Pfizer | The Silent War

Posts about Pfizer written by Chemista
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The Elder Exploitation and Killing System Brought to You By Johnson & Johnson and Co

The Bleeding Edge Documentary shines light on medical device risks and injuries.

How cases of dementia and Parkinson’s have been ‘cured’! 

“For many seniors, a hip or knee replacement is a life-changer that gives them their mobility back. 

For an untold number of others, however, it can take away everything they hold dear. 

In other words, it can be the beginning of the end. 

Yesterday, I told you about the Wild West known as the device industry
 and how the FDA will allow practically anything on the market, as long as the manufacturer can point to a similar device that’s already being sold. 

But what’s outrageous, terrifying, and tragic is that this still holds true even if that prior device has been found to be dangerous and recalled! 

As bad as that situation is, there’s one particular aspect of the medical device industry that belongs in a horrifying category all of its own: the spare parts that are used to replace our knees, hips, and shoulders. 

Because it turns out that anyone who submits to joint-replacement surgery is at risk for developing a condition called arthroplasty cobalt encephalopathy, or ACE, but they may not know it — because the symptoms mimic those of Parkinson’s and even dementia! 

And if there was any question whether ACE could happen to absolutely anyone, Dr. Stephen Tower’s story should convince you otherwise. 

Dr. Tower is an orthopedic surgeon who knows these replacement parts inside and out – after all, his profession involves inserting them into patients! 

So, when he himself needed a new hip back in 2006, he knew exactly what he wanted — a metal-on-metal hip replacement made by device manufacturer DePuy. 

At first, everything was going well, Dr. Tower was back to the extreme biking he loved, so he considered the operation a success. 

But then, over a year after his surgery, he started having “a slew of health issues.” He developed a tremor and ringing in his ears. That, however, was only the beginning, because he was soon driven to the brink of insanity. 

While attending a medical conference, he became so unhinged that he totally “trashed” his hotel room while suffering, as his wife recalled, a “full-on breakdown.” 

And the reason was something he never suspected: cobalt poisoning. 

Cobalt is found naturally in the earth’s crust..” 

(but like all metals from non-plant based will completely destroy the neurological and brain system. 

To understand why all metals from non-plant sources are destructive to our biology you’d need to understand our evolution with calcium and why most physicians and why our cartel ruling class munition industrialists will never teach this in their controlled education systems. Utilizing cobalt is insane as utilizing lead as a base material for biological machines
 for those interested in why metals are destructive to our biology can read more at the link below.) 

Our Evolution with Calcium, Metals, and Our Biological Machines. 

(Explains how destructive metals are to our bodies because they hijack calcium operations)

“Testing of his blood and urine revealed 100 times the expected amount of cobalt in his body
 and as it was revealed in the documentary The Bleeding Edge, the toxic metal was coming right from the DuPuy hip. The friction of the parts rubbing together (as they are intended to do) can release microscopic particles of cobalt into the body. 

While it might seem far-fetched that an orthopedic implant could cause problems with the brain (even Dr. Tower found that hard to believe at first), we now know that it most definitely can. 

And although that DuPuy hip, which Tower subsequently had removed, has since been recalled due to “system failure,” there are currently said to be a million Americans at risk from ACE and other health problems because of joint replacements. 

Think about that for a moment
 a million people, many of whom could have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s or dementia and led to believe their life was over, when, in fact, they could be “cured” in a matter of months by having the cobalt removed from their bodies.”

Johnson & Johnson Hip Replacement Prosthesis & Femoral Stems

The agreement resolves over 95 percent of the 6,000 cases in which surgeons extracted the company’s Pinnacle implants because they left patients unable to walk and in pain, according to the report.

Implant Materials 

Manufacturers offer products with different designs made from a variety of materials. Most devices consist of multiple components made from different medical-grade materials. Metal components usually consist of titanium or cobalt-chromium based alloys. These materials are known for their durability, and have stable (inert)* chemical properties such that they do not interact with the body. However, in some rare occasions, patients may have allergies to certain metals that may be a determining factor in which implant is used. 

The most common material used to produce plastic components is ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Polyethylene is common in many implantable devices because of its ability to glide smoothly within the mechanical joint and closely mimic the way a physical knee moves.

(*Hopefully those of you will recall many of my posts which explain how “inerts” “inactives” “excipients” in their pharmaceuticals are anything but! They are the things that typically cause the most biological injuries. Even the American Pediatric Association provided a comprehensive review listing 97 studies as evidence that their “inserts’ were killing and injuring infants and children. One inert in my son’s pharmaceutical suspension fluid almost killed him and caused him much suffering and why I started researching pharmaceutical inert technologies in the first place.) 

What happens when no one identifies the source and removes it? The injuries and deaths continue

Our elders end up being transferred to assisted care centers and further exploited and biologically destroyed. 

Nursing Homes are huge profit centers for Munition sales (aka Big Pharma pharmaceutical sales) 

U.S. Files Suit Against Johnson & Johnson for Paying Kickbacks to Nation’s Largest Nursing Home Pharmacy.. 

“In its complaint against J&J, the United States alleges that the company paid kickbacks to Omnicare to induce the nursing home pharmacy company to purchase and recommend J&J drugs, including the anti-psychotic drug Risperdal, for use in nursing homes. According to the complaint, J&J understood that Omnicare’s pharmacists reviewed nursing home patients’ charts at least monthly and made recommendations to physicians on what drugs should be prescribed for those patients.“

They are on the Covid Task Force Committee determining the policies of many nations and people trust their controlled political puppets, media, and government systems. 

“Almost 90 percent of 300,000 nursing home residents with dementia got powerful drugs meant for treating serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in 2007, says Health and Human Services Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson. In an alarming statement, Levinson noted the complicity of drug companies in this dangerous practice: “Despite the fact that it is potentially lethal to prescribe antipsychotics to patients with dementia, there’s ample evidence that some drug companies aggressively marketed their products towards such populations, putting profits before safety

The report didn’t explore this issue, but a series of lawsuits and settlements that DHHS helped bring about suggest that many pharmaceutical companies have improperly promoted these drugs to doctors and nursing homes for many years. For example, Eli Lilly pled guilty to criminal charges associated with illegally marketing its drug Zyprexa (olanzapine), including to doctors that treat elderly nursing home patients. Several other pharmaceutical companies — Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Astra Zeneca and Pfizer — settled government allegations that they improperly promoted their antipsychotic drugs for unapproved uses. Federal prosecution is pending against Johnson & Johnson for allegedly paying millions of dollars in kickbacks to induce Omnicare, the nation’s largest long-term care pharmacy, to recommend the use of Risperdal in treating nursing home patients, many of whom had dementia.”

interviews with dozens of people across the country reveal swelling numbers of less clear-cut deaths that doctors believe have been fueled not by neglect but by a mental state plunged into despair by prolonged isolation ̶ listed on some death certificates as “failure to thrive.” A nursing home expert who analyzed data from the country’s 15,000 facilities for The Associated Press estimates that for every two COVID-19 victims in long-term care, there is another who died prematurely of other causes. Those “excess deaths” beyond the normal rate of fatalities in nursing homes could total more than 40,000 since March.”

“The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense “[i]f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose. (emphasis added). See Project, Tenth Annual Survey of White Collar Crime, 32 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 137, 379-406 (1995)(generally discussing § 371). 

The operative language is the so-called “defraud clause,” that prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States. This clause creates a separate offense from the “offense clause” in Section 371. Both offenses require the traditional elements of Section 371 conspiracy, including an illegal agreement, criminal intent, and proof of an overt act.” 

(But good luck trying to find anyone to enforce this because the cartel ruling class group controls all our systems, including the court system. The working class will have to act but they remain divided and that’s why they will continue to be systematically destroyed.)

The Elder Exploitation & Killing System 

Our cartel ruling class created a systematic and highly profitable system that destroys our working class elders and gets the taxpayers to pay for it all.. They first poison them with heavy metal and toxic based plastic implants. When the “side effects” (biological damages that destroy their neurological and brain systems) from these devices become unmanageable, many are transferred to assisted living and care centers were they are further exploited and literally destroyed by even more of their highly profitable pharmaceutical (hydrocarbon) products. 

When will the working class wake up and hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity? 

Those who go along with their cartel killing systems are criminals for all that they enable.. they profit destroying health from birth until death and they con the working class to go right along with their health destroying and killing technologies and systems. Those working class enablers are as guilty of mass murder as those who fill their pockets the most at the top of their pyramid scheme.

Synthetic Hormones and Technologies

A critically important history and science lesson and back to the munition branch on the ethylene tree that produces synthetic hormone markets. (Essentially, it’s a chemical weapon in pill and injection form. Chlorine, benzene, and sulfur build colossal markets that destroy working class health.)

Our ruling class have utilized these markets to profit from the working class they exploit and destroy. There’s a very dark history concealed behind planned parenthood that was utilized to expand their highly profitable synthetic hormone capitalist markets. (Working class citizens are not educated about the technologies they buy nor their harmful biological impacts for a reason.) These technologies were first marketed and sold to impoverished women but now they have been repackaged and are sold to all working class women. Mirena consumers are now having to learn all the painful lessons that poor working class women had to learn from the first synthetic progesterone product marketed to them in the 1990s. Norplant was the first levonorgestrel product put on the market. (It’s still marketed and sold in the Southern United States as is Depro-Provera, another synthetic progesterone product.)

Knowing history is very important to understanding prevention of exploitation and harm to all working class women. Ladies, you’re all in the same selected boat now.

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington (Fellow in ethics at Harvard Medical School and a fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health.) explains history and the harm of these highly profitable technologies.

“German doctors became obsessed with regaining an imaginary Nordic purity even before the 1933 rise of Hitler and National Socialism. But U.S. national eugenic policies had employed unconscionable medical violations against those they considered unfit, including blacks, since 1910. The lions of American and German eugenics were united not only by a shared vision of racial purity but also by the International Society for Racial Hygiene. Chief among its American members was mathematician and biologist Charles Davenport, PhD., who established the Station for Experiment Evolution (SEE) and, in 1910, the privately funded and seminal Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island, New York, which joined with the SEE in 1920 under the aegis of the Carnegie Institution.” – The Black Stork: The Eugenic Control of African American Reproduction, Chapter 8 from Medical Apartheid (page 193)

The dark origins of Planned Parenthood.
“The twentieth century saw the dawn of the medical philosophy eugenics, derived from the Greek word eugenes, meaning “well-born.” The word was coined by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin

Eugenicists promulgated the weeding out of undesirable societal elements by discouraging or preventing the birth of children with “bad” genetic profiles. The term “well-born” has a double meaning of “born healthy” and “born wealthy,” and this is fitting because eugenic scientists and their disciples constantly confused the concepts of biological hereditary fitness with those of class and race. Highly educated persons of good social class were considered eugenically superior; the poor, the uneducated, criminals, recent immigrants, blacks, and the feebleminded were eugenic misfits. Eugenicists invoked the term “racial hygiene” as frequently as they did the word “eugenics,” and even a cursory glance at the charts, photographs, and diagrams used to popularize eugenic ideals reveals that the unfit were “swarthy” “black” and ugly by Ango-Saxon standards, with flattened noses, wiry hair, and prognathous profiles.” – Medical Apartheid by Harriet A. Washington (page 191)

“The Germans are beating us at our own game,” Virginian eugenicist Dr. Joseph S. Dejarnette sighed in thinly veiled admiration during a 1934 speech in which he urged the Virginia legislature to expand its sterilization laws.”

The Negro Project. Margaret Sanger was the most famous American populizer of eugenics
. Sanger shaped American reproductive policy by toppling the “Comstock laws” against contraceptive distribution, by catalyzing the development of the birth control pill, and by founding the organization that became Planned Parenthood, the nation’s twelfth-largest charitable organization. But she did so in alliance with eugenicists, and through initiatives such as the Negro Project, Sanger exploited black stereotypes in order to reduce the fertility of African Americans

While Sanger’s early campaigns were aimed primarily at Eastern Europeans, she turned her attention to blacks in 1929. That year, Lothrop Stoddard wrote his book “The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy” while serving on the board of directors of Sanger’s American Birth Control League (ABCL), and Sanger’s lover, Havelock Ellis, reviewed it favorably in her journal Birth Control Review. That year, she also discarded labels such as “good or bad breeding stock” in favor of “class” or “income level.”

In January 1939, Sanger’s American Birth Control League merged with the Clinical Research Bureau to form the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA). Later that year, Sanger devised the Negro Project, which “was established for the benefit of the colored people,” specifically black women who were being denied access to city health services. These first experimental “family planning centers” sought to find the best way of reducing the black population by promoting eugenic principles and were also founded in black areas such as Macon County, Alabama, site of the notorious PHS syphilis study. Du Bois also suggested approaching black churches, declaring them open to “intelligent propaganda of any sort..
Sanger took Du Bois’s advice, writing, “The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal
 We do not want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” She recruited the support of such luminaries as Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., of the Abyssinian Baptist Church and, later, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sanger also wanted a black doctor and social worker to staff the clinic in order to gain black patients’ trust
 By 1983, when blacks constituted only 12 percent of the population, 43 percent of the women sterilized in federally funded family planning programs were African Americans

According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 41 percent of black women who use contraception were sterilized

By 1978, doctors also began administering the drug Depo-Provera—but only in research studies and almost exclusively to poor women of color. Depo-Provera is the Upjohn Company’s brand name for medroxyprogesterone acetate, which is also called DMPA. In 1978, the drug had just been FDA-approved for use as a cancer therapy.* (This indicates that it is more than likely an organochlorine developed from mustard gas technologies. There’s a reason hair loss is a side effect because mustard gas evolved into chemotherapy technologies.)
In 1973, after the government discovered that beagles on which the drug had been tested developed breast cancer, it had refused to fund further testing of the drug as a contraceptive
 American doctors found it appropriate to administer Depro-Provera as an experimental contraceptive to healthy Native American and black patients. In 1978, the FDA criticized an Emory University study of Deposition-Provera as having needlessly imperiled the lives of 4,700 women, all black, and in 1992 an FDA board warned, “Never has a drug whose target population is entirely healthy been shown to be so pervasively carcinogenic in animals as has Depo-Provera.”

Norplant was developed by the Population Council, a New York foundation that researches and tests contraceptives on poor women of color abroad. It has subsequently been used by more than a million U.S. women, nearly all poor: Planned Parenthood notes that 90 percent of Norplant implant ions are paid through Medicaid in forty-three states. A higher proportion of African American women than white women receive these implants, chiefly in public and low-income clinics. Why? Frederick Osborn, a Population Council founder, wrote, “Birth control and abortion are turning out to be major eugenic steps. But if they had been advanced for eugenic reasons
 [that] would have retarded or stopped their acceptance.”

The Laurence G. Paquin Middle School clinic became the first site for Norplant implantation; 345 of its 350 girls were black. Thus policy makers focused upon the fertility of black girls, and Norplant was deployed via school-based health clinics, the first one hundred of which opened at black or minority schools
 But in 1992, Norplant had never been tested in such young girls; researchers were monitoring their health and reactions for the Population Council. In other words, Norplant implantation in these girls constituted a large-scale national experiment, and this research component placed pressure upon the school’s clinic staff to achieve as near a 100 percent participation rate as possible. They, in turn, pressured all the girls to undergo implantation, typically citing confidentiality to bypass their parents. As one aggrieved African American parent put it, “My daughter can be implanted with Norplant or have an abortion without my input or knowledge via the school-based clinic, but my suburban co-workers field calls from [school] nurses who must get their permission to give their daughters an aspirin.”

It is not surprising that the conservative National Review praised the Baltimore experiment, declaring, “better a prophylactic than an abortion,” as if these were the only two options for black girls. But so did the New York Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer. The latter suggested in an infamous December 12, 1990, editorial that black women be paid to have Norplant implanted in or to “reduce the underclass.”

More black children are living in poverty, but the black teen pregnancy rate is falling, not rising, so it cannot be the key impetus behind the surge in black poverty. In fact, poverty precedes pregnancy: The teen mothers are already poor, and children who are poor are at higher risk for precocious pregnancy

Most media analyses did not speak so directly of Norplant as key to stemming black reproduction; instead, coded terminology such as “inner-city,” “underclass,” “welfare mother,” and “urban poor” was widely understood to denote black women.

The media and lawmakers’ debates all stressed the Norplant is a safe contraceptive. But is it? According to a 1995 report in the Journal of Family Practice, 95 percent of women in a large-scale trial of Norplant had at least one side effect—80 percent suffered menstrual changes; 32 percent experienced weight gain, 24 percent headaches, 16 percent mood changes, and 15 percent acne. Norplant is contraindicated for women with diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, a tendency toward blood clots, and acute liver dysfunction, all of which African American women develop and die from at higher rates than do white women. Norplant is also contraindicated in women with breast cancer, a disease that kills African American women at rates up to 20 percent higher than white women
 Norplant was the subject of a recall in 2000 and it was taken off the market in July 2002
. – Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington (Chapter 5: The Black Stork)

The contraceptive Norplant has given birth to some unexpected offspring —lawsuits from women who say its implantable capsules are extremely difficult to take out or have caused serious or intolerable side effects

At the time the contraceptive was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, some women’s health experts urged caution in that little data existed on its long-term effects. Some women using it in studies also reported unpredictable or unusually heavy menstrual bleeding and other problems. Attorney Mike Hackard of Sacramento, Calif., who filed one of the class-action suits, said his clients weren’t adequately warned of the method’s side effects. Among their complaints, according to the suit, are severe headaches, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, acne, weight gain of 60 to 100 pounds, excess growth or loss of hair, ovarian cysts, breast pain, skin discoloration, infection at the implant site or numbness in the arm, as well as a variety of menstrual disorders.”They’re talking about extensive bleeding that is splitting up their marriages, requiring extensive sanitary equipment and continually soiling their clothes and beds,” Hackard said last week. “This is severe bleeding that goes beyond monthly menstrual bleeding.” Others stop menstruating, he said.
Hackard said the most severe alleged side effects he knows of involve women who suffered enlarged ovaries and fallopian tubes that burst, causing the need for hysterectomies and/ or the removal of the tubes and ovaries.”One woman was hospitalized 12 times” for such alleged complications, Hackard said.

Pfizer Settles Norplant Lawsuits For $29.5 Million
After 17 years of litigation, Pfizer has reached a preliminary agreement to settle a Norplant contraceptive class action lawsuit for $29.5 million, according to Mealey’s Drugs & Devices Report.

Bayer has now re-packaged their synthetic progesterone product and created a device to actually put levonorgestrel up inside female reproductive organs. What could possibly go wrong?

Thousands of women nationwide sued Bayer Pharmaceuticals over Mirena birth control after they say it perforated the uterus, damaged organs and caused pseudotumor cerebri — an abnormal fluid buildup in the skull. These women say Mirena complications led to diminished quality of life and they live in fear of future complications.The lawsuits accuse the company of selling a dangerous product. They also claim the company used deceptive advertising and hid the risk of complications. Currently, there are no Mirena class action lawsuits in the U.S., but there are three main groups of individual lawsuits, two in New York and one in New Jersey. So far, Bayer has only offered to settle perforation lawsuits.

I highly recommend all women and men watch The Bleeding Edge about medical device technologies and their biological harm.

As long as working class continue buying capitalist products from his ethylene tree then they will continue destroying themselves and enriching the pockets of their destroyers.

“Ambros bowed as he took oath, exhibiting his sketch in all directions. He waved his counsel aside for the moment. He explained: “This tree of many branches I choose to call the Ethylene Tree to symbolize the Good and Evil in nature.”

Ethylene oxide, he went on, was the trunk which bore many branches “green with peaceful uses” and a few that were rotten with potential destruction. He pointed to lines he had drawn to cut off the rotten branches. Green branches had been his sole interest: soap for dirty soldiers, paint and cleaning agents for vehicles. “I still do not understand why I am here. The collapse promised everything but that I would be arrested.”

At Gerdorf, after those senseless investigations, the Americans had been kind enough to lend him a jeep and driver, to take him back home. Surely, if he had deserved arrest, the French at Ludwigshafen would have picked him up. He’d lived in Ludwigshafen since the mid-1920’s; people there thought he was just born for the place. If Heidelberg was the seat of chemical knowledge, Ludwigshafen was nature’s laboratory; and Ambros was the sort of man who liked earth running through his fingers. At Ludwigshafen, more productive than any other single Farben installation, were planted the synthetic seeds of every Farben product. Ludwigshafen put out the elementary compounds that became hormones and vitamins under Hoerlein at Elberfeld. Ludwigshafen put out the elementary compounds that became hormones and vitamins under Hoerlein at Elberfeld. At Ludwigshafen, the organic roots under careful cultivation grew their first ersatz offshoots. His “mother” was Ludwigshafen, said Ambros; but he owed a good deal, too, to his real father, a professor of agricultural chemistry, who had taken him into the laboratory before he could toddle. It was understandable that, at first sight of Oswiecem, he noted it was “predominantly agricultural terrain.”
When Bosch and Krauch hired Ambros, they got a young man with brains as well as feet in the soil. Bosch, recognizing a young excitable genius, turned him loose to study natural dyes and rosins and yeast breeding and sugar fermentation. Soon the Ethylene Tree was bearing synthetic twigs based on his studies.” – The Devil’s Chemists: 24 Conspirators of the International Farben Cartel Who Manufacture War by Josiah E. DuBose (Prosecutor of IG Farben Directors at the Nuremberg Trials) page 170

(Important to note that the “A” in Sarin stands for Ambros and he fails to explain the chemical weapon or “evil” branches of this synthetic tree to the court.) The tree is not evil, simply biochemically toxic to biological systems from their fossil fuel or ancient dead rooted origins. The petroleum resources to feed that tree are colossal and the rest of the world are paying dearly for it as well.)

Diposting di Pfizer

12 April 2019

Sistem Eksploitasi dan Pembunuhan Lansia Dipersembahkan oleh Johnson & Johnson and Co

Dokumenter Bleeding Edge menyoroti risiko dan cedera perangkat medis.

Https:// v=Gbq-bnuGSbI

Bagaimana kasus demensia dan Parkinson telah “disembuhkan”!

“Bagi banyak manula, penggantian pinggul atau lutut adalah pengubah hidup yang memberi mereka mobilitas mereka kembali.

Namun, untuk jumlah orang lain yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, itu dapat menghilangkan semua yang mereka sayangi.

Dengan kata lain, itu bisa menjadi awal dari akhir.

Kemarin, saya memberi tahu Anda tentang Wild West yang dikenal sebagai industri perangkat
 dan bagaimana FDA akan mengizinkan hampir semua hal di pasar, selama pabrikan dapat menunjuk ke perangkat serupa yang sudah dijual.

Tapi apa yang keterlaluan, menakutkan, dan tragis adalah bahwa ini masih berlaku bahkan jika perangkat sebelumnya telah ditemukan berbahaya dan diingat!

Seburuk apa pun situasinya, ada satu aspek tertentu dari industri perangkat medis yang termasuk dalam kategori mengerikan tersendiri: suku cadang yang digunakan untuk menggantikan lutut, pinggul, dan bahu kita.

Karena ternyata siapa pun yang menjalani operasi penggantian sendi berisiko mengembangkan kondisi yang disebut artroplasti ensefalopati kobalt, atau ACE, tetapi mereka mungkin tidak mengetahuinya — karena gejalanya meniru Parkinson dan bahkan demensia!

Dan jika ada pertanyaan apakah ACE bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, Dr. Kisah Stephen Tower seharusnya meyakinkan Anda sebaliknya.

Dr. Tower adalah ahli bedah ortopedi yang mengetahui suku cadang pengganti ini di dalam dan luar – lagipula, profesinya melibatkan memasukkannya ke dalam pasien!

Jadi, ketika dia sendiri membutuhkan pinggul baru pada tahun 2006, dia tahu persis apa yang dia inginkan — pengganti pinggul metal-on-metal yang dibuat oleh produsen perangkat DePuy.

Awalnya semuanya berjalan dengan baik, Dr. Tower kembali ke bersepeda ekstrem yang dia sukai, jadi dia menganggap operasi itu sukses.

Tapi kemudian, lebih dari setahun setelah operasinya, dia mulai mengalami “bunuhan masalah kesehatan.” Dia mengalami getaran dan dering di telinganya. Namun, itu baru permulaan, karena dia segera didorong ke ambang kegilaan.

Saat menghadiri konferensi medis, dia menjadi sangat tidak tertekuk sehingga dia benar-benar “mencabut” kamar hotelnya saat menderita, seperti yang diingat istrinya, “kerusakan penuh.”

Dan alasannya adalah sesuatu yang tidak pernah dia duga: keracunan kobalt.

Kobalt ditemukan secara alami di kerak bumi..”

(Tapi seperti semua logam dari berbasis non-tanaman akan benar-benar menghancurkan sistem neurologis dan otak.

Untuk memahami mengapa semua logam dari sumber non-tanaman merusak biologi kita, Anda perlu memahami evolusi kita dengan kalsium dan mengapa sebagian besar dokter dan mengapa industrialis amunisi kelas penguasa kartel kita tidak akan pernah mengajarkan ini dalam sistem pendidikan terkontrol mereka. Memanfaatkan kobalt itu gila karena memanfaatkan timbal sebagai bahan dasar untuk mesin biologis
 bagi mereka yang tertarik mengapa logam merusak biologi kita dapat membaca lebih lanjut di tautan di bawah ini.)

Evolusi Kami dengan Kalsium, Logam, dan Mesin Biologis Kami.

(Menjelaskan betapa merusaknya logam bagi tubuh kita karena mereka membajak operasi kalsium)


“Pengujian darah dan urinnya mengungkapkan 100 kali jumlah kobalt yang diharapkan di tubuhnya
 dan seperti yang terungkap dalam film dokumenter The Bleeding Edge, logam beracun datang langsung dari pinggul DuPuy. Gesekan bagian-bagian yang bergesekan (seperti yang dimaksudkan) dapat melepaskan partikel mikroskopis kobalt ke dalam tubuh.

Meskipun mungkin tampak tidak masuk akal bahwa implan ortopedi dapat menyebabkan masalah dengan otak (bahkan Dr. Tower merasa sulit dipercaya pada awalnya), kita sekarang tahu bahwa itu pasti bisa.

Dan meskipun pinggul DuPuy itu, yang kemudian dihilangkan Tower, sejak itu telah ditarik kembali karena “kegagalan sistem,” saat ini dikatakan ada satu juta orang Amerika yang berisiko dari ACE dan masalah kesehatan lainnya karena penggantian sendi.

Pikirkan tentang itu sejenak
 sejuta orang, banyak di antaranya dapat didiagnosis menderita Parkinson atau demensia dan menyebabkan percaya bahwa hidup mereka telah berakhir, padahal, pada kenyataannya, mereka dapat “disembuhkan” dalam hitungan bulan dengan mengeluarkan kobalt dari tubuh mereka.”


Prostesis Pengganti Pinggul Johnson & Johnson & Batang Femoralis

Perjanjian tersebut menyelesaikan lebih dari 95 persen dari 6.000 kasus di mana ahli bedah mengekstraksi implan Pinnacle perusahaan karena mereka membuat pasien tidak dapat berjalan dan kesakitan, menurut laporan tersebut.

Bahan Implan

Produsen menawarkan produk dengan desain berbeda yang terbuat dari berbagai bahan. Sebagian besar perangkat terdiri dari beberapa komponen yang terbuat dari bahan kelas medis yang berbeda. Komponen logam biasanya terdiri dari paduan berbasis titanium atau kobalt-kromium. Bahan-bahan ini dikenal karena daya tahannya, dan memiliki sifat kimia yang stabil (lembam)* sehingga tidak berinteraksi dengan tubuh. Namun, dalam beberapa kesempatan langka, pasien mungkin memiliki alergi terhadap logam tertentu yang mungkin menjadi faktor penentu di mana implan digunakan.

Bahan yang paling umum digunakan untuk memproduksi komponen plastik adalah polietilen dengan berat molekul sangat tinggi. Polyethylene umum di banyak perangkat implan karena kemampuannya untuk meluncur dengan lancar di dalam sendi mekanis dan meniru cara lutut fisik bergerak.

(*Semoga kalian semua akan mengingat banyak postingan saya yang menjelaskan bagaimana “inerts” “inactives” “excipients” dalam obat-obatan mereka sama sekali tidak! Mereka adalah hal-hal yang biasanya menyebabkan cedera paling biologis. Bahkan American Pediatric Association memberikan tinjauan komprehensif yang mencantumkan 97 studi sebagai bukti bahwa “masukan” mereka membunuh dan melukai bayi dan anak-anak. Satu lembam dalam cairan suspensi farmasi putra saya hampir membunuhnya dan menyebabkan dia sangat menderita dan mengapa saya mulai meneliti teknologi inert farmasi sejak awal.)

Apa yang terjadi ketika tidak ada yang mengidentifikasi sumber dan menghapusnya? Cedera dan kematian terus berlanjut

Para tetua kami akhirnya dipindahkan ke pusat perawatan yang dibantu dan dieksploitasi lebih lanjut dan dihancurkan secara biologis.

Panti jompo adalah pusat keuntungan besar untuk penjualan Munisi (alias penjualan farmasi Big Pharma)

A.S. Mengajukan Gugatan Terhadap Johnson & Johnson karena Membayar Suap ke Apotek Panti Jompo Terbesar di Negara Ini..

“Dalam keluhannya terhadap J&J, Amerika Serikat menuduh bahwa perusahaan membayar suap ke Omnicare untuk mendorong perusahaan farmasi panti jompo untuk membeli dan merekomendasikan obat J&J, termasuk obat anti-psikotik Risperdal, untuk digunakan di panti jompo. Menurut pengaduan, J&J memahami bahwa apoteker Omnicare meninjau grafik pasien panti jompo setidaknya setiap bulan dan membuat rekomendasi kepada dokter tentang obat apa yang harus diresepkan untuk pasien tersebut.”

Mereka berada di Komite Gugus Tugas Covid yang menentukan kebijakan banyak negara dan orang-orang mempercayai boneka politik, media, dan sistem pemerintah mereka yang dikendalikan.

“Hampir 90 persen dari 300.000 penghuni panti jompo dengan demensia mendapat obat kuat yang dimaksudkan untuk mengobati penyakit mental serius seperti skizofrenia dan gangguan bipolar pada tahun 2007, kata Inspektur Jenderal Layanan Kesehatan dan Kemanusiaan Daniel R. Levinson. Dalam pernyataan yang mengkhawatirkan, Levinson mencatat keterlibatan perusahaan obat dalam praktik berbahaya ini: “Terlepas dari fakta bahwa meresepkan antipsikotik yang berpotensi mematikan bagi pasien dengan demensia, ada banyak bukti bahwa beberapa perusahaan obat secara agresif memasarkan produk mereka ke populasi tersebut, menempatkan keuntungan sebelum keamanan

Laporan tersebut tidak mengeksplorasi masalah ini, tetapi serangkaian tuntutan hukum dan penyelesaian yang dibantu DHHS menunjukkan bahwa banyak perusahaan farmasi telah mempromosikan obat ini secara tidak benar kepada dokter dan panti jompo selama bertahun-tahun. Misalnya, Eli Lilly mengaku bersalah atas tuduhan kriminal yang terkait dengan pemasaran ilegal obat Zyprexa (olanzapine), termasuk kepada dokter yang merawat pasien panti jompo lanjut usia. Beberapa perusahaan farmasi lainnya — Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Astra Zeneca dan Pfizer — menyelesaikan tuduhan pemerintah bahwa mereka secara tidak benar mempromosikan obat antipsikotik mereka untuk penggunaan yang tidak disetujui. Penuntutan federal tertunda terhadap Johnson & Johnson karena diduga membayar suap jutaan dolar untuk mendorong Omnicare, apotek perawatan jangka panjang terbesar di negara itu, untuk merekomendasikan penggunaan Risperdal dalam merawat pasien panti jompo, banyak di antaranya menderita demensia.”


Wawancara dengan lusinan orang di seluruh negeri mengungkapkan jumlah kematian yang kurang jelas yang diyakini dokter telah didorong bukan oleh pengabaian tetapi oleh keadaan mental yang jatuh ke dalam keputusasaan oleh isolasi yang berkepanjangan ̶ tercantum pada beberapa sertifikat kematian sebagai “kegagalan untuk berkembang.” Seorang ahli panti jompo yang menganalisis data dari 15.000 fasilitas negara untuk The Associated Press memperkirakan bahwa untuk setiap dua korban COVID-19 dalam perawatan jangka panjang, ada orang lain yang meninggal sebelum waktunya karena penyebab lain. “Kelebihan kematian” di luar tingkat kematian normal di panti jompo bisa berjumlah lebih dari 40.000 sejak Maret.”


“Undang-undang konspirasi umum, 18 U.S.C. § 371, menciptakan pelanggaran “[i]f dua orang atau lebih berkonspirasi baik untuk melakukan pelanggaran apa pun terhadap Amerika Serikat, atau untuk menipu Amerika Serikat, atau agensinya dengan cara apa pun atau untuk tujuan apa pun. (penekanan