Tuesday 19 September 2023


A Collection of the Best

The most noteworthy news and and important information from my inbox.


Lately it seems that previously inconceivable events and revelations are continuously unfolding at a faster and faster pace. It would take hours every day just to become properly informed, let alone write about every noteworthy development. 

Impossible - but here’s an effort, a collection of articles that are “keepers.”

This piece is the winner: 

If the covid vaccine was in a league of its own for inefficacy coupled with harm, check out its new competition - Bill Gates’ Mosquirix malaria vaccine. Mosquirix, we know from trial data, will cause the often-deadly disease meningitis in about 1/100 - 1/150 children who complete the 4 shot series needed for it to “work” (32% efficacy.) The “efficacy” lasts a short time, and then the children become more susceptible to malaria. Gates is so kind,that he wants to get this vaccine into African children. He plans to use biometric technology to enforce Mosquirix vaccination. Even if you’re not a “conspiracy theorist,” you really have to question the motives over here.

The WHO:

Speaking of new vaccines, wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL to have a central world organization with deep interest in vaccine uptake, to dictate global “pandemic policies?” We NEED their help to let us know when there is a health threat and how we should manage it! The WHO would be just the right people, don’t you agree? Well, yes, it’s clear that they want to control the world under the pretext of “pandemic preparedness,” but it’s all for our good and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Or is there?

Dr. Peter McCullough delivered an impassioned plea in the European Parliament for withdrawal from the WHO, and made some critical points.

His speech details the collusion between the WHO, the UN, the Gates Foundation, and the Welcome Trust, which he likens to a Syndicate, one determined to advance the corporate interests of … vaccines against the health interests of Americans, Europeans, and the citizens of the world.

“The role of the WHO appears to be operating within the biopharmaceutical complex as a Syndicate, a complicated Syndicate that has formed over time that includes the WHO, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Welcome Trust, and GAVI. [02:10].”

McCullough continued naming the Actors of this 2023 modern Mafia, the Technocratic Syndicate bent on exerting world dominion. He added these names to the list:

The coalition for Pandemic Preparedness aka CEPI. Other Syndicate members include the US Department of State, the CDC, and the FDA. Foreign Syndicate members include South Africa’s SAHPRA, the UK’s MHRA, Australia’s TGA, and Europe’s EMA [02:34].

Like any Syndicate, McCullough observed that this group of hostile NGOs and various governmental agencies is carefully coordinated and is ‘operating as a unit’ and ‘their impact has been adverse [03:03].’

Vaccines ➡️ “SIDS”

In this heartbreaking story, a baby was vaccinated for eight illnesses at once at his 2-month visit, died the next evening, and his body was found to contain a toxic level of aluminum. P.S. It took this mother agonizing months of searching to find one person who agreed to run the toxicity panel and find the truth. Isn’t something wrong?

How many other SIDS cases are pinned on other causes, while the true culprit is ignored?

The aluminum concentration in the baby’s blood was at adult toxicity levels.

Baby Sawyer had 95 micrograms per liter, which far, far exceeds safety amounts.

Several of the vaccines Baby Sawyer received, including Hib and Pediarix, contained high amounts of aluminum.

So the medical examiner’s office was wrong in assuming (without ever testing it) that heavy metals did not contribute or even cause the death.

“This additional pathology report shows how much our medical examiners don’t know because they won’t look. How many other parents have been blamed for their infants’ death that were innocent?” Kreck said.

Update on NYS Quarantine Camp Regulation Case:

In Rochester last week, Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox was greeted with an unprecedented crowd cheering her on. Thank G-d, her oral arguments before the judges went very well. It will take a couple weeks, or months, however, for the outcome to be known. In the meantime, we must continue praying. Watch the September 13 court proceedings here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/george-m-borrello-v-kathleen-c-hochul-lawsuit-appeal-oral-arguments-event/george-m-borrello-v-kathleen-c-hochul-lawsuit-appeal-oral-arguments-broadcast/

Resurrection of the dead?

Canada’s miracle - over 11,000 covid dead were quietly resurrected last winter. Read to find out how. (Can other countries follow?)

It’s about time! A real look at anti-acid medications. 

Takeaway message: You NEED your stomach acid. Find out what is REALLY causing your heartburn - it’s probably not what you think. Learn the astonishing harms caused by suppressing stomach acid, and the smarter ways of treating reflux.

Plus, information on lots of other commonly prescribed, very bad medications.

Two screenshots:

Beware - covid hospital murders could happen to anyone, even NOW. They are still at it!

Sasha Latypova: “Highland Hospital, Rochester NY, Attempted to Kill My Family Member With Covid Protocol in August 2023”

"The Covenant of Death" 

Dr. Naomi Wolf talks about OB-GYN Dr. James Thorp’s Freedom of Information request, which discovered bribery payments made to American College of Gynecologists in exchange for their members pushing covid vaccines on their patients. 

“The Most Devastating Interview of my Life -- with Dr James Thorp: How HHS Paid Millions to get 1000s of Drs to Damage Women; Hurt, Kill Babies.”

If you have loved ones at risk of getting the new covid vaccine, send them this:

Germany apparently knows something our CDC doesn’t. Interest in the new shot over there is super lukewarm, and the government has done a total U-turn from last year’s propaganda.

Extremely inspiring story of a life saved by a quick share of information:

If you have potentially lifesaving treatment information that could help someone you meet, don’t hesitate! Share it, like this man did, and you might make all the difference.

Pass these along!


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