Friday 31 May 2024


47 African nations make their own Pandemic Treaty proposal to WHO

On Tuesday, the 47 member states of the African region submitted their own proposal regarding a Pandemic Treaty to the World Health Assembly.

Unlike the US proposal, Dr. Meryl Nass says, the African nations’ proposal uses clear language and the ask is simple.

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African Nations’ Draft Resolution

A draft resolution on the Pandemic Treaty submitted by 47 African nations to the 77thWorld Health Assembly on Tuesday proposes two things:

  • that the International Negotiating Body (“INB”) continue in its present form to negotiate a pandemic treaty, and
  • that future negotiations be time-limited and conclude the matter with another special session of the entire World Health Assembly before the end of 2024.

At first glance, it doesn’t seem that these proposals bear any significance.  But Dr. Nass explained why they are of benefit.

By the INB continuing in its present form, the bureaucrats are prevented from “swapping out” negotiators that they feel would not go along with the agenda. 

“It also means that the negotiators will all have the necessary institutional memory of the process so far, and can avoid having to rework areas already handled,” Dr. Nass said. “ And it means that no new negotiating body will be created whose members could be wild cards.”

“I like this!”

By time-limiting future negotiations to conclude before the end of the year, “stops the process from being dragged out forever, from costing nations too much and yet provides a reasonable timeline for discussions to be concluded,” Dr. Nass explained.

“It is likely that the negotiations will therefore end in November after the US presidential elections. This is something the globalists did not want, given the positions of Trump and Kennedy on the WHO,” she added.

Robert F. Kennedy: Help Me Stop The WHO Treaty, 16 February 2024 (2 mins)

You can find all documents relating to the 77thWorld Health Assembly listed, with hyperlinks, on WHO’s website HERE.  The African nations’ proposal is labelled ‘A77/A/CONF./10 WHO Pandemic Agreement’.  For the record, we have attached a copy of it in Portable Document Format (“PDF”)  below.  Dr. Nass has included images of it in her Substack article ‘The (now) 47 member nation Africa group made its own proposal to the WHA yesterday regarding the Pandemic Agreement.

Where We Were And Where We Are Now

WHO was due to present two new texts for adoption at the WHA being held in Geneva, Switzerland, this week:  Amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”); and, the Pandemic Treaty, which has also been referred to as the Pandemic AccordPandemic Agreement and WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”). Although the Pandemic Treaty will not be, the IHR amendments will be presented to the 77th World Health Assembly for adoption but they have been all but neutralised.

We first reported on WHO’s Pandemic Treaty in December 2021.  Our article dedicated a section to a document titled ‘A Guide to a pandemic treaty‘ published in September 2021 by Haik Nikogosian on ResearchGate. 

At the time, we were unaware of any others bringing this nefarious plan to the public’s attention. We had come across the Guide in November 2021 but we had no access to lawyers familiar with international law to interpret what we were reading and help us assess how serious an issue it was, taking into account international and national laws. 

Having dwelt on the Guide for a few weeks, we decided to publish something about it using our layman’s understanding, hoping someone with legal expertise would see our article and review the Guide.

In our article, we simply highlighted points from the document that rang alarm bells.  Although we knew the document was ominous and had serious consequences, at the time of publishing we couldn’t have guessed the enormity of WHO’s plans and the world’s reaction to it.

Almost two and a half years ago we wrote:

With our untrained eyes, we have simply skimmed through a few points raised in the Guide and highlighted a few notable statements with the aim of raising awareness as to what Mr. Global is planning while our attention is focused on the deliberately manufactured covid mayhem and chaos.

Plague Laws, A Global Pandemic Treaty and A New World Order, The Exposé, 11 December 2021normal

A lot has happened since then.

For those who want to catch up on events, in the discussion below, Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying give their perspective on the journey to stop WHO’s pandemic plans and where we are today.

“I think this is the definitive answer to why we really SHOULD claim a victory due to the failures of the Pandemic Treaty negotiations by the INB, and the failure of the IHR negotiations by the WGIHR,” Dr. Nass said.

We have embedded the video below to begin with the section relating to WHO which is about 40 minutes in length.

Bret Weinstein: Who Wins & WHO Loses? 28 May 2024 (110 mins)

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