Sunday 28 April 2024


Understanding Globalism... Selling Cancer as the Cure

There is a push for WW3.

Things do happen really quick do they?
The Baltimore Bridge was no accident... it was a deliberate attack on us all.
The way the bridge collapsed let me to the conclusion that this was planned from before the bridge was build.
In structural engineering it is called predetermined breaking point.
So this was planned a very, very long time ago.
I be warning people for years now about the coming AI war... something that is easily dismissed.
This is very dangerous.

The people in this world are coerced into more than into one war.
The aim is to coerce the people into war between themselves WW3.
That we see now.
Then when the world is exhausted by the fighting inbetween them or right into it there will be introduce Autonomous Robot warfare.
Machines will take over.

Rheinmetall AI Warfare's-project-theseus-2.2


Add to this Tesla Boston Dynamics figure01 and other Humanoid Robotic companies...
Add to this the surveillance Network already in place by Apple Google and Microsoft.
Add to this the capabilities of AI
And what do you get?
Planet Auschwitz.
Something I warned 4 years ago.

The people behind it?
The Clinton / Rockefeller / Rothschild Mafia using Freemasonry Zionism and the Jewish Occult to push WW3 on all sides undermining Humanity.
The people from the Top are selected Pedophiles and controlled by sophisticated Mind Control Technologies which most people cannot fathom exist or CIA operatives from the start like Elon Musk & Bill Gates.

MRNA comes from Biological Weapons Research and is a delivery System for Gain of Function pathogens.

Dr. Malone is a CIA operative and worked in a group that researched GoF Biological Pathogens and delivery with the ultimate aim of Genetically targeted Biological Weapons. for the CIA.

Covid was a lie never existed and the aim was through Genetic Harvesting to create a Genetic Database for exactly that reason... Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare for the CIA and WEF as part of their plan to kill 7 Billion People and make it look look a natural disaster.

Mind control... can't happen to me you say?
I hear you and I am sorry for you because you have taken the first step into accepting it.
It is actually a very structured Layered way of deception, very clever... but very Evil.
Religion is a Drug of the Mind... once you taste it you want more... the first steps are like bliss... then  the addiction kicks in... then insanity... and before you know it you become all the things you hated...
Just look at Israel today... it has literally become Nazi Germany and a threat to the world... by design.
Israel today is the sacrificial lamb just like Germany was 100 years ago... as predicted by Albert Pike.
Predictions... Prophecies... the ones who make them come true are the Freemasons and Jews for they are the Devil in the Bible.
Their Order is to control Humanity and use them... as a reward... for their own means...
To control us and hold us back so that we never become who we are destined to be.
To make Prophecies come true based on Astrological alignments... so the gullible believe in God.
Nostradamus was a Freemason... and he brought the Plague to wherever he went... he wasn't a savior... he was a criminal Freemason... and so is Trump... so was Jesus... and so is everyone who pretends to be your savior .
No one can save you but yourself... the simple Truth that shatters all  lies.
If you look at Freemasonry... the first three steps which are most of the scum are people who don't care about anything but themselves... and the world is full of thee...
Freemasons are not to understand symbols but think they understand... and it is the same for Religion.
Worst of the scum are evangelical Christians... they are as dumb as fuck... yet they pretend to know everything... yet they know shit.
Evangelical Christians are like the Hitler Youth... and so is the LBGTFU+++ Movement... controlled Opposition... Hitler youth.
Woke... BLM... CRT... Islam... Christianity... all the same.
Replace Jesus with Adolf Hitler and you know who you are!
You are being used either willingly or unknowingly yet it is all the same.
Those who's mind is turned against Humanity progress and fail upwards in this System of automated Kakhistocracy... evil is rewarded and to proof that you just have to look at the top of our society to indentify the worst scum Humanity has ever produced.

Those who do not Understand History are doomed to repeat it.
Those who stand aside and do nothing only allow Evil to flourish.
The third wave was an experiment and I urge everyone to watch this film.
Just like Animal Farm and 1984... the Third wave shows how easily people are Brainwashed into accepting the totalitarian Mindset regardless of what you believe.

The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could accept the actions of the Nazi regime during the Second World War. While he taught his students about Nazi Germany during his "Contemporary World History" class, Jones found it difficult to explain how the German people could accept the actions of the Nazis, and decided to create a social movement as a demonstration of the appeal of fascism. Over the course of five days, Jones – a member of the SDS, Cubberley United Student Movement sponsor and Black Panthers supporter – conducted a series of exercises in his classroom emphasizing discipline and community, intended to model certain characteristics of the Nazi movement. As the movement grew outside his class and began to number in the hundreds, Jones began to feel that the movement had spiraled out of control. He convinced the students to attend a rally where he claimed that the classroom project was part of a nationwide movement, and that the announcement of a Third Wave presidential candidate would be televised. Upon their arrival, the students were presented with a blank channel. Jones told his students of the true nature of the movement as an experiment in fascism, and presented to them a short film discussing the actions of Nazi Germany.

Baltimore Bridge just like 9/11 was no accident… it was just like 9/11 a deliberate sabotage and planned… just like the Titanic… from the day of its inception to fold like it did.
As an engineer Bridges all over the world are planned to withstand such accidents which do happen but the Impact was nowhere near powerful enough to do what it did… the Bridge folded because it was designed from the start to do so.
This comes after the Moscow terror attack which were also a blind vicious act of violence designed to fuel Anger on both sides to push this world into WW3.
Everyone please be Vigilant and on your toes… I warn you there is more to come.
For a while now we see the destruction of Food Livestock and the Environment that produces food.
The endgame is global starvation which fuels anger which fuels war.
Politicians are paid Motherfuckers and they all deserve death by a million cuts.
None of them has any Truth or Humanity inside.
They all think we are too many people and the only solution is to kill off the Majority of us.
If we are too many people... let's kill all Politicians...

I been saying for quite some time now that Zelensky reminds me of Hitler in his last days... a mad man throwing his country to the dogs.
Hitler was a spy... installed to destroy Germany from the top whilst engaging in an unwinnable war.
Zelinsky is the same... sacrificing Ukraine for the holy grail of WW3 for the powers behind the curtain.
Quite frankly Pedo Joe Biden Ursula von der Leyen and Netanyahoo are exactly that as well... the mad ones selected to ensure destruction from the top... and to sacrifice all that follow them.
These are dangerous times.
The terror attacks in Moscow were a meaningless act of sabotage that serve no purpose... an unhinged act of pure violence.
But every action has a reason... serves a purpose... this one serve two.. and they all want regime change in Russia for the purpose of WW3.
That must not be allowed under any circumstances.

The war in Ukraine was planned a long time ago.
And Pedo Joe and his scum son Hunter are both working for the CIA and the Clinton / Rockefeller Mafia who want this war... who created this war.
What is worse is the EU... all of them scumbags deserve the Death Penalty.
They all want Regime change and we should be aware that behind the enemy lines are always operators of the secret alliance to fool us into supporting this war.

One is the Oligarchy inside Russia that already tried something similar with Yevgeny Prigozhin.
The other is the Military Industrial complex the Clinton / Rockefeller Mafia... and they are all aligned.
It should have been Clinton's war... she lost to DT... so they installed Biden to finish the job, a job he and his son started working for the CIA provoking Putin.
They actually and literally transferred Biological Weapons Research and Material to Ukraine through the Biden's ... which is Treason... and a danger to the world.
The Department of Defense admitted its existence of these Biological Weapons Research Facilities..
The Pentagon said that it has operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine handling dangerous pathogens, after previously dismissing the charges as Russian propaganda.
This forced Putin to attack Ukraine... and this is what they wanted.
Putin was the enemy they chose... the enemy they created... counting on it.
They thought Putin would annihilate Ukraine and as such prove them right.

Putin didn't swallow the bait... he humiliated them... didn't engage in a full scale war as they wanted.
He did what had to be done... nothing more... they lost their faces for the world to see... their lies exposed openly for the world to see.
This enraged them even more and the result is this terrorist attack... another provocation for WW3 is what they truly want.. and I fear worse is to come on all sides.

Apart from the Biolabs the US has also been involved into ZNPP and warned Russia about engaging.
I also believe Magna BSP an Iraeli firm has their hands in there... as they did in Fukushima... which means this is something to be closely watched.

Also you must be aware of Rheinmetall Autonomous AI warfare systems currently deployed in Ukraine.
They use STARLINK.
STARLINK is a weapons platform for AI warfare and worse that was deployed at the same time Covid started so no one noticed.
They use Ukraine to test these AI weapons and their ultimate goal is WW3... which they push.. provoke.
WW3 will be a war Humanity against Machines and STARLINK is central to their plan.
I been writing and warning people on my substack for years about this exact scenario.
From the NEURAL LACE BCI Nanotechnology deployed through the Covid jabs by stealth to STARLINK to Ukraine and Rheinmetall... to the disarmament of the west and the provocation of WW3 through these terrorist attacks.
The west is weak... destroyed from within from the Top... ready for the taking.
100 years ago they did the same to Germany... now they are coming for the world.
WW3 will be the AI war... Humanity against Machines... a war we cannot win because we are sabotaged from the top, exhausted and ill prepared by design.
The Clinton / Rockefeller / Rothschild Mafia are behind it all and they aim to push the world into World War 3.
Stay alert.


Globalism has multiple meanings. In political science, it is used to describe "attempts to understand all the interconnections of the modern world—and to highlight patterns that underlie them". While primarily associated with world-systems, it can be used to describe other global trends. The concept of globalism is also classically used to focus on the ideologies of globalization instead of its processes; in this sense, "globalism" is to globalization what "nationalism" is to nationality.
- Wikipedia

This explanation of Globalism is misleading which coming from Wikipedia seems just natural.
Globalism essentially is a Religion... a Religion based on Religion.
A Religion that is based on the utmost incredibly stupid Idea that we are born with Original sin.
And if you or anyone believes that... do me a favor... kill yourself.
The Bible teaches that we are all born sinners with sinful, selfish natures. Unless we are born again by the Spirit of God, we will never see the kingdom of God.
Anyone who believes that shit should Fuck off and Kill themselves.
No one is born with Original Sin...
And God is a Lie...

The power of God does not lie within God but with the preacher class... they are the true power creating a two tear society based on Lies and Violence and Pedophilia.
And anyone that does not comply with their lies... their Agenda can be punished by them as they believe they have the God given right to do so... self righteous little Fascist whores.
Lies more lies upon more lies...

Take the Jews for example... they think they are God's chosen people...
Self righteous... yet they have no morality whatsoever.
First of all... at the Bris the Rabbi sucks the Infant's dick...  that is gross.
Then look at the Red Heifer...

The truth is that they will provoke this world into WW3 and they fucking believe they have the right to do so... my Arse.
Building the third Temple will be the start of a Nuclear war... Armageddon
And this is what the Jews really want...
Somehow they believe if they destroy Humanity they will be rewarded with Immortality.
Operation Mindfuck.
Yet their Religion is based on the Kol Nidre which is the absolution to lie.

If God is real... how come the Jews Christians and Muslims are always at war with each other?
After all they claim to have the same God?
You never see Hindus and Buddhists fighting with each other... how come?
The lack of compassion of Jews Muslims and Christian tells me they all can fuck off.
They are all self righteous liars... and the worst thing is they lie to themselves.
Worse of all... Globalism is based on these three Religions who all think they have the answers to the Question no one asked.
Operation Mindfuck.

But Globalism is more... the Globalists wage a war on Humanity.
Their believe is that we are God's mistake.
If God made a mistake creating us it only proves God is a mistake... period.      
And if God is a mistakes... so are the Jews Christians Islam Scientology...
The levites think they gain Immortality by holding Humanity back until the Aliens who created us come back.
And the Globalists of the WEF WHO are just that... preparing the world for a global Government.
From Kissinger to Schwab... Biden to Zelinsky... to Macron... to the Devil himself.

However the true Nature of Globalism is much more dense and much deeper.
It follows the same pattern as religion which serves only one purpose... to push the world into Armageddon... mutual assured self destruction by creating WW3.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

- William J. Casey, CIA Director.

This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House.
So we know that the Government and the Secret Service behind the veil are the ones spreading Misinformation.
From Julius Cesar to Napoleon to Adolf Hitler to Jeff Bezos to Elon Musk... the people in power have always used misinformation as a tool to advance their powers.
No difference today... except that we have the Internet and Information can be exchanges at the speed of thought which can and shall never be stopped by any authoritarian Government ever.
And the Government don't like that because the Government exclusively relies on Misinformation throughout the pages of History.
One must understand the double speak of the Government... I do.
I have seen the enemy and I am not scared.
Once you understand how the Government works... it is relying exclusively on Bullshit.

Take the Trans Agenda Gender Bending Idiocity...
It is basically Government Disinformation.
There are only two Genders... Male and Female... everything else is Bullshit.
Yet the Government tells us that to be "Inclusive" we have to accept the many Genders they tell us... Fuck that.
Justin the pig whore Trudeau tells us we have to be "Inclusive"... Fuck you.
I have to do squid what this scumbag tells me.
I have to do squid what anyone in the Government tells me.
All we ever hear from them is Trust me... no never.
All the Government does is Fascism... supporting a war no one wants and taking our Freedom.
Yet they call Truth Misinformation and they raise in School a new variety of the Hitler Youth for a new version of the Government Nazis to stay in power... Mind Buggling.
They call Truth Misinformation and call Misinformation Truth.
I think they all deserve the Death Penalty... and I volunteer to pull the trigger.

How to combat fake news and disinformation (Brookings Inst)

Fake news and sophisticated disinformation campaigns are especially problematic in democratic systems, and there is growing debate on how to address these issues without undermining the benefits of digital media. In order to maintain an open, democratic system, it is important that government, business, and consumers work together to solve these problems. Governments should promote news literacy and strong professional journalism in their societies. The news industry must provide high-quality journalism in order to build public trust and correct fake news and disinformation without legitimizing them. Technology companies should invest in tools that identify fake news, reduce financial incentives for those who profit from disinformation, and improve online accountability. Educational institutions should make informing people about news literacy a high priority. Finally, individuals should follow a diversity of news sources, and be skeptical of what they read and watch.

Again the Government spreads Misinformation yet at the same time tells us that we have to combat Misinformation...
I wonder if those idiots would understand their own Insanity if they were hit by a hammer.

Resolution on Combating Misinformation and Promoting Psychological Science Literacy
Approved by APA Council of Representatives, February 2024

APA encourages psychologists, educators, researchers, and policymakers to actively engage in efforts to raise public awareness about the psychological mechanisms underpinning the creation and spread of misinformation. APA will promote understanding of the psychological factors influencing the acceptance and rejection of health information, and the development of effective interventions to mitigate the impact of misinformation including efforts to restore and maintain trust in science.

8 recommendations for countering misinformation

Avoid repeating misinformation without including a correction
Collaborate with social media companies to understand and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation
Use misinformation correction strategies with tools already proven to promote healthy behaviors
Leverage trusted sources to counter misinformation and provide accurate health information
Debunk misinformation often and repeatedly using evidence-based methods
Prebunk misinformation to inoculate susceptible audiences by building skills and resilience from an early age
Demand data access and transparency from social media companies for scientific research on misinformation
Fund basic and translational research into the psychology of health misinformation, including effective ways to counter it

Now that is the American Psychopathic... excuse me... Psychological Association.
What they are telling literally is trust us and no one else.
This could have been written by Adolf Hitler himself... or his Propagandist Joseph Göbbels.
But no it has bee written by the American Psychopathic Association.
And the Domino effect of this is the indoctrination of the next Generation which all will fail in life because of this.
We can must and I will assume that the American Psychopathic Association has been infiltrated by the CIA for years as this is where it hurts society most.

In Fact this is the MO of the Globalist Fascists since the tower of Babel... and that is where it all began.

Where do you find thieves?
In the Bank... that is where the money is.
Where do you find Pedophiles?
In the Kindergarden... that is where the Children are.
Where do you find Arsonists?
Making Bombs... or in the Fire Department… that is where the Fire is.
Where do you find Liars?
In the Government... that is where the Lie lives.

Take AI for example.
Tucker Carlson tells us that if we know AI is bad... why do we allow it to happen?
And he is right.
The Government tells us AI is good... for them... because all the Government tells us is lies... we know that.
Yet at the same time the Government is making a prison planet... Planet Auschwitz... out of this world.

And they give us no option because we are not involved or allowed to be involved in our own destiny.
They implement AI now on every Computer Chip without us given the option to choose.

Which means they all work together against all of us.
Which means AI has total control over every device.
Let this sink in.
Behind that is ISRAEL the JEWS and their WORLD DOMINATION PLAN.
The evidence is conclusive.
On Chip Level
There will be no escape from this unless we stop this now.

And all of this reveals the darkest secret of Globalism.
The one that all Religion is based upon.
And it started at the Tower of Babel when the Alien God Race decided that they ...
"Must come down and diffuse our Language so that we don't understand each other."
Basically for the last 3000 or so years they have been working hard to hold Humanity back... involve it in wars... spread diseases... famine... plagues... create Dictators enemies and everything but give us the Freedom we deserve to flourish as a race.
And now using Government Misinformation they want to involve us into a Nuclear Holocaust WW3.
Fuck that.
Go to the Politicians Homes and burn them to the Ground.
Go to the Freemason Lodges and burn them to the Ground... preferably with all the Masons in it.
Only this will stop WW3.

Last Point... the Green new Deal.
This is my pet... Government WEF Indoctrination Misinformation at its purest.
If we can achieve faster than the Speed of Light Travel with absolute Zero Emissions whatsoever there is no problem... nothing... zilch.
And we can.
Based on my very own technology that exists for over a decade.

If we as one Species can achieve that and have as I prove...
If we as a species are not allowed to reap the fruits of our own achievements...
If we are forced to obey their lies instead of living by the Truth...
Then all I am saying all along is proven to be fact.

I lay it all down for everyone to see... 
Prove me wrong you only prove me right.
Misinformation my Arse.
If we are not allowed to openly discuss this... and we aren't... than something is fundamentally wrong.
And it is.
Don't fear the Truth...
Live it and embrace the Future.

Once we do this we will start a Golden Age for Humanity.
We will go to the Stars and beyond.
The Future is ours.
And no one can stop us.


Fritz Freud.

I should have been a Millionaire... maybe even the richest man in the world based on my Inventions.
I am not... I am not a materialistic man... in much the same way Nikola Tesla was.
We don't think in terms of materialistic achievements... we think in terms of possibilities.
However I have to live beneath what is called the poverty line... less than $300 p/m.
Which means I hardly can pay my bills.
So if you can... are well off enough...  and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... thank you.

Buy me a Coffee

Thank you for reading Fritz’s Freud. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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