Tuesday 28 May 2024


THE RKI-PROTOCOLS - PART 4 : As Dr. Mike Yeadon said at the time, it was all fabricated and a lie.

It was a crime against humanity and nothing else.

"Suddenly and unexpectedly, only the 'vaccinated' die." 

— Dr. Mike Yeadon

Source : https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dialogue-with-mike-yeadon-about-early/comments ( a comment ).

Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 28, 2024 :

Source : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/1362

Stefan Homburg describes how in Germany the people were misled about “the pandemic”.

There wasn’t one by any measure. There weren’t more sick people. There weren’t more deaths. None of the extraordinarily disruptive “measures” were helpful. The “vaccinations” didn’t save anyone nor did they prevent “transmission”. On the contrary, they made an unprecedented number of people sick. 

So, this alleged “pandemic” never happened. It was a media event. You were lied to. 

Please share this short video. Every statement the speaker makes is backed up by official statistics and other public sources. These are listed at the end. So there isn’t any doubt about it.

The video is in German but there are English subtitles.

Best wishes 



Prof. Stefan Homburg :

Stefan Homburg

Eight shocking corona facts (English subtitles) :

Source :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfOpv4sxRZ0

In this channel you will find independent and objective information from Dr. Stefan Homburg, Professor of Public Finance at Leibniz University Hannover (retired) It is broadcast in two formats: • Blue newscasts are the main product. They contain internet links to check the statements. • Red shorts and shorter pieces complete the offering. Imprint : 

VdiSP Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg c/o IT Services Daniel Homburg In Wolfengarten 12 53567 Buchholz 

Links :

More videos on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@StHomburg

Twitter / X :  x.com/SHomburg 

May 26, 2024

The program uses official links to show that there was no medical emergency in 2020-22 and that the corona crisis was based on media illusions. The program uses official links to show that there was no medical emergency in 2020-22 and that the corona crisis was based on media illusions. INTERNET LINKS TO THIS SHOW 1. All-time low clinic occupancy in 2020: 

1. All-time low clinic occupancy in 2020 : 


2. Respiratory diseases 2020 and 2021 normal: https://influenza.rki.de/Wochenberich...

3. Normal age-standardized mortality 2020: 


- Mortality - Mortality and causes of death - Deaths and death rates (from 1998) - Age-standardized value on the far right. Select years manually using “Change table” and “Update sheet”.

4. Corona deaths were older than other deceased people 

4.1 Median age of corona deaths: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N... 4.2 Median age of all deceased: https://www.bib.bund.de/DE/Fakten/Fak... 4.3 Weekly deaths: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Ges... 

4.4 Weekly corona deaths: https://github.com/robert-koch-instit... 

5. Excess mortality lower in Sweden: https://www.nature.com/articles/s4158... 

6. Measures have brought nothing: 


7. Corona vaccination does not prevent virus transmission: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/document... 8. Unprecedented number of vaccination side effects: https://www.pei.de/SharedDocs/Downloa...


"Covid" was just the common cold/flu rebranded.

There was never a novel SARS‑CoV‑2 virus. Nothing was leaked or released from a lab in Wuhan.

The entire thing was an exercise in medical and statistical fraud, facilitated by fraudulent PCR testing, and recording all deaths of any cause "within 30 days of a positive test” as "Covid deaths".

An image translation into English :

Original image in German :

Source : The figures come from RKI ( Robert Koch Institute ).


Dr. Mike Yeadon, 28 May 2024 :

Source : ( also published as a comment under this article )

For avoidance of doubt. I’m more than aware that, AFTER the WHO fraudulently called a “pandemic, changes in medical management of many conditions were imposed internationally. The details vary substantially from country to country.

In U.K. for example, hospitals were much more likely to sedate, intubate and mechanically ventilate patients than previously. Further treatments such as remdesivir led predictably to many deaths.

In care homes, the scandalous misuse of sedatives and strong painkillers caused many vulnerable residents to stop breathing, a predictable consequence of administering these drugs (eg midazolam and morphine).

In the community, people with incipient or developing pneumonia were disregarded and not prescribed the “better safe than sorry” medication, a short course of oral antibiotics. Many died avoidable deaths from pneumonia induced respiratory failure.

Many of these unfortunate people were “tested” using a known-invalid diagnostic method, based on PCR.

Dying after a positive test result meant they were classified as “Covid deaths”. There is no such new, unique and clearly delineated illness. Yet, there’s your “pandemic”, if you’re expecting to see the evidence that way.

I do not believe “pandemics of severe, acute respiratory syndromes” are plausible, let alone possible. All claims for historical pandemics of this variety are faked, exaggerated and outright lied about.

Even in ordinary times, people fall ill & die. No one is saying anything different, least of all me.

But I am resolute that pandemics of severe, acute respiratory illnesses cannot happen & have never happened.

Please don’t fight me, fight the liars who intend to steal the freedoms of you and your family.

For some reason, many people have got to the point that they accept we’ve been lied to about almost every major narrative point in relation to the “pandemic”, yet insist there was a novel illness, and impliedly a new pathogen.

Perhaps there were local episodes of poisoning. While I personally have not seen evidence of such things, it’s not completely absurd in that those who set up these military grade psychological operations against their own people have indicated that this can be used to initiate fake pandemics.

Best wishes



Never forget the fraudulent way in which "Covid deaths" were recorded.

"[ If ] you test positive for Coronavirus, even if you go into hospital but then you recover... and then two months later you then die of something completely unrelated to Coronavirus, your death will still be added to that Coronavirus death tally."

Source :  https://t.me/QueueForBrain/15211


Dr. Mike Yeadon, May 28, 2024 :

Source : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat/66837

If you’ve never heard this speech by a former prime minister of Malaysia, I recommend that you do.

Speaking in 2015, he described in detail what he understood was to come from the Useless Eliters.

And here we are. There is a conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it.

Best wishes 


( Linked in the above post : )

Dr Mahathir Mohamad speaks at the International Conference on the ‘New World Order’ :

Source : 

International conference "New World Order" A Recipe For War or Peace at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (picc) March 9, 2015




Source :  https://youtu.be/1-2V3F4AQF8

English with German subtitles :

Source :  https://t.me/QueueForBrain/15213


Prof. Andreas Sönnichsen ( translated ) : 

“If the doctors did not inform citizens about the lack of effect, lack of immunity and side effects, then the corona vaccination became a serious physical injury. That means we actually have to put all the vaccinating doctors behind bars! And the politicians anyway,” 

Source ( An article in German ) : https://report24.news/prof-soennichsen-schwere-koerperverletzung-wir-muessten-alle-impf-aerzte-hinter-gitter-bringen/


Prof. Denis Rancourt :


Do you remember how the Enlightenment began ?

The Month the Tide Turned | London May 2021 Oracle Films :

Mr. Piers Corbyn /A scene from the film, May 2021. 

Dear Mr. Corbyn, it is an honour to welcome you to this Substack.

Source :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb0Gjb-_wSU 


The political prisoner Dr. Reiner Fuellmich :


Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :

Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon : https://substack.com/@drmikeyeadon 

The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel

There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat

When searching for Dr.Yeadon's videos only two browsers are recommended :

Yandex :


and Mojeek :


Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.


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