Wednesday, 27 September 2023


Irrepressible Natural Immunity

Guaranteed Safe And Effective

Natural Immunity

The results of the most comprehensive compilation of international studies on immunity during the pandemic were recently released in a Lancet article. The report revealed that protection following COVID-19 infection solely from natural immunity is certainly as good as multiple doses of the vaccine; with details implying that it might be better at guarding against future infection.

The article was published along with commentary attempting to dampen its contradiction with the fabricated narrative of the last few years, ensuring any dramatic implications were minimized. However, the report provides incontrovertible evidence that the human body is quite capable of responding to and protecting against novel pathogens, and confirms natural immunity is stunningly powerful.

Rather than emphasizing this critical finding, ridiculous advice was offered. Although completely inappropriate for a study evaluating facts, and contradicting the obvious deductions, the summary warns that the report should not discourage vaccination because “it is the safest way to acquire immunity.” 

The despicable innuendo is that relying on natural immunity is risky compared to an experimental vaccine. This presumptuous declaration with no basis continues to be disseminated among the unknowing. For those awakened to the pattern of fraudulent statements throughout the pandemic, this reached a new height of overt duplicity.

The report’s revelation, along with the widely accepted knowledge that the disease was neither dangerous nor deadly for those whose health wasn’t already compromised, presents another bizarre act of an incomparable farce. At center stage is yet another dogmatic false decree adding to the compounding deceptions by scientists, politicians, and news media over the last few years.

The Unfolding Drama

This latest fiction fits perfectly within the context of the other lies…

A dangerous pathogen that supposedly came from a curious beast in a live-animal market, suspiciously emerging in the same city as a covert laboratory developing a very similar virus, allegedly caused the first cases of a new strain of flu that threatened to decimate mankind. As it began to spread outward and around the world, a solution was offered by previously not-so-trustworthy drug companies, that had recently developed and peddled narcotics and were found guilty of marketing them as non-addictive, who would heroically develop a panacea for the so-called deadly virus using questionable, untested genetic altering technology. The government, aka the people, paid for this development rather than these for-profit companies renowned for price-gouging. While awaiting this supposed cure to stop the spread — useless, painful, and harmful lockdowns and masking protocols were implemented — by politicians taking campaign donations, aka bribes, from the very same corporations making the vaccines. The combined forces supporting this subterfuge, ensured that no other treatments or drugs were approved or made available, belittling the most effective remedies against the virus, because if they had, there would be no grounds for emergency authorization. Without that status, there would be cumbersome safety testing and no blanket protection from lawsuits for their corporate friends. Many people unnecessarily had their lives forever impacted or died from the failure to respond appropriately. When the much-awaited, government-blessed, and mandated inoculations arrived they were described as free, although paid for by tax dollars. Remaining true to their benefactors despite unknown risks and questionable value, the vaccines were declared safe and effective by the government pawns of the drug cartel and distributed with unparalleled vehemence. When the vaccines proved useless to stop any infection from the not-so-dangerous virus, while continuing to be sold as the only solution, the rhetoric increased, including blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic. The questionable results in preventing severe symptoms and confirmable dangers did not matter to those in charge. Younger people, who were unlikely to be harmed by the virus yet were suffering severe damaging effects from the vaccine — were killed or scarred because there was never serious evaluation in a risk versus benefit study. Throughout the pandemic, doctors who defied the mainstream narrative in an attempt to give appropriate care were threatened and marginalized, while patients lost their medical autonomy and means of survival. Over the course of this tragedy of errors, anyone who dared mention natural immunity — or expressed any doubts about vaccines — was deemed a charlatan, quack, and conspiracy theorist, and banned from most places where their sane voices might be heard by the general public — who remain sheltered from the truth.

And now, following this incredible scenario — which would be an outrageous comedy except for the irreparable harm it has done — the latest narrow confirmation of the human body’s amazing ability to fight disease has yet to be considered or extrapolated to develop recommendations for maintaining good health. In the same breath as announcing the study’s results, the lackeys of Big Pharma who provided the data assure us that natural immunity, in this case, is notable but that it is similar to getting a couple of shots. 

This proclamation is at the core of the ongoing deceit. And while some countries around the world accepted data on natural immunity as it became available, and adjusted policy accordingly, the United States government continues its unrelenting pressure to vaccinate everyone for everything, including children. 

A common thread to the injustices done is revealed; the flagrant denial of our natural ability to fight disease has been central to the vaccine campaign.

Although vaccines are currently the rage in profit-making, they are not the only reason for minimizing our innate ability to maintain our health and retain medical autonomy. The healthcare industry would collapse if natural immunity against diseases was hailed as superior to drugs bought and medical services sold. Big Pharma, which lines the pockets of Washington and ensures jobs for those departing government service, would lose its most profitable market. They certainly wouldn’t be able to maintain a huge advertising budget — the lifeline of most corporate media. 

It is impossible to ignore the parade of slick commercials hawking prescription drugs, relentlessly reinforcing how sick we are, and encouraging us to “talk to our doctors” about taking them. The fine-print warnings of the dangerous side effects are overshadowed by the smiling faces of the actors who have never ingested these toxins. 

We can only imagine the improvements in well-being if every one of these advertisements were replaced with public service announcements with helpful information about how to strengthen good health and natural immunity.

As exemplified by the recent lack of news coverage when natural immunity proves stronger than a vaccine — the topic is avoided in every possible way — as most things natural are a risk to all things profitable in the medical world. The conventional narrative presents natural immunity as if it is a cosmetic fad for a small minority of people that at best might provide some placebo effect. 

As the human body's ability to fight disease is marginalized — with no investment in education about how to increase natural immunity — the U.S. Government is pouring billions into the next generation of COVID vaccines.

A Simple Solution

This continuing fiasco presents a blueprint of healthcare’s insane plight. Only knowledge holds the power for change; a clearer understanding of the topic is a primary requisite. 

Natural immunity is the sum of many things, rather than the narrow biomedical concept focused on antibodies for a specific germ. The human body has innumerable collective means of ensuring that pathogens that might cause debilitating symptoms don’t flourish. What we know about the complexity of the immune system indicates it is a collection of all physiological functions. Isolating any defense mechanism gives an inadequate understanding of the multi-dimensional process and a misleading sense of how to support our general vitality.

What we know for sure is that the primary ways of supporting good health are rooted in common sense and simple practices that generally yield good health. Sound lifestyle and dietary advice are readily available for those who seek it, along with knowledge of herbs and spices that help to bolster immunity. 

The wall of propaganda dispensed throughout the pandemic ensured the topic and means of self-help were stifled. In direct contrast to that destructive campaign, these are confirmed behavioral enhancements that restore or maintain, health and immunity.

  1. Ensure whatever it takes to get good sleep and rest

  2. Drink plenty of clean water, breathe fresh air, and soak up some sunshine

  3. Eat a colorful, well-balanced natural diet free from additives

  4. Include probiotics and prebiotics from foods or supplements

  5. Exercise and stretch regularly

  6. Reduce stress and worry

  7. Increase activities that bring joy

The result is natural immunity with an added benefit — lost in our turbulent times, and what most drugs and vaccines can’t offer — feeling genuinely happy and healthy.

If fear is replaced with self-awareness and receptiveness to important insights, changes will manifest. What else might end the madness keeping us from our intrinsic good health? 



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