Friday, 30 August 2024


One more thing about Mind Control

Do you know of "Waiting for Godot"? by Samuel Becket?
It is a bit like "Waiting for the Apocalypse" by the Christians.
Essentially it is gaslighting.
Waiting for the sun to shine...
Like the guy standing under the bridge waiting for it to collapse.
Like the guy standing under a tree waiting for the blitz.
Like the people dancing and shouting: "Oh god what do we do" watching a blasting chord slowly creeping to its explosive inevitability...
Along comes the fool and extinguishes the blasting chord... and now the crowd hits on him for taking their fun away... you can't please everybody least of all fools...
The big problem is... if we know it will happen we can undo it... we can unmake it before it is ever made.
All it takes is courage..
We should simply say: "We will not comply and we stand in your way"... and this will undo the curse.

I have an Idea...
Lets put all our efforts... all of our efforts from every corner in this world together and build a giant bomb.
And then we blast ourselves into heaven... Hallelujah.

If you knew the Titanic would sink... why bother taking the trip?
The sinking of the Titanic was orchestrated by its owner, American financier J.P. Morgan, in order to kill three prominent businessmen who opposed the formation of the Federal Reserve.
These men opposed globalist's world banks (Federal Reserve). 
Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus, [and John] Jacob Astor [all] opposed the new Federal Reserve bank. 
All three of these men were aboard the Titanic when it sank. All three died that night.
And just like then... the same scum stirs through Bohemian Grove Bilderberg WEF IMF and WHO Human society into a slow motion car crash that is planned to end in WW3.
Everyone is stirred against everyone from the top.
And this is only possible through fraud and criminal activities all of them Jewish Bankers are guilty of.
We know what they plan... and we can take ourselves out of the equation.
Let the Financial System collapse... it don't work anyway not for us.
They don't own me...
We can simply cull them and take all they own which is us and take it back.
Let the Rednecks shoot to kill the Bankers... I have no problem with that... oh and don't miss any of the politicians WEF and Bill Gates.
But we can also take all of what is ours... which is everything... create new institutions which serve us and let the old ones die of hunger and starvation.
Simple as this.
All it takes is courage.
We then can build a much better world where 99% of the problems created by them demons of Humanity vanish in the fog of the night and open a bright future... a golden era of Humanity it has never seen before.
All it takes is courage.
Let it all collapse and push it further.
Push them into self destruction instead of them pushing us.
Don't bother when they cling onto their Gold and drown in the Oceans of time... let them drown... them and their henchmen alike.
To destroy us they have to involve us... involve us in a war of their planning... their making... but they are chickenhawks... foul loud war mongering maggots sliming Humanity to extinction.
Don't engage but start building a new future for their end will inevitably come... start planning now and we will be far ahead... I know I am.

Ever they destroyed my life for creating a groundbreaking new technology that really is the doorway to a new future for all of Humanity... I live by this Quote of Nikola Tesla who lived through the same destruction of his life as i live through mine.
By no means am I anything near Nikola Tesla... he remains the greatest Inventor of all times.
And Jullian Assange has been treated in much the same way.
But the highest form of existenz is to do something no one else has done before.
Only then you realize that everything is possible and that there are no problems... only solutions.
Which then raises the Question why we are not allowed to solve the problems we are facing.
The answer will always be because of a small minority who call themselves Jews who want to sink Earthship Terra just like they sunk the Titanic.

We will be all right because we can build a new and better world without them... without their rules... without the WHO... without the WEF... we can simply render all these institutions meaningless and dissolve them.
Start planning now.
They are busy trying to engage us into mutual assured self destruction... don't engage.
We don't need their vaxx and they can't force us.
We don't need their money we make our own.
We don't need their war and we must punish them for war... for war is a crime.
All it takes is courage.
While they work on our downfall we can work on our resurrection and bury them deep.

I Am the Resurrection

Don't waste your words
I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been
Or what you plan to do

Stone me, why can't you see
You're a no-one nowhere washed up baby
Who'd look better dead?
Your tongue is far too long
I don't like the way it sucks and slurps
Upon my every word

I am the resurrection and I am the life
I couldn't ever bring myself
To hate you as I'd like

Economics is a bold face lie. 
The creation of Money out of thin air by the FED IMF and EZB which are all private Banks controlled by the Rothschild Cabal is the problem. That must be taken from them. 
We need to control Money Food and water so they cannot poison us. Education must be free and for a lifetime. Research must be open and available free and include as many people as possible. Knowledge must be spread across all of Humanity.
We can't wait for them do it for us... they never did.
We must do it for ourselves.
Why wait for a bad thing to happen when one man can make all the difference in this world?
Courage is contagious.. and so is fear..
And therein lies the problem as does the solution.
Within every problem lies the solution... such is the duality of things.

You see... the deeper works of Mind Control is Mouth Control.
A mind controlled by fear does fear to speak out about Mind Control.
But as we are a reflection of each others... our fear reflect back upon us.
So if we allow others to fear Authority we allow Authority to be feared.
Authority loves that.
And that is the general purpose of Mind Control... to allow fear to spread through the population as a currency... and rule through control of the current.
Money is the current.
Money sells fear... fear of being poor... fear of being rich... fear of being alive... fear of being dead.
The fear of losing... the fear of paying tax... the fear of losing out...through this fear people are controlled... and this fear is perpetuated by thugs of the Government Slavery System... even thought the Money is owned by a private hand.
And the Government is owned by this private hand.
The Government fears the Truth... as do the Jewish Bankers.
Thing is they are fucking with our mind in order to install fear.
And if we show resistance they are punishing us harder... financially... job wise... and it will get worse i.e Social Credit.
Thing is... if you... and I mean you... me you everyone... if we stay silent and don't speak out... we are bastards in arms with our oppressors for we allow by our silence the others that depend on us to speak out... to stay silent.
With every voice raised and heard two of them will vanish... such is the nature of things.
Raise your voice and be silent no more.
All it takes is courage.
And courage is contagious.

If we stay silent... what do the others do? Stay silent too.
Our children first and foremost.
As such we condemn by our silence others to eternal slavery.
You let your children die because you did not as much as raise your voice against this tsunami of lied and mass induced madness.

The Generations that come after us will be eternal slaves because we stayed slient.
That is not an option... silent I will be no more.
Excuses is all I ever hear...
Oh I just followed orders... I just did do nothing... i just this... i just that...
Whenever someone starts to talk to me starting with "Oh I just..."... I stop him there; please spare me you excuses.

My ex wife wanted to come back to me but she was 10 min late.
She asked me to forgive her.
I said: How can I forgive you when you have not forgiven yourself?
How can you come and beg for forgiveness when nothing really has changed?
And when nothing changed will you not do the same as you did before for the same reasons as you did before?
Unless you accept your mistakes and want to change it honestly from your heart... you will always stay the same... make the same mistakes... find the same lies to comfort you... the same excuses.
But you will never become what you could for all your life is a lie and an excuse.
I cannot love someone I pity.
You had it all... you threw it away... now you crawl back for more just to waste it all away again?
I'm tired of these games.

Have you ever wondered why people are called "Stars"?
It has to be with starring... and to be looked up upon...
But in reality it is related to the "Star of David".
These people are Narcissists... they want to be adored... they want to be told they can do no wrong... so full of themselves it spills over... homoerotic in some way ...
They want us to adore them.
Don't give it to them.
Take pity... laugh at them... make jokes... Politicians are actors and act.
Don't pay the ferryman.
Don't sharpen the knife of father Death.
Don't be the masochist begging for punishment... be the judge and judge them.

A little lesson on how to deal with them... don't give in and don't give it to them.
Stay out but don't stay quiet.
Don't take sides.
Push the problem back to them.

For example I don't exclude Zionists and Jews... it is not my problem.
I also throw anyone out of my blog who starts glorifying Hitler because this is my problem.
The enemy hides as your best friend glorifying Narcissism and Narcissists.
The enemy confronts you with a conundrum and you must push back.
Take Trans Agenda... it is a form of MK Ultra.

Trans Agenda exposes Pedophile Teachers who are all connected to the Mossad.
Two sisters, Maria and Annie Farmer recall encounters with Epstein and his long-time partner Ghislaine Maxwell as far back as 1996.
Maria Farmer was brought to Epstein through her Art School teacher.
This fact alone exposes the deep rooted Pedophile Network together with the Trans Agenda by them Pedophiles... all of them Jewish... all of them connected through the Jewish Occult which uses Indoctrination warfare against Humanity on all levels.
In the schools they make people crazy to even suggest that people can change gender.
Not without a surgery you can't.
Just like Nancy Pelosi... your tits are fake your smile is fake and your husband is gay because you are fake.
And now you want to push this fake agenda up to me? Fuck you.
Worse... the State education system is run by pedophiles that push this crap onto our children.

If we stay silent and don't speak out... we are bastards in arms with our oppressors for we allow by our silence the others that depend on us to speak out... to stay silent.
As such we condemn by our silence others to eternal slavery.
The Generations that come after us will be eternal slaves because we stayed silent.
That is not an option... silent I will be no more.
Silent we all mustn't be no more.
Speak out we must at every place everywhere until the tide is turned.

The Government are just people... none of them better than me or you.
Worse they are criminal pedophiles that want to kill us.
And I say we have the same right as them... more this is war and all bets are off.

But this is a spiritual war and it is only won if we know ourselves.
Our feelings matter.
And this is the Truth.
Feelings are magnetic energy fields created by our thoughts.
And Magnetic resonance is vibration... something we pass on.
There is also a Truth vibration... and it is ZEN.
Once you reach ZEN you are good.
Our thoughts are essentially electrical currents that run through our body and create magnetic fields.
And the strength of our thoughts are basically strength of currents and strength of the magnetic fields that form around us.
Karma in Buddhism.
Karma is the invisible magnetic field that protects everyone.
A magnetic shield that can be activated by sheer will power.
A shield of protection.
Activate it by Qi Gong.
Why do you think Falun Gong is persecuted by the Chinese Government?
Because Falun Dafa is essentially one of the finest and purest forms of Qi Gung.
And Qi Gung enables you to activate your natural protective shield by purity of thought.
This is as simple as that.
Let go of all activities that are negative and feel your environment.
Simplify and add lightness.
Do not take on the burden of others and you shall not fear.
Inevitably you reach a state of ZEN and then you will understand for understanding is a feeling.
All of this proves again what I wrote before...
The Greatest Capital of Humanity is Humanity itself...
Proven by the fact that them try as hard as they can to destroy us.

If you believe in due process of law, then we should presume innocence until proven guilty or at least until evidence has been presented showing guilt (that is evidence not more accusations).

Their accusations are confessions. They are always guilty of their own allegations.

These people lie about everything. We are not up against simple greed and deception. These people have promoting chemically castrating your children.

I don’t want any of this.

Now I don't like the Tates... they are very negative foulmouthed wankers... but even wankers must be allowed to speak... otherwise how do we know they are wankers?
As it stands the Nazis of Israel control the platforms we use to communicate.
So the Nazis of Israel must be opposed and exposed.
Richard Medhurst was jailed for exposing them.
The Tates similar.
The Jews create war after war and Stalin Starmer should be crucified head chopped off castrated alive and the wounds treated with boiling acid.
Name the Jews involved... Zelinsky... Starmer... Lindsey Graham... Victoria Nuland... Benjamin Nethanyahoo... Ursula von der Leyen... Emanuel Macron... Olaf Scholz...Klaus Scwab... Xavier Milei... Igor Kolomoisky... Satan Rothschild...
And the Zionists who follow them...

The Trans Olympic ceremony was a blatant open your arse and lets fuck you in the faces of any sportsman or any Christian for that matter.
None of the perverted performers would win an uphill egg race with a rolling egg.
What is more is the complete fuck you by the Jewish controlled Media that tells you that you haven't seen what you have seen even if you seen what you saw... seesaw...
It is Mind control because Christians are basically Mind controlled slaves...
Move on... nothing to see... Freemason 101...

These Jews wage many wars on many sides... 
One thing is that they control the search engines.
Today if you search for Palestinian genocide you find tears for Jews all over and nothing about the Palestinian Holocaust executed by Israeli Nazis.

When Marissa Mayer took over Yahoo the first thing she did was to delete Geocities.
Geocities was a great wealth of Information that didn't sit right with those Jewish Nazis.
So they deleted it.
And they do the same with Tic Toc now because the Truth is an enemy of the Jews who worship the lie.

Frank Germano had one of the most amazing sites on there with sources of Nikola Tesla Victor Schauberger and Willhelm Reich together with others.
His site is gone his name erased as a manifestation of this Jewish fascism of MK Ultra through its tentacles of operations.
And so are many others... and with it documents that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that those in power manipulate Humanity for WW3... the great sacrifice... Holocaust they plan for us.
Not just that but the knowledge base which belongs to all of us is also gone.
There is a rift in society coming from the Top... the top Mafia... Criminals.
There is a rift in consciousness through that... divide and conquer.
There is a rift in the Universe and it may be two universes colliding and this is what we see... from the inside.

They control the search engines... Internet Infrastructure... but that don't matter because we can build a new structure without them.
When you search for "Suicidal Tendencies" you get now the warning screen and a telephone number to call.
Other bands like "Suicide" the same.
Why do they seem to care when i know they don't care.
Control... it is all about control.
Because if they care about Humanity all wars must end today... right here... right now.
So they don't care... fuck them... take your power back and humiliate them.
This is a war inside your mind... fight it!

Question: Why does the Government care so much about LBT++-IQ?
Answer: The Government serves only itself and the power structure and every lie and every excuse is just only fit for purpose of total control.
In order to execute their Fascism the need to be seen to support a good cause... Mind Control 101.
Government and Jews alike must always been seen as the good guys... no questions allowed.
If we stay silent we are a bad example to those weaker than  us.
We must raise to the challenge and raise above it.
We must take their lies expose them and shove it back into their throats until they suffocate.
We must support Farmers and Truckers and support each other and this is a war we muct and can win.

Citizen Uprising: Lock Down all Politicians
Citizen House Arrest all Politicians on presumption of Treason and Corruption

The basics of everything is Water.

Bruce Lee Be As Water My Friend

Our Atmosphere is basically Hydrogen Oxygen which is water.
But Hydrogen and Oxygen explode so other gases are needed for a stable Atmosphere produced by trees plants and evaporation.
We can run all the machines in the world on Hydrogen and never create a bad Atmosphere.
The simple Truth that shatters the Lie.
A spiritual Revolution is what they fear most!

A Revolution of Ideas
Problem Reaction Revolution

We can't and we must stay silent no more.
Others depend on us to speak up.
So it is our duty to speak.
Make jokes out of our so called leaders for they are all a yoke.
Tell them they have no authority over you and others will follow your example.
Do not allow their lies to manifest their plans.
Simply push back by mental strength... I know you all have it within yourself.
I know all of you and many more are doing a great job... but we need more...
The last battle is upon us... draw strength from it.

They are accusing us of the crimes they are doing.

Keir Starmer is guilty of spreading fake news.

We must not allow this to happen... push it back with all your mental strength and don't allow it to invade your mind.
This is a spiritual war.
The Final Battle of a War Unseen

Watch your back or meet your maker

After the war we will meet.
In spirit we unite.
And the Human spirit rises as a new dawn for a new golden age.
That I am convinced of.
But there is work to be done.
All hands on deck.

Waterboys - Spirit

Man gets tired
Spirit don't
Man surrenders
Spirit won't

Man crawls
Spirit flies
Spirit lives
When man dies

Man seems
Spirit is
Man dreams
The spirit lives

Man is tethered
Spirit free
What spirit
Is man can be

What spirit Is the man can be


Fritz Freud

If you can...

are well off enough...

and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...

There is a lot of work going into this.

Thank you.

Buy me a Coffee

Thanks for reading Fritz’s Freud! This post is public so feel free to share it.


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