Thursday, 30 May 2024


Dr. Mike Yeadon : The renaming fraud, Polio & the Nobel Prizes for the poisons ( DDT & mRNA ).

The effects of the poison across generations.


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Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 30, 2024 :

Source :

Oh, the severe medical syndrome DEFINITELY exists.

No question.

It’s just it’s nothing to do with a non existent virus.

Numerous industrial toxins can produce flaccid paralysis because of neurotoxicity, 

Flaccid paralysis = “polio”.

The neat trick they pulled in America was, concurrently with rollout of the “polio vaccines”, a reclassification of “polio” to again terming the diagnosis as “flaccid paralysis, non-specific”.

So when you’re shown a fall in incidence of “polio” after the mass “vaccination” campaign, nothing happened but changes put in place by seniors in the medical profession.

By the way, how many of us in 2020 knew that the US CDC was a MILITARY organization and not civilian public health?

I definitely didn’t.

Check out their role titles. They’re military.

Now, why in the world would anyone want to pull the stunt they evidently did with polio?


1. A realisation of appalling extents of industrial poisonings, both in & around large factories and also on increasingly intensive farms. They really couldn’t confess that poisoning their employees, workers families downstream and downwind of plants emitting high amounts of toxic byproducts or poisoning farm workers and their families who had no idea of the potency of many chemicals they were encouraged (by hugely increased yields) to use. Nobody wanted to own that. So perhaps “polio” was dreamed up to allow corporates to steadily exit or better control the inevitably toxic waste products of industrial processes and intensive agriculture. 

2. I alone have repeatedly made the odd dot-joining observation that of all the products of the pharmaceutical industry, only vaccines may not be questioned let alone criticised. My hypothetical explanation for this is that some Useless Eliters determined many decades ago that injections, masked by invented stories of medical utility, would offer an excellent way to access the bodies of billions of people. Thereby to injure & kill them.

I might be wrong, but I have a horrible hunch that I’m right. 

Now, I’m aware this implies a multigenerational, century long horizon on the part of those planning certain events.

Unfortunately there’s copious evidence of such multigenerational planning. I’m not up to doing the intensive, first hand research necessary to underwrite such a claim. But others have done such research.

Remember, neither I nor they have a copy of the hypothetical “script”. So the evidence which emerges from numerous, not obviously related spheres is, at best, most unlikely to fit together to make a full & coherent argument for the notion.

But as an example, check out the Waterson brothers at Sheep Farm Studios, focussing upon their series called “Huxleys Brave New World Order” and as a starter, listen to Episode 1, “Echoes of the Huxleys”. You’ll hear compelling testimony about their (& other) families involvement in eugenics and social engineering. A sad note is to observe that while a number of Huxleys ran lunatic asylums, other family members were residents. There’s a chain of such asylums close to where I live in East Kent. I’ve motorcycled past at least two of these forbidding establishments, long closed, which were mentioned in the Sheep Farm research. 

Another example is the in-depth research by Mark Devlin & available in book form as “Musical Truths” (several volumes). I had no idea how extensive mind control efforts have been since WW2. These, under the label of “MK-Ultra”, were subject to Congressional enquiries and the politicians were told the programme had been closed. 

Devlin presents strong evidence of long term use of figures involved in the category of activity considered “cultural” over many decades, notably in rock and pop, but in no way limited to these niches. 

Some people operate in rarified circles and presumably share the durable opinion that we ignorant people, who they regard as profane, are at some point to be cut back ruthlessly. That’s why I use the collective name, the “perpetrators” for them as a broad group.


Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 30, 2024 :

2nd part of the above statement

Source :

If you do the thought experiment as outlined, consider just how you’d do the cutting back, if you were tasked with coming up with technical means, while ensuring that the public do not suspect anything awry, at least not in great numbers. 

War is nasty, but it doesn’t result in sufficient deaths for the purposes of these psychopaths.

Reducing fertility rates, increasing deaths at all ages and doing so while making it a well accepted part of society, is very much indicated. 

Vaccinations as a category fits the bill. 

Best wishes 



Caustic Commentary, Polio Like

By anonymous administrator of the website below ( source ), July 3, 2014, 

Source : 

When vaccines have wiped out polio and people still get polio, what happens? Medical personnel call the paralytic symptoms something else, in this case Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP). In India, for example, the “last” case of polio occurred in 2011; but in the same year there were an extra 47,500 new cases of “rare” NPAFP. The occurrence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio vaccine received. The symptoms of NPAFP are clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis and the illness is twice as deadly. Now we are hearing about “polio-like” illness in California, with a cluster of five children with paralysis in one year—and this is just the reported cases. Other countries are also seeing increases in the new “non-polio” illness. The truth is, polio was on a steep decline when the vaccine was introduced (some say due to banning of neurotoxic DDT), and now it’s back. The most logical conclusion is that NPAFP is caused by the polio vaccine.

Careless use of DDT in the 1950s 
(Image Federal Archives [CC BY-SA])

Vermin control in 
second World War 
(Image public domain [CCO] )


The Nobel Prize for the mRNA platform was not the only deception of the naive poison consumers.

The year is 1948: Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Müller is the first non-medical person to be delighted to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for the discovery of the powerful effect of DDT as a contact poison against several arthropods". This award is not the first, but one of the most popular misjudgments regarding the relationship between the benefits and risks of a chemical substance. 

Nine years earlier, in 1939, Müller had recognized that the chemical compound with the awkward name dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane - better known as DDT - was a highly effective and very inexpensive agent against insects. Since it appeared to be almost non-toxic for mammals, including humans, DDT experienced a worldwide boom from the beginning of the 1940s, which from today's perspective took on absurd characteristics. In addition to large-scale distribution over fields and fields, as is still the case with pesticides today, sprays containing DDT were sprayed generously in houses and apartments and also often directly on people.

Soldiers in World War II used them like deodorant sprays to combat body and pubic lice. Immigrants and war refugees were prophylactically fumigated with DDT to eradicate vermin. In the USA, the "Spray Man" drove his car through the housing estates, followed by a cloud of DDT and children on their bikes who wanted to inhale as much DDT as possible because it was said to even protect against polio. 

In the fight against malaria, DDT has been used successfully in tropical countries against the mosquitoes that transmit it. In order to convince the suspicious population of the drug's harmlessness, colonial public health workers did not even shy away from eating food sprayed with DDT 

As early as the mid-1950s, the first doubts arose about the safety of the “miracle cure”. Even though DDT is only fatal to mammals when taken orally in comparably high doses, it has the unpleasant property of accumulating in fatty tissue and having a hormone-like effect, also with the help of its breakdown products. 

By being stored in the fatty tissue of insect eaters, DDT accumulates in the body in ever larger quantities as the food chain progresses, which is not without consequences. In birds of prey, which are known to be at the bottom of the food chain, DDT and its metabolites were found to influence calcium balance. As a result, they laid eggs with shells so thin that they broke during incubation, which brought some species - including the American heraldic animal, the bald eagle - to the brink of extinction : 

A promotional film for the DDT poison :

Source :

DDT Let's Put It Everywhere 1946

From about 1945 to 1970, large amounts of DDT were released into the air and on soil or water when it was sprayed on crops and forests to control insects. DDT was also sprayed in the environment to control mosquitoes. DDT was first synthesized in 1874, but it was not until 1939 that its insecticidal properties were discovered. Sherwin Williams began marketing DDT in a paintable form in the mid 1940's under the trade name Pestroy. Production of DDT in 1971 in the United States was estimated to be 2 million kg. This represented a sharp decline from the 82 million kg produced in 1962, and from the 56 million kg produced in 1960. At the peak of its popularity in 1962, DDT was registered for use on 334 agricultural commodities and about 85,000 tons were produced. The cumulative world production of DDT has been estimated as 2 million tons. As of January 1, 1973, all uses of DDT in the United States were canceled except emergency public health uses and a few other uses permitted on a case-by-case basis. Currently, no companies in the United States manufacture DDT. DDT is presently produced by companies in Mexico and China. Since the ban on DDT was instituted in the United States and most of the world in 1972, the environmental concentrations of DDT and its metabolites have been decreasing. The persistence of DDT and its metabolites, in combination with their high lipophilicity, have contributed to the bioaccumulation (increasing concentration of a chemical in an organism which exceeds that in its environment) and biomagnification (increasing concentration of a chemical in an organism as a function of trophic level) of DDT and its degradation products in the environment. DDT accumulate in fatty tissues, with tissue concentrations typically increasing with the trophic level of the organism. People who swallowed large amounts of DDT became excitable and had tremors and seizures. They also experienced sweating, headache, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. These effects on the nervous system went away once exposure stopped. The same type of effects would be expected by breathing DDT particles in the air or by contact of the skin with high amounts of DDT. Animal studies show that long-term exposure to moderate amounts of DDT may affect the liver. Tests in animals also suggest that short-term exposure to DDT and metabolites in food may have a harmful effect on reproduction. In addition, we know that some breakdown products of DDT can cause harmful effects on the adrenal gland. Based on all of the evidence available, the Department of Health and Human Services has determined that DDT is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. Similarly, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that DDT is possibly carcinogenic to humans. EPA has also determined that DDT is a probable human carcinogen. For more on the toxicity of DDT, read the ATSDR DDT Toxicological Profile at . This clip is from the 1946 promotional film, Doomsday for Pests, which is available at the Internet Archives.

One of the comments under the film reads :

“I am getting cancer just watching this video”.


Here Comes the Spray Man (When DDT was Cool) :

( A promotional film for the DDT poison )

Source :


Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethan (DDT)

Source :

What is DDT ?

DDT . is a chemical compound with the formula 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (formerly spelled p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) DDT was synthesized as early as 1874, but its insecticidal effects were not discovered until 1939. To combat pests, it was used (in some cases to this day) as a technical mixture which, in addition to the main active ingredient p,p'- DDT, contains the forms o,p'- and o,o'- DDT as well as various degradation products.

DDT is a persistent chlorinated hydrocarbon. As a group of substances, these are commonly attributed properties such as low water solubility, accumulation in the food chain and accumulation in the liver, nervous system and fatty tissue.

The most important degradation product of DDT is DDE (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethene), which can be formed in the environment through the influence of light and in organisms through the body's own metabolism. It is even more persistent than DDT . DDD (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane) is also produced to a lesser extent. Since DDT was mostly used decades ago, the proportion of DDE in human blood, for example, is now around 90% of the total of DDT and its degradation products. to determine exposure . It therefore often makes sense to use the total DDT , consisting primarily of p,p'- DDT and p,p'- DDE ,


Between 1940 and 1972, an estimated two million tons of DDT were released into the environment, about 80% of which went into agriculture. In tropical and subtropical regions it was mainly used to combat malaria.

Due to DDT 's longevity in the environment as well as in animal and human fatty tissue, the resulting accumulation and, above all, its harmful effects on the environment ( e.g. reduction in the shell thickness of bird eggs), its use was gradually banned worldwide.

While this happened, for example, in the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA applied in the former GDR in 1972, exceptions in forestry and wood protection until 1989. As recently as 1988, more than 1,000 tons of DDT and lindane-containing Hylotox 59 were produced here.

As the bans took effect, a continuous decline in DDT levels in food, body fat and therefore also in breast milk was noted. Given the longevity of DDT and its degradation products, it is understandable that they are still detected ubiquitously today, i.e. everywhere in the biosphere. On the other hand, the abandonment of DDT has led to millions of malaria deaths in East Asia. In some tropical countries, DDT is still used today or is being used again to combat malaria-carrying insects after they to the DDT substitutes. have developed resistance


When it comes to toxicity, we differentiate between acute toxicity following the ingestion of high quantities in a short period of time and chronic toxicity following the ingestion of smaller quantities over a longer period of time.

in the organisms of humans and animals There is a significant accumulation of DDT and DDE because the half-life, ie the time in which half of a substance is broken down or excreted, for DDT is several years and even several decades for DDE .

Acute poisoning

After short-term, high intake, DDT has an almost exclusive effect on the central nervous system. The first signs of poisoning are hypersensitivity to touch stimuli in the mouth and lower facial area. Such poisoning has only been observed in humans after ingestion. The lowest dose at which mild symptoms of poisoning have been reported in humans is approximately 6 mg per kg of body weight ( approximately 360 mg for a 60 kg person).

At higher doses, tongue numbness, abnormal sensations such as tingling or burning, dizziness, twitching of the facial muscles and even seizures, paralysis and respiratory arrest develop.

The lethal dose for humans is not known, but is estimated at approximately 
50-500 mg/kg body weight estimated ( approx. 3-30 g for 60 kg body weight; 
1 g = 1,000 mg). No lasting effects after surviving poisoning were observed.

High concentrations of DDT in the air have a mildly irritating effect on the skin and eyes of humans.

Chronic poisoning

Studies on humans rarely showed clear toxic effects of DDT ; they were sometimes contradictory or could not to DDT because there was additional contamination from other pollutants. be clearly assigned

In studies with volunteers, no changes were observed in biochemical and hematological examinations after administration of up to 0.3 mg/kg body weight per day. Even in occupationally exposed people with chronic exposure to levels of up to 0.6 mg/kg body weight/day, no abnormalities were found in clinical chemical studies of effects on the liver and nervous system.

Temporary changes in neurological tests and liver enzymes in the blood were occasionally found in people who were exposed to high levels of occupational stress. In women who are highly stressed, there are suspicions that the likelihood of a premature birth is increased and the breastfeeding period is shortened.

Various studies have attempted to clarify whether there is a connection between body exposure to DDT and the development of cancer, particularly breast cancer, but the results were predominantly negative.

The main target organ of chronic DDT toxicity in animals is the liver. High doses cause liver damage, and DDT also has a carcinogenic effect, especially in mice and to a lesser extent in rats and hamsters. Disturbances in the body's defenses (immune system), blood formation and reproduction were also observed.

Recording DDT

Oral intake route

The most important route of absorption is ingestion. This means that the intake of DDT residues through food is the main source of the DDT and DDE stored in our bodies . It is primarily absorbed through fatty animal foods.

If DDT and DDE enter the intestines after being swallowed, they are not fully absorbed into the body. This depends on the composition of the food, although as a rule of thumb, more fat also leads to higher intake. In animal experiments it was found that after DDT was administered in oil, around 70-90% was absorbed into the body.

Small children playing on the floor can also ingest DDT from contaminated house dust through hand-to-mouth contact.

Dermal absorption pathway

Absorption through the skin plays only a comparatively small role. The absorption rate in humans is around 10%, although additional “transport substances” can also play an important role here. In contrast, only about 3% of the dose that reaches the skin from contaminated soil enters the body.

Inhalational absorption route

The third route of exposure is by inhaling air containing DDT . Since DDT and DDE are only slightly volatile, they generally contribute little to the burden.

As shown in Figure 1, total intake has decreased significantly since the DDT ban.

Figure 1: Estimated daily DDT intake for a US adult

Guideline and limit values

Various guideline and limit values ​​have been derived to assess health risks. A daily intake of an appropriate amount should generally not lead to any impairment of health, even if consumed over a lifetime.

Guideline values ​​that are intended to provide information about the tolerable intake are usually determined as follows: the dose at which no adverse effect has yet been determined (NOAEL - no observed adverse effect level ) or at which the first effects are just determined is determined from animal experiments or from experience with humans occur (LOAEL – lowest observed adverse effect level ). These values ​​are reduced by (un)safety margins, the extent of which depends on the available knowledge and the desired level of safety. A NOAEL usually uses an (un)certainty factor of 10 x 10 = 100 (10 for the assumption that a human reacts more sensitively than the most sensitive animal examined, and 10 for the assumption that sensitive groups of people such as children react more quickly than a "average person").

Depending on the approach and approach, both the range beyond which effects are considered harmful and the selected safety margin can be chosen differently, so that different guideline values ​​can result. With DDT , these differences are quite large, which is due, among other things, to the fact that significantly fewer harmful effects have been observed in humans than in animals, and there is disagreement in science as to which observations in animals can be usefully used to evaluate them for humans.

The PTDI value ( provisional tolerable daily intake ) of the World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization has been 10 µg/kg body weight per day since 2000 (thus, 10 millionths of a gram of DDT per kg body weight can be consumed daily for life without harm; 1 mg = 1,000 µg).

On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency, the Research and Advisory Institute for Hazardous Substances (FoBiG) derived a tolerable dose of 1 µg/kg body weight per day.

The American Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry set an MRL value ( minimal risk level ) of 0.5 µg/kg body weight per day for short and medium-term exposure.

WHO drinking water conductivity

WHO drinking water conductivity: 1 µg/l

(For a child weighing 10 kg who around drinks one liter of water a day, 0.1 µg/kg body weight, i.e. 1% of the PTDI value mentioned above.)

Maximum residue levels for food

Maximum levels for residues of plant protection products in almost all foods are set throughout Europe in Regulation ( EC ) 396/2005. to individual foods ( e.g. In Germany, the limit values ​​of the Maximum Residue Quantity Ordinance (RHmV) still apply fish). The maximum total value for DDT and its metabolites is 5 mg/kg, based on the fat content of the fish.


Maximum workplace concentration (MAK): 1 mg/m 3

Sources :

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR): Minimal risk levels (MRLs) for hazardous substances. 2002

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR): Toxicological profile for DDT, DDE, and DDD. 2002

More on this topic :

General information on the topic

More LGL articles

Research results on DDT



A 2021 study by the US Public Health Institute describes the effects of the poison across generations :

Source :


Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 30, 2024 :

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Thank you, I was aware of some of this, but you’ve clicked together a number of pieces of the puzzle. 

I do say to myself that for the most part, the chunk of rock on which we live is beautiful and bountiful and most people you see around you aren’t engaged in efforts to murder you (in case, in exploring the so called rabbit holes, you’re in danger of falling to the bottom).

It’s also worth noting that this is mostly, in the words of the song, “Same as it ever was”.

You & I realising some of what’s been happening & what’s going on now, doesn’t change the fact that in different forms and degrees, it’s been like this, as far as we can make out, always.

The really nasty accelerator of the power to be destructive thereby is mobile internet. I call the modern phenomenon of walking around, all but hypnotised, staring into their “glowing, satanic rectangles”.

I’m at least as addicted as anyone else, but I am at least fully conscious of it and not at all happy about it.

One thing I’ve taken to doing is to deprive the perpetrators of the opportunity to influence me through advertising. I turn down the sound and shield the screen while it wastes it time. We’re none of us immune to its baleful influence, a descendant technology to the clever insights appreciated & harnessed by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, often considered “The father of advertising”.

An intriguing factoid is to have learned that the CEO or Founder of Netflix is a direct relative of Bernays. It’s almost as if there’s a desire, in certain fields, to “keep it in the family”.

Best wishes 



Catherine Austin Fitts about Polio :

Book Review : The Moth in the Iron Lung by Forrest Maready 

June 8, .2020

Source :

“…[A]n honest look into the nooks and crannies of what caused the epidemics of polio is deeply humbling. Man at his best can inspire like no other. Man at his worst, can destroy. Man in his natural state —with seemingly more reluctance to look himself in the mirror and admit his mistakes, the more noble his intent that caused them—that condition may be the most crippling of them all.”

~ Forrest Maready.

By Catherine Austin Fitts :

It is unusual for me to read a book and find myself shocked that I did not know something important that I just learned from the book. However, every time I think I am no longer naive, I discover once again how little I really know. This happens every time I read one of Forrest Maready’s books. It’s like taking a can opener to the mind.

Maready describes The Moth in the Iron Lung as a “biography” of polio—and indeed, it is that. It is also a case study of the intersecting interests—health care, agricultural, insurance, and financial—that have so deeply complicated and compromised our science and medical establishments.

The polio vaccine is the one vaccine that everyone cites when discussing a vaccine that supposedly “worked.” How many mothers have agreed to move forward with “vaccinating” their children because they remember the stories of children in iron lungs or wheelchairs? Wouldn’t you want to save your children from such a fate? Unfortunately, the polio “vaccine” was not the one that worked. From now on, anyone who tries to spin that old line to me is getting a copy of The Moth in the Iron Lung.

Maready writes beautifully and weaves fascinating stories throughout, gracefully bringing the reader to an intimate realization of the truth. The truth is horrible. It is also beautiful: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

I am now reading Maready’s fifth book, The Red Pill Gospel. Stay tuned for the next review.

I said this in my last review, and I will say it again. Go to Maready’s website and buy a copy of each of his books. Circulate them. Give them to family and friends for Christmas. Now that Maready has performed the Herculean task of researching and writing so much truth about what I call “the Great Poisoning,” we would be well advised to ensure that such precious and important knowledge is never again suppressed.


Dr. Yeadon had nothing to do with this cheeky joke. It was the Polish co-author Suavek.

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