Thursday, 28 September 2023


How Dangerous is 5G? - Extremely - & How to Protect Yourself:

Take the Two Polls

Since I first wrote about Microwave Energy, others like Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Lee Vliethave sounded the alarm. And prolonged exposure to even 3G and 4G is linked with Glioblastoma - the same type of brain cancer my friend gotIt is also caused Attorney Jimmy Gonzales’ brain cancer and death - but not before he alerted the public to this problem - the dangers of Cell Phone Transmission - through his testimony.

Keep in mind that Jimmy was never exposed to 5G. Older 3G and 4G cell phone transmitters only exposed human beings to 9,000 microWatts but switching to 5G technology led to an increase in radiation from 9,000 microWatts / m2 to a maximum of 1,690,000 microWatts / m2 - a factor of nearly 187.

If it took Attorney Gonzales 10 years of continuous cell phone use to contract his fatal brain cancer with 9,000 microWatts, how long do you think it would take if during every cell phone call, he was exposed to over 1.6 million microWatts? 187 times faster than 10 years comes out to only 19 days to get the equivalent exposure [10 x 365 = 3650 and 3650/187 = 19.5].

Now consider this. FEMA and the emergency broadcast system are conducting a broad test of the 5G network on October 4, 2023, and this will involve a 2-hour continuous microwave signal targeted to your cell phones, televisions, radio and electronic devices.

Attorney Callender and Dr. Lee Vliet have already warned that they believe this will cause the lipid nanoparticles to swell and release their contents which may include sequences to the Marburg virus. Please see my recent article for Repurposed Drugs for Marburg.

5G Cell Towers emit non-ionizing radiation and for many years Cell Phone use and Towers have been deemed safe by MSM propaganda. Today more has been learned. I believe that Cell Phone use and related Tower Microwave transmissions can:

Cause tinnitus and loss of balance

Shorten life - 5G especially


In an interview a few days ago, Callender comments on a FEMA Whistleblower video statement warning of the upcoming FEMA emergency test. I believe it would be prudent to take precautions, specifically to protect yourself against 5G during the test, and in general to shield yourself and family from 5G transmissions. Please familiarize yourself with the health dangers in the following link based upon an Oncologist’s study.

I recommend shielding yourself with garments that block 5G EMF and they can be purchased from various suppliers on Amazon - hoodies, ponchos, blankets, etc.

And turn off your devices October 4th during the test for the entire 2 hours - there is a possible back up test scheduled October 11th. Protect yourself on both dates. Please watch the Callender video for the specifics. This story is free to all, and I invite comments. I also include two polls to sample how widely citizens are aware of the massive health risks of 5G.

I take health damaging effects of 5G seriously and I have taken these precautions:

Keep router away from the family

Refuse to use 5G cell phone

Keep phone in Faraday cage

Use protective clothing & headgear

Shield walls windows & attic


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