Tuesday 28 May 2024


CODE RED: Dr. Carrie Madej: “Moratorium Needed on All Pfizer/Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” Now Seen To Produce Deadly Side-Effects Including Death–Experimental, High-Risk, Sterilizing, Dangerous!

Report | Ramola D | Jan 17, 2021

In a blockbuster interview on January 13 (links below), Dr. Carrie Madej delved into the many unsettling problems associated with the experimental Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, and emphasized that these are primarily experimental vaccines: they have not been clinically tested in humans (no clinical trials), they use experimental technology which has never been tested in humans, and they are now being seen, by all reports on both mainstream media and social and other media to be producing deadly side-effects, including paralysis, strokes, Bell’s Palsy, convulsions, and death. 

Further, the brand new technologies being used in the vaccine, mRNA and nanotechnology, she says, point to this not really being a vaccine but a means of reprogramming human cells and inserting a digital neural interface via nanobiosensors for integration of humans with supercomputers and AI; the genetic manipulation code being inserted intends 100% to create sterility by including code for a spike protein which helps build a woman’s placenta, provoking the human immune system to attack itself and inhibit placenta-creation. 

So many risks and questions surround this vaccine, she points out, that a moratorium is needed on this vaccine, and calls for all her physician colleagues to join her in calling for an immediate halt to the vaccine rollouts. 

COVID Vaccine is NOT Proven to Be Safe

False information and presumptions are being published as fact, says Dr. Madej, both by top doctors and mainstream media as well as the manufacturers themselves. 

While Fauci, the CDC and the Surgeon-General assure Americans these vaccines are “safe,” in reality, says Dr. Madej, no safety tests have been conducted beyond these very basic endpoints examined: Does the vaccine suppress one, just one symptom of COVID (such as fever and cough)? Does the vaccine ensure no positive PCR tests? Does the vaccine offer temporary short-term relief?

And even that is in question: 

“You have to understand when they’re saying that that is what they’re seeing as the benefit, well we have very little data on that because again we’re inside the middle of the experiment. At the end of the experiment maybe they would see none of those are true – because we have to see the whole experiment in its entirety.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

The larger questions as to the long-term effects of the vaccine, the effects it may have on the nervous system and the immune system, its ability to immunize permanently against COVID, its ability to “stop the spread” have neither been studied nor can be answered, she says. 

“Does it prevent transmission, or you being contagious–it doesn’t look at that. Does it prevent people from dying—doesn’t look at that. Does it prevent you from going to hospital or the ICU–doesn’t look at that. So the benefits are very minuscule…Manufacturers are assuming, only assuming2 mths immunity after second shot—that is partial immunity – so that is not very much benefit. “

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

“In UK Institutions, Resuscitation Units Have Been Set Up Next to Vaccine Administering Areas”

Looking at the risks of the vaccine, starting with the short-term effects, Dr. Madej mentions the rise of anaphylactic allergic reactions to COVID now being reported in the mainstream news, a distressing situation which turns out to be profoundly serious in some cases, which she attributes possibly to the highly allergenic Polyethylene Glycol contained in the vaccine: “70% can be allergic to that.” 

“So much so that people in the UK or the institutions are now putting resuscitation units next to where they’re administering the vaccines–that means people are actually going into a state of needing resuscitation meaning bring back to life okay–you’re dying from the vaccine within minutes. I honestly don’t know of any other vaccine that ever works in that manner or has that side-effect. So we have that and that’s due to the Polyethylene Glycol, that’s what we’re assuming in the vaccine, because we know that about 70% of people can be allergic to that.”

Dr. Carrie Madej | Report 227/Ramola D reports/Reprogramming of cells without informed consent: moratorium needednormal
Screenshots from the National Protocols for the Administration of the COVID mRNA VAccine, PHE: PDF/
National protocol for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech) available at this page

Pfizer/Moderna Vaccine is a High-Risk Experimental Vaccine: Experiment Incomplete, Arm-Lenders Not Told They Are Being Experimented On

What is even more concerning is that this is an experimental vaccine with high risks associated with it, as readily evident in the reported numbers of anaphylactic reactions from people taking the vaccine, including numbers of deaths. 

Coronavirus Vaccine sending hundreds to ER, according to US Govt reporting system/Lifesite News

Videos have been circulating on social media now showing people suffering head-to-toe vibrations, convulsions lying in bed, Bell’s Palsy on one side of their faces, fainting, and paralysis. 

No clinical trials have actually been conducted on this vaccine, says Dr. Madej, the first full clinical study will not be published until October 2021. “Every single person taking the vaccine is a research participant.” 

Both vaccines have been rushed into market and apparently laxly and recklessly approved for use by the FDA under Emergency Authorization Use, a completely unnecessary mechanism activated by questionable officials at the FDA on pressure from Fauci and the CDC, under the false suggestion that “no treatment exists” for the much-falsely-propagandized Coronavirus, which has been acknowledged even by the CDC to show a 99.9% survival rate in most age ranges and has been shown to be successfully treated with Vitamin C, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc and other treatments, as per many doctors worldwide, including American Frontline Doctors. 

Despite these vaccines being rushed to market under EAU, the fact remains they have not been properly tested in humans–such testing takes years, for most vaccines–and that they are essentially EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES, using technologies never used before on humans.

There are two brand-new technologies, mRNA and Nanotech AI also which are being inserted into the vaccine.

“These vaccines are completely experimental on the human race. It’s such an experiment that right now honestly by all science and all legalities, every single person taking a vaccine is now a research participant. There is no clinical study that has been completed–not one of them will be completed until October of 2021. That means every single person that takes any shot is now a research participant. That means that not one person, not one entity, not one government can ever tell you what to expect. We don’t know, we really don’t know, we need the whole experiment to go through.

So we’re in a grand experiment. On top of that they’re introducing a minimum of two brand new technologies into the human body that has never been launched or released on such a large population of people so we have the experiment and then we have two new technologies being introduced –on top of that we have substances inside the vaccine … that can not only alter our DNA, our genetic code but also introduce Artificial Intelligence nanotechnology into the body, and some other substances like polyethylene glycol that can be very allergenic to people that we’re seeing problems right now.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227, Ramola D Reportsnormal

Are people taking the vaccine being told they are research test subjects? No, says, Dr. Madej. 

From her travels around the United States recently and speaking to people, she says no-one is being told this, and most people think the vaccine has been proven to be safe and effective, because that is the storyline coming out of mainstream media, Fauci, Pfizer, and Moderna.

Pfizer/Moderna Raw Data in Published Studies Heavily Manipulated; Outright Lying to Scientists and Doctors

In actuality, says Dr. Madej, the published studies by Pfizer and Moderna in medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine clearly show heavy manipulation of data. 

Examining the raw data, she says, which all doctors should do, to check the conclusions of the statistician, shows all sorts of irregularities and outright duplicity in the way the data is presented: for instance, large numbers of elderly people over 70 suddenly disappear from the data, cited in data as “lost to follow-up” (did they get a second dose, did they die, what happened?), and conclusions are presented from cherry-picking and looking at data from other participants. “That’s so unethical,” she emphasizes.

“That is such horrible manipulation of the data, it’s lying, it’s outright lying to the public and to other scientists and doctors – so people need to understand that we are being lied to on many levels. And the data is being manipulated at the largest extent– that’s just what I could figure out from the little information I have received. What if we got all of the raw data, I could imagine there’s going to be a lot more than that. 

And what do they exclude from the side effects and adverse events from the vaccine–in many instances they are actually saying DEATH will be excluded as an adverse reaction—cardio-vascular events will be excluded as an adverse reaction—are you kidding me? What? Also short time frames—nothing past this point will be coming from our vaccine–Cherry-picking, not allowing all the data.”

US Surgeon-General’s Statements on Vaccine Being “Incredibly Safe and Effective” Are Therefore Lies

The lying obviously is going on at the highest levels of government in addition to coming from the people from Pfizer and Moderna. US Surgeon-General Jerome Adams was on Twitter last week and he too was assuring viewers and readers the vaccine was safe and effective, in fact saying he “believe(d) the vaccine was incredibly safe” (watch video snippet at this Twitter link):

This is clearly deceptive, since, as Dr. Madej points out, we really have no proof the vaccine is safe given that the experiment has not been completed. And what comfort is it when the supposed top surgeon in the country says fervently he believes the vaccine is safe? Is that science or a religious hope?

“Is that not disgusting that on the highest level that they’re using such poor science and professionalism, I’m just disgusted and horrified.” 

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227, Ramola D Reportsnormal

COVID Vaccine Not Really A Vaccine but Genetic Manipulation to Reprogram Your Cells

The fact is, not merely are mainstream media and top showmen at the Government mike publishing a false narrative that the vaccine is safe, this is apparently not even a vaccine, really. 

“In a vaccine you should give people the organism…In this instance—we are putting a code into you to reprogram your cell, to then force it to make a protein, or another genetic code that is not from nature, that is completely synthetic, you’re reprogamming a cell, this is nothing to do with a vaccine, nothing to do with what we have ever done before.

If we put a code into anything–and everybody has smart devices they know they don’t always work—this is the first time we’re going to roll this out. Look at Microsoft, they’ve been around forever, they still have so many problems and they’re actually the No. 1 programmer behind this — and now they’re doing it to a human body, of course they’re going to have problems.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

Moderna Reveals COVID Vaccine Actually Injects You With an Operating System“mRNA Drug”

Information on Moderna’s web site currently acknowledges that the vaccine–referred to as an mRNA Drug— is actually putting synthetic programming into the human body.

Dr. Carrie notes that Moderna is now stating up front their “mRNA Drug” is going to become an operating system in your body — which most doctors know is a marvelous creation all in itself, with self-healing properties and a powerful immune system to tackle any kind of disease threat, not in sudden need of a synthetic operating system from a pharmaceutical company!

“Moderna has finally put out a statement, being somewhat honest about their drug, and they’ve said: Our vaccine drugs are operating systems and we use each RNA that goes into the vaccine to act like the download of an application on your phone – they use that analogy. So now they’ve actually published a statement saying this is what it does — as time goes on they’re telling you more and more about the truth of the vaccines — and it’s crazy, because yes, you present this data to people but I guess it’s too much for them to believe, they can’t comprehend it.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

COVID Vaccine Intended for Intrusive Intimate Bio-Surveillance and Control

Perhaps this is because the concept of wifi-enhanced nanotechnology inside the body hooked up to supercomputing and AI is so foreign and sci-fi, permitting external human control of the human body — not the kind of thing you would normally attribute to your doctors offering you “health care” — that people fail to grasp the real and deadly import of this technology. 

Dr. Carrie Madej explains further, tying in the notion of nanobiosensors with what she learned from business and science meetings a few years ago on the subject of intended Full Body Full Spectrum control by the shadow power structure trying hard currently to corrall, contain, and fully subjugate the entire human species on the planet. 

“It’s not just introducing a genetic synthetic code into the body, it’s that they’re introducing nanotechnology. The nanolipid particles are all under a term called nanotechnology which is under a term called hydrogel okay they’re using different terms for the same substance. And so they have many different functions: one of them is to be a drug delivery system on demand – and that’s what they’re saying is the intent of this.

But if you look at all the research and the literature and the meetings I went to, it’s very clear that they intend to use this nanotechnology for other purposes and the other main purpose would be for a biosensor, meaning your body would have sensors in it that are really like little nanobots–it’s an artificial interface hookup – and if you get enough of this substance inside your body, it would make it feel like having a smartphone inside your body, so that remotely via wi-fi you could control things but also things can control you or your body could put out information and your body could receive information so messages can go going back and forth without the need of this intermediate device here.

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

What nanobiosensors do inside the body is permit data collection at an intimate level.

“The idea is to accumulate data from your body all your physical characteristics which might sound great– your blood sugar, your blood pressure, medications in your body, very intimate details like sexual function, how much sun you’re getting, your thoughts and your emotions– the software is already built into the phones to gather that — they just need the hardware inside of us to do the ultimate hookup and so the vaccines are a method and an excuse to get this kind of technology into the human body.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

Nothing short of granular biosurveillance, this nanobiosensor technology permits external and remote monitoring, modification, control–translatable into punitive control systems and social credit systems, such as promised by Microsoft’s new unholy patent for cryptocurency linked to human energy harvesting, US Patent 060606–and subjugation of the human body.

While information has already been floated about nanorobotic insulin pumps and beneficial use of nanobiosensor tech to safeguard your health from a distance, Dr. Carrie recalls the information shared at her meetings and reminds us the intent is intrusive bio-surveillance and control:

“If you look at what they discuss in meetings and the patents that are out there…these biosensors will be gathering the information but it’s going to be used for other purposes, it’s going to be used to know everything about you, to do surveillance, and there won’t be any more privacy, they’ll know what you’re thinking before maybe you think it, right — so it’s really for surveillance and control.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

COVID Vaccine Will Provoke Immune System to Attack Itself: Intelligence & Fertility Under Attack

Dr. Carrie Madej also notes the effect on fertility and human intelligence via the synthetic codes introduced into the body carrying the code for spike protein for placenta-creation and human Chromosome 8, related to cognitive faculties–all highly concerning, which should inspire all people to act to stop these vaccine rollouts immediately:

“With the genetic manipulation, the code codes for things in our body—coding for a spike protein of a woman’s placenta—we know that—also chromosome 8 happens to be in that spike protein; the body will attack and damage your intelligence, your fertility—I can’t believe we are talking about this, that we are going forward with this—anything in that vaccine the body will learn to attack.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

COVID Vaccine Found to Result in Positive Tests for AIDS

Even more concerning–as if we needed more bad news on this vaccine!–Dr. Carrie tells us some people tested positive for AIDs after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. 

“In Australia with one of the similar vaccines, their batches that they gave out–they happened to test the people for HIV after they gave the vaccine. When they did, the people were testing positive. Now the manufacturer and the government of Australia they said, ‘Oh don’t worry, they’re only false positives’ but we know that there’s no way that any of us could know that for sure until time goes on. Give it some years–three years, five years, maybe it’s a true positive. Those poor people won’t know until years later. So they were so concerned that they did ditch about one billion dollars of those vaccines they were going to administer to the rest of the population.

We expected that to happen because they also analyzed that code and found there were at least 18 subunits of HIV1 in the code of this spike protein by chance – so your body will be making bits of HIV1–how much will that affect your immune system? Only time will tell when this experiment ends. People need to know what is in the code – there’s so much in here, I am just clueless and shocked at how my colleagues aren’t speaking up more, I don’t understand it. I’ve never seen anything like this in science.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

“We Need To Put a Moratorium on This Vaccine”

The upshot really is that this vaccine has already proved to be exceedingly unsafe, is producing deadly immediate effects, is loading synthetics into the body, reprogramming human cells without Informed Consent, and apparently handing over control of one’s intimate bodily functions to Moderna, Pfizer and AI. 

“This vaccine, it already looks like a failure—as far as COVID-19 –but I don’t think they care about this. The point of it is to intro other tech into us that’s really for surveillance and control..

What are people signing when they get the vaccine….there’s so many twists and turns and dirty little things going on … we need to put a moratorium on this and see what is going on on so many different levels.”

Dr. Carrie Madej/Report 227/Ramola D Reportsnormal

Watch Report 227 at Bitchute or Brighteon



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The future of humanity is at stake.

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