to mammal, including humans, report the fear-mongering media - the new horror vision of humanity, which at the same time promises a new gold mine for Big Pharma.

As an accompaniment, the anxious reader learns that H5N1 has already led to the death of hundreds of millions of birds in recent years. The virus only spread to people in very rare cases where the sick people had to deal with live birds in a confined space at work. But only one in two people infected with H5N1 survived.

Nevertheless, most people were not overly concerned about the bird flu that keeps cropping up around the world. That should now change and thanks to the cows suffering from H5N1, Big Pharma can regain hope. Because the cows produce milk and this, along with its by-products such as butter, cheese and yoghurts, is consumed primarily by the “golden billion” of people in the wealthy West. Because there is still money available, especially in the West, for repeated injections and boosters with the new mRNA-based, anti-H5N1 substance.

I write “substance” because my keyboard locks up when I try to use the word “vaccine” in connection with mRNA.

This new spray against H5N1 should – if everything goes according to plan – be developed as quickly as possible in the next few days and weeks, with BIONTEC being a shining example. This would also be a new opportunity for the German spray material specialists, because the Biontec share has currently fallen to just 86 euros per unit compared to its high of almost 400 euros per unit in 2021, i.e. a loss in value of almost 80%. .

Meanwhile, hopeful new horror reports are coming from the USA about cows that are infected across the country. H5N1 has been showing up in milk from grocery stores from coast to coast. In Texas, 19 of 23 wastewater plants recently tested positive for the virus.

However, level-headed experts insist that we have nothing to worry about because the virus is killed by the pasteurization process. But Big Pharma doesn't need to give up. Because the CDC is already warning against consuming raw milk because it “can make people very sick” because of the virus . And once enough people are infected through the alleged consumption of raw milk, then the disease spreads faster and faster and the new H5N1 pandemic can no longer be stopped, or at least that is the scenario.

Against this background, I am also firmly convinced that - against the background of the geo-political and social turbulence that lies ahead - the strongly stoked fear of deadly diseases will play an important role in the transformation of society in the collective West towards totalitarianism.


Sources : 

You can see all sources in the original article :


I would like to thank the author for permission to publish this article.


Wolfgang Wodarg then and now :


Dr. Mike Yeadon is the co-author of this article.

Weaponizing the Specter of “Avian Flu:” Propaganda to Push WHO “Pandemic Treaty”

International Report

The authors :

Truth For Health Foundation, Dr Mike Yeadon and Jonathan Gilthorpe.

May 07, 2024

Source :


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg :

“ If they try to conjure up bird flu in cattle or monkeypox in humans again using PCR tests, only one thing will help: laugh at them ! “

Source : , May 31, 2024.


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