Friday, 30 August 2024


The Jewish Right to Rape... Children

There is so much information... one more disgusting than the other that I must put this out into a post.
My aim isn't calling out one group and I am usually more concerned with the Future and how to solve problems.
However the Propaganda we are witnessing has reached new levels of insincerity insanity outright lies and outright fascism.
Zionist Fascism in a Zionist takeover of this world
This propaganda must be countered with truth.
We are all victims here.

First of all... you must see this video from Richard Medhurst someone I highly respect and salute for his work.

Richard Medhurst - The Israelis have entered a civil war over the IDF's "right" to rape Palestinian hostages

The Israelis have entered a civil war over the IDF's "right" to rape Palestinian hostages. The Israeli mob defending the rapists just overran a 2nd military base. The IDF has had to pause talks on bombing Lebanon and divert combat units away from Gaza. You can't make this up

What is telling is the clip of discussion inside the Knesset where Jewish Lawmaker absolutists defend the Jewish right to rape.
If you ever thought the Nazis were bad... the Jews now are by far worse.
And that I put mildly.
Here is the same story by Clayton Morris from Redacted:

And if this is bad... watch what will happen when these fanatics take over the Temple mount and build the 3rd Temple of Solomon.
By design!

I am German.
For all my life I tried to find out what really happened in Nazi Germany.
The result of my research is a very sophisticated form of Mind Control.
Torture pain and victimization are very much part of this then and now.
What happens today in Israel is a carbon copy of what happened in Germany 100 years ago... in Venezuela... and in the world.
Induced Mass Madness by the Occult which are the so called leaders.
Adolf Hitler introduced the "Volksempfänger" a simple Radio on which he could reach the public.
What happens is Israel today is exactly what happened in Germany to bring the Nazis to power using Occult methods... Jewish Occult that is... mass induced insanity through sophisticated Mind Control.


Speaking of Nazis... here is Analena Baerbock the German Minister for existential stupidity and lies of the Ministry of untruth... a walking abortion telling lies and being confronted about it.

The UN team headed by Pramila Patten, the secretary-general’s special representative on sexual violence in armed conflict, concluded in its report published in March that “in the medicolegal assessment of available photos and videos, no tangible indications of rape could be identified.”

The following month the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that “From inquiries put to three bodies in the defense establishment by Haaretz, it emerges that the intelligence material collected by the police and the intelligence bodies, including footage from terrorists’ body cameras, does not contain visual documentation of any acts of rape themselves.”

Analena Baerbock is the dumbest whore of misinformation a stern Zionist Nazi of the worst kind in the dumbest most Fascist German Government that ever existed... and the most Jewish one.
These Jewish Nazis have destroyed Germany and they are worse than the Nazis ever were.
Angela Merkel was a STASI whore... IM ERIKA... Analena Baerbock is dumb as fuck... and they all support war in Ukraine and they are all Nazis...PERIOD!
And they are all Jewish Zionists who support Genocide and war with Russia...
War with Russia!
Napoleon tried this... little Napoleon i.e. Macron is pushing it...
Hitler tried it... little Hitler i.e. Scholz is pushing it...
Yet Russia is impossible to invade... and they know it...

Here is Merkel with a poster stating:

We don't have a Past.
But we create a secure Future.

Yep... sounds communist to me.
Sounds like Camel Harris to me...

Anette Kahane is Jewish and the master censor of Germany.
She also was a STASI agent.
So if you wonder why Germany now is descending... again... into fascism... just like Israel... look no further than the leaders who pushing us into it using every available tool from censorship to drugs in the food... all part of this sophisticated mind control apparatus.
Then connect the Dots to the Rothschilds... and there you have it!

That coincides with my research that the German Government and the EU scum Ursula Albrecht are stern Nazis... even worse than the Nazis and the German Media are complicit in Genocide and are worse than Nazis.

The German propaganda media is totally controlled by Zionists.
And the Zionists pushing us into WW3.

German Media is solely owned by these Families:
Mohn (Time Warner, Bertelsmann,Random House and News Corporation)

The German politicians are controlled by the WEF and the Atlantik Brücke (Atlantic Bridge) who also control the German media.
Politicians are raised through the Hitler Youth programs of the WEF and the Atlantik Brücke... most famously Angela Merkel who also was a STASI Agent.
Atlantik Brücke just like the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the Millennium Century Cooperation (MCC) are think in Tank... as in a tool of war in this spiritual war.
The aim is to steer Humanity into WW3 as in mutual assured self destruction.

Atlantik-Brücke is a German-American organization that promotes dialogue and cooperation between the two countries on various topics. Learn about their events, programs, and insights on economy, finance, markets, and democracy.

And the Atlantik Brücke is a forefront of the CIA Zionist takeover of this world promoting WW3 with Russia and China.
It was founded by no one else but Eric M. Warburg long time associate of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
Rothschild  Warburg Schiff drafted the treaty of Versailles.
There they dissected Europe between them.
Blaming Germany for the war they created.
Paul Moritz Warburg was the founder of the United States Federal Reserve Bank.
So you see how this all works together.
This is also the reason the Jews hate Germany because they use Germany as the basis for their evilness blaming it on the Germans... see how that works?
This is why you have scum like Analena Baerbock and Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen... because the real power behind them are the Jews...

The name Paul Moritz Warburg is synonymous with the founding of the Federal Reserve System. Warburg’s impact on American banking is a parallel to his family’s impact on European banking. The epic story of the Warburg family of European bankers can be traced back to the early 1500s when Simon von Cassel settled in the German Westphalia town of Warburg (originally founded by Charlemagne in 778 and was then known as Warburgum) and began the family’s quest for money and financial power.

And history is repeating itself because of the Federal Reserve Money system which gives them Jewish Bankers 10 times the money by default of all of the rest of the world combined.
Basically it is privatized legal Jewish Slavery.
And they finance war terror and diseases promoting Trans and LBGTQFU+++
See the extinction Olympics.

And now they push for WW3 with Russia through the CFR Atlantik Brücke and other political Institutions such as the Round Table Club of Rome and WEF which are all controlled by these Families.

Just read a few sentence of their blatant lies and propaganda which would see a Joseph Göbbels blush.

The US and Europe have to further increase pressure on Russia – and China

Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at Atlantik Brücke and the Transatlantic Business Initiative Event

I’ve come to Berlin on the back of a trip to Kyiv, where I had a chance to meet my counterparts and brave Ukrainians who have been resilient in the face of unyielding war. I was reminded that Ukraine remains a democratic country today because its people are willing to fight for freedom.

Over two years ago, when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin expected to be in control of Kyiv within days and the entire country within weeks. But Ukraine stood up, and our coalition stood beside them, denying the Kremlin the quick victory it expected. And as the Ukrainian people fought off advancing Russian troops, we put in place unprecedented sanctions that cut off Russia’s largest banks from our financial systems and shackled the Kremlin’s war chest by immobilizing its sovereign assets held abroad.

In response to its strategic failure, the Kremlin has now committed nearly half a million troops to this unprovoked invasion and imposed a set of draconian capital controls to prevent money from escaping from Russia. As Russia’s strategy evolved, so did our approach.

On one end, the United States, Germany, and our coalition provided Ukraine with weapons to defend against Russia’s aggression on the frontlines and economic support to bolster its resilience on the home front.

All of the Media gets their Information from Reuters and the Associated Press (AP).
Reuters and the Associated Press (AP) is owned and controlled by the Rothschild Family.
The Rothschild Family control Zionism.
The Rothschild Family is the Family of Adolf Hitler.

Kuhn, Loeb, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan, Eugene Meyer; Paul Warburg, Max Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Louis Brandeis, Alfred Rothschild

Their involvement in the wars and financing Hitler cannot be denied.
As their involvement in the Opium trade.
Skull & Bones and the Bullington Club.
And through that the Bush Family Prescott Bush Boris Johnson the push for war through the ages using always the same methods.
The Bush Family is associated with Aleistar Crowley who sunk the Lusitania to get the USA into WW1.

Here is the biggest war criminal Arsehole Satan the Yahoo telling Hamas raped children.
When at the same time the Jews protect rapists... can't make this shit up.

Israeli PM Netanyahu Visits Majdal Shams After Hezbollah Attack Kills 12 Children

An attack Hezbollah denies

Lebanon demands int’l probe as Hezbollah denies involvement in deadly Golan Heights strike

The Jews do anything to get their WW3.
And they even kill their own to do so!

Hannibal Directive October 7 | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

And they rape children in Gaza

Israeli soldiers accused of raping Palestinian women and children

Credible reports have emerged of Israeli soldiers raping and sexually abusing Palestinian women and children. UN experts found credible cases of rape and sexual assault in Israeli prisons, and women who were threatened by sexual violence and rape. Many Palestinian women reported that they had been humiliated, stripped naked, and assaulted at an Israeli checkpoint that had been established between the north and the south of Gaza.

The fact that they protect rapist as they do is a fact of confession that they rape children as they do.

Josh Paul resigned from the State Dept over sending arms to Israel. “I have heard from actually so many hundreds of colleagues at this point who support what I did,” he says. “They are finding what is happening both a moral disaster and a policy disaster for the United States.”

Then there is the profound fact that they push cannibalism upon us.

Aborted Fetus Tissue Used by Food Industry — Proof Revealed in OK Senate Bill From 2012

Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives

Rabbi Finklestein - Human meat in McDonalds

...those are pounds and pounds and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger and that's why we made those the most popular things sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch and so all the Goyim out here are really eating their children and uh even when we say this outright and tell you people you don't believe it so that's that's your problem.

In 2012 there was an outrage in Chine when it was revealed they use aborted cells in Baby Formula...

Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Headquarters in NY City has Underground Tunnels with several Baby Chairs!

So the Jews claim a right to rape children...
Feed us Human Body Parts...
And have tunnels underneath the Organization behind Milei the Argentinean PM... Netanyahoo and more...
See the connection?

And they feed us lab grown meat from Human Stem cells.

A group of American scientists and designers have developed a concept for a grow-your-own steak kit using human cells and blood to question the ethics of the cultured meat industry.

The Fact that nobody can determine which cells are used in Lab grown meat and as such the possibility for nefarious use of Human Stem Cells remains always a possibility  can never be denied is the single reason for outright prohibition of Lab grown meat.

Add to this the fact that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab... two of the most evil shitfaces that ever existed... pushing this shit upon us... knowing they hate humanity.

The CIA since Operation Paperclip is operated by Nazis.
The CIA and Nazis are funded by Warburg Rockefeller Rothschild.
Jewish Supremacy = Jewish Fascism = Jewish Nazis.

Albert Pike: The 3rd World War.

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Agentur is the German word for Agency.
The K in MK Ultra is the German word "Kontrolle" meaning control.
The Illuminati was founded in Germany in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt.
Germany is ruled by Jewish Freemasonry forever... as is the USA.
Hitler was a Rothschild and a Freemasons... all the Nazis were Freemasons.
The Jews / Freemasons always use a decoy in order to hide their evil Intentions and blame someone else... playing victim when they are not.

So we know the outcome of their plan... everything else is just the execution of this plan.
Rigging selections... creating pandemics... poisoning people... indoctrination education... Religion... mind control... war...everything goes to make their plans come true... and they use the Occult to do it.
Aleistar Crowley sunk the Lusitania so the Rothschilds could steal the land of Palestine.

The Rothschilds then installed Adolf Hitler into Germany in order to force the Jews to the new found holy land.

Part 3 of this Biblical Muppet show is their holy Grail of WW3.

Civil War... Viva La Muerte
The 3rd World War starts as a Civil War

In short... we are witnessing the destruction of Humanity by the Jewish Bankers who are not Human... they are Draco... Anunaki... Children of the Sun.
An Alien Race of energy beings that want this world for their own .
A self fulfilling Prophecy they have written thousands of years ago... coming to a climax now.
Don't you get it?

Then there is Venezuela…
It is the same as Israel… mas induced anger and uproar.
My best guess is that they use STARLINK in both Israel and Venezuela to induce mass anger.

STARLINK is controlled by T-Mobile which is controlled by Ori Cohen which is IDF Unit 8200 Alumini.
So Israel controls STARLINK.
Get it?

Israel today is Nazi Germany 1933 using the same Mind control techniques to induce mass insanity.
When people protect rapists... the Idea alone is insane.
And insane they are.
To be sacrificed on the Altar of Globalism.
Because WW3 is all they want and all they ever wanted.
The sacrifice of all of Humanity in a Global Holocaust.


Fritz Freud

If you can...

are well off enough...

and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...

There is a lot of work going into this.

Thank you.

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