Tuesday 19 September 2023


The MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLE you will ever read

Dozens of healthcare workers finally tell the truth. PLEASE MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!


Dozens of healthcare workers have answered a survey that Steve Kirsch (formerly a liberal Democrat who himself was vaccinated, and then changed course after seeing people die/get injured) sent out.

Steve made all their responses publicly available (anonymously, for their protection against retaliation), but he has the full contact information for each person who submitted a story, which can be disclosed on a mutually agreeable basis, and he provides a link for members of the press who wish to arrange to speak with them personally. See below.

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time

Here's what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren't able to speak out directly.

By Steve Kirsch

created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.

Here’s what they said in their own words.

Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said:

  1. They are afraid to come out publicly due to intimidation tactics such as loss of job and/or license to practice medicine.

  2. Unvaccinated healthcare workers are extremely upset with the medical community. They feel they have been treated unfairly.

  3. It is the vaccinated workers who are getting sick with COVID, but it is the unvaccinated who are punished with constant testing, restrictions, and threats of losing their jobs.

  4. The COVID shots are a disaster. Even for the elderly which is supposed to be the most compelling use case, death rates in elderly homes went up by a factor of 5 after the shots rolled out. Each time the shots are given, the deaths spike. Nobody is talking publicly about this. It’s not allowed.

  5. Doctors are seeing rates of injury and death increase dramatically in all ages of people. The injuries are only happening to the vaccinated. There is no doubt that this is happening but many doctors have so much cognitive dissonance that they don’t see it.

  6. One nurse with 23 years of experience says she’s never heard of anyone under 20 dying from cardiac issues until the vaccines rolled out. Now she knows of around 30 deaths.

  7. “I have been a nurse for 36 years. I have NEVER witnessed people in their 20s and 30s having strokes, atrial fibrillation, or cardiomyopathies until the Covid vaccines. I work in cardiology. When I mention that someone should look at the vaccines as a possible reason, I am immediately silenced and told, “It is NOT from the vaccine.””

  8. Doctors aren’t recording vaccination status in the medical records so that all the deaths are attributed to the unvaccinated.

  9. Doctors are deliberately ignoring the possibility that the vaccines could be the cause of all the elevated events. The events are simply all unexplained.

  10. Many doctors have either quit or will quit.

  11. Some doctors and nurses at top institutions such as Mass General Hospital have falsified vaccine cards. They publicly toe the line and encourage their patients to take the shot knowing full well it is deadly. They value their job more than the lives of their patients. The important thing is they are risking 10 years in jail for doing this. These highly respected medical workers are telling the world that these COVID shots are so dangerous that they are willing to risk 10 years in prison to avoid taking the shot. That’s the message America needs to hear. And if Biden were an honest President, he would call for full amnesty and protection from retaliation for all these cases if people admitted publicly they did this. He’d be amazed at the number of responses he’d get. But he won’t do that because it would be too embarrassing for his administration.

  12. Things don’t seem to be getting any better.

  13. The medical examiners all over the world are not doing the proper tests during an autopsy to detect a vaccine-related death. Without doing the necessary tests, it is very hard to make an association. There isn’t a single “guidance” document from any medical authority anywhere in the world to do these tests on people who die within 3 months of their last COVID vaccination. This is why no associations are found: they aren’t looking and it is deliberate. The mainstream press doesn’t call them out on this either.

  14. Doctors are being forced to take other vaccines so the hospital can meet their quota. This was admitted to them.

The document paints a very troubling picture of healthcare in America

It is very difficult to read that document and come away thinking that everything is working fine.

(Note from BW: At the end of this article, I’m going to copy in some of the testimonies from the linked document above.)

If you read the document and think everything is just fine, it means one or more of the following is true:

  1. You work in the White House

  2. You work at the CDC, FDA, or NIH

  3. You are a member of Congress or are a staff member for a member of Congress (Ron Johnson and his staff are excluded)

  4. You work in the mainstream media

  5. You are a top executive at a mainstream social media company

  6. You work in the mainstream medical community (doctor or academic)

  7. You are a miserable excuse for a human being

  8. You are an exemplary blue-pilled individual; you are just the type of citizen that your government wants to have

If you are troubled by what you read, here is what you can do

If you read through the document and are as troubled by what is going on and you want to hold these people accountable, there are two simple thing you can do to make a difference:

  1. Share this article on all your social media platforms

  2. Make a donation to help re-elect Senator Ron Johnson (click here for the donation link). He’s the most important person in Congress that will hold these people accountable. This is why he’s the #1 target of Democrats.

Want to speak to any of these people?

If you are a member of the press and want to speak to any of these people, you can use the Contact me form to make your request. In the Notes part of the form, specify the database line number of the person(s) you want to contact.

Please share this post widely. Do it now.

The mainstream press will not share this information. This isn’t misinformation; these are all true stories, many of which are impossible to explain if the vaccines are truly safe and effective. Taken together, they are a stunning indictment of a medical system that has been corrupted through government incentives.

It is important for people throughout the world to hear from the healthcare workers whose voices have been silenced by the medical community. Please do it now.


That’s Steve’s article. Now I’m going to copy in some of the healthcare workers’ testimonies -from the first 20 pages of the 32 page PDF document of responses he linked above (containing the first 63 stories he received.) You can also see all the healthcare workers’ responses received so far here: https://airtable.com/shrLRYtA0I3SNW1Xf/tblPVfCBdpfHStEi0 (As of this writing, he has received 112 responses from all over the US and some foreign countries as well.)

I have lightly edited some of the testimonies for extra information (people are angry at the system and are venting.)

Doctor in WI

I'll start with my own story (Moderna x 2).

I received a total of 2 Covid "vaccines" in 2021: 1/12/21 and 2/11/21. The acute side effects weren't so bad, but about a month after the second injection I began experiencing significant and life-altering side effects. These include: tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears which sometimes leads to suicide), peripheral neuropathy, numbness of the front portion of my lower leg below the knee, heart palpitations, intermittent chest pain (likely pericarditis), chronic muscle twitches, intermittent shortness of breath, tremor, difficulty walking downstairs, gait instability and fatigue. I won't include anxiety and depression, as those are likely the result of dealing with these issues.

Thankfully, I made the connection between my rapidly declining health and the Moderna injections. I started an aggressive supplement regimen including N-acetylcysteine, glutathione, Zn, etc., and things have stabilized, some symptoms have improved. I still have good days and bad days. For instance, I wouldn't dare walk down a set of stairs without a handrail. I was completely healthy before this, just some hypertension.

All of my side effects are strongly linked to the vaccinations but one wouldn't know that just by looking at mainstream news sources. There is the endless brainwashing repetitive "safe and effective" narrative, neither of which are objectively true.

In my extensive search for answers, I discovered that the two injections I received came from two of the most toxic lots in the USA based on the federal government's Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS). This data is available for discovery at howbadismybatch.com.

Doctor in Germany

Hello, I am Ralf, a family doctor in Germany.

From the beginning I have been critical of Corona vaccinations and have never vaccinated anyone with it myself. Partly I was laughed at, the medical association investigated me, I was threatened with disciplinary proceedings to withdraw my license to practice medicine.

In the last year since the beginning of the vaccination campaign in Germany, I have seen a lot of misery. People who had themselves vaccinated by other doctors died suddenly and unexpectedly within a short time. Many people had thromboses afterwards, some a stroke, others a pulmonary embolism.

Others are constantly ill, have already had Covid-19 several times, sometimes with serious courses, while the unvaccinated remain healthy.

Currently, the rate of late vaccination side effects is increasing significantly. I see people with clustered infections, chronic fatigue, chronic dizziness, urticaria, atypical rheumatic disease, constant severe pain, and more. Others become forgetful, I also have a case of vaccine AIDS (young mother of three children) in my practice.

I try to help people as much as I can, following the recommendations of the American doctor Patterson and the German Heilpraktiker.

But I will not be able to help everyone, and the number of people affected increases every week.

PA in Idaho

I’m a dermatology physician assistant. I saw a particular patient in the clinic one day in spring 2020 completely normal, he walked in and walked out. I saw him again in June 2021, wheeled in in a hospital gurney unable to move anything below his diaphragm. He had received an mRNA vaccine several days before, and there was no other trauma or illness that he experienced that could have explained his (now permanent) paraplegia. Still paralyzed, august 2022.

Cardiac Nurse in CA

My cardiac unit became the covid unit March 2020. It was a little scary but we quickly saw that the sick got better, pre Covid jab. We kept many in the hospital only because there was no place for them to go. They were either from nursing homes, homeless, or their families did not feel comfortable with them coming home. Our unit was nothing like the NYC fiasco. We would frequently have Covid room doors wide open for patient safety. We would wear surgical masks and face shields or goggles. Our death rate was nothing like what we saw on tv. This was the first wave. It was hard to reconcile our real life experience with what CNN was showing.

Most of the people that died died WITH Covid, not from Covid. The critical care doctor said they had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.

The vaccines rolled out shortly before the end of 2020 and I was in the process of moving. I declined the jab because I was in between jobs. I had Covid antibodies and didn’t feel it was necessary. It became mandatory towards the end of 2021. One nurse practitioner has chronic aches and pains and regrets getting it. Another nurse has had heart palpitations ever since, and another nurse is undergoing cardiac testing for arrhythmias. They are young people. Chronic inflammation in 2 nurses that I know of- they get relief from prednisone. Multiple women have talked about their menstrual cycle from hell- large clots, more bleeding, shorter time between menstruating.

In a two month period, 1/3 of my coworkers got Covid. All were fully vaccinated. Some got covid for the 2nd time. I know several nurses who regret getting the vaccine.

Licensed Healthcare Worker in ID

Coworker in our clinic received her COVID shots (mRNA) and immediately began her period and has been “bleeding daily for a year”. Normal menses prior.

PA in Idaho

I’m a physician assistant, and a prominent middle aged (~60 yo) surgeon in the area to whom I frequently referred patients, passed away due to a sudden, unexpected cardiac episode in July 2021. Apparently no previously detected cardiac issues, but was vaccinated prior to dying while mountain biking. In the months since this occurred to him, this story has become more and more common to hear.

Licensed Healthcare Worker in PA

I work at a medium sized hospital in Pennsylvania. Our department has 18 therapists on staff. Since taking the vaccines 2 co workers have been unable to return to work due to what could very well be vaccine induced. One is a 39 year old physically fit mother of two that had a stroke while working. Spent 5 days in ICU before transferring to a rehabilitation facility for 2 weeks. The other is a 56 year old male with 3 children that has had cardiac and neurological problems since taking the jab and has not worked in over a year.

Licensed Healthcare Worker in CA

There are so many stories of the patients that I assist with their mental health care that have been devastated (physically and mentally) from this medical device. Young adult received 1 st injection he was then diagnosed with MS, client took J&J had 4 strokes and had to have stents placed in her heart following the shot and lost use of mobility and fine motor skills. Client middle aged woman paralyzed from the chest down unable to control bowel or bladder function and has lost mobility, essentially she's paralyzed from the chest down. Client shooting pains in leg that feels like "electrical impulses all over my body". 

Nurse in SC

Bedside RNs are seeing sicker patients now than ever before. This criminal disaster will persist for many years to come. I can generally correlate # of doses of vax to patient level of decline. My system: P3 = Pfizer x 3; M2 = Moderna x 2; M2 P1 = Moderna x2, Pfizer x1; etc.

Nurse in CA

I worked with many wonderful doctors during my 17 years at this hospital. Unfortunately an OBGYN and a pediatrician I worked closely with got vaccinated in December of 2020. I was vaccinated a few weeks later and we all had a severe adverse event. The OBGYN had afib after the first dose. He had an ablation a few weeks later and everything was fine. They didn’t attribute it to the vaccine so therefore recommended his second dose. Unfortunately within hours of the second dose he went right back into afib. The pediatrician and I have suffered severe cardiac and neurological side effects. Another very unfortunate part of the story was the OBGYN’s son decided to get vaccinated even after what happened to his father. He unfortunately didn’t feel well following his vaccine and died instantly of a cardiac event. When I recently went in for a cardiac MRI at this hospital, the technician told me she was vaccine injured as well and they are seeing so many cases in radiology of vaccine complications. Unfortunately we have also lost a 15 year old boy in my town named Odin Robinson who died of cardiac complications following his Pfizer vaccine.

Nurse in ME

I work at a small college of 350 students in Maine. I had 8 students have long lasting skin hives and a rash that started 2 weeks after the Moderna booster. Treated with antihistamines and prednisone for months!

My employer is a hospital—my religious exemption and appeal were denied. I took 1 JandJ to not lose my job. I took IVM and supplements to try to fight off the spike. Had no side effects, not even a sore arm.

My sister has a severe neurological injury after pfizer. 14 months of tremors, migraines,memory problems. She is unable to work!!

I will NOT take a booster! Am ready now to give up my career if CMS mandates boosters to be “ up to date”.

Thank you. Be strong and of good courage.

Doctor in GA

"I have seen in my practice 13 separate vaccine-induced injuries.

I personally had blood clots and Shingles after my hospital required Moderna injections. "

Doctor in CA

"I am an ophthalmologist, and as such, would not expect to be treating Covid patients. After receiving a single Moderna shot (I hesitate to call it a "vaccine") early on, I discovered a study by Didier Raoult, MD, a French physician, demonstrating the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine in treating Covid-19. A short while later I learned of Ivermectin, another repurposed FDA approved drug that was effective in treating Covid. I reasoned that if there were effective therapies, there should be no need for the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the "jabs."

I have successfully treated a fair number of Covid patients with these medications and oral steroids as needed. In California, this is considered "aberrant behavior" as all physicians are supposed to toe the party line and not think independently, in spite of overwhelming evidence that the ""party line"" is not only ineffective, but it is dangerous and. at times, deadly.

Nearly every week I see patients with neurological complications that are temporally connected to vaccination and boosting. These include Bell's palsy, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, Parkinson's disease and clotting disease.

The spike protein is toxic. The LNP (Lipid nanoparticles) that carry the spike protein are toxic. The first hour of the first day of medical school we were taught a critical principle: primum non nocere, ""first do no harm."" The push to vaccinate everything that moves, mask everything that breathes, etc., has done great harm. 

Doctor in MO

i worked at KU in Kansas City, hematology, i saw many blood clots where the covid "vaccine" was a definite risk factor, typically w/in 3 mos, i put in over 40 VAERS reports, over 30 were clots, and many unusual, in abdomen, cerebral, in grafts, recurrent, several on full dose anticoagulation, several deaths attributed to the "vaccines" at least indirectly related to s/e from tx from complications of the "vaccines". saw at least 3 cancers during that time (in my heme pts) that were exacerbated w/ very rapid progression w/in 1 wk of getting the "vaccine". Have since left to private practice and still seeing clots related, strokes, and pt's w/ stories of pregnancy loss and pregnancy complications. a relative w/ MI, and signif CAD young healthy w/ clean cardiac w/u just prior to getting the shots, there is constant evidence of complications, serious, fatal that we are hearing every day. i have tried to tell anyone who would listen...before leaving academic medicine the atmosphere was like a straightjacket, entirely stifling, for anyone who dared speak against the "vaccines" or narrative, and i mentioned ivermectin as early tx and was essentially blackballed from that moment on.

Nurse in MA

"When COVID hit in 2020 I was working in a long term care facility and I was among the first to volunteer for the COVID unit. The facility itself provides the best care in the area, the staff are genuinely caring individuals. In fact I sent my own mother there for hospice care in early 2020. She passed away during the height of the first COVID wave. Our family was denied visitation with the exception of approximately one hour the day before she passed. Being denied the opportunity to be with, care for and comfort my mom in her final days and hours will always be a source of pain for me and my family.

I have been a nurse for nearly 30 years so I was able to deduce fairly quickly that this entire exercise was a massive and nefarious fraud. It is my opinion that the COVID measures that were implemented were responsible for the vast majority of deaths, not to mention the suppression of effective treatment. To know that effective, safe and inexpensive treatments were available yet not being able to utilize them has been beyond frustrating.

As for the “vaccines”, I was thankfully able to obtain a religious exemption and continue to work. Our governor issued an executive order requiring all long term care staff to receive these “vaccines”. Now we are incredibly short staffed due to deaths, illnesses and disabilities among the “vaccinated” staff members.

Despite my not taking the “vaccine” I suffered side effects with every round that was administered. Every single time I would experience extreme breast tenderness and extremely heavy menstrual bleeding. These symptoms were completely out of the ordinary for me. I brushed it off the first two rounds but when it occurred with the third and fourth rounds it was impossible to deny. I have flat out refused to administer any of these products as that would violate not only my conscience but the oaths I took upon becoming a nurse.

One patient I was extremely fond of and had been close to for many years was coerced and pressured relentlessly to take these injections. What transpired over the next two months was unprecedented in my career. This poor man’s immune system was completely obliterated. His immune profile based on laboratory results was absolutely stunning, every aspect of his immune defenses were entirely compromised. This individual simultaneously developed enormous and painful hematomas on his lower extremities. He died approximately two months after reluctantly taking the COVID injections.

Many other patients as well as friends and family have suffered horrible side effects from these injections. The vast majority of them were coerced, bullied or pressured to take these experimental concoctions. The range of disabilities, new illnesses, autoimmune responses and deaths among my patients would take days to cover. It is clear to me that the only “cure” we were offered is exponentially worse than the disease itself.

As COVID continues to circulate and the vaccination rate is near 100%, the patients at this facility continue to get COVID over and over as do the vaccinated staff members. My unvaccinated coworkers and myself have not had a recurrence of COVID, obviously due to the fact that natural immunity is far superior to any vaccine and always has been.

The truth will prevail. In fact it already is thanks to genuine grassroots movements such as this. The legacy media, the captured agencies, the corrupt government, they are all being dismantled and we will be the ones to build a new world. A world based not on greed, power and control but on kindness, compassion and love.

I have attached a document I received upon the return of a patient from the local emergency department at the height of the “vaccine” rollout in December 2021. I have removed all personal data for obvious reasons. It contains what amounts to a disclaimer related to the potential poor quality of care due to “overcrowding related to the COVID 19 pandemic and other healthcare system stressors”. Prior to 2020 I would have been shocked to read such a statement, sadly in 2021 I had been expecting it.

Thank you for allowing me to share my story. "

Retired Nurse in KS

I have 2 relatives who were injured by the vaccines. My niece who has a seizure disorder & a brain implant to treat it was forced by her doctor in Dallas to get the shot. She then had 22 seizures over the next 2 weeks after getting the first shot. Her doctor then decided she shouldn’t take anymore. My nephew in Wichita had already had Covid but was required to get the shots. He developed heart failure shortly afterwards. I’m a retired RN who refused the shots & had a mild case of Covid with zero residual problems!

Licensed Healthcare Worker in MO

I worked in a hospital for many years and had covered most units (ICU, tele, med, ER, etc). In Dec 2020, the hospital administration … explained the process for who would be allowed to get the vaccine first. Most were anxious to roll up their sleeves and save themselves from the deadly virus. But from the beginning, I was reluctant to take it. Then in spring 2021, administration began a more coercive approach for those who had held off. They were sending emails to all staff to “do the right thing” and “protect the community”. At the same time, around April 2021, I began to see things I’d never seen in the hospital. Many, many young patients admitted with “stroke like symptoms”, PEs, MIs as well as many young cardiac arrests. At that time the electronic health records did not have a specific place to document the Covid vaccine history but some charts included it in the H&P. If I had an encounter with any of these patients, I would look (or ask) and inevitably, most were recently vaccinated. To me, there were many red flags with the vaccine but it seemed almost everyone else I worked with didn’t seem to notice. Also happening at the same time, the ICU had Covid patients on vents and sadly, many did not survive. I watched family members look at their dying loved ones through the glass doors and say goodbye without ever getting to hug or kiss them again. It’s true patients were dying and the mainstream media had nonstop coverage of this. But I began to realize that the ICU, while very busy on a daily basis, was staying full but rarely went on diversion. I did not understand how there weren’t more patients needing vents/ICU care. Why weren’t there hundreds or even thousands of people coming to the hospital if the virus was so debilitating and deadly. I started reading and researching everything I could find. I learned about remdesivir being linked to acute renal failure in the Ebola studies yet it was the only treatment CDC offered. Oddly, many ICU patients were having kidney failure and subsequently got pneumonia which would be labeled as a Covid pneumonia death. And I learned the Medicare reimbursements for Covid death created a financial incentive for hospitals to have more Covid deaths than recoveries. My eyes were opened to the corrupt pharmaceutical companies' agenda. I saw doctors lose the right to treat their patients while administrators, with no medical training, were dictating the Covid treatment protocol. No ivermectin or HCQ, no vitamins, and no visitors! Yet, out in the communities, people were surviving Covid every day but natural immunity was being completely ignored, as if it didn’t exist. And then came the mandates. All hospital employees had to be vaccinated or have an exemption by Oct 1, 2021. I applied for exemption and, to my surprise, was one of the few granted one. I thought my job would be safe although I knew there would be discrimination. Weekly PCR testing, suffocating N-95 masks at all times, etc. What I did not expect was to be mandated to take additional vaccines since I was granted a religious exemption from taking the Covid vaccine. But that is, in fact, what happened. The hospital required all employees to take the flu vaccine in November and, while I had reluctantly taken it in the past (only after it was mandated), my request for an exemption from that vaccine was denied and I was terminated after 20 years of employment. But I have no regrets. Medical freedom is a right and we need to push back and fight for our God given rights to choose what goes into our bodies. Countless people have been injured and even died as a result of taking the unsafe vaccines. And while the CDC has acknowledged mistakes and changed its recommendations, the damage is done. Our healthcare workers, federal employees and military are still mandated to take the vaccines. Hopefully the courts will overturn that terrible decision. I am so grateful to brave people like Steve Kirsch for fighting censorship and allowing the truth to prevail! Thanks to all patriots and freedom fighters! Stay strong!

Caregiver in AR

I did private care for a veteran of the Korean War. For 6 years he did great!!, Then by a year ago his family insisted he take the shots. I never took the shots. Never got sick, never got covid. My client never had any problems before these shots. He was independent!! Lived by himself at 89. Then in January he started falling and getting dizzy. Then he started having problems with breathing and they put him on oxygen. He couldn't get up,and wak !!! He trusted the doctors!!! Finally in March he had a massive heart attack and died . It broke my heart!!! I knew what was happening. Now half of the community in Searcy County Arkansas are gone.

Licensed Healthcare Worker in IL

"I am in outpatient healthcare. About 95% of my patients, here in IL, are vaxxed with 2 or more of the COVID-19 shots. Well over 80% of them have come down with one or more colds/flus since their vaccines. Just this year with keeping track in the last 6months.. I have had 5 patients suspected of blood clots, 6 return cancers, a few neurological disorders, over a dozen with shingles (some more than once), a few with cardiac problems, and on and on. I have been in my field for 30 years and have never seen this level of adverse responses and illness. Many developments of them after 6 months from last vaxx. I have had some lose pregnancies, too. There is not a week that goes by that I don’t have a story from a patient that pertains to them or a family member.

I have a strong faith that God is in control because I would just cry most weeks if I had not stayed informed of all of this and did so much research on my own since 2020.

Licensed Healthcare worker in MA

"I spent over 2 decades as a lead neonatal pediatric medflight ECMO respiratory therapist also holding a Massachusetts RN license fired for refusing the vax.

I can attest to and prove with saved text messages that a lead MGH RN and a highly placed MGH MD who fought the vax requirement in court falsified their vax status after choosing to keep their jobs. They continue to facilitate vaxxing other people's children while unwilling to vax themselves or their own children as they continue their lucrative positions at MGH."

Unlicensed Healthcare Worker in WI

"I'm writing on behalf of 2 people I know in Madison, WI who are in healthcare and are terrified to share their stories.

1) P.A. at one of the 3 major medical establishments in Madison was forced to take the Covid vax to keep the job. This PA supports a family of several kids and a spouse so could not afford to lose the job by going against the narrative. Thankfully this PA is ok (so far) but was ABSOLUTELY against any family members getting the jab. But the coercion did not stop there.....shortly after the Covid jab, the PA was asked by management to take an HIV jab. The PA asked them ""I'm a heterosexual male in a committed marriage, …. and I am far from a high risk individual for HIV. Why would you be asking me to do this?""

Guess what the answer was? ""We have metrics to meet with vaccinations so we need the staff to cooperate"". YES, METRICS TO MEET! He declined--told the manager to beat it.

2) Psychologist has her own thriving practice in Madison. Over the last year, MOST of her clients/patients have been Madison area healthcare workers sharing their stories--how morally wrong they've been asked to practice, witnessing wrong-doings, being asked to HUSH/don't look and so much more.

I am at a loss of words at this point."

Nurse in CA

"As an RN working in the Emergency Dept I have seen many adverse reactions. The Spring of 2021 was the scariest time. Many patients would come in immediately after having the Covid vaccine with tachycardia and shortness of breath. At this time the doctors would call it ""anxiety"". I had 3 patients in one day come in with chest pain, and elevated troponin levels, one patient was 24 years old. They all were vaccinated and had heart attacks. I will never forget a 21-year-old boy who had chest pains, shortness of breath, recently vaccinated with #2 who had an elevated d-dimer and his CT showed pulmonary embolisms. His mom asked me, ""do you think it was the vaccine"". I always remind patients that the vaccine is new, and we do not know all the side effects.

Another patient who was an employee received the booster in the fall of 2021. He came into the Emergency Department with what we thought was an anaphylactic reaction. He was beet red, his heart was racing, and he had uncontrollable shaking all over.

I frequently see patients with skin rashes, one patient said her dermatologist called it a vaccine-induced autoimmune reaction. She is living with this miserable itchy rash, her doctors' remedy, ""do not get 3 covid vaccines within a 3 month period.""

I used to work with an EMT who was in her 30s and passed away suddenly. I do not know her story but it was sudden and unexpected. Every day I see the adverse effects of this vaccination and it is very sad. "

Doctor in Greece

About 85% of my patients are vaxxed at least twice.I have seen the 5-7% of them to have serious adverse events.For example blurred vision the next day after Moderna ,lasts for 12 days with inability to walk,brain strokes the other day of 4th pfizer,and enough with pain all over the body with difficulty in walking 2 months after 2nd pfizer,with increased D-Dimer...

Nurse Practioner in IL

I am a nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in acute hospital care. In 2021 our group/hospital saw a huge increase in Sub Massive PE and DVT requiring interventional thrombolysis, more than double with no inciting event and in younger patients than we have ever seen! During Covid I was expected to work 40+++ hours weekly for my practice while basically forcefully taking a 50% pay cut or accept furlough during the summer of 2020. All while being forced to re-use PPE(which before covid was unheard of). 

……Following 2 appeals...exemption denied! My cardiologist even wrote me a medical exemption related to a chronic cardiac condition, which was also denied. After being terminated, I was also disallowed unemployment benefits from the state. I have never become sick due to covid, after being exposed repeatedly while caring for my patients. I have cared for family members who were sick with covid and made sure they had access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and all of them have recovered without problems. I remain healthy and take supplements daily, but financially I am struggling. I do not regret my choice to remain unvaccinated and pray daily for those that have succumbed, God help them.

Licensed Healthcare Worker in MA

"I have many patients who have had SIGNIFICANT worsening (or CREATION of) of their syndromes after the COVID shots.

These range from neurological problems, clotting disorders, cancers, menstrual irregularities (including significant blood stagnation), just to name a few.

I have also seen it cause a significant and substantial increase in patient's anxiety."

Medical Technician in PA

I worked at Einstein Medical Center when the so-called "pandemic" started. They furloughed a lot of folks(self included) and that's a Trauma Level 1 facility. There was no pandemonium, just business as usual. But the facility "acted" like it was serious. No refrigeration trucks, just a news van out front mostly. I left there in May of 2021 to work for Nazareth Hospital. No real issues at first. Then in July, the mandate came down and I immediately filed for an exemption. But in mid June I began to hear over the PA system "stroke alert" or "Crash Cart Team" to a certain floor. Over the next 5 months, the "stroke alert" call was announced from 3 to 5 times a day. I didn't go a full work week without hearing that alert. None of my vaccinated coworkers had any clue nor did they question anything. I always felt it had something to do with this poison. I obtained my exemption and held it until I left there in November 2021.


"I am a Certified Nursing Assistant. I worked in a hospital from August 2020-October 2021. I was healthy the entire time, even when there was a covid outbreak among workers. When the mandate was enforced, our hospital system would not allow ANYONE in any facilities w/o proof of shots, including visitors. After they kicked everyone out, and many of the remaining workers got boosters, more and more people kept getting sick, even though they already had covid. In January 2022, 550 workers got covid. In February 2022, at least 350 got it. In March 2022, around 200 got it. (I didn't hear the numbers after that.) These were people who were ALL fully jabbed! There was a major staffing crisis, yet they wouldn't let those of us who were perfectly healthy work.

Most of the people I worked with took the shots to save their jobs. One RN, who was previously healthy, became disabled and hasn't been able to work since. One has been dealing with neurological issues. A couple have had abdominal/digestive issues. Several have debilitating headaches. I know of an older woman who was post-menopausal who started bleeding again. Another middle-age man who was previously healthy is now a paraplegic in a wheelchair. The list goes on.

I now work for an agency and go into a variety of facilities; some have had covid+ patients. I continue to be healthy. I'm thankful I didn't take those shots!"

Retired RN in RI

"I have several examples of post vax stories. I'm a retired nurse.

I'll begin with my Primary Care physician who among others, I pressed to wait to see how things worked out with the vax based on the available data: less than 1% absolute risk reduction, an experimental therapy without animal studies and a failed mRNA vaccine for SARS 1, the defamation of off label drugs and a blank package insert... He died.

In August 2021 my dearest friend died. She was double vaccinated. Her illness began with a simple and quickly diagnosed urinary tract infection in July 2021. She was admitted to the hospital, responded to treatment and was released within several days. Then again in August 2021 she developed a second urinary tract infection. She walked into the hospital but within 1-2 hours developed septic shock. The hospital physician intubated her. She was given heparin and developed blood clots throughout her body, also observed in her IV lines and urinary catheter. Soon after she had an EEG that established she had no brain activity and was removed from life support.

Another female friend was double vaxxed, and also developed a urinary tract infection (UTI) and was admitted to the hospital as the physician told her she was developing sepsis. She was successfully treated and released. Her urologist told her he'd never seen a UTI progress this quickly to sepsis and if she even thought she may be developing another UTI, to report to the Emergency Room immediately.

A friend who is a male in his early 60's was double vaxxed and soon after he developed a fast growing tumor in his bladder. The tumor was surgically removed and followed with a series of bladder chemotherapy irrigations. He is recovered and in the care of a Functional physician.

An athletic friend who is in his early 70's suffered a severe left hemisphere stroke within 2 months of a Moderna booster (combining and alternating these products has never been tested). His primary 2 dose vax series was Pfizer. He lost his speech, ability to swallow, walk, and in all ways take care of himself. While in Rehab he agreed to another booster. The first booster was incorrectly documented on his vaccine card as being administered in late March 2021 but it was actually 2022. Had the nurse read the card carefully and realized in March 2021 there were no boosters administered she would have realized there was an error on the card. The second booster was administered within 3 months of the first. He lost all gains made during his rehab and has been admitted from Rehab to the hospital 3x's since. We continue to pray for him.

I have 2 friends who have developed sleep disorders and restless jumping legs. Both have severe fatigue and daytime sleepiness. One has recently been formally diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. The other has developed neuropathy, cannot feel her feet and relates feelings in her legs that are barely tolerable.

One friend doing fairly well with Parkinson's Disease could no longer get out of bed within 2 weeks of a booster.

A young woman I know resisted getting vaxxed. She was told she could not keep her job unless she complied. Since taking the vax she's had COVID twice and now suffers from fatigue and intermittent fevers.

At a minimum of once weekly I am told by a friend of someone they know who died suddenly while at work or in their sleep or had a stroke. While I realize people have strokes and heart attacks, the rates are excessively high now. The rates of COVID are high too. In 2020 during the Pandemic I didn't know anyone who had COVID. Now that this experimental therapy has been given to millions, COVID is an epidemic.

The beat goes on...the push to get vaccinated with the primary series is ongoing even though the Wuhan variant is no longer in circulation. That is what they're giving our children! No benefit.

I watched the FDA Advisory Board for the booster. Initially the request from Pfizer was to begin with age 16 and older. After hours of testimony from the community who presented data from Israel and other evidence of harms, the FDA voted to administer the booster to age 65 and older and those at high risk-healthcare workers among others.

The Advisory Board meeting was followed by the Stakeholders meeting where Dr. Marks was asked why the booster was not approved for the 16 year olds. He replied, 1/5000 developed myocarditis. (That's a huge number!) Meanwhile this product has been approved for children, infants and toddlers based on immune bridging for data. Also the rates of COVID in the children who got the product developed much higher rates of COVID.

I've since read some of the Pfizer documents..."

Chiropractor in Canada

Alberta Covid Vaccine Issues

I’m a chiropractor going on 37 years in the same region with over 27,000 patients since day one. This necessarily results in me knowing lots of people who have family and friends. This vastly differs from most people today where people barely know their next door neighbor and don’t have a connection with more than a few outside their families. So trauma across the street is never known. Smaller communities like mine differ from major urban settings.

During the two main years of Covid I had about 2000 different patients. About 250 were hospitalized and easily half caught “Covid”. Of the 250 hospitalized about 30 were in ICU. And of these only one 73 yo male with comorbidities died. ONLY ONE!

However, in the years of seeing people vaccinated I have seen only 2 pretty rough flu vaccine reactions. One with lasting complications.

But the Covid shot is in a whole other category. I cannot count the number of rough reactions especially upon the second shot or booster(s). And I have counted 21 patients or patient's family members or close friends who have died. I have kept track of their names and ages and timing of death compared to the shot timing.

Most of the deaths were 65 and older. 2 died within 4 days of the first shot. 5 died within 4 days of the second shot. 5 died in and around the first or second booster. The rest got sick shortly after the second or booster shot and continued to fail over the next 3 weeks to three months then died.

I was a staunch proponent of the FLCCC treatment protocol including hydrogen peroxide and iodine nebulizer and gargling with povidone or equivalent and hassling farmers to get liquid ivermectin to give to COVID patients according to the early treatment protocol.

Our entire family of 16 all got COVID and all were better in and around 10 days. Only one had lasting smell and taste issues. No hospitalization or complications or “long Covid”.

Total cost to our healthcare system was one regular GP visit to get codeine cough syrup. (About $50 plus the Rx)

My best friend is an MD. We’ve had numerous discussions and during the toughest time he was very critical of me working with patients and not being vaccinated. In spite of direct orders from the college of chiropractors of Alberta to not discuss vaccination I could not in good conscience agree.

I told my MD friend that one day people will wake up and realize their loved one died because he virtually forced the vaccine upon them. There will be violence and his life will be in danger. Not mine.

Amazingly, so many people who have taken the shots don’t admit that they are worse because of the shot. Just this week a 54 yo patient dutifully took her shots and got progressively worse with each shot. She’s now unable to work and is using a walker when two years ago she was a competitive ball player. She yet can’t believe she’s been injured by the shots and it must be something else. Of course her doctor denies any connection to the shot. Another patient this week had his 4th shot in May. (He’s 70. Long history of smoking and a patient for 30 years.) He can barely get around today with his oxygen sats as low as 59% and can barely make 90%. His heart rate is 50-150 and never ever had been an issue. His doctor blames COPD of course, but his rapid worsening is directly linked to his last shot (or accumulated assault of shots) and he believes his life has been shortened by the shot yet his doctor again poo poos the connection. The injury picture of this shot, especially in Alberta, is absolutely devastating. But the blindness to the effects are just as devastating. It’s like we’re in an alternate universe surrounded by semi zombies with lobotomies.

Thanks for the venue to share.

I might add that every case of “long Covid” I have seen has been in someone who has been vaccinated.


I think you get the picture. There are many more stories there on that PDF, which itself only contains about half of the all the testimonies that have come in so far, and they keep coming.


G-d is here with us and is revealing the truth! The salvation is at hand.

Link to Steve Kirsch’s original article:

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