Friday, 31 May 2024


Official Statements

Several nations and non-state sctors have submitted official statements regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the "Pandemic Agreement."


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The United States submitted the following statement in regards to the proposed “Pandemic Agreement.”

  • The United States remains deeply committed to strengthening global pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll, and we must take effective steps to improve our collective readiness – this is our shared responsibility. 

  • We firmly believe in the importance of multilateral engagement, and we have played an active and constructive role in the Pandemic Agreement negotiations. This agreement is an integral part of a wider effort to put in place the policies and systems necessary to strengthen the global health architecture and better tackle future pandemics. 

  • We were all very disappointed that we were unable to finalize a consensus agreement last week. Unfortunately, it became apparent that fundamental differences remain on core issues central to the Agreement. 

  • These are complex technical issues that require extensive deliberation and carefully crafted, workable solutions, inspired by a common vision and supported by all Member States. 

  • Over the past two years, we have worked tirelessly to address the key components of pandemic PPR, and we should be proud of our achievements thus far. 

  • The Pandemic Agreement must include firm commitments, including on pandemic prevention and One Health, rapid and open sample and data sharing with a clearly defined menu of benefit sharing obligations, and timely and equitable sharing of life-saving medical countermeasures during a pandemic emergency.

  • We believe finalizing this work and delivering on our mandate will advance global health security in a more equitable manner. We do not believe an extension of just a few months will achieve this, and we do not recommend that this body issue a mandate for failure. 

  • We need sufficient time to adequately address outstanding issues or we once again risk running out of time without consensus, threatening to damage the reputation of WHO, and severely jeopardizing the opportunity we have before us to make the world safer. 

  • In order to set ourselves up for the highest likelihood of success, we believe an extension of one to two years is necessary, along with revised modalities, to allow for a more deliberative, thoughtful and effective process, which would include time for proper consultations with experts and stakeholders and consideration for the practical realities of smaller delegations. 

  • This refresh would enable us to resume negotiations on all articles with the goal of concluding an agreement that addresses the full spectrum of pandemic PPR. 

  • It is critically important we reach an agreement that lives up to our collective vision -- a world safer from the risk posed by infectious disease threats, regardless of where they arise. 

  • We look forward to constructively engaging through the drafting group this week to determine the best path forward. 

  • Thank you.

Several nations and non-state actors have submitted the following official statements:

13.3 Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)


We suggest to continue the work of the amendment of the IHR during the current assembly aiming to conclude the negotiation during the current health assembly.



Non-State Actors

European Society for Medical Oncology

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations

Knowledge Ecology International

Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All

Public Services International

13.4 Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response







Non-State Actors

Individual Statements:

Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative

European Society for Medical Oncology

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care Inc.

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations

International Lactation Consultant Association

International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation

IntraHealth International Inc.

Médecins Sans Frontières International

Medicines Patent Pool Foundation

Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All

Public Services International

Women in Global Health, Inc.

World Federation of Public Health Associations

Constituency Statements:

Global Health Council, Inc.

International Council of Nurses

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations

Knowledge Ecology International

NCD Alliance

James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.


All content is free to all readers.

All support is deeply appreciated.



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