Tuesday 28 May 2024


#180 - Aman Jabbi Discusses UN Agenda 2030 And The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (With Special Guest At The End)

We are designing, creating and walking into our digital prisons.



Thank you for the lovely recent reviews folks, much appreciated!

Thank you Mark from Washington State for your lovely message. Love you brother.

Background - 

32 years ago The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Rio Conference or the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992. 

It is claimed that the Earth Summit was created as a means for member states to cooperate together internationally on development issues after the Cold War. Due to issues relating to sustainability being too big for individual member states to handle, Earth Summit was held as a platform for other member states to collaborate.

Two documents and three legally binding agreements came out of the meeting. The document of interest is Agenda 21 and the legally binding agreement is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organisations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. One major objective of the Agenda 21 initiative is that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21. Its aim initially was to achieve global sustainable development by 2000, with the "21" in Agenda 21 referring to the original target of the 21st century.

The Agenda 21 document (300 pages plus) can be viewed here.

The document does make reference to sustainable development, sustainable economic development, sustainable economic growth, sustainable livelihoods, sustainable resource management, sustainable management of the environment, sustainable livelihoods and environmental protection, sustainable local, regional and national development, sustainable consumption patterns, to name but a few. The word sustainable is mentioned 628 times in the document. It leaves an almost hypnotic impression on the reader.

But despite seeing “sustainable” all over the document, I need help finding a definition of what it actually means and refers to.

What is Agenda 21 ultimately about?

I asked Chat GPT if it was concerned about overpopulation.

The document has lots of well-meaning phrases and statements. Who doesn’t want to end poverty, hunger, disease and environmental damage?

But I can’t help but get the feeling that the document is Malthusian at its core. And this is where I have a problem. You see I don’t think the problem is people, I believe the problem is rapacious central bankers, evil dynastical families, and corrupt captured governments. Those same culprits now point their fingers at us the plebs as the root of the problem, and it is we that should pay the price, in reduced quality and standard of living, as well as a reduction in our ranks.

The legally binding document The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty among countries to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system". The main way to do this is by limiting the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But let’s talk about this another day. 

Let us now move on to Agenda 2030.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations members in 2015, created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They were apparently created with the aim of "peace and prosperity for people and the planet..." – while tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests. The SDGs highlight the connections between the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development. Sustainability, just like Agenda 21 is at the center of the SDGs.

It is worth visiting the official website here

The UNSDG Goals: A Quick Guide - Sweco UK

The 2030 Agenda lists 17 specific goals. As with Agenda 21, on the surface, the intentions appear noble and altruistic. But remember we live in an inverted world.

In this conversation, Aman Jabbi reveals the true intention behind the UN 2030 Agenda and how it will be implement through the 17 goals. 

In my opinion the UN is the problem, not just the WHO. The UN is a vehicle to execute the goals of the evil cabal predator class. It should be disbanded. 

In this conversation - 

Aman Jabbi is a former Silicon Valley electrical engineer and computer scientist with expertise in the development of smartphone camera technology. 

In this sobering podcast Aman talks about the the manipulation of minds and understanding cybernetics, as well as unveiling the hidden agendas of the sustainable development goals. 

The 2030 Agenda lists 17 specific goals. As with Agenda 21, on the surface, the intentions appear noble and altruistic. But remember we live in an inverted world.

In this conversation, Aman Jabbi reveals the true intention behind the UN 2030 Agenda and how it will be implement through the 17 goals. 

Something to think about next time you read or hear about 15 minute cities, digital IDs, health passports and reducing carbon footprints….

I hope you enjoy this episode. 

Much love Ahmad

Links - 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/noflaps

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noflaps/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AmanJabbi

Health - Liberty - Happiness

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Hunter & Gather

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And oh yeah thank you for the coffee folks x

I hope you enjoy this episode. 


Much love Ahmad

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