Tuesday 19 September 2023


Broken Silence

Eleven countries have formally objected to the political declarations that were scheduled to be adopted during the High Level Meetings (HLM) at the annual United Nations General Assembly.


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I have reported numerous times regarding the “Silence Procedure.”

Under this procedure, a draft resolution is circulated to Member States with a timeline to respond. If a country supports a resolution, it does nothing. If it opposes a resolution, it sends an email breaking silence. Just one such action stops the adoption of the resolution and could trigger an extension of time for revisions or to resolve the objections.

Eleven countries have formally objected to the political declarations that were scheduled to be adopted during the High Level Meetings (HLM) at the annual United Nations General Assembly.

It seems that they have “broken the silence.”

The objections were conveyed in a letter dated 17 September 2023 to the President of the UN General Assembly H.E. Dennis Francis that was signed by the permanent representatives of the following countries: 

  1. Belarus

  2. Bolivia

  3. Cuba

  4. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

  5. Eritrea

  6. Islamic Republic of Iran

  7. Nicaragua

  8. Russian Federation

  9. Syrian Arab Republic

  10. Venezuela

  11. Zimbabwe

Our delegations are convinced that this is no way to handle multilateral and intergovernmental negotiations on issues of great relevance for the international community, particularly for developing countries.

United Nations Sanctions Letter

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The letter sets out deep concerns with the “the legitimate concerns of a large number of developing countries have been ignored” and the lack of willingness from a small group of developed countries to engage in meaningful negotiations. The signatory delegations…

“oppose any attempt to pretend to formally adopt any of the draft outcome documents in question, during the meetings scheduled for 18, 20, 21 and 22 September 2023, respectively”.

The letter points out the four important flaws in the process of negotiation of the political declarations.

The legitimate concerns of a large number of developing countries have been ignored. Hence, it is our duty to express our strong concerns on the unacceptable way in which this situation unfolded, running in clear contradiction with the spirit of multilateralism and the overall goal of “leaving no one behind”.

“First, there has been no real willingness from a small group of developed countries to engage in meaningful negotiations to find compromises, forcing unfair practices which pretend to impose a kind of “veto” on certain issues, and pretending to even prevent their discussion within the framework of intergovernmental negotiations.

“Second, in some cases, negotiations were not conducted in a truly inclusive, fair and balanced way. Our delegations had to witness how, in some cases, even single delegations were accommodated a great deal in their concerns, while others’ priorities, including ours, were bluntly neglected. For example, the draft outcome of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspices of the General Assembly – SDGs Summit, was reopened with the purpose of exclusively accommodating the priorities of a few delegations from developed countries, while, in this very same process, and in the three (03) health-related negotiations, nothing was done to reflect and accommodate the legitimate concerns of delegations from developing countries that, in addition had broken silence repeatedly, including the Group of 77 and China.

“Third, the attempt to ignore formal communications of delegations from developing countries, including from the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of its 134 Member States, indicating strong reservations and objections.

“Fourth, the attempt to force consensus by your predecessor’s team, and now by your Office, when it is evident that no consensus has been reached on any of these processes; as well as the lack of transparency, inclusiveness and efficient use of the limited time available then to find compromises.”

Third World Network reported…

TWN learned that the draft Political Declaration was finalised in disregard of objections raised by a few developing countries. In fact, the whole process since June 2023 had frustrated many developing countries as the co-facilitators (the Permanent Representatives of Israel and Morocco to the UN) apparently were so outcome-oriented that Member States were not able to really negotiate the proposals that were submitted. Furthermore, in the last few weeks the positions of a small number of developed countries held more sway with the facilitators.

According to a delegation involved in the negotiations, silence was broken over the “final” text, but the former President of the General Assembly (PGA) Csaba Kőrösi of Hungary decided anyway to send the unagreed text to the Secretariat to be processed for formal adoption at the HLM. This was done shortly before he finished his term. On 5 September the UNGA presidency was taken over by Dennis Francis of Trinidad and Tobago.

The most important barrier is the bilateral political pressure from developed countries against the use of TRIPS flexibilities.

Recognising the existence of political pressure UN High Level Panel on Access to Medicine in its Report in 2016 stated: “Governments and corporations sometimes threaten political or economic retaliation as a means of illegitimately pressuring others into forgoing their TRIPS flexibilities. Such actions are against the letter and spirit of the TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Declaration.”

Apart from freedom of operation under compulsory license for production of vaccines, antibodies and diagnostics, access to details of production processes to fast track regulatory approval is also required. The regulatory assumption for these products is that the production process is itself the product i.e. any deviation from the originator’s product requires proof of safety and quality through clinical trials. The production process details are often submitted to the regulatory authorities of developed countries and can be shared in the public interest. However, there is silence in this regard in the Declaration.


Sanctioning states and regional organisations shall review measures taken without or beyond authorization of the UN Security Council, and to lift those, which do not fit criteria of retortions or counter-measures in full conformity with standards and limitations of the law of international responsibility, as constituting unilateral coercive measures. Humanitarian concerns shall always be taken into account by States when deciding on the imposition of any unilateral measures, including countermeasures (humanitarian precaution), as well as in the course of their application.

Unilateral sanctions shall never affect functioning of critical infrastructure relevant to healthcare, food, agriculture, electricity, water supply, irrigation, sanitation, seeds and fertilizers, all of which are necessary for the survival and well-being of populations”.



SEPTEMBER 20, 2023

The High Level Meetings are scheduled to be live streamed and I believe that they will be recorded. If you have the ability to record the events and post them online, I suggest that you do so.

(Opening, Plenary, Closing) High-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response - General Assembly, 78th session

  • 8am Pacific

  • 9am Mountain

  • 10am Central

  • 11am Eastern


(Panel 1) High-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response - General Assembly, 78th session

  • 8am Pacific

  • 9am Mountain

  • 10am Central

  • 11am Eastern


Press Conference: World Health Organization (WHO) on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response

  • Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization

  • Dr Mike Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies (WHE) Programme

  • Dr Jaouad Mahjour, Head of WHO Secretariat to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) and International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments

  • 9am Pacific

  • 10am Mountain

  • 11am Central

  • Noon Eastern



The high-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response will focus on the theme: "Creating and maintaining political momentum and solidarity for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response".

The President of the General Assembly, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, will convene Heads of State and Government for a one-day meeting to adopt a political declaration aimed at mobilizing political will at the national, regional and international levels for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. 

The meeting will bring together Member States, observers of the General Assembly, the United Nations system, representatives of nongovernmental organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC and representatives of organizations with special accreditation. 

The objective of the meeting is to further mobilize political momentum, including through the integration of a multisectoral approach towards pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

Outcome: The high-level meeting shall approve a concise and action-oriented political declaration, agreed in advance by consensus through intergovernmental negotiations, to be submitted by the President of the General Assembly for adoption by the General Assembly Opening segment: 

H.E. Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th session of the General Assembly; Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations; Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization; Ajay Banga, President of the World Bank Group (TBC); Helen Clark, Former Co-Chair of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response

  • Plenary Segment: Statements by Member States and members of the United Nations specialized agencies.

  • Closing segment: Summaries of the multi-stakeholder panels and concluding remarks by H.E. Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th session of the General Assembly.

Soft Coup, Hard Tyranny: Spawning Global Governance

1:30-3pm Pacific

2:30-4pm Mountain

3:30-5pm Central

4:30-6pm Eastern

Co-Host and Moderator

  • Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman of the Center for Security Policy; Vice-chair for the Committee on the Present Danger: China; Host, Securing America with Frank Gaffney on RAV, and author of “The Indictment: Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World”

Co-Host and Panelist

  • Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-Chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force; and Co-Chair of The Sovereignty Coalition
    Topic: Warning: Are we on the verge of a globalist coup?


  • Hon. Michele Bachmann, Member of Congress (2007-2015); Presidential candidate (2012); Dean, Robertson School of Government, Regent University
    • Topic: The need for our leaders to stand against global tyranny

  • Dr. Francis Boyle, Ph.D., Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law; JD degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and a Ph.D in Political Science from Harvard University; Former Board Member, Amnesty International; Draft author, U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush
    • Topic: “Stop the Globalists WHO/UN Totalitarian Medical and Scientific Police State!”

  • Dr. David Bell, M.D. Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute; public health physician and biotech consultant in global health; former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Topic: Why the WHO and the UN should not be trusted to control our healthcare and run a world government

  • Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D., Board-certified internist; biological warfare epidemiologist and expert in anthrax
    • Topic: Spawning pandemics and hyping fear through the new Pandemic Treaty

  •  Dr. Karladine Graves, M.D., family physician, physician’s rights advocate
    • Topic: The WHO takeover will obliterate doctor-patient relationships and medical privacy

  • Alex Newman, Contributor, The Epoch Times and other diverse publications; award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who co-wrote the book “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children”
    • Topic: What life will be like for Americans after the Globalist coup?

  •  Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan
    • Topic: Americans must demand their elected officials and candidates save our sovereignty and secure our civil rights


Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response


Political Declaration Of The United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting On Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness And Response

232KB ∙ PDF file














James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.





All content is free to all readers.

All support is deeply appreciated.



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