Thursday, 28 September 2023


"Exit the WHO!" Implores Dr. Peter McCullough

The Most Urgent Plea for Humanity

“The European Union, the United States, and all major stakeholders should completely pull out of the WHO [16:55].”

Dr. Peter McCullough, perhaps the world’s foremost authority on the deaths and injuries related to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and the senior author of the most comprehensive autopsy study on the subject, sounded the alarm in a speech delivered Thursday before the European Parliament. 

McCullough has joined the rapidly growing body of voices demanding the US withdrawal from the WHO, a non-governmental body closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, which seeks to control the world’s healthcare in a totalitarian fashion.

McCullough’s speech details the collusion between the WHO, the UN, the Gates Foundation, and the Welcome Trust, which he likens to a Syndicate, one determined to advance the corporate interests of mRNA vaccines against the health interests of Americans, Europeans, and the citizens of the world.

“The role of the WHO appears to be operating within the biopharmaceutical complex as a Syndicate, a complicated Syndicate that has formed over time that includes the WHO, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Welcome Trust, and GAVI. [02:10].”

McCullough continued naming the Actors of this 2023 modern Mafia, the Technocratic Syndicate bent on exerting world dominion. He added these names to the list:

The coalition for Pandemic Preparedness aka CEPI. Other Syndicate members include the US Department of State, the CDC, and the FDA. Foreign Syndicate members include South Africa’s SAHPRA, the UK’s MHRA, Australia’s TGA, and Europe’s EMA [02:34].

Like any Syndicate, McCullough observed that this group of hostile NGOs and various governmental agencies is carefully coordinated and is ‘operating as a unit’ and ‘their impact has been adverse [03:03].’

This characterization of ‘adverse impact’ is perhaps the understatement of the century in that the adverse impact McCullough is referring to is the cover-up of the cause of the pandemic - a man-made bioweapon constructed in Wuhan, China, and funded by the US government, and the massive wave of death following the global deployment of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

McCullough details the WHO’s involvement in this cover-up [03:19]. He named the scientists [03:38] - led by Anthony Fauci and including Peter Daszak of the Eco Health Alliance - who conspired to cover this up by publishing 12 fraudulent papers [04:06].

However, a new and unfamiliar name also appeared, and this scientist links strongly with the WHO. Formerly of the Welcome Trust, Jeremy Farrar is now the point man at the WHO.

“These were quarterbacked by Jeremy Farrar who is the Chief Scientist at the WHO [04:12].”

For my readers, I have long reported on Peter Daszak's cozy wine-sipping relationship with the bat lady scientist of China- I have warned extensively of the conspiratorial collaboration between Gates, the Welcome Trust, and the WEF. Some of these articles have disappeared but remain saved in other forms on the internet for your review today. However, if you and other readers do not join Dr. McCullough and us immediately, as the UN will be voting on September 20th, we may be stuck with impossible censorship - and far worse - for the foreseeable future. 

I have called for the Defunding of the WHO, and the US withdrawal from the WHO, but now Dr. Peter McCullough has provided us with a road map of the scientists, the organizations, and events that have led to this unprecedented wave of death and destruction that is now rapidly accelerating - and led by the WHO.

McCullough references his sources for his information, which is separate and distinct from my prior reporting. Yet we are naming the same people, organizations, and groups with essentially the same purpose. McCullough’s sources come from public documents presented recently at the US Congress. This is no longer a theory - it is an incontrovertible fact.

“This is all in the series of reports in the House Select Committee in the US Congress led by Representative Brad Wenstrup [04:16].”

“The WHO has played an adverse role from the very beginning, deceiving the world on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 [04:30]. Doctors like us in clinical practice got behind on this because our governments and agencies like the WHO weren’t honest with us. And instead of helping us, and at least getting out of the way in terms of treating patients and saving lives, they got in the way, and they impeded our ability to treat patients [04:45].”

If the reader doubts the absolute necessity of withdrawing from the WHO now - immediately - as soon as possible - with the greatest haste - as if your life depends on it - because it does - then consider one last fact.

The proposed language for the WHO’s new policies has been lined out, so the delegates may clearly view what is being expunged, and what words are to replace it.

Existing wording for Article 3 currently states [19:38], “The regulations shall be implemented with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people.”

The current proposal from the India delegate is to eliminate those words. 

Moreover, the delegate from Saudi Arabia who is actually the Co-Chair of the Committee to change these WHO International Health Regulations has stated publicly that in times of health emergency it is necessary to suspend human rights [21:10].

And the implication for those who are paying close attention is that it becomes less profitable for the members of the Syndicate when pesky details like the Bill of Rights and US Constitution get in the way of making hundreds of billions of dollars through forced vaccinations against man-made pandemics. 

Currently, if you and I do not email and nag, nag, nag our Senators to support House Bill 79 with a companion version in the US Senate, which is a bill to exit the WHO, we risk giving up our human rights to the WHO. 

And I do not need to remind you what such an organization - devoid of the safeguards of human rights - might do - CCP style [forced organ harvestingdeath by mandatory injectionsforced removal of your propertyforced diets of insects and lab-grown meat, just to name a few]. It would make our recent experience look like Disneyland in comparison. #Exit the WHO now!

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