Sunday, 28 April 2024


Around the World in 4 Hours

With absolute Zero Emissions

Baby, can you understand me now?
Sometimes I get a little mad
Don't you know, no one alive can always be an angel
When things go wrong, I seem to go bad

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Yeah, baby, sometimes I'm so carefree
With a joy that's hard to hide
Yeah, and other times it seems that

All I ever have is worry
And then you're bound to see my other side
Oh, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Well If I get edgy, I want you to know
never mean to take it out on you
Life has its problems, I get more than my share
But there's one thing that I would never do

Oh, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

Well If I get edgy, I want you to know
never mean to take it out on you
Life has its problems, I get more than my share
But there's one thing that I would never do

'Cause I love you
Oh, now don't you know I'm human
I got my faults just like anyone
And sometimes I lie awake, alone, regretting
Some foolish thing, some sinful thing I've done

I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

How are you?
I hope you are well.
Me personally I am pissed off by the continuous propaganda of the self titled elite their Lies and they all deserve the death penalty, their houses should be burned down preferably with them and their whole family in it.
I had it with their lies, I had it with their deception and I equally had it with the fools that follow them.
I had it with Racist Scum like CJ Hopkins and others who frame me of being Anti Semitic just because they protect the Jewish Mafia and I expose them.
When the Jews have become Nazis... we have an obligation to fight them just the same.
As a German I fight Nazis all my life... and once I understood that Adolf Hitler himself was a Rothchild I took on the responsibilities to fight them Rothchilds and their brethren just the same.
Freedom is the only thing I accept... Freedom is mine.
Nobody can take my Freedom away.
Nobody that does Evil deserves protection...
And Nobody that exposes Evil deserves hate.
Only the blind follow the Liars... and the Liars always follow the pied piper... incapable of individual thought.
Fuck them.
I don't like to get into shit like this... I am an Inventor.
But it is exactly those people who have destroyed my life because of this... because they fear of the capabilities of one man, one man that has nothing but his intelligence his wits and his determination to make a difference... an determination that grows stronger by the day.
The simple Truth is that I live below the poverty line BECAUSE I made one of the greatest Inventions of all times... let this sink in for a while.
They tried to punish me for being the first person to come up with a technology that proves beyond any doubt that we can achieve anything we want, especially speeds way faster than the speed of light, proving the Schmuck Albert Einstein wrong and exposing him for the Fraud he actually was.
They failed.
Thanks to Substack I am finally after years of being censored by... everyone... I can speak my Truth to power openly and proving everything I say in the wake of it.

So I tell you a story about a man that had a dream... a dream of Freedom.
Some people are born special... not because they are born rich but they woke up into this world knowing they came from the dream dimension.
At 12 years old this man realized that everything was a lie and that most people live inside a bubble with their heads down frightened to speak up, only to obey the Powers.
Growing up in Germany he was indoctrinated to hate himself and Germans & Germany in particular.
They showed him the atrocities of Nazi Germany and told him how evil Germans are and that the Nazis made Lampshades out of the skin of the Jews which were herded and exterminated in Concentration camps.
So this man made a vow never ever to allow Authority to become the monster that was Nazi Germany ever again.
Little did he know then it was all part of a deliberate hoax to subjugate the German people and that most of the Nazi hierarchy actually had Jewish roots and they were all drenched in Jewish Occultism.
Why one might ask?
Because of Martin Luther.
Martin Luther translated the Bible from Latin to German and as such gave the people for the first time the ability to verify or disprove what the preacher said.
With this action Martin Luther took Authority away from the ruling class.
They didn't like it... started the 30 year war... and ever since wanted to punish the German people for this.
So ever since they want to punish the German people because Jews and Germans are similar... only that Germans are honest and rebellious by nature and Jews are authoritarian control fanatics.
Jews and Germans are all but a mirror Image of themselves.
So they created WWI blamed it onto the Germans to subjugate them.

Then they sent in a fake "Messiah" in the image of Adolf Rothchild to destroy Germany and subjugate them forever.

To this day their aim is to control Germany, which they do, and use Germany to spread evil around the world, which they do.
Their insane desire to punish Germans for their existenz is basically because of Martin Luther.
But insanity never helps.

The Truth however can never be destroyed.
It is a seed that may lay dormant for a while, but the Truth is a light on itself and even if it takes an eternity to grow, eventually it will, and nothing can stop it.
Have you ever seen the Truth?
This man has.
When he was 15 years old he saw something extraordinary.
He saw that water burns at high temperatures.

It is actually a ReDox  Reduction / Oxidization process.
First the Reduction of water:

2H²O +2MG = 2MGO + 2H²

This leaves the Hydrogen free which immediately combines with the Oxygen in the air to burn back into water.
This is called Oxidization.

2H² + O² = 2H²O

The whole process is Reduction / Oxidization and both are energy releasing.
This was a Truth that can never be buried.
And all the propaganda in this world cannot undo the Truth one man carries in his heart.
Ever since this man was searching for a way to get this Truth out, refusing to be silenced, refusing to be subjugated, refusing to be used.
The Truth shall set yourself Free.
But as Mark Twain himself said:
"It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled."

Truth is the burden only the brave can carry.
One day this man decided to take his future into his own hands.
He packed his bag and just left.
Actually the story goes like this.
He was promoting his first book self published and got invited to England.
Once there he decided to stay, that was in Leeds.
No escape route, nothing.
It was a cold jump into freezing water forcing himself to sink or swim.
It was a challenging time but he came out swimming... like always against the stream but the harder they come the better it is.
As a musician he later became entwined with the London scene, sex drugs and Rock'n Roll.
Until he had enough, enough of playing games, enough of being a mere copy of existenz.
What is the purpose of living a dream when the dream becomes a Nightmare?
It does not make sense.
It is better to face reality than to escape it.
But London is such a shithole... a people grinder... a meat machine.
It promises you everything just to deny you anything... especially the purpose of life.

So he decided to follow his heart and his heart led him to China.
The Chinese culture is amongst the oldest and most beautiful culture that there can be with beautiful interesting yet rude and vulgar people at the same time in the same place.
It is a different world from the western world and it is a world on its own.
There searching for a purpose in life he saw on the Chinese new year a problem which is that everyone wants to get home with a Transport Infrastructure that was incapable of delivering.
So he sat down and gave himself the task to create an absolute.
He wanted to see with his understanding of everything he collected if he could solve this problem.
And so he did.

What is the biggest problem that the world faces today?
Transportation and Infrastructure.
The ever increasing demand for Transportation together with the obsolete methods of transportation draw a frightening Image.
Overcrowded Airspaces together with long waiting lines and checkups crowded Airports mark Air travel an obsolete way of transporting people and goods.
Add to this the use of carbon based fuels and we have an ever increasing pollution problem on top of that..
Further more the ever increasing demands lower the standard of education that increase the risks of accidents that sooner or later are deemed to happen.
So how can we change this?

The Airstream Train is a dream that combines Aviation Technology with Train Technology
It is a dream that others have dreamed before.

Franz Kruckenberg's Schienenzeppelin

Jean Bertin's Aerotrain

1.) What is the Air Stream Train?

The Air Stream Train is an intelligent solution for Transportation.
Norton’s 3rd Law of Physics states clearly that any force into one direction creates an equal and opposite force in the opposite direction.
So by moving forward we create a force that we use
to levitate the Air Stream Train.
And the faster we go the bigger this force is.
The AST is an open self regulating System that creates two opposing forces and uses them combined without the need of regulatory equipment.
The AST uses forward motion only so that the air is pushed under the passenger cell to create lift. The same principle as for the Airplane applies at that point, i.e. lift off.
The Air is then compressed and pushed through a system of channels into the space between Track and Train at high pressure.
The faster the Train goes the higher the pressure we create.
The air is pushed around the Track out so that we create a stream of high pressured Air that ensures the stability of the AST.
And the pressure increases as the speed increases to make the journey safer and stable.
A journey with the AST can be compared with a straight Rollercoaster ride without loops.
The Air Stream Train morphs together existing Transportation Technology into one unique and capable System.
It is designed to replace all existing Transportation Systems into one System.
That means that current Infrastructure can be used and easily integrated.
It has no moving parts and no wheels.
Train and Track never touch and are separated by an 8 cm cushion / stream of compressed Air on which the Air Stream Train moves.
That means we have no friction.
The Track is an integrated part of the design and functions
as the Navigational Part.

The AST comes in three different Variations depending on Usage.

1 City Transportation
This Design has no Scramjet engine and is designed to supply Citywide Travel over ground and can be Integrated into any City / Landscape.

2 Country Transportation.
This Design can carry about 256 passengers under the speed of sound.

3 Continent Transportation
Country and Continent AST’s differ only in the Speeds we can achieve.
Because speed is equivalent to distance, distance dictates the possible speed.

The highest possible speed could only be achieved by the longest distance.
That say is from Hong Kong to Paris, or Beijing to Amsterdam.
There is no limits of speed as the speed is directly depending on the distance.

2.) What are the advantages of the Air Stream Train?

1) Speed:
The Scramjet engine is tested and verified to achieve
a speed of Mach 10.

2) Environmental Integration:
Using Hydrogen as Fuel in Both Engines gives us Water
as the only exhaust.
The Track is over Tree level so no Trees have to be cut.
No Bridges or Tunnels need to be built.

3) Safety:
The Passenger Cell is designed to detach itself
and brake of the sledge.
Thus passengers would survive a head on collision at Mach 10.
The Track is over Tree level and consistently monitored
to ensure no accidents.
All Passengers sit save in save seats with 6 point safety belts.-

4) Integration:
Existing Infrastructure such as Train Stations and Rails can be used and build upon. Airports can be used as living space.
The AST connects City center to City center saving two hours of any air travel, the time to and from the Airport to the City.

5) Costs:
The AST is Transportation only.
For Safety reasons all passengers have to be seated and strapped for the whole short Journey. That allows us to get rid of the unnecessary things of modern Travel, such as Food, Drinks, Toilets, and so on.
That safes us a lot of Money at the building and maintenance stages.
Furthermore since the Navigation is built into the Track,
no expensive electronic equipment is needed.
No Bridges need to be build since the Track already is the Bridge.
Also since the AST is self levitating the Track can be supported every 100m compared with ever 20m with the Maglev Trains.
That speeds up integration and lowers the costs considerably.
More so since the Track needs not to be powered up.
On the contrary through the hollow Track we can provide Infrastructure such as Electricity, Telephone, Internet, TV, Water to anywhere in the world.
That means we can built an easily to maintain Infrastructure Network at minimum costs with maximum capabilities that is easily upgradeable and expandable.
Also to supply this infrastructure and to maintain it
is an additional source of income.
For the price of one Airbus A380 you could build
300 Air Stream Trains.

6) Noise:
Since both engines are inside the AST they can be well shielded so that the Noise levels are at an absolute low compared with the open turbine design of Airplanes.
It is effectively a silent Transportation System that allows for 24h usage without noise or other pollution.

7) Sonic Boom:
The phenomenon of the sonic boom occurs because the wings of an Aircraft push the air forward and thus creating a shockwave that at the speed of sound is sliced in two so that it creates two fronts of air that clash together behind the craft, what we hear as a sonic boom.
And since the AST has no wings it doesn’t create a shockwave or a sonic boom.

8) Capacity:
Designed to carry 128 Passengers with a Luggage Box of
20cm x 75cm x 200cm and no weight restrictions.
Capable of carrying 256 Passengers with a Luggage Box of
20cm x 75cm x 100cm and no weight restrictions
That allows space enough for every passenger even if they are musicians and carry a Guitar or such.
The Luggage containers are stored behind the passenger Cell.
Also we have eight designated compartments for Pets,
something unique in Transportation.

9) Self Levitation
The AST uses forward motion only so that the air is pushed under the passenger cell to create lift.
The same principle as for the Airplane applies at that point, i.e. lift off.
The Air is then compressed and pushed through a system of channels into the space between Track and Train at high pressure.
The faster the Train goes the higher the pressure we create.
The air is pushed around the Track out so that we create a stream of high pressured Air that ensures the stability of the AST.
By comparing that to the Maglev Track which has to be permanently electrified to create it’s magnetic field, it is cheaper to maintain and safer.

10) Speed of Integration:
The Track comes reproduced and can be flown directly to the destination where the pieces are joint together The distance between two pieces can be as wide as 100m that safes us a lot of money compared with the Maglev Train where the Track has to be supported every 20m.
That also means we can build a Track for the AST much faster at lower costs.
And the Track of the AST needs no electrification, saving even more money.

11) Infrastructure:
The AST offers fast Transportation between two points. That means that a physical connection between these two points has to be build, i.e. the Track.
Now the inside of the Track is hollow and so designed that it can accommodate many things like electricity, Internet, Telephone and more..
That would benefit especially underdeveloped countries or places without Infrastructure or where it is needed.

12) Light Construction
One can compare the AST to an Airplane like a Ferrari to a VW Transporter.
Like the Ferrari it is a no nonsense approach to Transportation, pure and simple, smooth and straight to the point.
Low weight and Low Maintenance, no moving Parts and no friction means that the fuel needed to propel the AST is considerably lower than that of an airplane.

Continuous Acceleration Explained

The Air Stream Train is thee only Vehicle in the world that offers the possibilities to continuously accelerate inside an Oxygen based environment between two points A and B.

That means the speed we can achieve is directly depending

On the distance we travel.

To make it simple we use the four strokes of a normal Otto engine that are intake, compression, expansion and exhaust.

But instead of trying to contain it we shape out Vehicle so that by moving forward we create an equal and opposite force that we then use to execute the four strokes of a normal Otto engine.

To do so we need an operating Scramjet engine.

That means we have to accelerate to a speed of Mach 1.5 with the secondary Turbine engine.

Only then and after the Scramjet is operational we can continuously accelerate.

This is a cycle that repeats itself in theory infinite times giving this technology the capabilities of theoretical infinite speed.

Beat that Albert Einstein!

Air Stream Train Specifications

Length:         70m

Width:          4m

Height:         5m

Weight:         n/a

Max Speed:   Mach 10

Engines:        One secondary Turbine Engine, One primary Scramjet engine

Passenger capability depending on configuration:

128 – 256 Passengers.

The Air Stream Train is using a cushion of Air just like a Hovercraft that is created by the secondary Turbine engine.

When the build up of air pressure in the collection chamber is greater than the one in the pressure chamber the Air Cushion changes into an Air Stream by opening the pressure flaps.

When the speed reaches mach 1.5 the primary Scramjet engine begins to operate.

No Weight Restrictions

The AST has no limitations on weight.
A simple calculation.
The heaviest Hovercraft was 112t.
With 256 passengers and an allowance of 200kg per person we reach 51 200 kg.

This is well below the capabilities of this Technology.
And it is easy to configure the AST as a Logistic Transportation to carry goods.

An Absolute in Transportation Technology

The capabilities of the AST cannot be outdone by any other
existing and planned Transportation Technology.
Because it is not limited by weight or speed restrictions.
It gives us the fastest possible connection between two points.

The AST can continuously accelerate between two points 
inside an atmospheric environment.

Speed relates directly to the distance we Travel.
It is low maintenance easy to operate, easy to integrate.
It offers safety levels previously unheard of.
It is a silent Transportation System for every City, every Town,
every Country and every Continent.
It offers infrastructure of great previously unheard capabilities.
It is cheaper than any other Technology.
It is safer than any other Technology.
And it is environmentally fully integrated a first of a new Wave of
Technologies that are much needed and overdue.
It withstands any criticism and compared with any other technology
It will come out on Top by a very long gap in between.

The AST will cut Travel time to a maximum of 1h.

That is City Center to City Center.
The AST is a true absolute in Transportation technology that presents a new dimension of Travel and Transportation.
Its capabilities mark it as the only Future Transportation System necessary.
It spells the end for Aviation.
This means that every Airport in the World can be transformed into living space.

We can build new ecological Integrated Cities with space for everyone.
We can connect every City every Country and every Continent
With a truly integrated Transportation System
That produces Water as the only exhaust.

The concept of the AST is that less is more.
Less in everything but Performance.
Maximum speed, maximum safety, minimum travel time, minimum costs.
Light weight without the need for food or Toilets.
That means that we need only the Passenger seats inside.
Not to mention that the AST is by far the most superior transportation system.

Better performance greater safety and convenience at a fraction of the costs


1.)          The AST can not derail since she is holding herself around the Track.

2.)          All passengers are seated in Sport/Racing seats 
and stripped into 6 point safety belts.

3.)          The design of the track dictates the speed and smoothness of the journey.

4.)          The Passenger Cell is detachable from the Sledge.
That means that all Passengers survive even a head on collision at Mach 10.
The Cell detaches slides into the Air and lands safely on Parachutes.

5.)          The Track is so designed that nobody can get onto it above Tree level.

6.)          The AST rides on a 8cm -16cm cushion/stream of compressed Air.
A cushion/stream of 8 cm around the Track gives us the flexibility we need to avoid birds and to go around corners.

7.)          Using Hydrogen as Fuel this is the only 0 Zero Emission Transportation System.

Self Levitation by forward motion

The AST uses forward motion only so that the air is pushed under the passenger cell to create lift.
The same principle as for the Airplane applies at that point, i.e. lift off. 
The Air is then compressed and pushed through a system of channels into the space between Track and Train at high pressure.
The faster the Train goes the higher the pressure we create.
The air is pushed around the Track out so that we create a stream of high pressured Air that ensures the stability of the AST.
By comparing that to the Maglev Track which has to  be permanently electrified to create it’s magnetic field, it is cheaper to maintain and safer.


Around the world in 4h?
No problem at all.
With no speed limitations at all and an exponential rate of acceleration, in theory 40.000 km could be achieved within 1h.
Setting a speed limit at Mach 10 would give us a maximum travel time of 4h around the world.
And all this by producing water as the only exhaust.
This is not just within reach, but within a very short developing time.
Making History of Aviation as we know it.
The capabilities of this technology are infinite.
So why don't we use it?
Because the people in power want to enslave you, they don't want to give you Freedom, they don't want the best for Humanity.
Which brings you right back at the beginning of this article.
Who enslaves Humanity and for what purpose?
The answer to this I let you find out for yourselves.
Because I believe in Humanity.
And I believe you are quite capable of doing so.


Fritz Freud.


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