Monday 27 May 2024


JUST IN: Furious Malaysians Unite in Rage and Prayer Against WHO, Showing Solidarity with Victims of Genetic mRNA

"As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!"

26 May 2024, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysians are coming together, filled with anger and prayer, standing against the World Health Organization (WHO). Their fight is for those who suffered from genetic mRNA vaccines. This powerful moment happened at the AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) gathering, named "A Prayer to Reject the IHR Amendment and Solidarity with Vaccine Affected Victims," held by Malaysia's Muslim Consumer's Association (PPIM). Here, vaccine victims and their families shared their pain and demanded justice.

The event was both heartbreaking and empowering. Families mourning loved ones stood with medical professionals who now regret their decisions. One doctor, filled with sorrow, admitted, "As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!" His words echoed the regret of many healthcare workers.

This gathering was not only to honor those lost but also to seek compensation from big companies like Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. These companies are blamed for causing more harm than good with their vaccines. The participants made it clear that their suffering is real and cannot be ignored or dismissed as fake. This united stand of Malaysians, crossing all ethnic and religious lines, shows their demand for truth and accountability. They refuse to let the voices of their loved ones be silenced, calling for justice and transparency in the wake of these vaccine tragedies.

In a fiery speech, Ustaz Fadzil Zain bin Ishak, President of the Malaysian Medical Islamic Welfare Association (PERKIP), stirred the crowd by calling out the wrongdoers who he believes have misled the public with projects like the pandemic and vaccination. 

"Who will take responsibility for those who died after taking the vaccine? We are not anti-vaccine because those who died were those who took the vaccine. There is no longer an 'anti' because they took it and suffered the consequences after taking it. So now it is not a matter of anti but a matter of compensation and responsibility because they deceived the government. And they must be punished both in this world and in the afterlife!."

- Ustaz Fadzil Zain bin Ishak, President of the Malaysian Medical Islamic Welfare Association (PERKIP),

Ustaz Fadzil criticized the Ministry of Health and its failures over four years, stressing that those responsible must face accountability in this world and the afterlife. He emphasized a relentless fight for justice, encouraging bravery and fair trials in court, drawing attention to fines imposed on vaccine producers like AstraZeneca. He called for massive gatherings and legal action, denouncing those who lie on behalf of pharmaceutical companies and calling for compensation for the victims. 

The WHO is Stupid!

In a powerful address, Professor Dr Mustafa Ali, a former professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Melayu, and a respected advisor on environmental health, did not hold back his criticism. "The first is WHO is stupid, Actually, WHO, we should either maintain the usual status or EXIT," he declared, questioning why the WHO should be granted more power. He emphasized that the Ministry of Health has become overly influenced by entities with vested interests, causing a deviation from its original purpose.

"We cannot tolerate it, because we can’t keep letting our people die every day. Every day people die, every day there are adverse effects. And now we are getting more and more. What about the turbo cancer? We had spoken about this two months before the vaccine was launched. We debated 2 years ago, and 2 months before the vaccine was launched. They said 'oh no, just minor pain.' Now they are silent. Now AstraZeneca, Pfizer themselves admit that the vaccine has side effects. This is just now. We don’t know what will happen in another 5 years. We don’t know, and I suspect it could be worse. It could be worse,"

-Professor Dr. Mustafa Ali Mohd, former WHO Scientific Advisor and Professor of Medicine at the University of Malaya

Professor Mustafa criticized the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR), saying, "They want to implement IHR based on the pandemic, while the pandemic itself is very controversial. They can’t prove whether it’s real or man-made. There’s no solid evidence. So what pandemic are they talking about?" He urged for a more scientific approach and highlighted the numerous adverse effects still being reported, including concerning developments like "turbo cancer."

Following the address from Professor Dr. Mustafa Ali Mohd, Dr. Kenny Yong, a dynamic and medical doctor who graduated at the age of 22 with a special interest in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, delivered a passionate call to action. Dr. Yong, who holds numerous credentials including an M.D. from the University of Western Ontario (UWO), Canada, and is the Medical Director of the Well Again Healthcare Group, emphasized the grave impact of experimental mRNA vaccines. His major focus is on Interventional Medical Nutrition & Cellular Regenerative Science.

I have seen a rapid increase in cancer cases!

Dr. Yong strongly stated, "And as a primary care doctor, I see cancer patients, I help them overcome the disease itself, overcome these problems and cancer related issues. I have seen a rapid increase in cancer cases." He worriedly highlighted the misuse of mRNA technology, describing it as a genetic procedure that was never intended for vaccination. Dr. Yong joins the list of eminent doctors reporting an increasing number of cancer cases, as I highlighted in this article last week.

He pinpointed a critical issue, "I think this is the biggest problem 'one size fits all' that they are apologizing now, AZ is a big company. Pfizer is a big company. They are also apologizing. AZ is also apologizing. So, we need to take this seriously because they are developing it worldwide now. If we make mistakes, we need to be brave to admit them." Dr. Yong underscored the need for accountability and transparency from these pharmaceutical giants.

Dr. Yong also called for a thorough investigation and proper acknowledgement of vaccine-related damages, asserting, "We need to assess and investigate the damages. When we apologize, we apologize sincerely and properly. We admit our mistakes." He urged for immediate and effective action to address the harm caused, stressing the importance of sincere apologies and rectification efforts. Promoting holistic healthcare solutions and continuous public dialogue, Dr. Yong’s words resonated deeply with the call for justice and transparency.

This call for justice and transparency resonated deeply with the personal testimonies of vaccine victims' families.

One grieving mother shared the harrowing experience of losing her child. She recounted how her previously healthy child suddenly died a day after receiving the vaccine. Despite being counseled and pressured by health officials to get the vaccine, the mother believes strongly that the shot caused her child's death. "As a mother, I assert that my child died due to the vaccine. For the three months I cared for my child, never once did he show any symptoms of being unhealthy - no fever, no cough, never. Suddenly, a day after receiving the injection, my child died," she shared in heartbreak.

Similarly, a father from Selangor shared the tragic story of his only child. His child experienced severe side effects after each dose of the vaccine, culminating with the Pfizer booster. "Since the first dose, my child didn't sleep properly, became very weak, and lost hair. It lasted for more than a year. Even to this day, although my child is gone, I still find his hairs in his books," he lamented.

Ms. Sharon spoke about her uncle who, after receiving two doses of Sinovac and a Pfizer booster, had to undergo surgery due to issues with his veins, which she believes were side effects of the vaccine. "About two weeks later, he was admitted to the ICU for surgery; the doctor said he needed an operation because something was wrong with his veins. I told my aunt it was a side effect of the vaccine, but she didn’t accept it," she explained. She also mentioned another uncle diagnosed with liver issues after taking three doses of Pfizer. "He had taken three doses of Pfizer, and after that, was diagnosed with liver issues. I saw his condition was on and off, couldn’t get cured properly," she further recounted.

Another mother recounted the heartbreaking situation of her son, a fifth-semester student who was forced to get vaccinated to stay in the dormitory and continue his studies. Despite his initial reluctance and his subsequent symptoms, such as chest pain, he hid his pain to avoid alarming his family. "Firstly, he felt pain but didn’t want to tell me. He just sat in his room…" she said, recalling the difficult period.

These heartfelt accounts underscore the urgent need for a thorough investigation and accountability for the harms caused by the vaccines. The voices of these victims echo Dr. Yong’s call for responsibility, truth, and justice. The solidarity shown by these individuals, united in their grief and pursuit of answers, is a powerful testament to the struggle for transparency and change.


Signing off for now

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