Monday 27 May 2024


Delegates to the 77th World Health Assembly

Please help to identify the contact info for the people who are purportedly "representing" your nation at the 77th World Health Assembly. Customize the template email and send it to all of them.


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I encourage everyone (worldwide) to help identify the contact information for the people who purport to be “representing” your nation at the 77th World Health Assembly.

Delegates To The 77th World Health Assembly

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If you identify the official contact information (no doxxing!) for delegates from your nation, please post that information in the comment section.

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You are hereby notified of the voting fraud perpetrated by the WHO during the 75th World Health Assembly (2022) which is detailed below.


The United States delegation to the 77th World Health Assembly (2024) must officially demand evidence from the World Health Organization countering the WHO's fraudulent claims regarding the purported adoption of the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations. 

You must DEMAND that the WHO provide evidence of a properly conducted vote regarding the 2022 amendments to the IHR.

The submission of document A75/A/Conf./7 by the United States and a number of other nations on May 24, 2022 was a clear violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations which requires at least 4 months notice for any proposed amendments.

Please do NOT attempt to claim that the submitted amendments were a technical addendum to document A75/18. That is NOT true, because A75/A/Conf./7 included the addition of a new authority in regards to Article 62 giving nations authority to submit reservations to amendments. This authority did NOT previously exist in the IHR and it was NOT included in document A75/18.

Four days later, on May 28, 2022 document WHA75/A75.R12 fraudulently claimed that the proposed amendments to Articles 55, 59, 61, 62 and 63 were adopted during the 8th Plenary Session of WHA75.

No such vote ever occurred.

Evidence of this failure to conduct a proper vote (the recording of the 8th plenary session) has been removed from the WHO website.

This is a clear and egregious case of voting fraud and a clear violation of Article 60 of the WHO Constitution.

On November 28, 2023 a dozen members of the European Parliament demanded that the Director General provide evidence that a proper vote occurred. To this day, no evidence of a vote by the full plenary has been provided. 

The 2022 amendments must be declared by all nations to be null and void.

“We have never received a response from your side, and we must therefore assume that WHO’s own procedural rules have been indeed violated, thereby rendering the [failure to] vote of 28 May 2022 regarding the changes on the IHR a wrongful act and therewith null and void.”

On April 8, 2024, the WHO published document A77/8 fraudulently claiming that those amendments will enter into force on May 31, 2024. That is a fraudulent claim. No vote was ever properly held, so no entry into force can occur.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Netherlands and the nations of New Zealand and Slovakia have seen through this fraud and have officially rejected the 2022 amendments.

The United States delegation must also reject these fraudulently adopted amendments.

The United States government (Office of Global Affairs) must officially demand evidence from the World Health Organization countering the WHO's fraudulent claims regarding the purported adoption of the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations. 

You must demand evidence of a properly conducted vote and reject the amendments if such evidence is not provided.

I request that you take the above action immediately.



Chief Delegate: Mr. Xavier Becerra Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services 

Deputy Chief Delegate: Ms. Bathsheba (Sheba) Nell Crocker Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva 

Ms. Loyce Pace: Assistant Secretary, Global Affairs, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

Xavier Becerra

Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services

Twitter: @SecBecerra

Loyce Pace

HHS Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs

Twitter: @HHS_ASGA

Pamela Hamamoto

Twitter: @AMBHamamoto

Colin McIff

HHS Deputy Director, Office of Global Affairs, Vice-Chair of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR)

Twitter: @CLMcIff


  1. Ms. Caya Atkins: Chief Advisor, Policy and Strategy, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  2. Mr. Michael Beard: Chief of Staff, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  3. Dr. Mandy Cohen: Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services

  4. Ms. B. De Rosa Joynt: Senior Health Advisor, Office of Economic and Development Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State 

  5. Ms. T. Finerty: Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva 

  6. Dr. A. Gawande: Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, Agency for International Development 

  7. Ms. Pamela Hamamoto: Ambassador, Chief Negotiator for the Pandemic Accord Negotiations, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Global Health Security and Services, Department of State

  8. Ms. S. Korac: Deputy Health Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  9. Dr. Matthew Lim: Health Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva

  10. Mr. Colin Mciff: Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services 

  11. Dr. Vivek Murthy: Surgeon General, Department of Health and Human Services 

  12. Dr. Stephanie Psaki: Coordinator, Global Health Security, Deputy Senior Director, Global Health Security and National Security Council, The White House 

  13. Ms. K. Skarsten: Deputy Director, Office of Economic and Development Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State 

  14. Ms. M. Sumilas: Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau for Policy, Learning, and Resource Management, Agency for International Development 

  15. Ms. Kimberlee Trzeciak: Deputy Commissioner, Policy, Legislation, and International Affairs, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services


  1. Mr. Adam Aasen: Senior Global Health Officer, Pandemic and Emerging Threats, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  2. Ms. Malea Atkins: Chief of Staff, Office of the Surgeon General, Department of Health and Human Services

  3. Mr. M. Behan: Senior Development Advisor, Agency for International Development, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  4. Ms. Shira Berman: Policy Associate, Global Health Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services.

  5. Ms. C. Blake: Senior Humanitarian Advisor, Agency for International Development, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  6. Ms. Kimberly Boland: Global Health Officer, Multilateral Relations, Office of Global Health, Department of Health and Human Services

  7. Dr. O. Cabello: Henry Senior Advisor, Team Leader, Regional and Multilateral Diplomacy, Bureau of Global health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State 

  8. Ms. T. Carson: Acting Chief of Staff, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State 

  9. Ms. C. Chatterton: Special Assistant, Bureau of Global Health, Agency for International Development 

  10. Dr. M. Claros: Senior Multilateral Affairs Advisor, Office of Development Cooperation, Bureau for Planning, Learning and Resource Management, Agency for International Development 

  11. Mr. J. Cormier: Senior Advisor, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  12. Mr. M. Daghir: Political Associate, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  13. Ms. Chelsea Dickson: Senior Global Health Officer, Pandemic and Emerging Threats, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  14. Ms. E.L. Diggs: Humanitarian Policy and Program Advisor, Office of Global Policy, Programs, and Communications, Agency for International Development 

  15. Ms. Andrea Lipstein Fristedt: Deputy Director Communications, and Legislative Affairs, Chief Strategy Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services

  16. Ms. A. Galati: Senior Multilateral Policy Advisor, Office of Development Cooperation, Bureau for Planning, Learning and Resource Management, Agency for International Development 

  17. Dr. Summer E. Galloway: Director for Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Office of Global Affairs, Department of health and Human Services

  18. Ms. Casey Garay: Special Assistant to the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services

  19. Mr. K. Ghashghai: Counsellor, Multilateral Economic and Political Affairs, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  20. Mr. J. Hay: Chief, Peace and Security Unit, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  21. Ms. Mackenzie Klein: Senior Global Health Officer for the Americas, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  22. Ms. Gabrielle Lamourelle: Senior Advisor, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  23. Dr. Kayla Laserson: Director, Global Health Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services

  24. Ms. J. Martin: Senior Health Advisor, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  25. Ms. Betsy Newcomer: Program Advisor, Office of Global Policy and Strategy, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services

  26. Dr. R. Patel: Economic Officer, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  27. Ms. C. Peters: Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  28. Ms. R. Rangaswamy: Deputy Negotiator for the Pandemic Accord Negotiations, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State 

  29. Mr. Tyler Rodgers: Engagement Advisor, Surgeon General Office, Department of Health and Human Services Mrs F. Rothschild Special Assistant, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  30. Dr. J. Seedorff: Acting Depurty Director, Office of Global Health Security, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State 

  31. Mrs. T. Simpson: Deputy Director, Office of Health Systems, Bureau for Global Health, Agency for International Development 

  32. Mr. S. Smith: Representative, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  33. Ms. Christina Taylor: Global Health Officer, Multilateral Relations, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  34. Ms. Katie Thomas: Multilateral Liaison Officer, Pandemic and Emerging Threats, Office of Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  35. Dr. Edward Trimble: Senior Advisor, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

  36. Mr. G. Vaughan: International Relations Officer, Office of Global Security, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State 

  37. Ms. Kacey Wulff: Counsellor to the Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

  38. Dr. M. Yilla: Deputy Coordinator, Health Diplomacy, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State 

  39. Mr. R. Becsey: Department of Health and Human Services 

  40. Mr. E. Bridiers: Specialist, Public Affairs, Permanent Mission, Geneva 

  41. Mr. J. Halk: Department of Health and Human Services 

  42. Mr. D. Kiesow: Department of Health and Human Services

  43. Ms. Alyssa Jones: Public Affairs Specialist, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  44. Mr. B. Molnar: Department of Health and Human Services 

  45. Ms. E. Oruma: Communications Specialist, Bureau for Global health, Agency of International Development 

  46. Ms. M. O’Toole: Department of Health and Human Services 

  47. Ms. A. Parada Department of Health and Human Services 

  48. Mr. Brian Reich: Director of Speechwriting, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services

  49. Mr. J. Rojas: Special Assistant for Scheduling and Advance, Immediate Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services 

  50. Ms. H. Salazar: Special Assistant for Scheduling and Advance, Immediate Office of the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services 

  51. Ms. S. Davis: International Economist, International Development Policy, Department of the Treasure 

  52. Ms. M. Hayes: Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of Regional and Multilateral Diplomacy, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, Department of State

James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.


All content is free to all readers.

All support is deeply appreciated.



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