Saturday 30 September 2023


The Journey of a Health Revolutionary Featuring Dr Peter McCullough & Dr Tess Lawrie

This stimulating conversation between Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr Peter McCullough facilitated by Maajid Nawaz is truly one-of-a-kind.

The World Council for Health warmly invites you to experience The Journey of a Health Revolutionary featuring Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Tess Lawrie. 

Click here to sign up for our email newsletter for access and to be notified when the film is officially released to the world. It is truly one-of-a-kind.

This stimulating Better Way Live conversation in Bath, UK between two health revolutionaries, facilitated by Maajid Nawaz of the WARRIOR CREED podcast, will change our approach to children’s health forever—and our friends at Oracle Films were there to capture it all!

We’re delighted to offer open access to our exclusive footage from this special fundraiser event to you when you contribute value for value to the World Council for Health.

We trust that you’ll enjoy this frank, interactive discussion about what is really going on, and what we can do about it. 

“Dr Andrew Wakefield was right all along.”

“If I were a young parent today, what I would do is I would forego the vaccines,”  Dr McCullough explained.

“I’m not anti-vax, I’m vaccine risk aware.”

If this resonates with you, please do share!


When we realise how we have inadvertently harmed our children by outsourcing their health to the authorities for decades without questioning, there is likely to be a painful period of sober reflection, anger and collective mourning.

It is now clear that a common-sense approach to childhood vaccines is urgently needed.

Dr Tess Lawrie Presents a Better World Certificate of Gratitude to Dr Peter McCullough and Maajid Nawaz on Behalf of the World Council for Health

On the 19th of September in Bath, UK in front of a live audience, Dr Lawrie presented Dr McCullough and Maajid Nawaz with a Better World Certificate of Gratitude on behalf of the World Council for Health.

This was also the first time Tess met Peter in person!

  • Did you know that both of these health revolutionaries have concluded that Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are biological threats and all vaccines should now be avoided?

Join us and together we’ll explore what it takes to become true health revolutionaries. And don’t forget to sign up for our email newsletter!

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