Monday 27 May 2024


Q&A for Children's Health Defense

I was recently asked several questions by Michael Nevradakis, who was writing the linked article for The Defender, a Children’s Health Defense publication. The article is excellent, a very worthwhile read. I got some some new information from it - specifically, the connections between Bill Gates and a massive build-out of biomanufacturing in several US states, simultaneous with agricultural land grab, and government capture in those same states. Here is the link to the article:

Bill Gates Investing Heavily in mRNA Technology — Are Taxpayers Helping Him?

Bill Gates has a long history of investing in mRNA technology and firms active in this sphere. But would these investments have been possible without U.S. government — or taxpayer — support of mRNA research?

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

mrna vaccine bottle and bill gates

Michael had sent me a lot of good questions, and some of the material didn’t make it into the article (there was a lot to discuss!), so I am providing it here as Q&A:

Q: General comments on Gates' connections to Moderna and/or other mRNA companies (CureVax, Aldevron, etc.) - how far back do these ties go and how involved is he?  

A: Gates funded Pfizer-BioNTech venture, and numerous other mRNA tech companies, especially in the 3rd world. I did not see him as a major investor in Moderna's covid vaccine, which was funded by BARDA/DARPA and a lot of private venture funds with obvious ties to the government military cartel, and even to the Russian President Putin.   However, BMGF invested into Moderna subsidiary working on HIV mRNA vaccine in 2020. 

In addition, another computer billionaire,  Michael Dell (MSD Capital) invested into Moderna post-IPO but before the "pandemic", so he made huge returnd, he is one of the top 7 investors. 

Q: General comments on the U.S. government/military's interest in mRNA technology - how far back it goes, how they made it possible, etc. -- and, is Gates connected to this in any way, to your knowledge?  

A: The US government is heavily invested in the mRNA tech and covid vaccines and other "EUA Countermeasures".  Moderna is especially heavily funded by BARDA+DARPA ($1.5 billion out of total $5 billion raised by Moderna for R&D).  This is an unheard-of sum for a biotech company that did not have any products even in late human trials until covid pandemic was declared.  The only way they generated returns on this enormous investment was by the US government declaring a fake pandemic based on unvalidated PCR and fraudulent modeling, and then spending ~$2 trillion of taxpayers money on the covid "exercise" including guaranteed vaccine purchasing contracts and forced mandates on the public.  So, the government (military) used public taxpayers money to both fund the product and fund the "return on investment" to private interests who were let into this deal since 2011.  This is a classic example of laundering public money to private interests, risk free. I reviewed a lot of military contracts for mRNA vaccines, and role of the Pentagon in many articles: herehere and here

Q: Gates has invested in mRNA companies in at least three states (North Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin) where there are major universities that have conducted mRNA research going back to the early 1990s (e.g. the University of Wisconsin) -- and he has also made major investments in farmland in these states as well. Do you see a connection between all of these?  

A: I see this as his move to own the highly productive land where he can also control the state government via major investments into the "biotech" sector (which is always considered attractive by the government due to being a high value add, "clean" generator of jobs, tax revenue and attracting positive PR for the politicians.  He wants to own the land and control the government of that state - hm, isn't it obvious that it is now his own private "kingdom" of ND, NE and WI?  This explains by the way, why Senator Johnson (WI) lead a series of empty hearings in DC but will not go after mRNA makers in any serious manner.  He can't, given how much control is exerted by the Bill Gates cartel in his state.  

Q: The role of these major research universities in furthering mRNA research. Grants from the U.S. government? From Gates? 

A: Yes, this is part of the same process - capture and control all major levers to establish private control over a territory.  The universities will do whatever "science" you order for money.  They don't care as long as they are paid.  And they are prevented from working on anything contrary to the agenda of Bill Gates and the Pentagon, again, by the flow of money.  It is impossible to get a research grant to study vaccine safety v. real placebo (e.g. in unvaccinated people), and study long-term safety outcomes. This research will never be approved/funded by the NIH or by BMGF.  Likewise, they will never give money to anyone to answer questions about genome integration of synthetic mRNA and DNA in the covid shots.  One can't even find a lab that will agree to do it if, for example, I wanted to fund such study privately.  My colleagues and I tried, and nobody wants our money, while the NIH and BMGF are their great lords. They are afraid to collaborate on a project like this because it jeopardizes their much larger ongoing funding from the US Government and Bill Gates.  That's how science is completely controlled by the agenda of these people.

Q: Connections between major mRNA companies like Moderna and smaller companies such as Aldevron, CureVax, etc. -- how are such companies connected/intertwined, to your knowledge?  

A: Some of this is covered in my articles linked above.  The US Government (DOD) has established at least 2 large consortia of bio-pharmaceutical companies as military contractors to get grants for making products ostensibly for defense purposes, for CBRN agents (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear).  The consortium to which covid vax companies generally belong is called MCDC Consortium.  It has over 300 members.  This is a vast collection of companies that, by being attached to the consortium are already fully aligned with the government agenda.  In addition there are hundreds of suppliers that are likewise dependent on the DOD funding.  In 2020-2021, DOD spent $50B funding covid products alone.  This represents approximately 50% (!) of the entire US pharmaceutical industry spending on R&D per year.  This means, that for practical purposes, there is no private bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in the US.  It is all controlled by the government and specifically, by the DOD.  Since Moderna is also entirely controlled by the government and DOD, they are simply directed to work with the preferred suppliers, so their "independent" business decision where to invest and collaborate on the products are confined to the boundaries of these government consortia and militaristic initiatives.  

Q: How is mRNA a technology connected to military and bioweapons research?  

A: mRNA is entirely funded and pushed on the market under military contracts and funding.  It represented as "defensive" activity in order to skirt the bioweapons convention that prohibits making offensive bioweapons.  The Pentagon came up with the cover story of "pandemic preparedness" in order to fund on a large scale making of biological poisons and related systems, including making them at scale.  The mRNA technology makes it possible to further overcome the restrictions of Bioweapons Convention, because mRNA is a synthetic chemical drug.  It is not a "live pathogen" which BWC prohibits.  However, it makes it possible to mimic the effects of respiratory illnesses or other illnesses that can be then labeled as epidemics by use of non-diagnostic, unvalidated PCR techniques (i.e. fraud).  The so-called "pandemic preparedness" programs go back to the anthrax letters shakedown of the the US Congress to start appropriating money and establishing these agencies, and importantly re-writing the US law to enable genocide by poisoning which is represented to the public as "Pandemic Preparedness and Response".  The self-proclaimed mastermind of these programs is Col Matt Hepburn of DARPA.  Nobody mentions his name, all publicity is given to people like Fauci, Daszak and Baric, but Matt needs to be made much more famous.  I wrote about the pandemic racket that he says he invented.   In addition, Matt Hepburn was in charge of the covid manufacturing consortium (then called “pan-influenza consortium) established between pharmas and DOD years before the "covid live exercise".  I obtained a recording of the internal meeting at AstraZeneca discussing how this was pre-planned and that the US Gov declared covid a "national security threat" on Feb 4, 2020 - this is extraordinary, since there were no cases or deaths at the time.  Yet, a common cold, a mild illness in China somehow triggered public health emergency and a military response (EUA countermeasures)! 

Q: How did the COVID-19 pandemic 'pave the way' for the outcome of this research to 'go mainstream'? In other words, why/how was a pandemic 'needed' to help mRNA 'go mainstream'? 

A: I am not sure what is meant by "mainstream".  mRNA is legally a poison (non-investigational chemical substance). It is on the market forced into people by lies. That's not a "mainstream pharmaceutical product" in my opinion.  That's just mass poisoning under false premises.  The military exercise of a faked pandemic was necessary to shove mRNA on the market.  There is no way to get this technology approved by normal pharmaceutical regulations that govern investigational drugs.  It is not possible, because mRNA tech is inherently toxic and deadly, and by now this is well documented by the government records.  In addition, it is not possible to manufacture it with the quality control and purity requirements that exist for normal pharmaceuticals for purposes of safeguarding the consumers.  This was known by about 2015 to both the manufacturers and to the FDA.  They knew these were poisons.  The only way this product was going to be shoved on the market is by faking the pandemic, triggering "national security" and subsequent laws that enable NON-investigational EUA Countermeasures under Public Health Emergency and PREP Act to be put on the market.  They remain under this status today.  They were never approved as pharmaceutical products.  They will never be approved as pharmaceutical products because for that to happen, the PREP Act declaration for covid needs to be terminated (it won't be), the EUAs need to be revoked, the products taken off the market, and a proper investigational clinical trial re-done.  Investigational clinical trials are no longer possible for these products as it would be unethical (and cause severe liability) for any Investigational Review Board to approve a "trial" in humans of a known deadly poison.  

Q: How is all this connected to the push for gain-of-function research (and funding/promotion from actors such as the U.S. government, WHO, Big Pharma, the military-industrial complex, etc.)? For instance, the WHO's pandemic treaty and IHR amendment proposals call for more gain-of-function research. 

A: This is not to criticize the efforts of people trying to create public awareness of the WHO treaty and IHR, those are important awareness campaigns. However, there is practically no attention given to the pandemic and quarantine powers that violate our Constitutional and human rights that are part of the US federal and state law. In my opinion, WHO pandemic treaty and IHR are largely a distraction.  The international laws are not enforceable. Only state-level, federal and state laws are enforceable.  The laws that enable mass murder, forfeiture or property, arrest without due process, etc. under pretenses of “public health” are already firmly on the books in all states of the US.  The HHS can already do everything the WHO pandemic treaty talks about, and they do not need WHO for this.  

These laws are evil laws. They must be nullified.  

 Finally, “gain-of-function” research as it is described in popular media (on both sides) is largely fake in my opinion.  It is part of the fear mongering that is necessary to keep everyone buying into the notion of pandemics, and be scared of "super engineered bugs".  It is not possible to make both deadly and highly spreadable viruses, or anything alive, in labs.  Lab-made RNA and DNA are synthetic chemicals, drugs, the only difference is they are very large molecules as compared to the conventional small molecule drugs. This makes the error-prone RNA in particular extremely difficult to stabilize, it breaks down almost immediately, and it is not possible to make it to any specification.  This is a much longer topic to discuss.  Here is a well documented example of faking science by both, the researcher (Ron Fouchier) and his institution (Erasmus Medical Center) in 2011.   He falsely proclaimed that he made a "deadly avian flu virus" that is ready to infect humans.  That was a totally bogus story which was spread by media as an example of GOF.  The same fake story about avian flu is now being spread by media, and unfortunately repeated as valid by many prominent "health freedom" people.  

Art for today: Still Life with Grapes, 8x10 in, oil on panel

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