Saturday, 30 September 2023


Video Proof, not air bubbles but Gel pockets in our blood.

Want instant coagulation? easily provided. Also below are 6 white blood cells attacking the gel in a time lapse video.

First though, 3 RBC’s attacking a bit of gel and 3 more inbound. 

This is a phone video of the pc screen as the original file was 6 gb’s and too large to post. Its also from a sped up time lapse from over an hour. While watching it I thought the WBC’s were dying after they sucked on the gel but as you can see the center bottom one removed what looks like a proboscis and was departing the scene of the crime when last seen. I will look on monday to see if its possible to see how far he got before the blood dried up.

This leaves many unanswered questions. Where would the WBC take the dirty load it had ingested? Are the dark patches on the WBC’s the gel? etc.

The blood had been on the slide for about 2 hours by the end. Note: at around the 3.30 minute mark I went back and fwd a few times as the WBC on the lower right hand side was making a face and I liked the action.. 

At the 1minute 40 second mark you will see one of those tiny critters swimming around. They cant do that in an air bubble. Also a clearer focused view showing healthy RBC’s instantly transformed into coagulated gloop after being ingested? by the gel. Doubtful there is a pressure differential there.

This video leaves many unanswered questions too. What % of what we think are air bubbles are in fact gel? Is the gel then using our RBC’s that have been ingested to create more system infrastructure ? etc. 

Expect a higher quality of images soon as I am learning to operate a higher spec scope. I have a lot of images and videos banked on it already but have yet to learn how to transfer, edit, compress and post. 

Also as an experiment I have been in the city for 2 weeks, stopped eating fruit and have been eating takeaway sushi , indian etc. All protocols stopped except an occasional application of peroxide to quell the itching. 2 weeks of approximately 5 < hrs sleep per night on average. The effects have been dramatic and the first video is my blood… I did a quick scan of half of that slide and stopped counting at 20 fibres. I have also replicated Ron Norris’s method of taking a red top tube of blood and centrifuging it to see the quantity of gel. The initial gel content of the blood (Approx 30%) also comprises a significant proportion of blood serum and when dried it can be weighed to be quantifiable and comparative.

Not concerned at all as I have had the opportunity to see the worst blood become the best blood in a 4 day period using a combination of treatments that I will describe in the next post. My apologies that I cant describe it today as its a bit complicated and I do need to describe it accurately before posting it. It does involve a mix of a different form of chelation including ozone but also running some other machine from Europe simultaneously plus some new supplement formula.

Bonus bits from recent blood .

Below, A an open minded and good doctors sticky plaster after doing the cds challenge. He wont diagnose delusional parasitosis of anyone now, that’s for sure.

There is a massive difference using cds and a sticky plaster for 24 hours compared to just pulling a few off with crystal clear tape…. This would have been too complex during the Doc’s conference, and probably way too big a wake up call for most.

A message for anyone out there who wants to question my methodologies, my response is please make the effort , just a wee bit at least, to look for yourself first. Then I will welcome any challenge or debate. But until then keep it to yourself.

Last note is that I have become very busy and will probably not be able to respond to all questions etc as quickly as usual, Please bear with me .

Good luck out there all and thanks for being here. m


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