Friday, 31 May 2024


Take Control of Your Health at the Better Way Detox Fair This June

Topics include detoxing, gut health, cancer, energy medicine and rethinking healthcare systems, to name a few.

So many of us are unwell right now it seems. The ONS reports that in the UK we have record long-term sickness; 2.8M people are inactive or off work due to illness, with an increase of 200,000 people alone in the last year. The workforce in the UK is now 700,000 smaller than it was before Covid.

Cancer waiting lists are shocking. In 2023, only 64% of patients started treatment within 62 days of cancer being suspected, meaning nearly 100,000 waited longer than they should for life-saving care. The waits have worsened every year for the past 11 years. 

The UK government's own data shows that the cancer mortality rate has grown at an alarming rate since Covid.

At the World Council for Health, we are seeing many people ill and injured by Covid or Covid injections, issues include cancers and heart problems, neurological problems, and blood disorders. It is clear that our current healthcare system is in crisis with nurses, doctors and practitioners leaving, retraining, going into education or taking early retirement. With almost half of nurses planning to quit the NHS, an alternative system desperately needs to be created.

We would like to see a future where we offer those suffering both a blend of the best of allopathic and holistic treatments. Part of our mission is to signpost the wealth of healing options that are available that may not be immediately available in our communities through traditional channels. 

With the above in mind, the World Council for Health is delighted to share we will be running our inaugural Better Way Detox fair on 14thand 15th June in a beautiful setting in rural Wiltshire. This event will be the first of its kind in the UK. The Better Way Detox and Wellbeing fair will be a step towards creating a new paradigm for health. We are at the start of an exciting time of change within health and health sovereignty, with the World Council for Health being early adopters pressing for change. 

The Detox and Wellbeing fair, along with our Better Way Conferences of previous years, are spearheading the change we all desperately want to see. We are particularly reaching out to the vaccine-injured community, offering a free ticket to anyone injured* (*with a full-price adult ticket purchase, simply email

The fair will help you take back control of your own health, optimise and boost your immune system and improve your wellbeing. There will be panel discussions including question and answer sessions featuring leading experts in their fields. Topics include detoxing, gut health, cancer, energy medicine and rethinking healthcare systems, to name a few.  


Christophe Plothe DO, Dr Marivic Villa and Dr Tess Lawrie will host sessions and we are delighted to welcome Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, who will be speaking on ‘Detoxing long covid and the sequelae of the vaccine’.  Also appearing are Clive de Carle, Philly J Lay, Dr David Cartland, Dr Tina Peers and Dr Angus Dalgleish. Plus make sure you stay for our Master of Ceremonies Richard Vobes in discussion with Dr Tess Lawrie, as they discuss the World Health Organisation and World Economic Forum agendas, and reveal how we are pushing back and why the people will win.

We are also offering a wide variety of workshops ranging from breathwork, frequency medicine, introduction to homeopathy and herbal medicines, harmony singing and introduction to aromatherapy. You’ll find wonderful therapists offering many different modalities in our Holistic Healing Hub and lots of exhibitors too. 

Located in the Vitality Hub Long Barn, blood testing is a new addition. You’ll be able to access both live and dry blood panels with screenings for parasites, heavy metals and more, head there early as we expect blood testing to get booked early. We’re excited to be offering some great evening festivities including Jam for Freedom Takeover on the main stage on Friday night followed by DJ Mark Devlin. On Saturday night, Jam for Freedom artists followed by an amazing DJ set from Danny Rampling. Above all, the event will be fun!

The sad truth as we know, is that many of our friends and family members may be injured by the injections but are unaware, we need your help to share this post and raise awareness of this fantastic healing event. We look forward to a wonderful weekend of healing, wellness and shared wisdom. See you there!


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