Sunday 18 August 2024


Q SCOOP - Israel: "Something very serious is brewing. »

Message from Guy Boulianne:

"I learned from a very reliable source that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the American government agency dedicated to ensuring the arrival of help in emergency situations, has established itself in Israel. Why do you believe? While more than 80% of the Israeli population has been vaccinated! Something very serious is brewing. And never forget that what is done elsewhere will also be done here. »

Pray that the appeal will be accepted at the International Criminal Court (The Hague Tribunal) and that it will result in something positive for us, the People... that is, an investigation and trial for crimes against humanity of our governments.

Before it's too late (we don't have much time left).

Why is Israel faster than us? The Khazars no longer need Israel?

Qactus: "See the direct polyguard supplier link for Fema? ". Polyguard official sponsor of all morbid scams.

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