Tuesday 19 September 2023


Insane: CDC Says “Will You Be My Lab Rat?”

As they recommend new, no-human-tests “vaccine” for every man, woman, and child in America, starting from 6 months old. “Science” is dead.


Tuesday, 09/12/2023 was a sad day. It will be remembered in history as a day that millions of lives were put in harm’s way, as the CDC voted (almost unanimously) to recommend a new, untested vaccine to every man, woman, and child in America. Let that flabbergasting thought sink in.

The only ones spared were babies under 6 months old. Pfizer’s preparation of who-knows-what comes with ZERO human data - not that they would tell us the truth, anyway.

CNN is attempting to make you think that the new shots have been studied in people, children, even. Look at this CNN article carefully. The picture shows a child getting injected, while the caption states “Clinical studies of the vaccines showed that all significantly boosted antibodies against currently circulating coronavirus variants.” You would be forgiven for mistaking “clinical studies” for “clinical trials” and thinking that the young girl pictured represents children in the trial on whom the new shot was proven safe and effective. That could not be farther from the truth. 

The Pfizer shots were actually tested on a total of 20 mice. 10 got the new vaccine; 10 got the old-new one (the previous, “bivalent” version.) The antibody levels of those two sets of mice were then compared. No placebo group. No efficacy testing - to see if the fancy “antibodies” actually worked to prevent illness, and at what rate. No safety testing, not even in the mice. No word at all on their current health status. 

Dr. Peter McCullough explains it clearly. Excerpts from his article:

BREAKING--Pfizer XBB.1.5 Monovalent Vaccine Tested in 20 Mice, No Control Group, and No Humans

At this point, the American public and scientific community is flabbergasted at the complete regulatory malfeasance committed by US FDA VRBPAC and CDC panelists. As of September 12, 2023, the prior bivalent (original Wuhan /BA4/BA5 mRNA Code) has been retired and the new XBB.1.5 monovalent vaccines have been emergency use authorized. From the Pfizer core slides released today, there was a single experiment with 10 mice assigned to the prior BA4/BA5 bivalent and 10 assigned to the new XBB.1.5 monovalent vaccine. They were injected twice, 21 days apart. The new booster was authorized for a single 30 mcg shot in humans.

Pfizer’s “proof the vaccine works:” A slide showing elevated mouse antibody responsein the newer preparation compared to the previous one.

There were no human studies presented in the core slides by Pfizer. It impossible to predict what would happen with a single human injection. Their last slide was a single ongoing clinical study of the new vaccine. There are two age groups, no randomization and no control group. There is zero chance to assess human safety or efficacy of the XBB.1.5 vaccine in sponsored studies.

The only thing that will stop ongoing scientific misconduct and regulatory malfeasance is public outrage and booster refusal.

This Newsweek article from September 13 has lots of great nuggets to be mined from it:

New COVID boosters that will be available by week's end are receiving some scrutiny due to clinical trials being performed on mice and not humans.

The boosters made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday. On Tuesday, a panel of advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) voted 13-1 in favor of its broad use for individuals 6 months and older due to fears of increased respiratory illnesses nationwide this fall and winter.

Yes, that’s exactly how they play this game. First pump up the fear, then you can get away with approving anything.

In June, the FDA requested manufacturers to develop a new booster for the fall season to target the then-dominant XBB.1.5 subvariant. The new bivalent shots fight the BA.5 omicron subvariant.

The then-dominant subvariant. Exactly. Which is now gone


(Disclaimer: I want to note that the government-promoted narrative of multiple “new variants” has been a legitimate question mark in the minds of many for a long time. Perhaps they are simply “scariants.” I am suspicious but I cannot say for sure. My inclusion of the mainstream terminology in this article does not imply any position on this.)

Back to Newsweek:

An FDA spokesperson declined to comment to Newsweek specifically on the testing mechanisms, adding that Pfizer and Moderna could speak more about their protocols.


A spokesperson for Pfizer referred Newsweek to the data it presented to the CDC on Tuesday, declining to comment otherwise. The CDC referred Newsweek to the FDA for comment.

Seriously?!? Around in a circle. Do they possibly have something to hide?

The [FDA] spokesperson alluded to a press release issued by the FDA, which states that the updated mRNA vaccines are manufactured using a similar process as previous formulations.

"In studies that have been recently conducted, the extent of neutralization observed by the updated vaccines against currently circulating viral variants causing COVID-19, including EG.5 and BA.2.86, appears to be of a similar magnitude to the extent of neutralization observed with prior versions of the vaccines against corresponding prior variants against which they had been developed to provide protection," the release says.

But they didn’t protect in prior versions, as most people realize already. 

That convoluted press release is meant to confuse you, like typical Marxist propaganda.

Dr. David Wohl, an infectious disease expert at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine:

"Variants have been emerging every few months as we continue to transmit the virus to each other, therefore clinical trials of each updated vaccine is not practical or helpful since by the time the results would be available newer variants would likely be circulating," he said.

He really said that. So, if the variants are thatshort-lived, why bother even getting a “vaccine” that, even according to the “experts,” will be useless in such a short time?

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/covid-booster-tested-mice-what-we-know-1826701

It is fascinating to see them recycling the playbook over and over. Looking back at a year ago at this time, you can see the samepropaganda used for last year’s “new vaccine.” But this year, they compare the mouse antibody levels generated by the 2023 edition to the 2022 edition, to “prove” the new one will “be more effective against the current variant.”

Here’s Biden’s covid coordinator, Ashish Jha, in August 2022, lying through his teeth as he assured the public that “based on everything we have seen so far, all the data out there, suggests the new vaccines should be be highly effective” - falsely implying that there was top-quality evidence that the shot prevented illness, when in actuality it was just blood antibody levels in mice, just as now. (And the mice were “sacrificed” (killed), so we can only guess how they would have fared had they been allowed to live.)


Of course, we all know how that shot, and the previous one, worked out. They only INCREASED people’s risk of getting sick, of severe illness, and of death, as I demonstrated here:

And here:

This year, Ashish Jha, no longer in the White House, is trying to get people used to the idea of getting one of these often-deadly injections every single year. Like it’s just normal.

"Every year, we update our flu vaccine to match the flu strain that's circulating," Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University's School of Public Health and former White House Covid response coordinator with the Biden administration, said on NBC's "TODAY" show Tuesday morning.

"We're starting to do the same thing with the Covid shots," he said. "It's just your annual Covid shot at this point."

Right, “just your annual covid shot,” which in approximately 33 months since its rollout, has sent millions, if not tens of millions, of people to the hospital. 

I did a search of VAERS and found 209,494 reported hospitalizations associated with the covid vaccine. We know we must multiply this number many, many times, because most vaccine adverse effects do not get reported.

The Harvard Pilgrim study found that less than 1% of vaccine-related adverse events actually are reported to VAERS.

Let’s be conservative for a moment, and only multiply the VAERS-reported hospitalizations by 10.

This means that there have been, at the very least, 2,094,940 covid-19 vaccine-associated hospitalizations. Going by what I hear from people on the ground, I have no doubt it’s actually orders of magnitude higher.

This isn’t even going into the deaths. Or the permanent disabilities, the turbo cancers, and the ongoing chronic illnesses.

Just your annual covid shot.

The whole story is so insane, it feels like it must be a spoof from the Babylon Bee. Tragically, this is what we’re actually living through.

I just discovered today that Moderna did run a tiny, joke-of-a-trial, no-placebo experiment for their new shot - on 50 adults, checking their antibody levels (not whether the shots kept them from getting covid.) Although we are only being told about adverse reactions that occurred within 7 days after injection, even in that short time, 58% of recipients reported systemic adverse effects. And now, this product is being recommended for every baby and child! This is CRIMINAL.


This is all happening because there is no liability for the shots - so the manufacturers have no fear of retribution.

Do you want to know which agencies are really behind the covid vaccines, and how pretend the original trials really were?Watch Sasha Latypova’s brilliant presentation on my program August 20. All her allegations are completely documented.


Back to the FDA and CDC approvals that happened this week, which areincomprehensible in a sane world

At the same time as there is a deep feeling of mourning for those who will blindly follow the CDC recommendations, there is something else, too.

We can also recognize that G-d is leading the evil CDC and FDA (et al) to their destruction. Recommendations for injecting everybody with a substance that is not even purported to have gone through human trials is JUST GOING TOO FAR for most of us. 

I assume that many will be questioning their previous trust as a result of this CDC “expert recommendation.”

At least, I hope so. WILL people wake up this time? 

Tomorrow night starts a New Year for the world, with Rosh Hashana, the birthday of mankind. May it be G-d’s will that this year bring sweetness - opened eyes, redemption, blessings, health, and the vanquishing of evil. 


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