Friday, 30 August 2024


Israel Israel über alles...

Please define Democracy.
I suspect that many on my blog are Hasbara Trolls... wolf in sheep clothing.
They do anything... except being honest and truthful.
That is not only for me but for all honest creators here on Substack.
Honesty and Truth are virtues that can never be sacrificed... and if one does that atones to suicide.
I see many dead man walking... rotten from the inside... and look no further than Pedo Joe Biden.
Or Ursula von der Leyen.
Rotten, blind, authoritarian Liars driven by an Ideology they need to hide from the masses they fool.
Which brings me to my Question:
Please define Democracy.
If Democracy is defined by "The rule of the People" then by extension the people want war, right?
How come that people all over the world oppose this war and take it to the streets in record numbers?
What is more telling is that these people are now being labeled as extremists and terrorists because they stand up against Genocide... against war... and against blind destruction.
Simple people who want a simple life simply stand up for what is right... yet they are being marginalized as terrorists and extremists by an ever increasing Authoritarian culture that has lost its touch if it ever had one with reality if there ever was anything real in their life.
Spoon fed by Hypocrisy and ritual elitism the people in power who claim Authority have nothing to show but blanks and if anyone takes a look behind their facade they find behind the surface of their lies the connection of a web of deception designed to control those in power that they dare not step out of line.
What do you call a minority that wants to rule the majority?
It is called a Dictatorship.
A Dictatorship worse than the Nazis... and all in power are controlled by the hidden hand.
And all in power sing the Devils tune:
Israel Israel über alles
Über alles in der welt.

And if you think I am overstating this...  think again.
The cartoon top of the page was created by Glen Le Lievre some 10 years ago.
It was published in the Sydney Morning Herald and as a result of "Jewish Outrage" he was fired the same day.
It is a screenshot just to show you how this Propaganda Machine of Armchair Fascists work.
The deeper you dig the more rotten it gets... and at the core we are prepared gaslighted into a situation of no return.
These Armchair Fascists have a name.. "Hasbara Trolls".
Hasbara is an Hebrew word defined as explanation. The purpose of Hasbara is to explain and educate western people about the Israeli mission. Hasbara can take many forms, adverts, websites, comments on blogs, letter writing, protests and so on.
The term "explanation" is a double edge sword... for one they have nothing to educate or explain to me... and second they are ideological scum that has no shred of humanity inside and its real purpose... the true purpose of Hasbara is Propaganda Lies and Deception.
"By the way of Deception we will wage war".
Many of them are volunteers working from home.... still they are being paid more than you.
Many of them are paid activists ready to resume "Jewish Outrage" should anyone criticize Israel... at the message of an app... always on standby... read to deceive.
All of them are being well funded and remunerated simply for being Jewish.
Question: Are you being paid to be you?
If everyone was paid for being themselves... there would be no poverty in this world.
Yet the Jews are being paid to defend Jewish atrocities... demonstrate at the click of a button... and it gets darker the deeper you dig... giving the Jewish leaders an absolution for Genocide.
This makes the Nazi Propaganda machine pale in comparison.
These Armchair Fascist... Hasbara Trolls... Fact Checkers... they are everywhere.
Your Government employs them and the WEF has recruited already more than 110 000.
This is a private Propaganda Gestapo / Stasi which has the capabilities through Israelis Unit8200 and its subsequent involvement in the espionage / Telekom / Facial Recognition / Surveillance industries of Data accumulation AI and Intelligence Analytics.
It is all a preparation for a private World Government that is Fascist in Nature led by the WEF IMF WHO.   
They claim Authority over you... which is a Lie... a Lie by which they live to deceive you.
There is a Catch on which they fall...
To create this World Government of their evil Intent they need to collapse the Nations.
They do so from within.
But doing so they admit their Guilt... which gives us... every citizen... the right to remove them at will at any given time.
Leaders are elected by a mandate of representation of the people.
They do not have absolute Authority... and they certainly do not have Authority to give away... outsource if you will... outsource Fascism.
If they claim absolute Authority or give it away to outsource Fascism they act Illegally... as they do... and can be legally removed today.
This is also the reason this... Illegal Biden Administration... is so hell-bent on the January 6 Demonstrators to execute... as to put the fear of Authority into your mind... because fear is the most basic fuel for any Dictatorship to flourish. 
Joe Biden Ursula von der Leyen Macron Sunak Netanyahu... they are all Dictators... not one elected through the will of the people... all Jewish Zionist Dictators that acquired their position by lies deception and a clever manipulation of a system they control.
All of them have taken away the rights of their own people and made life worse.
All of them have tried to mandate an Illegal Vaxxine on behalf of the WEF Depopulation Agenda.
All of them against al legality fuel the Population replacement aka Immigration.
All of them are Authoritarian Dictators that have no right to exist.
And we have the right to remove them today.
We need to reset them... before they reset us.

Inside Israel’s million dollar troll army

A global influence campaign funded by the Israeli government had a $1.1 million budget last year, a document obtained by The Electronic Intifada shows.
Act.IL says it has offices in three countries and an online army of more than 15,000.
In its annual report, from January, Act.IL says its goal is to “influence foreign publics” and “battle” BDS – the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights.
Through its app, Act.IL issues “missions” to this troll army in exchange for “cool prizes” and scholarships.
The app directs comments towards news websites in support of Israeli wars and racism, while attacking Palestinians and solidarity campaigners.

Announcing the news on a WEF podcast, UN communications director Melissa Fleming said “So far, we’ve recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of ‘digital first-responders’ in those spaces where misinformation travels.”

Also on the podcast, mainstream journalist Mark Little sets out potential solutions to the so-called “infodemic.”
Little has worked for Twitter and founded Storyful, a social media news agency closely linked to the fact-checking program. He has now launched Kinzen, a company which is threatening to use artificial intelligence to censor online content on behalf of the elites.

Here is a Video about this Troll Army.

But like always this is just the tip tip of the iceberg and not even scratching the Surface.
The greatest Hasbara Trolls are public figures and connect directly to the Mossad.
People like Jeff Bezos Rupert Murdoch (Sky) Keir Starmer Suella Braverman and Piss Morgan.
For those who don't know...
Robert Maxwell was the Owner of the Mirror Group... a self declared "rival" of Rupert Murdoch.
Yet they were / are both extreme Zionists who propagate Zionism and the "Israel über alles" mantra through their media.
They are both two sides of the same Zionist coin and operate in murky waters.
Robert Maxwell was a Mossad Agent... and a Labour MP just like Keir Starmer.
I am not suggesting that Keir Starmer is a Mossad agent... I bet my sorry arse he is.
His hardline stance on the Palestinian Genocide tells me so.
You can see this happening in real time with the propaganda in this so called Hamas war.
The Jews justify the bombing of a Hospital because they found a bottle of wine that could potentially be made into a Molotov  cocktail by Hamas... killing in the name of...

They claim that there are tunnels under these Hospitals... which is true... for every Hospital in the world. They are called "Maintenance Tunnels" and supply every hospital in the world not just with electricity wastewater and other necessities but also emergency entry and exit necessary in case there is a big emergency.
By the way I make no difference between Jews and Zionists like it or not because they both take the benefits so both must take the blame... and IMHO not enough Jews speak out against this World Domination Ideology which is what Zionism really is.
So they lie to us openly willingly and into our face by omitting the truth and propagating an excuse justifying their Genocidal approach to a situation which was entirely made planned and executed by them... yet they dare still to play the victim card.
This is a new definition of evil worse than ever before made by the same people who claim to be victims yet play us like the fiddler on the roof.

Any Jew in any position in power is 100% at some stage approached by the Mossad.
And then they face two options:
Work for us and get more... more money... more connections... more power... or we will destroy you.
So any Jew in any position of Power is with certainty a Mossad Agent... because they live.
Robert Maxwell died on a boat "Lady Ghislane"... apparently he couldn't swim in murky waters.
Maxwell was too much of a crook that he had to go.
Rupert Murdoch bought the Mirror Group because he was a better agent than Maxwell... keeping a lower public profile.
This is the Modus Operandi when you are evil... you buy a public Media Company like Bezos with the WAPO so no one complains about Amazon and its slavery... or Twitter now X.
Robert Maxwell had a Friend... Jeffry Epstein who with 1000% certainty was a Mossad Agent.
Maxwell's daughter Ghislane joined Epstein in getting public figures like Bill Gates the Clintons Prince Andrew Richard Branson Trump and many more hooked up in the "Israel über alles" Temple with anything that crawls in particular minors so they can be controlled.
Lex Wexner (Victoria's Secret) follows the same MO.
And so is Piss Morgan.
Maxwell's father was the media tycoon Robert Maxwell, who was once a Member of Parliament and the owner of the Mirror group of newspapers.  Morgan was the editor of the Daily Mirror, one of the UK's leading tabloids, between 1995-2004, but never worked for Maxwell.

Piers Morgan... you know Donald Trump's Friend is the Joseph Goebbels of the privatized Fascist Operation the WEF calls World Government.
He is with certainty controlled if not financed but surely supported by the Mossad.
You see it within everything he does... he spews & spins every argument in such a way you'd think it was Hamas having nukes and Jews live in the Gaza strip.

So let's go back and see how Piers the Mossad Agent hacked the voice mail of a dead teenager.
Milly Dowler.
Milly Dowler was a 13-year-old English schoolgirl who was abducted and murdered by Levi Bellfield (Levi is a Jewish name)  in 2002. She was found dead in a wood in 2002 after a nationwide search.

Here are the undisputed facts.

Reporters from the Mirror Group Newspapers under the stewardship of Piers Morgan targeted the mobile phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.
This has emerged in a civil case at the High Court brought by 71 claimants, including Prince Harry and the author and actor David Williams, against Mirror Group Newspapers.

On page 279 of his 2005 book, The Insider, which was presented as if it was a diary, Morgan wrote, under the date 26 January 2001, that he had been warned that people might be listening to his voicemails. He went on to explain:

“Apparently, if you don’t change the standard security code that every phone comes with, then anyone can call your number, and if you don’t answer, tap in the standard four-digit code to hear all your messages. I’ll change mine just in case, but it makes me wonder how much public figures and celebrities are aware of this little trick.”

Morgan has accepted vagueness about dates but, when he was questioned about this at the Leveson Inquiry – held in 2011-12 into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the exposure of the phone-hacking scandal – he did not seek to retreat from it.
Therefore, by his own admission, he knew at least in early 2001 how phone-hacking was done and that people were at risk – more than five years before the first journalist was arrested for it. 
He must also have known that it was illegal.
So what did he do with this knowledge?
Turning A Blind Eye.

Strikingly, that is what had happened in Ireland at the Irish edition of Morgan’s own paper. In 1998, a Mirror reporter in Dublin hacked the voicemails of the then Irish Prime Minister and promptly made the fact public on the front page to demonstrate the dangers.
That means under Piers Morgan the practice of Illegally hacking into voicemail was known at least three years before his own public admission probably more and more widespread than he ever would admit.
Nothing prevented Morgan from doing something similar to a dead teenager.
Yet today this scrummy scumbag claims to have a "Moral Highground" when it comes to Gaza... pathetic... coming from someone that never showed any morality whatsoever in his life.
You better change your Password.
Today we have Whatsapp and Telegram adding to this which are a million times worse.
Which is why I have neither.
Bill Gates is a Million times worse... 
Bill Gates is part of this privatized Genocide Machine... not just that but actively killing Millions through his fake Vaxxine but also supplying Israel with Intel (Whatsapp Instagram Outlook) about anything they like.
There are subdivisions in Gates Companies that are staffed with Unit8200 Soldiers (active) providing the Israeli Government at will with anything they want.
What does the Israeli Government want?
Genocide and World Domination whilst playing the Victim.
By any and all Laws... Bill Gates deserved the Death Penalty a million times and more.
He is in the pockets of the Israeli Government who are themselves controlled by the Rothchilds.
His friendship with Jeffry Epstein Klaus Schwab and others proves as much... as do his genocidal experiments on Humanity in faraway places that no one knows... because the evidence can be erased and contained.
By comparison... Joseph Mengele was a Humanitarian... Gates is Mengele squared by infinity.
This Genocidal Maniac approach mirrors the MO of the Mossad.
This extends to the WHO which is all part of the Great Zionist Masterplan for World Domination.
And the WHO is financed by Bill Gates (a Zionist puppet).
Bill Gates is worse...a Zionist puppet that was friends with a Jewish pedophile that raped women and has ties to the Israeli Government.
So what does the WHO do with all the money bill Gates gives to them?
I mean apart from genetic experiments in faraway places no one knows about?
That's right folks... raping Children.
Yep the WHO is raping Children... you can't make this shit up.
Following the Epstein MO with impunity...

WHO employees took part in Congo sex abuse during Ebola crisis, report says

At least 21 of the accused were employed by WHO.
Some victims became pregnant, forced to abort.
Some of the more than 104 victims were as young as 13 years old.

But if we learned anything from the Jeffry Epstein Friendship that Bill Gates has it is this:
They are not rape victims... they are simply underage hookers.
So the WHO paid them... $250 hush money.

Internal documents obtained by The Associated Press show that the World Health Organization has paid $250 each to at least 104 women in Congo who say they were sexually abused or exploited by Ebola outbreak responders.

But we must do give some credit to Bill Gates Friend... Dr. Tedros.
He is doing great work... to cover up the crimes of this rapist cabal.

WHO Director Tedros Has a Long History of Cover-Ups: Gatestone Institute: “WHO officials have complained privately that Ethiopian officials are not telling the truth about these outbreaks. Testing for Vibrio cholerae bacteria, which cause cholera, is simple and takes less than two days…. United Nations officials said more aid could have been delivered to Ethiopia had the truth been told.” — The New York Times, May 13, 2017.

Tedros dismissed the accusations against him by playing the race card. He said that criticism of him stemmed from a “typical colonial mind-set aimed at… discrediting a candidate from a developing country.” — The New York Times, May 13, 2017.

And of course Tedros the Cover up covers up because Tedros is employed to cover up shit like that.
Imagine how he would cover up a genetic engineered Ebola outbreak Gain of Function style...
Because this is what all the signs tell me...
They plan an Ebola Outbreak with a highly transmissible Gain of Function modified Ebola Virus.
In order to understand this we should look at the definition of Gain of Function:

Gain-of-function research (National Library of Medicine)


The term Gain-of-Function (GoF) describes the gain of new functions by organisms through genetic changes, which can naturally occur or by experimental genetic modifications. Gain-of-Function research on viruses is enhancing transmissibility, virus replication, virulence, host range, immune evasion or drug and vaccine resistance to get insights into the viral mechanisms, to create and analyze animal models, to accelerate drug and vaccine development and to improve pandemic preparedness. A subset is the GoF research of concern (GOFROC) on enhanced potentially pandemic pathogens (ePPPs) that could be harmful for humans. A related issue is the military use of research as dual-use research of concern (DURC). Influenza and coronaviruses are main research targets, because they cause pandemics by airborne infections.

There you have it in black & white straight from the horse's mouth: 
To "accelerate drug and vaccine development and to improve pandemic preparedness.".
This is the only reason for GoF research.

Let me translate it for you:
We are helping you to prepare for a virus that doesn't exist yet but we are working on it.
We are helping you to enjoy our product which is Vaxxines at discount prices.
At the meantime we are financing the Labrats to create the most deadly virus ever, shall you refuse to buy our product.
And if you chose our wonderful product:
Any risk of taken it will be totally on you... the company has no responsibility whatsoever.
Any side effects are totally wanted.

In short:

Die by Vaxxination or die by the next Pandemic which will be deadly Ebola GoF.
There is a hack...
When you achieve GoF on a Virus... when this is the aim as it stands... why not give the Virus the power to basically change the DNA?
Imagine what you could do with a technology like that.
You create a Virus that can change the DNA of a Human being on a genetic level.
You could also train the Virus to attack a specific strand of DNA.
This is something I call "Genetically targeted Biological warfare".
You create a deadly Virus with the ability to activate only on a specific strand of DNA.
If you ever wondered where the MRNA technology came from... from this... GoF research.
MRNA or Messenger RNA is necessary if you create a Biological weapon such as Covid, Corona or Ebola and with a genetic switch to activate it.
So the MRNA is a product of GoF research which is essentially what was going on in this Lab.
Dr. Robert Malone always tells us that there were five Nobel Prize winners in this lab and him.
Ghee I wonder who these people were and what virus they modified.
Five Nobel Prize winners... that is a heavy load... a lot of fire power.
What were they working on?
Who recruited them?
What are the results of their work?
Who paid them?
We don't know... they don't tell us.
All we know is that the MRNA is a product of GoF research by necessity of existenz.
It is a delivery system for Biological Warfare... by necessity of existenz.

And I can tell you one more thing... who is paying for it.
By necessity of existenz and by the very definition of GoF research the beneficiary of financing such a research would be those who sell you the Vaxxine... Bill Gates.
Bill Gates is already breeding Mosquitoes that are Genetically Modified.
Mosquitoes as a delivery system for Biological Warfare... unchecked... just like MRNA.
And we know he is a Zionist that wants to reduce the population.
And he does so by forcing us into Vaxxination by creating the next pandemic with help from Klaus Schwab Harvard Darpa the IMF WHO WEF... Mafia style... Zionist Mafia that is.
We know that many people died because of his work which is Vaxxine... on behalf of the elitarian Transhumanist Autocracy... secular Fascist Movement.
And we have seen his gulp when he explained us the big profits from his Investment.
Therefore me thinks it is logical to assume he invests in GoF research... being the beneficiary of it.
I don't say or assume that Bill Gates financed Dr. Robert Malone GoF research and that this resulted in the MRNA technology... that was financed by the CIA /Mossad or any other secret Agency.
Bill Gates simply took up on this, provided of course by them...
Compartmentalization... this is how they work.
Split the work... then tell the workers the specifics... but do not let them understand how it all works together.
Bill Gates does understand it... and his glee when he tells us about it... I bet he gets an erection with the anticipation of how many people he will kill.
Can you Imagine a Satanic Ritual with Bill Gates where Bill Gates gets his arse fucked by Jeffry Epstein on the Israel Temple on Epstein Island?
I can... fits right in.
And this man is growing your food now.
Food that is genetically enhanced so that you don't need to be jabbed... the Vaxxine is basically in the food... how nice.
It could be interpreted by some conspiracy theorists as " Weaponizing the Food".
But I don't.
I say it is all a part of a deliberate plan to reduce population and replace them with technology and the rest controlled by AI.
Bill Gates is financing Genocide.
Not only that... he also finances the WHO which by next year by default under the Global Pandemic Treaty will have the power to call a pandemic and seize power... basically.

The WHO has a target date of May 2024 for a legally binding agreement to be adopted by the UN health agency's 194 member countries.

Sing for Absolution... so the WHO essentially Bill Gates wants to be in charge by May 2024... legally binding.
Seems to be that Mr. Gates is a bit more ambitious than I thought.
But hey it's not as if the WHO tries to undermine national sovereignty... or is it?

I suppose by this time next year I have to refer to Mr. Gates as "Mein Führer!"
He came he saw we died.
Oh where did we find similarities to such events me wonders...

How the Clintons robbed and destroyed Haiti

The imprint of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton is indelible. The couple’s presence and impact on the Caribbean island have brought nothing but prolonged despair for the Haitians. Their elusive and opaque deals in the country have not done anything to alleviate the country out of poverty depths. The purported interests of helping Haiti from its myriad of problems have only caused stagnation in Haiti

Their history with the country dates back to 1975 when they had their honeymoon there. If there is an unpopular couple in Haiti, it definitely has to be the Clintons; for they are held in contempt and in despicable terms. What the Clintons did is unforgivable to the Haitians.

But hey it's not that the Clintons were sour grapes because Hillary wanted the White house for her bitchy self...or is it?

But Pedo Joe Biden is the most popular president ever and more people voted for him than for any other candidate ever in the history of the USA...
It has nothing to do of course with the fact that DOMINION voting machines can switch any vote according to this patent filed by Dominion itself.

Application filed by Dominion Voting Systems Inc


Methods, systems, and devices are described for electronically correcting votes made on voter-marked paper ballots

The present invention relates to optical scan voting systems in general and, in particular, to optical scan voting systems including methods and systems for electronically modifying and/or confirming votes in voter-marked paper ballots.

In the name Dominion they reveal their Intent.
Dominion over you.. and they shared an office with George Soros... which reveals who is behind it.
The Term "electronically correcting" suggests the true motive on how the Zionist Elite deems us unworthy and untrustworthy to make a decision... in this case voting but it extends to every part of society.

So they make decisions for us... which I resent.

Just trying to summarize this a little...
Once there was a Mossad Agent Robert Maxwell that had a friend... Jeffry Epstein who run "Victoria's underage sisters secret" in much of the way Les Waxner does... with hidden cameras everywhere in a "fuck kids and get stuffed" scheme with the help of Maxwell's daughter Ghislane and the Mossad .
It is essentially a political scheme that allows a minority to have control through bribery and blackmail.
Admission to this club is exclusive to people in politics and power such as Bill Clinton Bill Gates Prince Andrew and other useful Idiots.
The Clintons were extremely annoyed by the fact that the public sussed them out and quite frankly don't like them much... so they rigged the Selection in favor of another unpleasantry member of the Clinton Zionist Mafia... a man described by his daughter as a pedophile... Joe Biden.
Joe Biden who couldn't fill a parking lot with dead corpses to listen to his crap worked for the Clinton Mafia and brought USA Biological Weapons research to Ukraine which forced Putin to invade Ukraine to counter this threat.
Meanwhile the Zionist Mafia in Ukraine who staged a coup in 2014 (with the help of Obama the Clinton Mafia and the USA) to steal there the selection under Igor Kolomoisky the "Godfather" of the Zionist Mafia in Ukraine employs another member of the Zionist Mafia Voldimir Zelensky who still plays a Ukraine Politician but this time on the world stage...
His catchphrase is: "Give me money".
Russia and China make good enemies because most people don't understand their Language... their writing system...  culture or history.
Making education a premium.. available only for the rich... and you create an invisible boundary... an invisible wall... where the Inmates rely on your information you supply.
The Rothchild scum family prior to funding the revolution in both countries created Communism so that these countries would have a different political system to be less understood to add to this invisible wall and the picture of these as enemies installed in the general consciousness by the Mass Mind control Media which is also run by the Zionist Mafia... all the world is a stage.
1984 anyone?

Meanwhile the next stage is already set and that is world Government.
We all know who this is too... the WEF UN & Klaus Schwab.
And we know Gates and Schwab as is Warren Buffet the Koch Brothers the Rockefellers Elon Musk they are all friends & friends of Israel mostly Jewish but all Zionists.
People like Gates & Musk are definitely controlled from behind the curtain.
Gates gives you the Vaxxine... Musk the AI.
Inevitably they both work for the same interest which is total control for a population that is reduced in numbers.
STARLINK is essential for that.

Elon Musk's SpaceX and T-Mobile announce cooperation

What people do not know about this is the underlying common denominator which is Israel Unit8200 Zionism and World Government.
Ori Cohen and Stas Khimer are both CEO's of T-Mobile and are both part of the Unit 8200 Alumini which brought the world Narus Carnivore and Pegasus.

STARLINK works together with AI.
Again this is warfare to ensure their minority control.

Rheinmetall Air Defence: Skynex

Basically this gives Israel as a country a unique advantage over every other country which they use as leverage over every other country.
A leverage they use with Impunity.
A leverage they will use to accumulate more power.
A leverage they will use to install their world Government.

This world Government will not be your Friend.
Too much work by them has been put into place that they give up on their megalomaniac ambitions.
Too much deception and Lies on their end has been put in.
So much that a mere whisper of the Truth becomes a storm... a storm that brings down their house of Cards... whisper my name...
The chip they want to put inside us is called NEURAL LACE.
This technology has been supplied to you through the Vaxxination program revealing the cooperation with Musk Gates and the WEF under Zionist leadership.

Again Compartmentalization is the key as it works together with other technologies to reveal their plan.
At the same time technology has advanced to such a level that we can now build CPU's on an Atomic level using Graphene and Nanowires.

Their plan is simple.
Population replacement.
Total totalitarian control.
Don't take my word for it...

Google agreed to invest up to $2 billion in Anthropic, building on its earlier investment in the artificial-intelligence company and adding fuel to the race between startups trying to achieve the next big breakthrough in the emerging technology.

This adds to the AI Supercomputer NVIDIA is building in Israel.
This adds to the AI Bill Gates is funding.
This adds to the AI Elon Musk is funding.

Endgame: Project Omega... AI Government

They already are pushing DNA as Identification for a Biometric ID.


Starting Date May 2024.
WHO take over by introducing a fake Pandemic with a deadly Ebola GoF Pandemic.
The next Pandemic as promised by Bill Gates.
And if you think you can escape their AI Fascism think again...
They are already building AI into every device.
They call it Tensor nodes.
What it really is, is this:
Tensor nodes on a CPU are placeholders that allow AI to take over any CPU and Device before the operation System without any operation system installed.

Those who control AI control the world... Klaus Schwab.

Give me control over the Money and I care not who makes the Laws... Mayer Amshell Rothchild

If my sons don't make wars there will be none... Gutle Schnapper Rothchild

It is a long standing plan to take over the world by force lies and deception.
The key to this deception is Solomons Key.

The Seal of Solomon (known also as the Ring of Solomon) is believed to be a signet ring that belonged to King Solomon of Israel. This ring is thought by some to have magical powers, and it originates in Jewish tradition. Nevertheless, the Seal of Solomon can also be found in later Islamic and Western occultism, as both of these adopted it from Jewish tradition. As a symbol, the Seal of Solomon is still in use today, and one of its simplest depictions is either as a pentagram or as a hexagram, the latter being similar to the Star of David.

Using this ring, Solomon began to bring demons under his control, beginning with Ornias, the demon who had been tormenting the son of Solomon’s master workman. By questioning the demons whom he summoned, Solomon was able to learn their names, how they persecuted human beings, and how they could be countered. Additionally, the king was able to make these demons work for him.

The Freemasons in particular in their Lodges practice the summoning of Demons based on Jewish Traditions and Solomon's Key.
Demons Angels Dragons... what it really is... life.
Life that exists as energy alone as a proof that we are living in a living Universe.

However we are educated to comply with their plan... their deception... lies by omission.
We can change this today.
However many of those in power have been and are members of Freemasons and other similar Occult Societies.
Many have been taken over... becoming hosts of the enemy within.
And as they become puppets for the hidden hand they become more Inhumane by the second.
Just look at this war in Israel.
The Timing of it could not be more telling.
The IDF was told to stand down for 7 h.
Exactly the same way the US Air defense was told to stand down on 9/11 by Donald Rumsfeld.
Hamas was created by and for that purpose.
The attack started on Oct 7 at 7 am and the IDF stood down for 7h.

Beginners Guide to Liber 777 (Aleister Crowley)

This war must end and it must end now.

Anyone who supports this war and all wars..  you are Nazis.
I hope someone kills your mother in front of you burns your houses your synagogue your church and rapes your sister so you get a taste of what war is like.
In 1914 the Opposing Forces made a legendary ceasefire .
Unlike Hamas and Israel who are both Idiots... the Germans and the British made an Impromptu truce and even played Football matches together.
Can you Imagine Israel and Hamas playing a friendly Football match?
No fucking way.

I'm Free
To do what I want
Any old time

This war disturbs my Freedom
That makes me angry... and I'm right pissed off.
I think we all should go to the houses of those who want war and burn them down.
Start with Biden Pelosi Clinton Obama Yellen Blinken.
Burn their houses down to the Ground.
Show them what war means.
Only then we have peace.


Fritz Freud,



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