Wednesday 29 May 2024


US weapons used in Rafah massacre: CNN report – Day 235

CNN analysis: bombs used on Sunday’s deadly Rafah strike were US-made

When one of the donors complained that many of the students and professors protesting on campuses could one day hold positions of power in the United States, Trump called the demonstrators part of a “radical revolution” that he vowed to defeat. He praised the New York Police Department for clearing the campus at Columbia University and said other cities needed to follow suit, saying “it has to be stopped now.”

CNN reportsUS-made munitions were used in the deadly Israeli strike on a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah on Sunday, a CNN analysis of video from the scene and a review by explosive weapons experts found.

CNN geolocated videos showing tents in flames in the aftermath of the strike on the camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) known as “Kuwait Peace Camp 1.”

Four explosive weapons experts identified for CNN the tail of a US-made GBU-39 small-diameter bomb (SDB).

The GBU-39, manufactured by Boeing, is reportedly a high-precision munition “designed to attack strategically important point targets,” and result in low collateral damage.

However, “using any munition, even of this size, will always incur risks in a densely populated area,” said explosive weapons expert Chris Cobb-Smith, a former British Army artillery officer.

CNN’s identification of the munition is consistent with a claim made by Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari in a briefing on Tuesday. Hagari said the strike – which he said targeted senior Hamas commanders – used two munitions with small warheads containing 17 kilos of explosives, adding these bombs were “the smallest munitions that our jets could use.”

Al Jazeera’s verification unit made the same identification.

A New York Times visual analysis found that munition debris filmed at the scene were remnants of a GBU-39, a bomb designed and manufactured in the United States.
A New York Times visual analysis found that munition debris filmed at the scene were remnants of a GBU-39, a bomb designed and manufactured in the United States.

Mexico files a declaration of intervention at ICJ, joining South African genocide case against Israel

The state of Mexico has made a formal intervention at the International Court of Justice, requesting that the court allow it to join South Africa’s ongoing case accusing Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

The formal application to intervene and join South Africa’s case means Mexico has joined a growing list of countries who have sought to join the case against Israel.

The countries of Nicaragua, Colombia, Libya, Egypt, Turkey have all sought to join South Africa’s legal battle.

‘No Longer Taboo’: More European States Considering Recognizing Palestine, Senior EU Diplomat Tells Ha’aretz:

Ha’aretz reports: Several EU member states are seriously looking into recognizing a Palestinian state, like Spain, Norway and Ireland have done, says the EU’s special representative for the Middle East peace process.

Sven Koopmans, a Dutch diplomat who has held the role of special representative since 2021, told Ha’aretz in an interview.

“There are a few member states that are looking at this very closely and are likely to take a step soon,” Koopmans told Ha’aretz. He emphasized that he can’t speak on behalf of specific countries, only the entire bloc, but noted that in the aftermath of the war in Gazaand in light of statements made by senior Israeli government officials against the two-state solution, the issue of recognizing Palestine was “no longer a taboo” for European governments.

Koopmans said Europe was “very alarmed” by certain statements and actions taken by the current Israeli government. He added that Israel’s continuation of the operation in Rafah was a violation of the International Court of Justice’s order limiting the fighting in Gaza’s southernmost city.

“ICJ orders are binding upon everyone, and the order was very clear. But people are still being targeted. The suffering is unimaginable,” Koopmans said.

In response to a question from Ha’aretz if the humanitarian situation in Gaza wasn’t mostly now the fault of Egypt, which has refused to bring aid into the Strip ever since Israel took over the Rafah crossing, Koopmans said that at the end of the day, Israel, which is currently occupying Gaza, is the one responsible for making sure the local population has enough aid to avoid starvation.

Palestinians queue up to buy bread from recently reopened Ajour Bakery in Gaza City
Palestinians queue up to buy bread from recently reopened Ajour Bakery in Gaza City (photo)

Algeria drafts UN resolution calling for immediate Gaza cease-fire and release of all Israeli hostages:

Associated Press reports: Algeria is circulating a proposed UN Security Council resolution that would demand an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and order Israel to halt its military offensive in the southern city of Rafah immediately.

The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday evening by The Associated Press, also demands that the cease-fire be respected by all parties. It also calls for the immediate release of all hostages taken during Hamas’ attack in southern Israel on October 7.

“It is our hope that it can be done as quickly as possible because life is in the balance,” Chinese Ambassador Fu Cong told reporters.

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said: “We’re waiting to see it and then we’ll react to it.”

The United States has vetoed multiple resolutions demanding a cease-fire in Gaza.

The draft demands compliance with previous Security Council resolutions that call for the opening of all border crossings and humanitarian access to Gaza’s 2.3 million people who desperately need food and other aid.

Freedom Flotilla Boat ‘Handala’ in London on its way to Gaza:

Press release: At 17:00, on Thursday 30 May, members and supporters of the International Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza, Health Workers 4 Palestine and the Palestinian Forum in Britain will gather at Old Billingsgate Walk, Riverside, EC3R 6DX and march to welcome the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s boat ‘Handala’ at London Bridge, on the River Thames.

After visiting ports in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Netherlands, ‘Handala’ continues on its way to physically challenge Israel’s illegal maritime blockade of Gaza. Three other Freedom Flotilla Coalition ships are currently in the eastern Mediterranean preparing to sail to Gaza with hundreds of human rights observers and 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid.

“We are outraged that so many governments are failing to protect Palestinian people from Israel’s genocidal actions, including the famine they have imposed on more than two million people, and so we must sail to break the siege,” said Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) Steering Committee member Zaher Birawi.

The FFC is a non-partisan international coalition of campaigns which stand for freedom and human rights. We have sailed since 2010 with the goal of breaking the blockade of Gaza, in solidarity with Palestinians’ cries for freedom and equality. Our non-violent direct action missions support the dignity and humanity of Palestinians, working with civil society partners, rather than any party, faction or government. More background information available at

NOTE: Previously, a civilian project to take aid to Gaza by boat, originated by activists Greta Berlin and Paul Larudee, had resulted in multiple humanitarian flotillas attempting to deliver aid to Gaza.
Israeli forces attacked them, killing 9 people on one of the boats, including an American citizen, 19.
RECOMMENDED READING: How the Freedom Flotilla became a global humanitarian mission to Gaza
Four boats left from Scandinavia in mid-May, 2018 and stopped in some 28 ports along the way. The Israeli navy intercepted the boat containing activists that was part of the flotilla. (Read about this flotilla at the end of the news article.)
Four boats left from Scandinavia in mid-May, 2018 and stopped in some 28 ports along the way. The Israeli navy intercepted the boat containing activists that was part of the flotilla. (Read about this flotilla at the end of the news article.) (photo)

IMEMC Reports.


Palestinian death toll from October 7 – May 28: at least 36,567* (36,171 in Gaza* – 4,959 women (20%), 7,797 children (32%). This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 517 in the West Bank (~117 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 43,640 Palestinian deaths. (Ralph Nader has estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.)

At least 42 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 14 from West Bank).

At least 31 Palestinian children and several adults have died due to malnutrition**.

About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.

About 1.1 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are facing Catastrophic levels of food insecurity.

Palestinian injuries from October 7 – May 28: at least 86,066 (including at least 81,420 in Gaza and 5,040 in the West Bank).

It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.

Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – May 28: ~1,440 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 287 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

Times of Israel reports: The IDF also listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

*Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.

**Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. 

Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

Hover over each bar for exact numbers.

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