Thursday, 28 September 2023


Unnatural Causes – Malone Investigates the Maui “Wild” Fires

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology and Washington DC insider,released a bombshell interview suggesting the Maui Wildfires were not a natural occurrence but something far more sinister.

Dr. Robert Malone, an outspoken voice of credibility, now has a Substack Readership that rivals major media like CNN or FOX, and many regard him as their go-to source of news, as do I.

While the official government narrative is that the wildfires occurred naturally due to dry conditions, unusually high winds from Hurricane Dora, human error, and possible arson, Malone’s interview with two credible and thoughtful Island locals disputes this with sound data.

Based upon the evidence they have developed through Weather Radar, Satellite Imagery, and photographs of the burn site, Malone makes a strong forensic argument that once again our government may be lying to us – as he famously wrote in his best-selling book, Lies My Government Told Me. However, the implications of this interview are worse – perhaps our government is also willing to kill us – especially if it means gaining title to our strategically important and valuable property.

Malone begins his interview with a section on Microwave Manipulation of Atmosphere – something I have previously described as Weather Warfare. Dane Wigington, the founder of GeoengineeringWatch.Org has spoken and written extensively on this subject, and he also was interviewed by RFK Jr.

Malone, through his Island witness, Bruce Douglas, viewed streaming images of Hurricane Dora as it developed off of Baja California, and made its way along the 10thdegree Latitude along a path 500 miles South of the Hawaiian Islands. Within the same time frame, anomalous radio-frequency atmospheric patterns were noticed hundreds of miles North, completely outside the pattern of the Hurricane.

“In this area to the North above it, the cloud cover is broken into a number of different fragments. Instead of being a nice cloud cover, this area is all broken up into pieces and it starts to flicker and glisten and vibrate like there’s frequencies or vibrations being added to it – something I’ve never seen before [11:53].”

The witness explained the pattern was so anomalous that he had never seen it before – in other words he had never witnessed such a radiofrequency pattern acting upon the clouds.

“[14:19] Do we have the ability to run frequencies on clouds?” he asked. And he answered, “[14:20] Yes, we do – we have the technology; it’s called HAARP – High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program.”

HAARP uses powerful microwave ground-based transmitters, usually in an array, to heat the Ionosphere which can produce serious results. Some, like Dane Wigington explain that with today’s microwave power, this atmospheric heating can precipitate earthquakes, tsunamis, and other disasters.

Dane, on his GeoengineeringWatch.Org site has already garnered more than 45 million views, has produced a documentary – The Dimming – with the help of a NOAA aircraft and scientist using Mass Spectrometry and Electron Microscopy Analysis.

Dane was also the first to alert Americans to the Government’s Clandestine use of Microwave Technology to influence Weather and Atmospheric patterns. Below are photos of two frequency patterns of Satellite Imagery that did not occur prior to 1980 prior to HAARP technology.  Prior to HAARP, Satellite Imagery reflected cloud patterns resulting from air pressure differences. Today, we see unnatural radio-frequency patterns, what Bruce Douglas refers to as Cymatic shapes – that are clearly the results of unnatural weather manipulation by known and patented technology. Below one can view two examples Dane has provided of radiofrequency-manipulated cloud patterns.

Dane explains that much of this has been used by our three-lettered Intelligence Agencies secretly against foreign adversaries. In a prior article on Weather Warfare, I discussed Project Popeye used against the North Vietnamese. However, today it appears these administrative agencies have been deploying it against Americans.

Robert Malone, who has worked extensively with the Department of Defense could have been privy to some of this information which is usually protected in the “top secret” province.

Bruce Douglas, the witness, continued,

“[14:53] Was this that (HAARP)? I don’t know, but this needs to be a part of the investigation. This weird frequency anomaly up here creating this Cymatic pattern – waves of winds hitting Hawaii up here.”

He explained that it was only when these clouds, under radio-frequency manipulation, intersected Maui, that the 70 mile an hour anomalous winds began at 7:00 pm – winds coming from the West around the mountains – opposite the normal trade-winds direction.

The two witnesses explained that Hurricane Dora, more than 500 miles South had little to no effect on those winds, as hurricanes traditionally must be closer than 150 miles to influence the winds to any significant degree.

Dr. Malone agreed, “[16:05] If you’re that far away from the epicenter and from those disruptive (hurricane) swirls, you’re not getting a whole lot of weather in my experience, certainly on hurricanes that have moved up the Eastern Seaboard. “[16:20] I agree. It certainly is not consistent with the narrative that is being promoted – that this was a natural hurricane-associated event. It certainly is associated, but it doesn’t seem to me the hurricane was the driver. Is that your conclusion?”

Douglas answered, “[16:36] That’s my conclusion. It’s like right in here some place (showing Weather Radar) there’s this frequency hitting the clouds making it oscillate and vibrate in a harmonic pattern which is not something I’ve naturally seen happen.”

Dr. Malone reiterated that the theory of Hurricane Dora as a main cause of the Maui fires ‘did not hold water’ as the hurricane was too far away at the time to be the cause of the anomalous and sudden winds that struck suddenly at 7:00 pm August 8th at approximately the same time the Bruce Douglas frequency-related cloud waves struck the Island.

The two witnesses were questioned by Malone as to the other causes of the fires touted by mainstream media, i.e., Climate Change and drought. Douglas explained that mean summer temperatures over the past decades since the 1970s have been stable at around 80 degrees F. So, no noticeable climate change in Hawaii.

Malone than questioned him about whether or not Maui had experienced recent drought. No drought according to Douglas. “It wasn’t any less dry than any other year, so it was a normal precipitation year [20:57]. You can’t call it a drought situation.”

Finally, Dr. Malone went on to his second witness, Paul Deslauriers, a mechanical engineer and community activist. Mr. Deslauriers analyzed ground-based photographs highlighting the burn patterns of various structures.

Perhaps most intriguing was his analysis of burned vehicles with evidence of melted steel and glass in close proximity to preserved plastic, terra cotta tile, intact plants and leaves, transformers, etc. While steel begins melting at 2,600 degrees F, glass melts at even hotter temperatures approaching 2,800 degrees F. Plastic, on the other hand melts much lower at temperatures of around 200 to 300 F degrees.

Below we see an intact plastic piggy bank surrounded by material that burned at more than 1000 degrees – where windshields melted the temperature had been nearly 3,000 degrees F yet the plastic neither burned nor melted.

Deslauriers began with this photo showing an approaching fireball at around sunset in Lahaina the evening of August 8th, 2023. 

He noted the Lahaina fire had started in the morning as a brushfire but was completely extinguished. It began along with at least three other fires ignited on the same day. 

It reignited for unknown reasons near sunset at around 7:00 pm just around the time Bruce Douglas noted the frequency anomalous cloud patterns intersected the islands.

He displayed photos of trees burned from the inside out, a characteristic of microwave heating. This particular tree revealed intact and unburned bark above the char, and surrounding it were unburned twigs and brush. This pattern is suggestive of microwave heating.

Deslauriers displayed this photo of a “fried” automobile, where the windshield had melted, while juxtaposed across the street was an intact home and hedge. One must note the ceramic tile or terra cotta roof structure of the preserved building which would offer relative protection against microwave heating.

He adds photos revealing severely burned vehicles some only half burned with the remaining portion nearly unburned. 

The question is begged at how one half of a vehicle can be incinerated as if in a blast furnace at 2,800 degrees, while the remaining half displays intact paint and rubber, as if not near the fire. How can this happen?

Dr. Malone remarked that a transformer somehow escaped the fire that burned an adjacent vehicle.

Perhaps even more intriguing is the mystery of the how the homes in the upscale Lahaina Luna neighborhood survived while a vehicle in an adjacent field was totally incinerated with melted aluminum and glass.

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