Wednesday, 29 May 2024


Quaker Oats FED Radioactive Cereal to School Children

A bone-chilling true conspiracy involving the National Institute of Health, MIT, Quaker Oats, a Eugenicist, Mickey Mouse Watches and a school full of innocent children.

Fernald State School was a courthouse-looking building that lured children into it like a highly skilled pedophile in a white van with solid black back windows. Not only did Fernald impress parents by offering a Science Club, Field Trips and Free Breakfast, but they got children to climb into their back seat by tempting them with really abnormal perks, like Mickey Mouse watches and Boston Red Sox game tickets (see, I told you they were white-van-rapey). 



1800’s: Prior to the establishment of the creepy school, the state of Connecticut government felt its state had become, literally, overran by “idiots (which is interesting, because here we are in 2023, and we feel it’s actually our government that is overran by idiots). CT government grew so concerned with the rapidly expanding quantity of idiots that the governor had appointed the Commissioners of Idiocy to inquire on the "condition of idiots in the commonwealth and if anything can be done for them":

If you think that sounds bad, let me translate it for you. What they actually wanted to do was completely prevent those they deemed "idiots" from reproducing to keep the general population from being “intellectually degraded”. They were actively looking for ways to dispose of the undesirables they saw as a plague to society… and equally a money-making opportunity. According to their own documents, this scum-of-the-earth included mentally challenged people, people who didn’t clean well enough, those who they felt ate too much, as well as black people wearing MAGA hats, white women wearing MAGA hats, any Latino who doesn’t support illegal immigration or wears a MAGA hat, red hats in general, dark pink hats that can look red in the right lighting, kids who know what gender they are and any parent who attends a school board meeting… crazy shit, right? I will be doing a full review of the insane legislative paperwork about Too Many Idiots in the United States, and trust me, you don’t want to miss it, so do it:

1856:  The Commissioners report led to an experimental school being funded by the state (Resolves 1848, c 65). The school launched with the name, The Massachusetts School for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Youth. I’m not sure how long it took them to come up with this name, but that really is what they chose to run with. 

The schools target audience was supposed to beabandoned children, wards of the state and mentally challenged youth. The children who were the-worst-of-the-worst filth of society, you know, the ones that have a stutter or need help tying their shoes, were to be used as experimental test subjects. There’s no record of direct payments being made for this but, duh. We know how money works; we’ve watched The Wolf of Wallstreet. 

It was just so beyond perfect; the children who had loving parents were (hopefully, God willing,) mentally impaired enough to have a difficult time reporting the torture, and the other kids were abandoned, with no other adults to turn to and even if they posted it on the late-1800’s Facebook, it would be censored or shadow-banned.

1887:  Walter E. Fernald became the school’s superintendent and a name change occurred. The new name was Fernald State School. Awwwww, he named it after his pride and joy… himself. Fernald, who trumpeted his school as being a genuine top-of-the-line model in education that welcomed the mentally challenged, was meanwhile a massive advocate of the eugenics movement in the United States. We will be discussing this evil bastard more in a minute. 

And this is where shit gets crazy…


Remember how I started off this article by telling you about the parents being all giddy over The Science Club? Well, just like an episode of Netflix Black Mirror, there’s a mind-blowing plot twist, are you ready for this?  It turns out there WAS NO SCIENCE CLUB.  The Science Club was ACTUALLY the secret name for the children who were unknowingly subjected to human experimentation. Like OMG, the kids WERE the Science Club… MIND BLOWN, right? That’s some next-level nefarious-ism.

Buy Me a Coffee for Science Club


WALTER E. FERNALD (the evil bastard): Walter was a doctor and was so totally into Eugenics that, in his free time, the guy sat on the board of the Eugenics Society. He was a prominent supporter of institutionalizing people with disabilities. For many years, he wrote about what he called the burden of the feeble-minded on the rest of society, in which he advocated for the forced sterilization of people with developmental disabilities and anyone who questioned elections. And, as you know, he would later become the head of the school at which the evil experiments took place. 

ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION:  Back then,the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was handing out radioactive material like the state of New York hands out parking tickets. They also saw great value in feeding kids poison so they gave grants for this demonic research. If you’re not familiar with the AEC, they are literally Satan. A whole bunch of devils who, like Voltron, can combine together to make one massive devil. They were so evil that they made Dr. Fauci, who won awards for starting the AIDs epidemic, and John Podesta, who has mega-creepy art and probably a lifetime membership to Comet Ping Pong Pizza, look like angels.

The Atomic Energy Commission constantly beat-off to radioactive experimentation; not on themselves, but instead on innocent people across the nation. To clarify, I'm not sure where specifically they beat-off, that was most likely on themselves, but the actual experiments they beat-off to were performed on innocent people. For example, they intentionally contaminated the state of Washington which caused cancer chaos (imagine looking at a US map and being told to pick a state to poison. Which would you pick? Don’t answer that out loud, the CIA will kick in your door and steal your idea). They ran Project F involving Fluoride based bombs that caused grave harm to the nth degree (Fun Fact: Most people have never read the Atomic Bomb testing lawsuit paperwork. What people were suing over wasn't the damage the bombs did… they were suing over the damage the FLUORIDE did. Hashtag Black Mirror Plot Twist). They covertly fed radioactive materials to pregnant women in one study, newborns in another and Inuit Natives and Athapascan Indians in a different study. Are you also Google searching, “What is an Athapascan Indian?”. First search result: “A group of people you hate, you racist”. They also intentionally exposed Alaskan citizens and their sled dog huskies to radioactive materials and went back to Washington to release more contamination, to name a few. By the way, what exactly did Washington do to them? Did they lose big money on the Redskins or something? I really should do a whole post just on those psychopaths (the AEC, I mean, not the Redskins), but in the meantime, check out Chemtrails Chapter 2: History of Government Experimentation, a few of their projects are mentioned in there. Note:  The AEC essentially became the Energy Research and Development Administration in 1974. It is now part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Oh joy. 

THE NATIONAL INSTITUE OF HEALTH: The NIH also provided grants for this morbid study. Can we even call this a “study”? If I mercilessly beat a random goat with a shovel, is that a “study”?  "I was just evaluating it’s pain threshold”, I said to the police… 

QUAKER OATS: In the late 1940s, Quaker Oats and Cream of Wheat were competing for top-dog position in the warm and squishy breakfast cereal industry. Quaker was sending single-serving samples to every home and focused on being a bigot making their niche white mothers:

Picture 1 of 1
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Product Image

Meanwhile, Cream of Wheat was a marketing genius: 

Picture 1 of 2

Buy Me a Coffee? Cream of Wheat?

Then the Quakes got some bad news. This news was far worse than every single headline on the front page of You see, scientists had begun looking into health effects of their product and it didn’t go well. Studies showed that the cereal contained high levels of phytate, an acid that stopped the body from absorbing iron and calcium. So Quaker was like, “Son of a bitch, this isn’t going well for us. We need Joe Biden to send more money to Ukraine a way to prove our product is not only beneficial to health, but is far superior to that f*cking Cream of Wheat who knows how to market. Send a carrier pigeon with a message to MIT right now”


MIT:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology seems to be involved in damn near every evil experiment I research, seriously though, it seems to always be Gates, DOW, Monsanto, the government and MIT (but mostly the government). This wicked study was no exception. When MIT was asked to participate in discovering how the human body absorbs minerals and vitamins, they orgasmed then eagerly accepted. After the grants from the NIH and the Washington-hating-AEC were secured, MIT developed a game plan, which consisted of recruiting children from Fernald School and secretly lacing their breakfast cereal with radioactive material. “There is absolutely no ground for caution regarding the quantities of radioactive substances which we would use in our experiments", wrote the lead MIT biochemist in a totally WTF letter sent to Fernald. Then, ideally, after the child had consumed the deadly cereal, a blood sample would be taken, in hopes of proving that the freshly-drawn blood was contaminated with radioactive elements, thus proving that whatever is in the cereal will make it into the bloodstream. You see, if they could show that radioactive material spread throughout the body, then they could claim that whatever good-shit was in the cereal would also spread. 

FERNALD SCHOOL: Word on the streets was that the school had a reputation for being happy to help with scientific research by loaning out its pupils. When they received word of this new study, they immediately sent out Permission Slips. The Permission Slips explained that MIT, a very well-respected, famous school, was conducting an exciting study in nutrition. It went on to say, the child was being selected because he was, “one of the brighter” children and that he would receive a “special diet rich in irons and vitamins”

Additionally, in true pedo fashion, the school added that if the parents gave their child permission to participate, the kid was going to be rewarded with a trip to a baseball game, the beach and outside dinners. To this day, every time I see a kid with a Mickey Mouse watch, I think to myself, “Damn Science Club”.


They actually had the balls to claim they did this in the name of science. Excuse me while I puke up my radioactive cereal. If that doesn’t make you furious, what does (other than being held captive in a dungeon and being forced to listen to The Young Turks on loop for 7 years)? 

These ghastly experiments lasted throughout the 1940s and into the 1950s according to most historical accounts, however, later documents would reveal that they continued until 1973! I’m no mathematician, but that seems like 33 YEARS of secret poisoning experiments on kiddos... and people tell me chemtrails aren’t real because the government would tell us if they were. Yeah, ok. I wish I could feed everyone who says things like that radioactive isotopes. 

“Based on figures in an unpublished report on the project, the children’s spleens were exposed to between 544 and 1,024 millirems of radiation over the course of every seven meals. By comparison, the typical American receives about 300 millirems of radiation from natural sources each year”, wrote Scott Allen, a journalist at the Boston Globe.

In 1994, (NINETEEN NINETY F*CKING FOUR!) it had become clear that someone needed to step up and review those 33 years worth of evil crimes to see how bad they were. Guess who accepted the challenge? MIT. For real though, MIT did it’s own review of it’s own actions. Guess what they concluded? Not surprisingly, they concluded that absolutely no harm was done. 0 harm. Nada, zip, zilch harm. They stated that the amount of radioactive materials fed to The Science Clubwas sooooo small that there just aren’t any significant health effects. This study was so innocent that the kids might as well have been drinking water or playing Backgammon, so let’s close the case, sweep it under the rug, call it “Voldemort” and never speak of it again.

Not so fast. MITs findings-of-nothing didn’t stop Congress from asking MIT some really legitimate questions during the Senate Committee hearing Human Subject Research(AKA: Those Radiation Experiments).

When MIT’s research director, Dr. Brill testified, he attempted to defend his institution’s choice of using developmentally-challenged children for the study by claiming that they ate more cereal than most people. However, the chairman asked a brilliant question, which was, why not use MIT students instead? Surely college students eat a lot of cereal… (*high five*, Mr. Chairman)


Do you remember, toward the beginning of this article, I said, “The schools target audience was supposed to be abandoned children, wards of the state and mentally challenged youth”… well, it turned out that many of the kids they labeled developmentally-challenged actually weren’t. Black Mirror, baby. 

In 1997 lawsuit was filed, and Quaker Oats and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology agreed to settle for 1.85 million, which the experiment survivors who partook in the lawsuit would have to split. (Do you think they have Quaker Oats in their pantry? Think they eat Oatmeal cookies at Christmas parties?)

FINAL THOUGHT: You know what’s really messed up? We are rightfully outraged over what those horrible men did to those innocent children by feeding them poison. …But look at the ingredients in cereal today. It’s literally ALL toxic chemicals. A bowl full of poison with processed milk. At this point, should we opt for the radioactive isotopes instead? Should I start a GoFundMe campaign to afford to replace these toxins with that toxin?:

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