Wednesday, 27 September 2023


" '9/11' " to COVERT-19--Great Criminals: The Financiers behind Two Centuries of Terror and Wars

13 Illustrated Pages from the book Waking Up from Our Nightmare

Sept. 20, 2023

Today’s offering isc 13 Pages from Jim Hoffman’s and my 2004 book Waking Up from Our Nightmare / The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City.

The book’s first two Sections focus on ‘WTC 7’ and and then ‘The Twin Towers’. Their Pages, 5 to 36, reveal with illustrations and analyses how the 570-foot-tall Building 7 and the 110-story North and South Towers of the World Trade Center were demolished on September 11, 2001. Because this piece’s chief intention is to more expose those who have most profited from the Ghastly Mass-Murders and Covert/Overt Operations of both “ ‘9/11/01’ “ and “ ‘COVID-19’ “, I’ll reprint here only one of the great condensations of evidence that owe above all to Jim Hoffman, our Page 33.

The Towers disappeared into exploding dust clouds that first consumed their falling tops and then consumed their remaining structures and then consumed their remaining structures from top to bottom in about 15 seconds [ … ] Materials falling outside its [the former building’s’ profile were slowed only by air resistance, but material falling inside its profile would have been slowed further by the building’s solid structure below. And yet, no portion of either Tower remained standing above the descending rubble cloud.’

Now we can answer as to the crimes of 9/11/01 in New York City, the What of investigators’ What—When—Where—Who—How—Why template…. We still have to address Who and Why. / Who and Why return us to the realm of the individual human beings, their motives and morality. We return to the over 2,750 dead in New York City on 9/11/01, over 2600 of them not aboard either crashed airliner, over 2000 of them workers in the Twin Towers, 479 of them public-service personnel, including 343 firefighters…. Why so many of these people died as we must now know they did die—through the calculated demolitions of each of the Twin Towers; that is, through cold-blooded mass murder—leads us to the inescapable contemplation of who had the likeliest means, motive, and opportunity to carry out these crimes, crimes so immoral or amoral that they’re beyond the imagining [ … ] or ordinary and compassionate human beings.’

‘If the Council on Foreign Relations raises the hackles of conspiracy theorists, the Bilderberg meetings must induce apocalyptic visions of omnipotent international bankers plotting with unscrupulous government officials to impose cunning schemes on an ignorant and unsuspecting world.’ / David Rockefeller, financier to Nazis after World War II, former Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank and of the Council on Foreign Relations, writing facetiously in his 2002 book, Memoirs.

David Rockefeller makes himself unwittingly ridiculous again through his ascriptions of ‘omnipotent’ and ‘cunning’ to himself and peers and of ‘ignorant and unsuspecting’ to the ‘world’ that he and peers (a very Tiny Few, represented now among the World Economic Forum’s 31-member Board of Trustees and 100 Strategic Partners among global Corporations) would deceive and subjugate.

Why was this horrific crime committed? By examining who and what profited from the attack of September 11, 2001 we may see possible reasons for the mass murder on that day and the consequent deaths of many more thousands of people due to the “ ‘War on Terror’ “ in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Finally, we’ll see that these banks and the few families who control them have manipulated the masses of the Untied State and the world into Wars, Depressions and other means of mass murder and misery for more than a century to increase their power and profits. The ‘New World Order’ that they presume to impose on us makes horrors such as “ ‘9/11’ “ inevitable.

To understand how we in the United States have been put in a fix that makes crimes such as the attacks of 9/11/01 inevitable, we must understand the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

According to Eustace Mullins and to the U.S. House of Representatives Banking Committe Staff Report of August 12, 1976, ownership of the Federal Reserve Board’s 12 regional banks belongs mostly to several private banks or investment banks that are controlled by a relatively few families.

You may now see why to Eustace Mullins and to the U.S. House of Representatives Banking Committe Staff Report of August 12, 1976, ownership of the Federal Reserve Board’s 12 regional banks belongs mostly to several private banks or investment banks that are controlled by a relatively few families.

According to Charles Hiogham’s Trading With the Enemy, U.S.-based corporations sold crucial materials to Nazi Germany even after the U.S. entered World War II. Standard Oil of New Jersey (Chevron), controlled by Rockefellers, Rothschild, and the I.G. Farben company of Germany, supplied Nazi Germany with oil. International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) supplied Nazi Germany with 30,000 to 50,000 fuzes per month for artillery shells…. In 1955 (the year in which First National Bank and National City Bank merged toward what’s now become Citigroup) [29] David Rockefeller became Vice President in his family’s Chase Bank. In 1956 he formed the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation … He used the New York State power of hjis brother Nelson (who became Governor in 1958) first to fund the World Trade Center through the Port Authority … and then to occupy the Twin Towers with New York State employees once the Towers were completed … We know that by 2001 the World Trade Center Buildings needed more than $1 billion in renovations to compete as desirable office-space in Lower Manhattan.

Many of us already know that the quarterly earnings of the biggest oil-and-gas corporations surged after the U.S./U.K. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq…. / Many of us also know that profits have surged form corporaitons which manufacture weapons.

By far the greatest surge in the trade of illegal narcotics since 2001—dwarfing even the revenue from coca-derivatives cocaine and Crack—has come from Afghan-grown opium. In fact, the amounts that finally accrue each year from Afghan-grown opium-unto-heroin dwarf the annual profits from oil-and-gas and armaments.

Now that we can see how financiers’ needs involve Stock markets with criminal traffic in heroin and cocaine, let’s look at the fourth and most exploitative support of their G. O. D. D. [Guns Oil Drugs Debt] structure—debt…. / Volcker’s move combined with the second “ ‘shock’ “ of oil-price rises to cause the “ iThrid World Debt Crisis’ “ in the 1980s/ Volcker was David Rockefeller’s choice to head the IMF. The IMF then imposed SAPs (Structural Adjustment Programs) on debtor nations…. / The IMF and all major creditor banks—Bank of America, Chase Manhattan, etc.) also required that payments be in U.S. Dollars…. / While such usurious cruelty was going on internationally, U.S. taxpayers were losing staggering amounts within their government.

And yet—despite the billions unto trillions of dollars taken from ordinary people outside and inside the United States—this nation’s government and its major banks themselves carry enormously mounting debt…. / Citigroup, the Bank of America, and JP Morgan Chase (the Morgan and Rockefller families’ key banks merged on the past day of 2000) are each at risk in liabilties for many times more than their worth in assets…. / Since JUly 2002, the U.S./U.K. have invaded Iraq and gained control of Iraqi oil, and two Afghan opium harvests have arrived with their “pop”. Most crucial for the U.S. economy, however, have been massive infusions of currency and credit from the Federal Reserve System. Recent infusions portend a crisis more severe than the Crash of 1929. 

So, we see in 2023, David Rockefeller is six years dead (gone from Meetings and Stages at age 101 in 2017), but Bill Gates acts like D. R.’s successor in carrying out an Agenda whose destructions, exploitations and enslavements are exactly equaled by its hypocrisies. 

What do we do? We know for sure in 2023 how the Games are run. With the Banksters’ desperate but inevitable Big Lie of 2019 into the current year, this Big Lie named “ ‘COVID-19’ “, we’ve suffered across societies in NATO Nations. We’ve suffered the most pervasive Psychological Operation (Psy-Op) ever waged. We’ve suffered injuries and fatalities never visited on NATO Nations’ peoples … outside of the World Wars … that also most profited families of the Financiers behind “ ‘9/11’ “We’ve suffered a little something of the atrocities visited on peoples of Colonies, atrocities of exploitation that again most profited families of financier over the apst two centuries and more. 

We surely know by now that We Masses’ future is the Ruling Few’s target for extinction. That is, the World Economic Forum’s 100 Strategic Partners and its Board of Trustees conspire every day to disempower us unto accepting the twisted nonsense of their ‘Vision’ or driving us to—well, yes, see what has surrounded you for several years—debilitations and death. We know what we can do. We know what we can do with ‘our genius’ for our freedom and for each other.

(THANKS particulary to JIM HOFFMAN for Waking Up … and much more—to VICTORIA for being right there us into late-night toils—and to the Consorts of 2001 and forward!)

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