Wednesday 29 May 2024


How we tried to arrest the Korean minister of health for state crimes such as using poisonous vaccines to murder citizens

How we tried to arrest the Korean minister of health for state crimes such as using poisonous vaccines to murder citizens

Of all the events in my political career, one of the most important was the opportunity I had to join with fellow Koreans in demanding an end to the criminal COVID-19 operation on September 7, 2021. Three of us went to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency in Chungju: myself and my fellow co-founders of the International Revolutionist Party, Choe Sung-nyon and Park Kyung-ho, for the purpose of arresting the Minister of Health Eun-gyeong Jung정은경 for state crimes. We arrived on the morning of September 7 in front of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, with a warrant for her arrest issued by the International Revolutionist Party.

Choe Sung-nyeon and Emanuel Pastreich in front of Health Agency

As the entire Korean government had been taken over by private intelligence firms serving the World Economic Forum and other globalist interests at the time, we established the International Revolutionist Party to represent the Korean people, and the citizens of the world in July, 2021, in accord with the Korean Constitution and the United Nations Charter.

Emanuel reading the letter 

Choe Sung-nyon read the warrant for arrest first, which is reproduced in Korean below, in front of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.

The charges listed in the arrest warrant were:

Serial murder by poison vaccines abusing the authority of the government.

The Agency, cooperated with National Intelligence Service, foreign intelligence agencies, and multinational corporations in accord with classified agreements conspired to violate the constitution and commit crimes domestically through the Covid operation.

Massive criminal fraud of the nation’s citizens

This false “Covid Pandemic” which lacks any scientific basis was carried out using the tax money of the citizens, creating an environment of fear and forcing citizens to follow dangerous illegal regulations using fraudulent information.

Cooperation with the enemy crime (highest offense in Korean law)

Worked together closely in secret with overseas billionaire criminals like Bill Gates and Jim Bezos, and their criminal syndicates, to betray the citizens.

We read the charges to the government employees at the reception desk of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. They informed us that we could not go any further and that they were not authorized to do anything for us. We could ask for an appointment to meet the minister, but not for the purpose of arrest—which they claimed we were not authorized to carry out. To their credit, they did not dismiss us, nor try to call security on us. For that matter, they did not dispute the charges.

After fifteen minutes of back and forth, they told us we must go to the police department if we wanted to continue the process. We agreed to do so.

We drove to the police station without event. Choe Sungnyeon refused to enter the police station because we were required to wear masks. Park Kyong-ho and myself, however, wore the foolish masks and entered.

We explained the situation politely to the local police, and then filled out the form we were told was required to file a criminal charge. The paperwork was rather complex, but the police officers were quite friendly and accommodating.

Once the demand for arrest was filed, we left Chungju by car and did not hear back again from the police concerning our request. I was, however, deeply impressed that not a single government employee tried to stop us, to intimidate us, or to deny the veracity of our claims.

Letter and handcuffs brought along 

Entering the Health Agency with the arrest warrant

국제 혁명당 | 정은경(鄭銀敬) 질병관리청장(疾病管理廳長) 체포영장(逮捕令狀) - Daum 카페

정은경(鄭銀敬) 질병관리청장(疾病管理廳長) 체포영장(逮捕令狀)

독약을 백신으로 소개하며 고의적으로 정부의 권위를 악용하여 국민을 학살하고 있다.

질병관리청을 지도하고 국정원 및 해외 정보기관, 대기업과 기밀 협력해서 헌법을 무시하고 불법 행정을 하고 있다.
또, 그로서 국민의 양심의자유, 신체의자유, 집회의자유 등 헌법적 기본권을 심각하게 유린(蹂躪)하고 있다.

과학적 증거 없는 사기 역병 “코로나”를, 국민 세금을 가지고 홍보하며 공포 속에 국민을 위험한 불법 지침에 협력하도록 사기를 통하여 범죄를 연쇄적으로 반복하고 있다.

여 적 죄(與 敵 罪)
국외 재벌 대부자, 빌 게이츠, 제프 베조스 등등 범죄자의 범죄 조직과 긴밀 협력하며 국민을 배신하고 있다.

가. 혐의사실(嫌疑事實) 
피의자(被疑者) 정은경은 국제재벌가문의 이익을 위해 간첩역할을 자처하며, 헌법 및 법률을 위반하며 국정원과 같이 사실상 책임 없는 그림자정부를 질병관리청 안에 세웠습니다.
이 세계의 경제적 독재세력이 정치적으로도 독재를 강화하고, 상대적으로 그 밖의 국민들을 노예로 만들기 위해서 봐이루스(virus) 사기극을 벌이고 있는 것입니다. 국민 건강을 유지하기 위한 예산을 가지고 국민 건강을 해치고 죽이는 범죄를 계획하고 실행하고 있읍니다.
피의자는 주류매체의 세뇌로 만든 망상으로 코로나 봐이루스 사기극을 벌인 행동대장격입니다.
피의자는 국민을 “역병의 확진자”로 누명씌우는 ‘마녀감별법’인 PCR 검사를 통해서 바이루스사기극을 벌였습니다.
증거 없이 비밀 속에 조작한 확진자의 숫자을 가지고 국민 행동의 자유를 헌법을 위반하며 유린하고 있읍니다.
피의자는 PCR 강요, 마스크 강요, 백신 접종 유인 및 강요를 통해서 국민의 헌법적 사상의자유와, 신체의자유와 집회의자유를 말살하고 있읍니다.
피의자는 mRNA 백신으로 09월 07일 현재까지 800명이 넘는 무고한 인명을 연쇄독살한 혐의가 있읍니다.
집단생체실험 대상자에게 백신의 효능과 부작용, 성분에 대한 설명 없이 백신을 가축에게 맞히듯이 하고 있습니다. 정부의 권위를 악용해서 백신 사망자 부작용을 은폐하고 있읍니다.

나. 체포가 필요한 이유.
체포가 없는 경우, 피의자 ‘정은경’은 계속 재범할 가능성이 분명합니다. 

수많은 공무원들에게 위험한 지침을 계속 추진 할 우려가 있읍니다.

다. 피의자의 권리 고지.
피의자는 변호인을 선임할 수 있읍니다.
피의자는 공개된 법정에서 변명할 기회가 있읍니다.

최성년 대표
이만열 대표

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