I was fooled in thinking that both George HW Bush and George W Bush were good people

I was fooled in thinking that both George HW Bush and George W Bush were good people. I believed at the time that the war in Iraq was justified, but I saw some things about 9/11 throughout the year that did NOT sit right with me.
Thank goodness for the Information Age and being able to research to learn the truth about 9/11 and it was indeed a False Flag. Just know that our own government has been instigating Wars around the country to further their own Agenda! There are too many to mention, so I may do a thread one day on all of this, but just know that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from within and Obama taking out Gaddafi in Libya was carry out to stop Gaddafi’s whose objective of the new currency was to divert Oil revenues towards the State controlled funds, rather than American banks, in other words it was aimed at stopping the use of the Dollar for Oil which the Globalist Elites who owns the Federal Reserve Banks would NOT allow! This was also to keep NESARA from being implemented, so that the Elites can control us by keeping us in debt. Food shortage, Depopulation, The WHO treaty, Digital ID, WWIII, banks collapsing etc are ALL intentional to usher in the New World Order!
Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Biden are all just puppets for the Globalist Elites! Why does the Globalist Elites want to do away with both Trump and Putin, neither will be controlled to go along with the NWO!
You wonder why more journalists don’t speak out when many know the truth is because how they unjustly persecuted Julian Assange for exposing U.S. War Crimes!

Becareful of those who were once affiliated with the WEF, the WEF knows they can’t get to their end goal because people are waking up, so they have installed people in prominent positions that will say what we want to hear to gain our trust, but they are really there to help implement the NWO Ie. those who wants Digital ID, push Covid Jab, transhumanism, fake meats, brain chip etc. anything that goes against the nature of what God intended.


