Tuesday 30 April 2024


Genetic vaccines & PCR tests: Russia is ready for Disease X

The tried-and-true formula for protecting public health

Is Russia prepared for the most anticipated public health crisis in WHO-history?

Yes, according to Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).

In a March 9 press release (archived version here for those who can’t access Russian government websites due to Internet Sanctions), the agency announced that Russia’s “preparedness for new viruses” was at “a high level”. Let’s deconstruct this wall of public health word salad together:

Russian specialists are developing new vaccines and testing systems. Rospotrebnadzor employees work with representatives of other countries to quickly identify emerging threats and respond to them in a timely manner.

The opening line of the press release is “don’t worry, we’re creating new genetic slurries and not-fit-for-purpose tests”, followed by an artfully crafted sentence that translates to: “Yes, we are still working very closely with the WHO”. Nice.

Every year, “Disease X” is discussed by the scientific community at well-known forums, congresses and conferences. Thus, on the sidelines of the second session of the National People’s Congress of China, experts discussed the risks of the global spread of a new potentially unknown disease — “Disease X”.

Did you know that the head of China’s CDC recently said that “accelerating global climate change” and “expanding human activities” are increasing the likelihood of a Disease X Global Murder-Plague? Here is an article from TASS:

BRICS will fix this (source: tass.ru)

If Disease X is exclusively a Western Davos Pfizer scam, why is China warning that this hypothetical pox will ravage the globe unless we reverse “climate change” and put an end to “expanding human activities”? Curious minds want to know.

Returning to the press release: Rospotrebnadzor is basically saying, “Look, we’ve been discussing Disease X with our esteemed international colleagues for a long time. Everything is under control. As we already mentioned, new injections and nose-swabs are in development. We got this.”

This topic [Disease X] regularly appears in the information space and is beneficial to large pharmaceutical companies, including due to the memory of the coronavirus pandemic.

On the one hand, Rospotrebnadzor is upset that Big Pharma is hyping the hypothetical terrors of Disease X, even though Beijing has reassured everyone that a pandemic can be avoided if we tax carbon. On the other hand, Rospotrebnadzor’s antidote against this terrifying and extremely hypothetical disease is the same as Western Big Pharma’s cure-all (not-fit-for-purpose PCR tests and dangerous genetic slurries). Confused? Don’t be. It’s 2024, my friend.

It’s nice that Rospotrebnadzor doesn’t like pharmaceutical companies creating needless panic among the masses, but naturally one has to ask how this opinion affects policy. It certainly didn’t stop the Russian government from collaborating with AstraZeneca on “Covid vaccines”, and it definitely didn’t stop Russia’s Health Ministry from handing out Remdesivir like candy.

source: tass.ru

If the Russian government is serious about putting an end to Imaginary Pandemic Panic, I would recommend starting with Russian state media, which publishes frightening Disease X stories that read as if they were copy-pasted from the WEF’s website:

source: tass.ru

Here’s the final two paragraphs of the TASS think piece cited above:

What countermeasures [against Disease X] have already been implemented?

WHO and partners have established a fund to combat the pandemic. Some countries have already taken advantage of this initiative to improve their domestic epidemiological situation. In addition, work is underway to improve systems tools that can help prevent an international health crisis. Thus, in Africa, a technology transfer center for creating vaccines was organized so that local manufacturers could create medicine for the population on their own. WHO has also created a system for the rapid and effective exchange of existing biological materials that could cause a new pandemic or epidemic. The necessary data can be quickly shared with all countries to develop medical countermeasures and reduce mortality.

According to Ghebreyesus, the most important thing is the international exchange of experience within the framework of the agreement to combat the pandemic. Thanks to this, the experience of each country will be available to the world community to more effectively overcome the crisis.

Vaxxing Africa: check. Sharing “biological materials” with Russia’s trusted Western partners: check. Shilling for the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: check. Everything checks out.

Back to the Rospotrebnadzor press release:

Today in Russia, readiness for new infectious challenges is at a high level. The “Sanitary Shield” anti-infection system is in operation, a network of PCR centers is being developed, and fast, high-tech domestic test systems have been developed. At checkpoints across the state border there is sanitary and quarantine control, as well as AIS “Perimeter”.

There you have it. A “network of PCR centers” is being created so that Russia can immediately resume mass-swabbing when the next Virus arrives.

This blog has already covered the Sanitary Shield program in great detail, but here’s the one-sentence recap: Russia is creating an Iron Curtain of PCR test centers and genetic vaccine dispensaries that will be used to ensure Biosecurity.

You can read more about this program here and here.

Meanwhile, the “Perimeter” system ensures that every traveler will be viewed as a potential biohazard. Rospotrebnadzor’s website explains:

AIS “Perimeter” assesses the risks of importing infectious diseases on each flight, as well as provide methodological assistance in the event of epidemiological threats. Registration forms filled out in the Perimeter AIS allow for monitoring and analysis of the sanitary and epidemiological situation at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.

Are you excited for checkpoints where your Health is registered and monitored?

Back to the press release, which ends with:

The term “Disease X” has been around for many years. The definition implies an abstract disease caused by an unknown pathogen, and the timing of its appearance is unknown.

Rospotrebnadzor is a bit peeved by all the sensationalism. Russia has the PCR tests. Russia has the vaccines. And the term Disease X has been around for years. Just relax.

(source: vedomosti.ru)

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.


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