Have the MHRA admitted causation for any vaccine harm?
From blood clots to myocarditis the answer is still unbelievably 'no'!
The MHRA are far too slow to react to harm and admit causation.
There is a history here. When the 2009 swine flu vaccine (“Pandemrix”) caused narcolepsythe UK institutions were very slow to react. It was Scandinavian countries which highlighted the problem in 2010. That year the MHRA were measuring for other effects but not narcolepsy. In 2011, they said they needed to await epidemiological studies. It took until 2013 before Public Health England admitted a problem in the UK. In 2017,the government lost the High Court appeal by which they attempted to avoid paying compensation. However, it was 2020 before Public Health England admitted that the problem was larger than expected and was not just a case of diagnoses being made earlier because of heightened awareness.
The MHRA, however, took until 2023 before they formally admitted there was a causative link between Pandemrix and Narcolepsy. More than 13 years after the harm was caused!
How does that compare to covid vaccines?
The MHRA have yet to use the word “causal” or “causation” in reference to these unusual vaccine induced blood clots.
On 16th January 2021 the first death due to the AstraZeneca vaccine was reported. On 11th March 2021, there had been 5 instances of rare brain clots, 22 thrombocytopenias and at least four suspected deaths had occurred. The MHRA put out a statement that there was no evidence of causation. On 18th March 2021, the MHRA said “there is no evidence that blood clots in veins is occurring more than would be expected in the absence of vaccination…We will continue to robustly monitor all the data we have on this extremely rare possible side effect.” On 7th April 2021, the MHRA reported 19 deaths and a total of 79 UK reports of blood clotting with low platelets following Astrazeneca. They said, “the evidence of a link with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca is stronger but more work is still needed.”
On 28th April 2021, the MHRA still said causation was not proven although the link was "firming up" after finding 242 cases of clotting cases and 49 deaths. On 7th May MHRA issued another statement about their continued rigorous monitoring. In November 2021, the MHRA acknowledged 72 fatalities in the first 10 months of use, about one every four days.
By Feb 2022, they had increased the claimed incidence from 4 per million in April 2021 to 14.9 per million. They were still saying “further investigations are underway to understand the biological mechanisms and whether the association is related to the vaccine platform.”Causation has yet to be mentioned.
The same is true for myocarditis. In January 2023, the wording in official documents included the possibility that these were all coincidental and they continued to recommend further doses to people who had had myocarditis and pericarditis. No causal link has been admitted to by the MHRA.
The evidence for causation for these two conditions has been overwhelming for several years now, and yet those charged with protecting public health have failed to acknowledge it. What does that say about their ability to detect problems that are not as clear cut?
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