Tuesday 19 September 2023



… if you value your life!


The directives emanating from “experts” now are beyond shocking. Having abandoned all pretense of “following science” and being “evidence-based,” health officials and media are making a major propaganda push for people to get THREE JABS this fall: a brand new covid shot (which has not gone through any reported trials for safety or efficacy at all), the latest flu shot, and the newly unveiled RSV vaccine, which comes with very concerning safety data from the trials.

(Six people in the RSV vaccine trial group developed Guilliane Barre syndrome or other neurological complications, compared to zero in the placebo group - but the “numbers are too small to draw any conclusions,” so they’ll be trying it out on the population to find out for sure whether it really causes these devastating problems. For pregnant women, there was a significant increase in premature births and neonatal deaths among those who received the RSV shots in the trials - see details in my August article linked below.)

Along with these shocking recommendations for the individually dangerous vaccines, we are being told that while there is no data on the safety of getting the RSV shot TOGETHER with the covid and flu vaccines - “some experts” advise that vulnerable individuals should GET ALL THREE IN ONE VISIT, while the CDC and FDA monitor for problems. In other words, people are being told with a straight face to go and be part of a population-wide experiment. 

In the New York Times’ “Three Shots For Fall” article on Wednesday September 6, those were actually the recommendations made by “experts.” I’ll bring the quotes from that article later on.

Let’s first go through each of these shots one by one and explain the risks and the lack of benefits.


I wrote recently about the worryingly dangerous new RSV jabs that are coming out, (there are three: a Pfizer vaccine for pregnant women and seniors, a GSK vaccine for seniors, and an Astra Zeneca monoclonal antibody shot for babies), but now I have even more, very powerful information to provide. First, here is my August article, for those who missed it:

RSV shots have until now been the epitome of a failed vaccine, with a negative efficacy(the shots made things worse when people were exposed to the illness), causing ADE and death in trials. There is not enough reason to believe things will now be rosy.

What is ADE? This article from CHOP explains the basic idea, while also being very obfuscating and tricky (how would “breakthrough disease” be distinguished from ADE?)


See these articles explaining how the original RSV shots caused worsened disease and death, and how unsure scientists are about the new “fix:”




“Some comfort level that the vaccine is safe.” How is some comfort level good enough, when playing with lives?

Look how little a key scientist involved in the RSV vaccine development, Barney Graham, actually understands about antibody dependent enhancement (ADE.) This is from his November 2022 interview with Science.

And see the huge financial conflicts of interest Graham has: 


Indeed, Barney Graham worked under Anthony Fauci at the NIAID beginning in 2000, and stands to personally earn $150,000 yearly in royalties on the new RSV vaccine. Here is his name on the patent (slide from Dr. Meryl Nass MD.)

Look at the death that a different vaccine associated with ADE, the dengue vaccine, wrought when it was administered to the population without enough knowledge of its safety:


Is RSV so dangerous that we need to be scrambling and giving the public vaccines without enough guarantee of their safety? 

The prevailing knowledge in all my years of motherhood has always been that RSV is only potentially dangerous to premature babies, and is nothing more than a cold for everyone else.

It is certainly strange that as RSV shots were in trial, we were swept with an RSV “epidemic” in babies the last two winters. Although many babies got sick, thank G-d, I did not hear of any deaths in the community at all.

The CDC collects the death certificate data. Here is the 2021 article they published with twelve years worth of information.

Indeed, according to the gold standard data - the death certificates - only 26 babies under 1 year old die with RSV per year in the entire United States, and only 17 of those deaths are actually caused by RSV.

As Dr. Meryl Nass wrote:

“4 million babies are born yearly in the US. 20,000 die in their first year. RSV kills 0.125% of them. It is way down the list of top causes of death.”


Slides from Dr. Nass’s presentation last week:

Source: RSV: the disease, the monoclonals and the vaccines.

This is NOT a disease for which we should rationally be making a vaccine.

The idea that seniors need RSV shots is ridiculous. RSV never has been a significant threat to the elderly population - despite the current false propaganda claiming it is.

See this from Dr. McCullough’s January article:

“… a recent paper from Juhn et al of N=2325 adults including frail seniors that demonstrated a negligible risk (1 hospitalization, 0 deaths) with adult RSV usually manageable with outpatient nebulizer treatments for a few days.”

“If it occurs in infants and small children, a few hours in an urgent care or emergency department may be needed for breathing treatments, but again the outcomes are very favorable and certainly do not warrant vaccination, frightening news stories, or calls for national emergencies.”

It is unbelievable that to prevent 17 yearly RSV deaths in babies, the call is for pregnant women to be routinely vaccinated with the Pfizer RSV jab which resulted in excess preterm births in the trial. Preterm births equals a multitude of complications - and if masses of pregnant women receive these shots, there will be thousands of additional preterm births. How does this recommendation make sense? See slides by Dr. Nass. 

IMPORTANT: The Pfizer vaccine for pregnant women was approved by the FDA last Thursday. The pregnancy approval has a unique effect. Whenever a vaccine is recommended for pregnant women, it results in a waiver of liability for the manufacturer for this vaccine across the board (meaning, they’re not liable for anyinjuries caused by this shot, even in people who aren’t pregnant, like seniors.)

It is horrifying that health officials’ plan is to routinely give the brand new monoclonal antibody, nirsevimab, to newborns on their first day of life.

Never before were monoclonals given to babies - except the sickest ones, or given to any segment of the population on a mass scale. Anaphylactic reactions are absolutely expected to happen in a percentage of recipients, and there is no doubt that some babies will die as a result. What are headed for? THIS IS INSANE!

I received from a subscriber in Israel a heartbreaking story of loss of an only child, directly resulting from the currently in use RSV monoclonal antibody shot given to high risk babies, Palivizumab (Abbosynagis/Synagis.) I’m going to copy her emails and documents here:

“My 8- month old baby passed away from an RSV shot!!!!  (January 2013)  Nobody believes me but you will! 

He was given his third (monthly) shot.  In the clinic he stopped breathing.

I took him to hospital immediately where a culture confirmed he has RSV in his system.

He was intubated 3 days later, and passed away 12 days after the shot, from RSV.

I have proof on his death certificate: Reason of death: RSV infection.”

“Note the last time he received it was 31/12/12, and the last time he was admitted to hospital was on the same day!  (Immediately after....  but they omitted this very crucial info....)

I hope this is enough to persuade parents to not let their child go under the knife of the Angel of Death.”

The mother gave more details: 

“In Israel they give all preemies or babies with compromised lungs (maybe also immunocompromised) the shot all thru the winter every month.  

“My baby was born with pulmonary hypertension, and other kidney issues (which was actually caused by the neglect of my doctor.)

“With miracles, he was discharged at 3 months with tiny fragile lungs (he was born with just a shadow of lungs) with oxygen and a feeding tube.

“Slowly slowly we weaned him off the oxygen, he did have a difficult winter, but 4 days before his shot, a routine visit to the hospital - Shaare Zedek -  the pulmonologist was really excited and told us that the worst is over. The winter had almost passed and he miraculously survived all viruses. (The head of NICU told us that in 35 years of his practice he has NEVER sent home a live baby with his condition. I am telling you this to show you what a strong little body he had - all the staff were pointing to him - they actually remember me till now - he overcame such difficulties, but a vaccine - an unhealthy man made invader - he could not overcome).

“I counted how many vaccines this kid had:  Besides RSV, he received 14!!! A sick baby barely 7 and half months old!!

“I found the booklet I received at my baby’s discharge from a mothers’ club for preemies with the very important info about RSV, and the parents' “right to fight” to receive the vaccine.”

It is critical to note that there are excellent treatments for RSV, one of them being nebulized glutathione. I have a friend who is an expert, and during RSV season, she is very busy helping innumerable babies. Early treatment is key, as with so much else - and also as with so much else, our government agencies charged with public health don’t give us the lifesaving treatment information.


This same subscriber in Israel had a tragic experience with the flu vaccine as well, but thank G-d, her daughter is still alive. From one of her emails:

“Unfortunately I have an only daughter born a year after my son passed away, who was injured from a flu vaccine at 2 1/2 years.  She became paralysed in one leg and completely stopped walking, regained slight mobility, relapsed etc.  We did many treatments for her.  Currently she walks with a limp but can't run, has an improper balance and has a blockage in her brain that shows up in learning, which we were told is vaccine toxins and is typical of those injured from vaccines.

“The funny thing is when I arrived at the hospital with her, all the staff - doctors, nurses, students etc.- asked me - individually - if she recently had a flu shot.  I answered all tall & proud “of course!  I am a responsible mother and follow the protocols religiously!” It still didn't occur to me that this caused it, because Hey Vaccines Are Safe! Even after my experience with my baby I was still naively believing doctors, because “doctors know best.”

What IS the efficacy of the flu vaccine - is the risk of injury worth it? 

Turns out that the flu vaccine is a billion-dollar scam. Dr. Peter McCullough wrote the following article in May:

Influenza Vaccine Fails to Stop Hospitalization and Death

Large Japanese Study Shows No Benefit on Hard Outcomes

Influenza vaccination has become a mainstay in American medicine largely as measure to protect the elderly. However in recently decades the FluShot has been pushed on healthcare workers, the general adult public, and starting in 2017 the CDC ACIP Panel stated: “Routine annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons age 6 months and older who do not have a contraindication.” I wondered if the FluShot even did what it was supposed to do originally in the elderly—protect against hospitalization and death. I was disappointed by real world data.

Uemura and coworkers from the Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan reported on 83,146 individuals who were aged 65 years or older at baseline and were followed up between April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2020.

Uemura K, Ono S, Michihata N, Yamana H, Yasunaga H. Duration of influenza vaccine effectiveness in the elderly in Japan: A retrospective cohort study using large-scale population-based registry data. Vaccine. 2023 May 5;41(19):3092-3098. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.03.066. Epub 2023 Apr 10. PMID: 37045684.

The multivariable analysis showed a lower incidence of influenza in vaccinated individuals (hazard ratio [HR], 0.47; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43-0.51; P < 0.001), however the incidence of hospitalization for influenza did not differ significantly by vaccination status (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.53-1.18; P = 0.249). 

These data suggest the massive effort on vaccination in the general population is a waste of time and effort.

If the flu shot does not lessen hospitalization and death rates from flu, is it mostly innocuous, or can it actually cause hospitalization and death?

I searched the VAERS system using the medalerts.org engine, and found many thousands of hospitalizations and deaths reported in the database following flu vaccination. Remember that the Harvard study found that VAERS only captures a tiny percentage of vaccine-related adverse events. Therefore, there is no doubt that the 16,788 hospitalizations associated with the flu shot reflect at least ten times that amount (167,880) or more likely, much, much more.

We know, also, that the 2,360 flu vaccine-associated deaths on VAERS are in reality 23,600 flu vaccine-associated deaths - or much more, based on the Harvard study documenting the under-reporting factor.

NONE of these deaths are justifiable in any way, being that the flu vaccine is not preventing death from the flu, as the six-year Japanese study clearly demonstrates. Therefore, individuals who take the flu shots simply increase their overall hospitalization and death risk, rather than decrease it. 

The deaths from the flu shot are all murders.

For even more information, here are links suggested by ICAN:

“Here is some info about the flu shot that ICAN and its legal team have put together that may be helpful: https://icandecide.org/article/influenza-flu-shot/


Here is an article that was included in our insiders guide about the flu vaccine. 


Episode 24 at the 22:52 mark we discuss flu vaccine being linked to miscarriages here: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/episode-24-jimmy-kimmel-the-hypocrite/

Episode 39 we discuss the flu vaccine: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/flu-shot-and-the-elderly/

In episode 177 at the 57:10 mark we discuss this vaccine: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/covid-19-connecting-the-dots/

Episode 270 at the 47:51 mark we discuss this further: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/acts-of-malice/.”

If the flu vaccine doesn’t work, IS there anything to be done to alleviate suffering, hospitalization, and death from the flu? 


It is very important to understand that the covid treatments that we have come to know about, work very well for flu, too! If someone is at high risk, seek treatment for flu from one of the smart, brave practitioners who know how to treat covid(and I do NOT mean with nasty, dangerous Paxlovid or Tamiflu!) 

Even better, build up your immunity in advance by ensuring you have a Vitamin D blood level of at least 55-90, preferably in the higher range. (This is also one of the top ways to protect yourself against cancer. See Dr. Paul Marik’s new monograph, “Cancer Care,” available on Amazon. Why isn’t the CDC telling us this all-important information? Three guesses.)


I went into great detail in my recent article to show that the covid shots only serve to increase the risk of death and illness. Here is that piece:

It is astonishing that people are being directed to line up for a new covid shot which has gone through zero reported human trials for safety or efficacy.

As Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo noted on in a news conference on Thursday:

“There’s a new vaccine that’s on the horizon, a new … COVID-19 vaccine, and there’s essentially no evidence for it,” Ladapo said. “There’s been no clinical trial conducted in human subjects demonstrating its efficacy.”

Ladapo raised serious concerns about the vaccine’s safety, noting a lack of clinical trials demonstrating safety. He pointed out multiple “red flags” associated with the new vaccines, particularly emphasizing the risk for cardiac injury.

Now I have some additional information to present, showing how covid shots increase the death rate very significantly.

This data comes straight from the UK government database. Someone was kind enough to create powerful graphs based on the data. Dr. Jessica Rose PhD republished the article. The link to the original piece, which includes the government data files, is below. 

A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed. We can now Compare the % of All Cause Death (by Vaccination Status) with the % of Vaccine Uptake.


Below is the UK Government Data Avalanche graphed with three simple graphs.
You can’t conspire to produce Government Data.

Look carefully and notice how the vaccinated have a much higher percentage of death associated with their population bracket. For example, those who are over 18 and vaccinated one or more times account for only 81.5% of the population, but comprise 96.7% of all deaths - while the 18.5% of over 18-year-olds who are unvaccinated comprise only 3.3% of all deaths.

1+ Dose(s) is Bad

2+ Doses is Worse

3+ Doses is worse

Source - see the government data files here:

Now that you have seen the truth, contrast that with what the “experts” are advising you. Here are some quotes from the New York Times September 6 article, “Three Shots for Fall.” I believe you will be angered, as I was, by their bewilderingly unscientific and dangerous recommendations.

Most Americans have had one or more shots of the flu and Covid vaccines. New this year are the first shots to protect older adults and infants from respiratory syncytial virus, a lesser-known threat whose toll in hospitalizations and deaths may rival that of flu.

“This is an embarrassment of riches,” said Dr. Ofer Levy, director of the precision vaccines program at Boston Children’s Hospital and an adviser to the Food and Drug Administration.

Here’s what he and other experts say about who should receive which immunizations, and when.

R.S.V. is increasingly recognized as a major respiratory threat, particularly to older adults, immunocompromised people and young children. “R.S.V. has a burden of disease similar to flu in older adults — it can make you very, very sick,” said Dr. Helen Chu, a physician and immunologist at the University of Washington.

It is certainly curious that we have gone our whole lives without a clue that RSV is dangerous to seniors, and are only finding this out now, as a vaccine becomes available.

Updated Covid shots are expected this fall from Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax, and all are designed to target XBB.1.5, the Omicron variant that currently accounts for roughly 12 percent of cases.

A shot that is supposed to work against only 12 percent of cases? Strange. Even if it had a very high degree of efficacy, how would it significantly help?

Federal health officials aren’t talking about a primary series of shots followed by boosters. (Officials aren’t even calling the shots “boosters” anymore.) Instead, they are trying to steer Americans toward the idea of a single annual immunization with the latest version of the vaccine.

It was getting to look bad to keep saying “plan failed, you need another booster.” An “annual shot” is better for PR, and it’s what they had planned all along.

“Like a seatbelt in a car, it’s a good idea to keep using it,” Dr. Camille Kotton, a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and an adviser to the C.D.C., said of the Covid vaccine.

What does a seatbelt, proven to save lives, have to do with a shot that kills so many who get it, and whose risk of devastating impact is worsened by each additional administration?

No one knows when these viruses will re-emerge, so you should get the shots early enough in the fall to build immunity against the pathogens. Most people will not want or be able to make multiple trips to a clinic or pharmacy to space the shots apart.

That probably means September or October. Most Americans may want to consider receiving the flu and Covid shots at the same time, so they are prepared to face either virus. Older adults who are in poor health — who have heart or lung disease, for example, or are on home oxygen — should get all three shots simultaneously, some experts said.

They should “get them as quickly as possible and definitely before the season, and do it all at once,” Dr. Chu said.

Based on what evidence of safety and efficacy in this population does Dr. Chu advise getting these three shots, let alone at once? 

Adults 50 and older should also get the vaccine for shingles, if they haven’t already, and those 65 and older should sign up for the pneumococcal vaccine. But those vaccines don’t need to be given in the fall and can be scheduled for a different time, Dr. Chu said.

Is it safe to get these vaccines at once?

The flu and Covid shots were often given together last fall and seemed to work well. 

“Seemed to work well.” Really scientific and data-driven, here.

Because the R.S.V. vaccine is new, however, there is little information on how it might interact with the other two vaccines.

“The available data pertaining to the administration of influenza and Covid-19 vaccines at the same time do not indicate safety concerns,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement to The New York Times.

“F.D.A. and C.D.C. systems monitor vaccine safety year round and will remain in place,” the department said. “If any new potential safety signals are identified, the F.D.A. and C.D.C. will conduct further assessment and inform the public.”

Go ahead and be the guinea pigs, while we monitor you.

Some research suggests that the R.S.V. and flu vaccines produce lower levels of antibodies when given together than when delivered one at a time. But those levels are probably still high enough to protect people from the viruses, experts said.

There is also limited data on the safety of the two R.S.V. vaccines. Clinical trials recorded six cases of neurological problems, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, compared with none in the placebo groups.

But the numbers were too small to determine whether the cases were a result of the inoculations. More clarity will come from surveillance while the vaccines are administered on a large scale, Dr. Chu said.

“More clarity will come from surveillance while the vaccines are administered on a large scale, Dr. Chu said.” This statement takes the cake. 

Why is 6-0 not a definitive danger signal? Why do millions more people need to be put in harm’s way, as large scale data will surely reflect the same neurological damages, only on a grander scale? 

And why could a child predict this, but not the “expert” Dr. Chu?

Might it have anything to do with $ he receives? 

The C.D.C. is expected to make recommendations on administration of the vaccines together in the coming weeks.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/article/flu-covid-rsv-vaccines.html

Notice that the NYT does not display an ounce of data to back up their “expert recommendations.”

I assume that you are as disturbed as I am.


If you haven’t yet seen my August article showing the harms of another NYT favorite recommendation - masking - please take a look. Masks are extremely harmful - and I bring you the studies. Don’t fall for them, or let yourself get bullied into wearing a mask, or putting one on your child.

Let’s not forget our main weapon against this INSANITY.

PRAY to the Creator of the world - to Him alone, keep praying, then pray again, and awaken those around you to pray and come closer to the Creator.

The CDC is set to meet on September 12 to approve the new untested covid jabs. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/08/25/2023-18288/advisory-committee-on-immunization-practices Let’s use our power of prayer to counteract their dangerous agenda.

This post was updated September 15 with the results of the CDC meeting:

May G-d bring a speedy salvation to all of humanity.


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