Wednesday 14 August 2024


A Profound Declaration - by D. Marks

To The Mainstream Media

Every time you write "roadkill," I will mention dirty CIA regime-change wars and our $35 trillion debt. 

Every time you write "barbecued goat," I will invoke normalized government censorship, vanishing topsoil, threatened wilderness, the epidemics of addiction and loneliness, the deaths of despair, and the world’s largest chronic disease burden. 

Every time you write "vaccine crank,” I will remind you of an industry with a well-documented track record of putting profits before people, an industry with unreliable regulatory oversight, an industry which is one of the most powerful entities in the world. 

Every time you write “fringe,” I will remind you of my pledge to heal the divide and center us in our shared humanity. 

Every time you write "brain worm," I will mention our blundering foreign policy, which has helped bring our precious earth to the brink of World War III. 

Your opportunistic fidelity to a monstrous status quo has turned you into the Red Herring Machine. 

The Defamation Industrial Complex. 

The Abettor of the Social Lie. 

We are a beautiful but polarized and ailing nation. The more you smear me, the more I'll keep speaking.



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