Dear Congress: Ignoring Pfizer’s Bioweapon Crimes Doesn’t Make Them Go Away, it Makes the United States Complicit in Biowarfare

Congress is being told the mRNA injections are ‘gene-editing therapies.’ They’re not.They’re bioweapons. USA will be complicit in war crimes if we don’t criminally prosecute Pfizer immediately.

6 hr ago

March 13, 2023: I was interviewed by Stew Peters today to discuss the Russian Military Chief citing my work as part of a global criminal investigation of Pfizer (and other guilty parties) who unleashed the mRNA bioweapons on civilian populations under the guise of ‘safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines.’

Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of Russian Military Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops, cites the work of Project Veritas, the Stew Peters network, and specifically mentions my med-legal analysis, including citing the legal definition of mRNA technology as a bioweapon under 18 USC 175.

Stew Peters asked a great question during the interview which was, “If a General from the Russian Military can figure out that these injections are bioweapons, why can’t our Congress?” 

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You can view the interview here.

Why is the Russian military launching a global criminal investigation of Pfizer, but the US Congress is not?

Instead of utilizing the Pfizer and US government documents I’ve exposed on the Stew Peters network and in my SubStack in order to criminally prosecute Pfizer and seize and destroy the COVID-19 mRNA bioweapon injections; US government officials are being misled by mRNA experts, and some medical advisors and attorneys who are claiming that the mRNA injections are ‘vaccines gone wrong,’ or ‘gene-editing therapies,’ or that Pfizer is protected under the US military contract. 

These are all deceptive, false and manipulative statements that protect Pfizer by delaying criminal prosecution of Pfizer others involved in the mRNA vaccine bioweapon technologies. Experts who are misrepresenting materials evidence and law are guilty of extrinsic fraud.

Ignoring crimes committed by Pfizer doesn’t make them go away, it makes the United States a complicit party

Until Americans say enough is enough and call out the lies, liars and cowards who are protecting Pfizer from criminal prosecution, this perverse and criminal experimentation on US children and adults with mRNA nanotechnology will continue. If Congress continues to host ‘public investigations’ in order to stall the actual criminal prosecution of Pfizer, America and Americans will be destroyed either by the bioweapons themselves or for the complicit role of the United States of America in ignoring these global biowarfare crimes.

I’ve been sending my research & analysis to Congress since May of 2021

I began sending my research and analysis to US Congress members in May of 2021. In an email I sent to some Congress, I clearly state;

Please have an expert in auto-immune disease medical research review this patent and the ones linked in this email. I believe they will conclude that the COVID-19 injections are bioweapons that contain gain of function (GOF) chimeric viruses and toxins under the guise of mRNA therapeutic vaccines combined with a ‘diagnostic/therapeutic’ lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform. 

Per the patent, the LNP can target specifics organs and systems throughout the body, including, but not limited to reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and the central nervous system, specifically crossing the blood brain barrier.” 

– Karen Kingston, email to Congress Members, May 2021

Not only have I been ‘knocking on the doors’ of members of Congress and state leaders with the TRUTH that the COVID-19 mRNA injections are bioweapons for nearly 2 years now, Stew Peters and the experts he has on his media platform have been a bullhorn warning US citizens and government officials about the mRNA bioweapon injections. 

It would be in the best interest of American citizens to strongly encourage members of Congress and other government leaders to reach out to me to immediately get up to speed on some of the evidence being used in the global criminal investigation of Pfizer, other US companies, the US government and healthcare agencies (NIH/CDC/FDA/HHS) for the use mRNA bioweapons on civilian adults and children.


Why the United States must acknowledge the Pfizer’s crimes of biowarfare and prosecute

I have the information needed to criminally prosecute Pfizer. Members of Congress, governors, attorney generals, or even sheriffs, can contact me on how to take actions to immediately stop the mRNA biowarfare attack on US citizens, seize the COVID-19 mRNA injections, initiate the criminal prosecution of Pfizer and its employees, and gain control of our nation’s current public health crisis.

Or…Congress and other US government leaders can wait for Russia and other nations to criminally prosecute Pfizer and then potentially find themselves to be a complicit party in the COVID-19 mRNA biowarfare attack on global civilians.

If you are in contact with members of Congress and you want to immediately stop the mRNA biowarfare attack on American citizens, please recommend to them that they contact me directly through

The Kingston Report. TRUTH WINS.


Proverbs 24

Do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them;
For their heart devises violence, and their lips talk of troublemaking.

Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled, with all precious and pleasant riches.

A wise man is strong. Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; by wise counsel you will wage your own war and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.

The Goodness Inside

People often ask me for advice on supplements and medical treatments. I can’t make medical recommendations for you, but for me, I know that reducing the level of acid in your body and taking a supplement that contains zeolite can help remove toxic metals from your body.

I use TouchStone Essentials Zeolite daily.

Keep up the good fight with The Good Inside!