Tuesday 30 April 2024


Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act

And the case for a Class Action Lawsuit

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) : 
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media.”

Everywhere I go people say: What can I do.
I tell them: Use your Intelligence.
Other tell me I have to: Believe in Jesus (Oh Lord).
Stupid! Waste of Time!
To manifest this what I always say I present simply Solutions no one else... not even God or Jesus are capable of presenting.
Which means I am better than both... you don't like my arrogance?
I don't like your lies deception and Religion... touché...

I been warning people for years now about the coming AI war.
They don't listen.
Now I will make it crystal clear on how to fight this... you still won't listen.
Go back to your non existing God in your Churches and Temples and rot in Hell.
I don't care because Religious people are Animals by choice... less even.
I care about Humans.
We are creators.

Legal Background

AI basically is very simple:
You create a Database of everything and compare anything with everything.
AI works on Data Harvesting and 14/7 surveillance of the Human Race

Watch this video to see a glimpse of it:

When you want to watch videos on your phone, you're probably using an app whose dual role behind the scenes is to gather as much information about you as it can. It observes all of your actions, and adds all this information to a database about you that it shares with thousands of other companies.


This is Ai in a nutshell... Mathematical Comprehension compared with an all seeing AI Database to which new Information is compared to with the use of Mathematical Algorhytms.
There is nothing remotely Intelligent to it.
However it raises one fundamental Question that is Ignored.
Who owns my Data?
The Answer is: I do.
All Data that is created by me I own.
That is a fundamental certainty.
Any Data that is taken without my certain acknowledgement is Intellectual theft.
For AI to work it needs  this surveillance network to which I am connected to at all times.
This is a fundamental breach of Human Rights.

After widespread protests against racism in the U.S., tech giants Microsoft, Amazon and IBM publicly announced they would no longer allow police departments access to their facial recognition technology. The concern? Artificial intelligence (AI) can be prone to errors, particularly in recognizing people of color and those in other underrepresented groups. 
Such ethical concerns don’t end at facial recognition software


This above Statement from the Gartner Group (I used to work for them) states two essential problems.

1) AI cannot be trusted

2) AI is essentially Data Harvesting... a breach of Human Rights.

But this is how AI works... it collects all Data and then by comparing the data it selects and sequences it according to programmed Algorithms.

Microsoft President Brad Smith was widely quoted as saying his company wouldn’t sell facial-recognition technology to police departments in the U.S., “until we have a national law in place, grounded in human rights, that will govern this technology.”

So what Microsoft is saying is that AI is a breach of Human Rights.
And it is...
I always Question myself if I agree with anything Microsoft tells us... in this case I do.
Even more so if I agree with anything the Government has to say... in this case I do.

Among the great challenges posed to democracy today is the use of technology, data, and automated systems in ways that threaten the rights of the American public. Too often, these tools are used to limit our opportunities and prevent our access to critical resources or services. These problems are well documented. In America and around the world, systems supposed to help with patient care have proven unsafe, ineffective, or biased. Algorithms used in hiring and credit decisions have been found to reflect and reproduce existing unwanted inequities or embed new harmful bias and discrimination. Unchecked social media data collection has been used to threaten people’s opportunities, undermine their privacy, or pervasively track their activity—often without their knowledge or consent.
These outcomes are deeply harmful.


All of this is true... yet who is collecting your Data against your consent and knowledge?
That is right... Israel... Unit8200

Clearview AI
Clearview AI is a revolutionary, all-in-one, facial recognition platform designed to support federal, state, and local law enforcement,

It was founded by Rudy Giuliani's personal Mossad Spy and his Gay plaything.
Clearview AI has your picture from Social Media which it then stores in a Gigantic Database without your knowledge or consent.
China's CCP uses Clearview AI to arrest Citizens and stop them from going anywhere.

40+ billion images, highly accurate #1 NIST rated facial recognition technology in the field for humanitarian uses and investigations.

Clearview AI has now for every person in this world a minimum of 6 pictures.
Realistically it has about 20 to 50 pictures of everyone in the western world and China.
And this is growing by the Day.

Argus Cyber Sec
Argus, the global leader in automotive cyber security, provides comprehensive and proven solution suites to protect connected cars and commercial vehicles against cyber-attacks. With decades of experience in both cyber security and the automotive industry, Argus offers innovative security methods and proven computer networking know-how with a deep understanding of automotive best practices. Customers include car manufacturers, their Tier 1 suppliers, fleet operators and aftermarket connectivity providers. Founded in 2014, Argus is headquartered in Tel Aviv, with offices in Michigan, Silicon Valley, Stuttgart and Tokyo.

Both are IDF Unit8200 companies and you really should get wise on them.
Unit 8200 is the best friend for Future Dictators.

Surveillance allows governments and other agencies to maintain social control, recognize and monitor threats or any suspicious or abnormal activity.
However Governments do not like to be scrutinized audited or questioned about their activities.
Especially when as we know the Government itself is a criminal Mafia run by Psychopaths and Israel.

Yet we have a problem... and the problem is simple and simply etched in History.
Any Government that goes over the Rubicon of a Totalitarian Dictatorship does not want an Audit Questions or Critics.
So what do they do?
Outsource Fascism... to Unit 8200... to the WEF... to the WHO... or in this case to AI...
Wash your hands in innocent... the blood of innocents that is... and claim ignorance and stupidity.
This is how politics work.
So to get rid of the Human touch they are using AI to automate their Fascism.

Machine learning models are becoming increasingly powerful and complex tools. This can be very useful in areas such as finance, where accuracy is paramount. However, model complexity can be a double-edged sword, especially when trying to explain the reasoning behind predictions, which can be crucial. Consider the field of medicine, where a model might predict the probability of cancer. In such a scenario, the stakes are incredibly high. It is not just about the model spitting out a prediction; the reasoning behind why it gave that number is just as important

Cookie Mining
Cookie mining. Yes, mining data from cookies

The output of ChatGPT Constructor is then a data table with an extra row containing cookie descriptions.


Here is what people say about this already.

I am so tired of having no privacy, being tracked all the time 24/7, social media designed for addiction, manipulative algorithms, being forcefed ads down the throat... Like i had enough of this I feel like no one is looking out for the public and everything revolves around corporate interests. Feels like we're in some parallel universe version of the future where things went wrong.

You're tired of it already? This is just the beginning! Going by what the future holds, we're living in the best of times and every subsequent day takes us in the other direction. Value these days as much as you can because soon we'll be looking back at this very moment and we'll miss all the freedom that we have now.

What I think about are the people who have been born in the past ten years or so. By the time they are adults, they may not even be able to conceptualize a world without all of this technology being an integral part of everyone's life. Will they have any urge to change it if that's the case?

However this is just the start of it.
AI has been implemented since Jan 1st.
And currently we are at the "Data Harvesting" stage.
AI depends on Data Harvesting... without it, it cannot exist.
Yet all of this Data is stolen from Users mostly without their consent.
Which is why it is so important for you to claim Authority over your own Data.
AI is a breach of Human Rights... period!

Voice Datasets Harvesting
Creation of Speech Recognition Datasets

Each human voice and speech pattern is unique. They differ in intonation, pace, pronunciation and dialect. These factors complicate the development of automated speech recognition systems.
A reliable speech recognition system must be trained using a high volume of high-quality audio datasets & voice datasets and developed by a diverse group of individuals to cover the range of human language nuances and, as such, be capable of performing the correct actions.

  • Our crowd provides you with speech recognition datasets on:

  • How people phrase and pronounce instructions to voice assistants

  • How people respond and comment to speech recognition systems

  • How people pronounce and emphasize pre-defined sentences

  • How clearly sentences are understood when they are said by people of diverse origins and with different background noise


As the global market for voice recognition and virtual assistants rises (See Figure 1), so does the demand for audio data collection services. And the more sophisticated these systems become, the larger their datasets should be.

  • Audio data collection/harvesting/sourcing means gathering audio data to train and improve an AI/ML model. Such data includes:

  • Speech data (Spoken words by humans in different languages, accents, and dialects)

  • Different sounds (Animal sounds, sounds of objects, etc.)

  • Music data (music or song recordings)

  • Other digitally recorded human sounds, such as coughs, sneezes, or snores

  • Far-flung speech or other background noises


Let me just summarize this for a second:
In order for Ai to work it has to have its eyes and ears open 24/7 to recognize any and all sounds and compare it with stored data.
Because otherwise it wouldn't work.

There is a rising global demand for smart home devices. And to extensively deploy such devices, you need audio data in different languages and accents. Acquiring it takes time.

For instance, Amazon Echo is available in more languages and countries than Google Home since they have been in the market for a longer period of time. Even though Google Home was launched 6 years ago, it has only been launched in around 11 countries. One of the reasons for this has been the difficulty in expanding datasets with different languages and accents.

There you have the problem at hand.
Data Harvesting is at the core of smart devices.
The Data Harvested can then be used by anyone who has access to this Databank.
Which inevitably means that AI is the best friend of Pedophiles and Dictators.

The CEOs of five social media companies including Meta, TikTok and X (formerly Twitter) were grilled by Senators on Wednesday about how they are preventing online child sexual exploitation.

The Senate Judiciary Committee called the meeting to hold the CEOs to account for what they said was a failure to prevent the abuse of minors, and ask whether they would support the laws that members of the Committee had proposed to address the problem.

It is an issue that is getting worse, according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which says reports of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) reached a record high last year of more than 36 million, as reported by the Washington Post. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children CyberTipline, a centralized system in the U.S. for reporting online CSAM, was alerted to more than 88 million files in 2022, with almost 90% of reports coming from outside the country.

Mark Zuckerberg of Meta, Shou Chew of TikTok, and Linda Yaccarino of X appeared alongside Jason Spiegel of Snap and Jason Citron of Discord to answer questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee. While Zuckerberg and Chew appeared voluntarily, the Committee had to serve Spiegel, Citron, and Yaccarino subpoenas.

As AI models improve and become more accessible, they will also become harder to police should they be used for illegal purposes, like creating CSAM, according to Dan Sexton, the chief technology officer of the U.K.-based Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).


If you look just a little bit closer you see that Facebook Youtube Google Instagram are all actively (especially Facebook & Instagram) build precisely for Data Harvesting and Data Mining such as Facial Recognition.

In 2018, it became public knowledge that millions of Facebook users’ data had been harvested without their consent. At the heart of the issue was Cambridge Analytica (CA) which in partnership with Cambridge researcher, Aleksandr Kogan harvested data from millions of Facebook profiles


Yet all of them connect back to UNIT 8200

If you look closely at who is working in AI... it is precisely this group of Homosexual TechnoRats like Yuval Harari or the WEF who want precisely this "Inclusiveness" of Pedophiles and Perverts whom they protect...
Clearview AI is another example.
And they are clever and Organized... organized crime...

Look at this group... Fight for the Future...


Evan Greer Director
Evan has been organizing hard-hitting political campaigns for more than a decade. A talented writer, she is a regular contributor to numerous publications, including The Guardian, Newsweek, and Time Magazine.

Problem: Evan Greer is a Transsexual.
The problem I have with all of this is that they tell our young Children who have no way of defending themselves against this are subject to this sexual Indoctrination which inevitably benefits Pedophiles and Dictators and other perverted Freemason scum.

They come up with terms like this:  Reproductive justice

Reproductive justice is a critical feminist framework that was invented as a response to United States reproductive politics. The three core values of reproductive justice are the right to have a child, the right to not have a child, and the right to parent a child or children in safe and healthy environments

It is precisely this normalization of perversion and the perversion of normality together with the confusion of meaningless terms baseless lies and fascist punishment that produces incompetent fools and Idiots which need a Dictatorship to operate because they are too stupid to know.
Incomes AI the all seeing AI the Machine learning God.

And don't take my word for it...

The Age of AI: And Our Human Future
by Henry A. Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher

In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers have come together to consider how AI will change our relationships with knowledge, politics, and the societies in which we live. The Age of AI is an essential roadmap to our present and our future, an era unlike any that has come before.


And yes... it is THAT Henry Kissinger and THAT Eric Schmidt... together with an MIT Prof.
People who really care... LoLZ... And Adolf Hitler protected the Jews!!!
Nevermind it is all part of the plan... their plan... to take over the world.
They have backdoors in everything and I literally mean everything.
From your Car... Argos Cyber sec...  to Cpu's such as the ARC Processor...

Watch this Video



To AI and STARLINK... the IDF Unit 8200 and the Talpiot Program have their hands in everything.
Facial Recognition to Genetic Harvesting to Organ sales from dead Palestinians to voice Harvesting.
The Talpiot Program allows Unit 8200 Alumina to create Business out of surveillance and UNIT 8200 all their startups work with the Government to enslave the world.
And they deny everything.

Take AI...
AI is there to make use of all the backdoors installed by Unit 8200 and the Talpiot Program.
Tensor Cores installed in CPU's are a natural Backdoor for AI.

EVERY new #ARM chips support FP16 which is AI framework.
This follows the same AI Framework Nvidia Intel AMD +++
Israel Unit 8200 and NVIDIA are building an AI supercomputer and you get this
Which means they all work together against all of us.
Which means AI has total control over every device.
Let this sink in.

Why would one country seek so much power other than to make use of it for nefarious reasons?
The last time this happened was in Nazi Germany and I warn everyone that Israel is just the same.
Worse even.
The Nazis were local Dictators... the Talpiot Program are Global Dictators.
And with the power of AI and STARLINK they might well succeed.
This is why I write all of this... first to expose it then to fight it.

The Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act

1) All Data generated by any Individual belongs to the Individual

2) Artificial Intelligence requires Data Mining
Data Mining is a breach of Human Rights

3) AI is not necessary to run any device and must be separate  from Operating any Device

4) To prevent abuse by Artificial Intelligence a physical kill switch

for AI must be installed on any Device

5) To prevent abuse by Artificial Intelligence the sole decision of use lies with the User

Now many platforms have already implemented AI on their Platforms such as Google Microsoft Twitter Gettr and even Substack and Stripe.
But the way I see it unless there is a huge backlash against this they will not Change.
So we must come together and claim our Data which is our Data.
We must force them to install a Kill switch so AI has actively the need to be switched on… that is on websites and devices.
We can do this in Class Action Lawsuits and establish that our Data is our Data... the Data AI feeds upon.
Take away that Data and AI has no grounds on to exist.
So if you still wonder what you can do... here is it.
Come to claim your Data as a breach of Human Rights.
Then do the same to force the Government by law to install an AI Kill switch and the above 
Artificial Intelligence Abuse Prevention Act.
I doubt it that there is any politician that would support it.
If there is... that would be great.
However we can force the adoption of this through the Legal System.
All of those who are rightfully concerned about our Future can come together.
This act will have an Impact on AI because it forces them to install a physical Kill Switch.
They don't want this... so it has to go through the legal system.
And this is a Battle we can win.
Meanwhile we can overload the Courts with Class Action Lawsuits on the4 Basis that each one owns their own Data.
And force this Law through.
A Law that actually would protect the people.
And a Law that I believe is necessary to safeguard the future of our existenz...
The existenz of the Human Race.


Fritz Freud


Buy me a Coffee

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