Sunday 28 April 2024


Tunnel Vision: Why the "Hyperloop" is my Invention and why it matters

A detailed explanation about technology and beyond

The world is on the brink of total destruction.
Logically nothing makes sense.
Farmers are ordered to destroy their crops kill their livestock and re-wild  their farmland in order to "save the environment".
Yet all we see is a tactical destruction in order to kill as many people possible... in the name of...
We been told that Putin is the new Hitler.
At the same time it emerges that there was a peace treaty ready in April and Boris Johnson destroyed it.
So Truth be told... the war is a product of the WEF and they don't want peace they don't like peace.
Peace is prosperity.. and they want you to suffer.
They are fascists they are nihilists and they are absolutely stupid.
What is more they are infinitely corrupt and every word they speak is a lie.
And one of the greatest Liars is Elon Musk and he is not only one of them and in line with them...
He is their main poster boy.
Occupy Mars?
Occupy My Arse.

Airstream Train vs Hyperloop

I have over time many Idiot Trolls that claim that Jules Verne came up with a Train in a Vacuum tunnel and more which is mostly imbecile Idiots that have no understanding of technology whatsoever have no understanding of logic and reason is an enemy of their thinking.
Using their logic, Gene Roddenberry must be the Inventor of the Iphone then...
But the Hyperloop and Jules Verne both use a Train in a vacuum tunnel and both have the same problem as I shall explain...
There is a difference between an Idea a concept and a patent... and that is the amount of work that gets into creating a technological patent that most people are too lazy to do.
Every Idiot can put on a T-Shirt with "Occupy Mars"... but it takes a special person to come up with a detailed plan to do such a trait.

Any moving object inside a closed space creates compression and resistance which eventually stops it moving forward.
Both Verne and Musk propose a vacuum which sound great but creates another problem... how do you create that vacuum?
Both are founded on a pneumatic delivery system which works because there is little air inside it.
However if you scale it up the problem rises exponentially and cannot be solved.
Furthermore if you then expand the system to a network of trains... all of them connected you create an Impossibility that only an Idiot thinks it can work.
The Hyperloop is a dead squid.
And Elon Musk is a child with the Intellect of a brain dead mouse and an IQ of -66.
I go further... I am also calling out Richard Branson.
Both Musk & Branson are Satanists puppets, Epstein's best friends, and Liars working together with Klaus Schwab.
I go further... the Hyperloop scam was created and propagated by those to stop me and my Invention... and so far they succeeded because the Idiotic masses believe them and not me.
It is however me who is the only one having been granted a viable patent proving the Idiots wrong... eat mud.
And I go even further.
But first I shall explain how my technology works.

Tunnel Vision: How the Airstream Train works

My Invention uses a modified Scramjet which legally must be credited to me as another Invention of mine.
It is called an "Air Breathing Engine" because it inhales the air just like you inhale air while it exhales out of the back.
It basically sucks in the Air in front of the train compresses it burns it and the result is expanding air creating thrust.
Now if that sounds easy I assure you it is not.
There are many factors that need to be right and the main problem is that a scramjet uses the natural compression relative to the speed of sound.
Below the speed of sound it is called Ramjet... above the speed of sound Scramjet.

A ramjet, or athodyd (aero thermodynamic duct), is a form of airbreathing jet engine that uses the forward motion of the engine to produce thrust. Since it produces no thrust when stationary (no ram air) ramjet-powered vehicles require an assisted take-off like a rocket assist to accelerate it to a speed where it begins to produce thrust.

The Airstream Train creates its own Tunnel

As always they don't even tell you half of the Truth because Wikipedia is a globalist Socialist tool of misinformation disinformation and goddamn lies.
By sucking in the Air in front of the Train I basically create a low pressure zone that pulls the Train forward while using the Air to levitate the Train and then burning it to create thrust.
I call this technology: Self Levitation by forward motion.
It is basically a system of eternal balance at any speed.
So my Train creates a pulling force and a pushing force at the same time regulated by the amount of fuel you burn... in short it creates its own tunnel.
What is more due to the fact that I create a low pressure environment in front of the Train there is no air resistance to overcome and that is the reason why this technology has no limitations at all.
It makes no difference if it is inside a tube or not because it create its own tunnel.
And that is the principle that the Hyperloop allegedly uses... creating a vacuum a low pressure inside a tube... and this is my technology.
Elon Musk is the poster boy of these new Globalist Socialists.
So Elon Scumbag Musk... come out and play...
You are a fraud your mother is a whore and your father fucks your sister... sue me. 
The Hyperloop is my Invention and you are a Fraud... sue me.

But this is only the beginning.
If you search online for "Hypersonic Transportation" you won't find my invention.
You see I created a problem for them and they dare not touch me for they are scared I expose them.
And I shall do this until the day they are openly culled in the streets for their crimes against Humanity.

Here is my website:

And here is my patent:

There is no patent for a Hyperloop because it is a scam.
And the only reason I could not pay the Patent fees is due to the fact that for the last 15 years they systematically destroyed my life and tried to kill me even to this day.

What I had to endure in the last 15 years is beyond anything anyone could comprehend.
In China they took me out of my house drugged me up and threw me into a government re education facility also known as psychiatric ward where they strapped me onto a bed and fed me with narcotics three times a day.
The only thing that kept me alive was my Qi Gung training.
I told myself to keep breathing... and don't give them any reason... eventually they had to let me go.
I spend three months in there.
Of course this was only the beginning of my nightmares.
They put me into a flight back to Germany the land I hate most.
In Germany they tried to pull the same trick and tried to get me also into a "ward" but luckily I was prepared for that and my friends got me quickly out.
I then went back to England  where I spend most of my time training Wing Chun and Hung Gar seven days a week .
During that time I noticed that i was observed by unmarked vans and other irregularities that usually don't happen other than secret police observing you.
This prompted me to put all the Information about my technology on my website just in case that if something happened to me the Information gets out and survives.
There were moments then I feared for my life and the safest place for me was with my Kung Fu Brothers and sisters.
I hereby want to say my regards to my Sifu's: You will be forever in my heart mind and soul.

So I put it all out as a safety measure.
I then started to email to everyone... sending out thousands of emails...
Not sure how many landed in the spam folder... that was in 2009.
I was monitoring the IP addresses who were coming in and I believe in 2010 there were some that stood out for length and amount of visitations... two in particular.
One IP address I traced to NASA.
One IP address I traced to SpaceX.

You must understand that this Train is so much more than just a Train...
Inside this technology I have at least ten other patents that would bring much needed change.
One being a vertical takeoff satellite delivery system... something that NASA was trying to do but because they are stupid... failed.
In hindsight I am glad they didn't contact me.
Same with SpaceX.
I would have only helped Elon Musk deliver his Starlink weapon sooner and that I won't do.

I contacted someone in Tesla... his name is Rick Avalos Senior Recruiter for Tesla Motors through LinkedIn and tried to get in touch with Elon Musk because my technology is by far superior to anything else especially as a delivery system... to no avail.
A couple of years later I was approached by a few different people asking me if my Technology would work inside a tube.
I stated there and then what I state here... yes it does but why would you.
An open system as I propose is so much more powerful is cheaper faster more cost effective easier to build +++
I got more and more people coming with the same question and I really got annoyed.
I started asking wtf is going on and then I found out that Elon Musk was trying for a Train in a vacuum tube.
Great I thought and I contacted Rick Avalos again.
Although I was at that time banned by LinkedIn and everywhere else I still had (and have) his email address.
So I wrote to him that I have heard what I have heard and offered my help.
Again there was no contact with Elon Musk which at that time I found strange because I had what he supposedly wanted and it did not make sense to me.

There was another thing that happened and that was in 2011.
In late June 2011 I suddenly and unexpected got over 1000 hits on my website per day.
I was buzzing.
So I checked it out... I thought that maybe someone was Interested in my technology.
However the reason was slightly different...

The Zero Emission Hyper Sonic Transport or ZEHST is a planned hypersonic passenger jet airliner project by the multinational aerospace conglomerate EADS and the Japanese national space agency JAXA.
On 18 June 2011, the ZEHST concept was unveiled by EADS at the Le Bourget Air Show. The envisioned vehicle uses a combination of three different types of engines, including relatively conventional turbofans, rocket motors, and scramjets to attain a maximum speed of Mach 4.5 (four and a half times the speed of sound). The ZEHST has been projected to carry between 50 and 100 passengers while flying at very high altitudes for greater efficiency.

Conceptually, the ZEHST has been promoted as a descendant of, or a successor to, Concorde, a supersonic airliner that was withdrawn from passenger routes in 2003. According to projections released, the ZEHST would be capable of flying between Paris and Tokyo in 2.5 hours, or between New York and London within one hour. During 2011, EADS stated its prediction that the ZEHST could be flying by 2050

Now EADS NASA and Elon Musk all share one trait... they are Globalist Socialists... they are fucking scumbags.
And what is more they are all working together.
And more they all know my technology & they don't want you to know my technology exists.
There is much more to this.
You see my technology triggered a panic button by those scumbags.
So in order to draw attention away from me they came up with this "concept" named it ZEHST Zero Emission Hypersonic Transport simply because the natural name of Hypersonic Zero Emission Transport was already taken... by me.
The Hyperloop is just the same... it is a scam to draw attention away from the fact that my technology exists.
And if you think for one second that I am wrong you need your head examined... by a bulldozer.

The fact that I was able to file this patent and they did not see that coming scares them shitless.
I have an understanding of this technology which is beyond anything anyone in EADS or NASA has... and that scares them.
So they got this Imposter Clown Elon Musk EADS  and so on so they can promote their unworkable technology and promote this in their Media only to fool you.
It is a scam it is a shitshow.

There is more to that.
You must understand that Corona & the Great Reset was planned for 2030.
But because of me & my technology they were forced to accelerate their plans.
This created a problem for them because the Clowns they have in place are not capable of executing their plan properly so they made mistakes... a lot of mistakes.
This lead and leads as we speak to a mass awakening, something they tried to avoid... something they really fear and that is the people knowing Truth and waking up.
Their plan was all along to blind sight humanity into mutual self destruction... into extinction.
They did not want to get caught and they certainly did not want a mass awakening.
They wanted to sleepwalk Humanity into a trap.
I am proud I put a spanner into their machine.
But there is even more to my technology and this certainly is something they do not want you to know.

Einstein the Fraud

You must understand that space is not empty.
If you must please envision space like an ocean and the planets like Islands.
Space has currents, even solar winds which flow like endless rivers between the stars.
Space is made of energy and water is one form of energy.
So to envision space like an Ocean between the stars is more accurate then you might think.
And once we find out exactly what is there, we can use it.
NASA and EADS are a bunch of lying pricks... all I know is they know nothing.
And what is more they are all imposter clowns with rotten teeth.
Einstein say we cannot travel faster than the speed of light... which is Bullshit.
And if you believe for a second those Imposter clowns like Neil the Grass Tyson or Brian Cocks ... a failed pop star... shit is on your face, but maybe you like this... the world is ruled by perverts and pedophiles.

First things first:
Everything we see is a reflection of light.
So any object that is faster than the speed of light becomes invisible because the light cannot reflect.
It is fundamentally ZEN where everything we experience is a reflection of our own self.
The key of going faster than the speed of light is to have an engine capable of delivering more energy output than needed to accelerate.
In my granted patent I clearly state that within a stable environment I can permanently accelerate between any given point A to B.
I can do this, and it is the only technology capable of doing so because I designed my technology the way that I execute all four strokes of a motor permanently at the same time by forward motion.
This is what I call a "Linear Scramjet".

Speed is directly depending on distance.
The further you go the higher the speed you can achieve because you permanently accelerate until you are out of fuel.
Taking this concept further and given the theoretical unlimited fuel and unlimited distance you can achieve unlimited speed.
Meaning you double the speed at every interval.
This means the theoretical speed rises exponentially.
It also means there is a maximum of travel time anywhere to any place in the Universe.
The speed you can achieve with this Invention is unlimited.
You double the speed at every Interval but at the same time the Interval is 1/2 of the previous Interval.
The Result will be a number like PI or the Fibonacci Number.

Linear Light Scramjet Technology & Infinite Speed

You must understand that Scramjet technology also works in space, the Ocean between the Stars.
Therefore my technology is the blueprint of how we can build a viable spaceship together with the propulsion system to achieve speeds many times over the speed of light.
And just like the atmospheric Scramjet a Light Scramjet collects particles of energy (light) in similar ways and uses it for propulsion in space.
And for all the nay Sayers and "Experts" or foolish corrupt Idiots I call them... I figure it out... fuck you.
There is no Limitation of what Humanity can achieve... those who stand in our way must perish.
The potential of the Human  Race is infinite.
This is why I am also a proponent of free education.
Education is the key of releasing the infinite potential of the Human Race.
Those who say different are not human.


The first Nation of Australia believe this world came into life by a song... and they are right.
Song sound and vibration are one of the same.
There is a race of beings that exist as pure energy alone I write about this all along.
They may be our creators and they may have sung this world into existence a billion, billion years ago.
The connection between dimensions is sound & the Schuman resonance... the dimension of dreams... this is where all life connects... this is where all life begins.
And this is a truth you feel in your heart.
So let me tell you of my walkabout.

In 2012 I received an e-mail from the Li Ka Shing foundation.

Founded by Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-Shing, who has pledged to donate one-third of his assets to support philanthropic projects, the Hong Kong-based charitable foundation is the second largest private foundation led by a wealthy individual in the world, after Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

It was one of the many organizations I sent my proposal to.
At first I was skeptic but I answered and it started a due process of communication.
I played along with and they told me to be able to deal with me I had to open a company which is legit and I did it.
And since my ex was a Lawyer I know how those procedures work and they were executed in the right way step by step.
In the end they offered me a certain amount of money for exchange of a percentage in my company, about 10 million USD for 20% of shares which should be about right.
The catch was this:
They put the money into an escrow account and to release it I had to pay.
I smelled a rat.
I hesitated.
I sent emails to the Li Ka Shing foundation more than once asking about the legitimacy of this.
I always got email from them back.
So In the end I paid for one and one reason alone.
If it would fail I had a legitimate reason to personally contact Li Ka Shing.
It was a scam and I lost my money.
But to this day I still have the documents emails and everything proving every word I state.

So I went back to Hong Kong and into the Li Ka Shing building where I sat for a whole day wanting to talk with someone because I got scammed by someone Inside the Li Ka Shing foundation which legally should be of Interest to them.
I got nowhere.
I then went to the police accusing Li Ka Shing of actively supporting criminal activities which they did and I gave them all the evidence.
I got nowhere.
I was kind of expecting this and was prepared for it documenting everything.

There is more to this... so much more.
Because of what they did to me and I mean everything from the beginning... the systematic destruction of my life and the way they did it they had to reveal themselves... their methods... who they are... and how they work.

A friend of mine, an older Chinese Gentleman took me then to a Inventor exhibition in Hong Kong.
At this stage I was penniless lonely and soon to be homeless.
There I met someone with the most extraordinary Invention I came across ever.
He basically had an electric Generator that produced electricity at such a frequency that will not short circuit under water.
They demonstrated this technology by using a drill a normal household commercial 220v drill and used it in a bathtub under water to drill holes.
It would not short circuit and it would not give you an electric shock.
The most extraordinary technology I have ever seen.
I showed him my technology and we became friends.
A week later I was homeless.

Then I got a call from him wanting to discuss his involvement and funding of my work.
I started crying and explained my situation.
He came to my rescue and gave me 5000$ and told me to get my affairs in order.
I did and I started work as an English teacher but because I had no work permit had to do it underhand and half of my salary went to someone else.
I worked hard and enjoyed my tiny success... but in the end all that stress took the better of me and one morning I woke up paralyzed half side.

These are all very painful memories but the story is far from over.
I try to make it as short as possible.
I had to leave Hong Kong because I could hardly move and it took me several months to walk half properly again missing my Visa appointment along this way.
Somehow I ended up in Malaysia via Macau.
I went there because of invitation by someone claiming to be the cousin of Vincent Tan one of the richest men in Malaysia.
I had no choice but to accept and went there... same procedure again... scammed.
I ended up in a house of Nigerian scammers.

There one day the house got raided by the Malaysian police spending 14 days in prison.
Inside my Visa expired.
I was trapped.
I tried to find people that helped me and even sold German Pork sausages in a restaurant in Malacca working as a Chef… and I am Vegetarian.
Someone framed me and Immigration came.
I spend two years in prison being beaten tortured and threatened to be killed by the inmates.
There I was lost everything lost my hope to ever achieve anything.
It was the end of my walkabout and I was confronted by my true inner self.
The true meaning of a walkabout is to be confronted with yourself.
As we say in Kung Fu... you can lie to everyone... you can't lie to yourself. 
At this stage I had two choices... give in and fade away... or to die in a glorious battle.
I choose the latter one.

Every Sunday evening there was Inspection by the Head of the prison and everyone had to be absolutely quiet.
Into this stillness I sang my song:

Fuck Muhammad
Fuck Allah
Fuck Malaysia
Pu Ki Ma

I started a riot.
Everyone wanted to kill me.
Everyone but one... the Master of the Prison.
He came took me and said... "let's go for a walk"...
I thought... this is it... this is the end... and somewhat I felt proud.
They took me into another complex and I got my own cell... I was safe.
It is a very simplified telling of a long painful and difficult story which no one believes me... and that is probably the hardest part of it.
But I have to tell it because everyone deserves to be told the Truth... and I tell only Truth.
I have no reason to Lie.

The Globalist Socialist Agenda

Everyone knows the National Socialists the Nazis & Adolf Hitler.
They all came out of Zionism.
And just the same the Globalist Socialists are also stern Zionists... they are one of the same.
They are the WEF IMF ADL FED EZB Google LinkedIn Facebook Yahoo Twitter Youtube+++.
The Globalist Socialists are what the National Socialists were on a global scale.
Their agenda however has not changed.
Total control over everything and everyone.
Freedom and Truth are their enemy.
Freedom & Truth are my spirit... the spirit of the Human Race.
I am their enemy... and proudly so.

What they are building around us is a global prison and Starlink is their weapon.
They are Bill Gates Elon Musk Warren Buffet Li Ka Shing Richard Branson Karl the King Yuval Harari Klaus Schwab Hansjörg Wyss Peter Thiel Ray Kurzweil Biden Rothschild Rockefeller Zuckerberg+++

These are the Globalist Socialists that want to take everything from you and give you nothing in exchange... just like Adolf Hitler & the National Socialists 100 years ago.
They operate in exactly the same ways.
They will be defeated and I hope bludgeoned in the streets.
They made a mistake... underestimating the Human Race.
A mistake they will regret.
They will reap what they sow... and I shed no tears for them.

Max Igan: Our Time to Rise is Now


The Hyperloop is my Invention and that is a fact.
My Invention creates its own tunnel naturally by sucking the Air in front pushing it through a system used for levitation and then burning it to create thrust.
The Hyperloop scam is a scam.
It was created by this Schmuck Elon Musk who is a coward a clown an imbecile and a moron to draw attention away from me and the capabilities of my Invention.
 I shit on Elon Musk every day.
Come on Elon Musk you scumbag sue me...
You are a coward by trade.
I have no penny to call my own.
But I have something worth infinitely more.
I have heart.
I have soul.
And I have spirit.

Free Julian Assange!

P.S. Please share this article far and wide for everyone to know.
It is in the Interest of all of Humanity.

Do not fear… there is nothing to fear.
Resist and be proud.
The Human Spirit is most powerful.
Never give in.
Never surrender.
You ow it to yourself.
Together we are unstoppable.


Fritz Freud

Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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