Sunday, 28 April 2024


Lawmakers are Law Breakers

... and why Anarchy is the only Solution

Generally speaking I trust a Politician only as far as I can shoot them... and so should you.
Snake oil sellers... used car salesmen... they are more trustworthy than all Politicians combined.
As a General rule every Politician is a Liar until proven otherwise.
Especially in the USA where fundraising is a very popular foundation of politics it has to be said that fundraising and Lobbying for that matter are from the legal perspective already a conflict of Interest and as such makes the whole thing Illegal from the start.
The people who give money to politics are people like FTX Amazon Apple Bill Gates... people who are Jewish and crooks... and they always want something in return... this is how it works.
Politics for sale...
Who has the most money? The Banks.
So the Banks buy Politics which then make policies that serve the Bank... it is a system of infinite Corruption.
And the Banks are private Organizations that belong to Satan's Jews.
For this as the only reason you have a overrepresentation of Jews in Politics.
And the outcome is war to hide this systematic Corruption.

The perfect example of this is Covid-19.
We have the power couple Ursula von der Leyen and Heiko von der Leyen... basically Politics and Big Pharma who fuck each other and fuck Society.
The whore and the Pimp.
The Pimp in this case Big Pharma... Heiko von der Leyen... sells the disease.
The whore... Ursula von der Leyen... makes laws to spread the disease so the Pimp... Big Pharma... can sell more of the disease.
And Society is taken for a ride with ever increasing inflation of the principles of living.
And to cover this shit up they create a war to launder their dirty Money.
Needless to say that the Albrecht and von der Leyen Families are Generational Jewish Satanists of Nazis and Slave Traders.
You can't make this shit up.

Additionally it has to be said that for the Lies of Covid these Jewish Nazis have already build Auschwitz 3.3 Concentration Camps all over the world... without your knowledge.
Needless to say that anyone inside has lost their Human Rights and just like Joseph Göbbels who famously said: "It is me who decides who is a Jew or not."... once you are inside they can do pretty much anything they like... that includes raping children and murdering anyone.
And all this is to cover up their Lies.
It is just like Pontius Pilatus washing his hands in innocence... in the blood of the innocent that is.
The Jews and the Nazis are Siamese Twins pretending they have morals which they have not.
Nexus 6... Void Comp Test Failure.

When speaking about Whore  and Pimp... we need to look no further as to the Clintons.
The Clintons aka the Clinton Cocaine Couple  (CCC) known best for their No. 1 hit "The Clinton Body Count" are a sour Grapes Mafia Pimp and Whore couple.
Although I don't know which is which... the Witch is clear is a Clinton.

I am not even delving in the 666 times Bill Clinton and his serial rapist friend Epstein listened to their favorite Band... the Lostprophets on the Lolita Express...
Ian Watkins and Bill Clinton have many things in common... they like 'em young.
But unlike Ian Watkins who serves a 29 year sentence for raping toddlers... Bill Clinton rapes toddlers and gets away with it because he is a Rockefeller.
And the Rockefellers are Jews and Jews are allowed to rape Children.
In the Talmud it says... raping a child under the age of three is just like a poke in the eye...
It really is a state of Hypocrisy...

FYI: you just listened to a child rapist in the most disturbing music video ever...

Here is the Talmud explicitly allowing with Sex of a Child under the age of three years old!!!

Shmuel said: And Abba (i.e., Rav, whose first name was Abba) concedes to me, with regard to a girl less than three years and one day old, since there is no (legal significance) to intercourse with her, there is no (legal significance) to entering the wedding canopy with her.

Rava said: We, too, learn: A girl three years and one day old can be betrothed via sexual intercourse; and if her yavam had intercourse with her, he has acquired her; and (a man who has intercourse with her while she is married to someone else) is liable on her account because of the prohibition of intercourse with a married woman.

When you have a private Email Server installed in your house it can be only for one reason... you don't want to know anyone what is going on.
And you don't want anyone to know means you are guilty... preemptive evidence evasion with intent to do harm to others.
It is called: "Obfuscation of Justice".
If you want to sell prohibited substances such as Uranium to Russia... as the Clinton's did... you want to be able to erase the evidence... as they did.
The sole purpose of having a private email server is because you intend to do illegal things.
It can be drug trafficking like the Clintons do...
It can be selling of Uranium to Russia like the Clintons do...
Or trafficking underage Children like the Clintons do...

The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action.

The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were “culpable” in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton’s personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week and released Friday. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified.

Hillary Clinton is the Witch that wanted the White House.
But she didn't get it... Donald Trump did.
We should rub that in whenever and wherever we can.
If Donald Trump is guilty of having Classified Information in his house... so is Hillary the Bitch Clinton... squared by infinity.
And there is the Hypocrisy... the Clintons can rape children... can sell Uranium... can sell Cocaine...  and get away with it because they are Jews...
Yet they still dare to pretend to have Morality and... Putin is bad... what a shitface Syphilis Whore that Bitch is.

Hillary Clinton is a failure... a walking abortion.
Despite her Witchcraft she failed to the Orange Utan that was Donald Trump.
This joke never gets old.
The only reason the wicked witch ended up in Politics is because Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller and the CCC are murderers cocaine addicts smugglers and Satanists.
They are part of the Jewish Occult and that sums up politics in a nutshell.

Bill Clinton Is The Son of Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller
How Else Do You Get Elected Governor of A State At 28 Years Old, and President of USA, Inc at 46?
How Else Do You ESCAPE ANY CONSEQUENSES of 12 Public, Credible Accusations of RAPE And Sexual Misconduct Spanning Over 50 Years?
How do you NOT ANSWER A SINGLE QUESTION regarding the “Clinton Death/Body Count”, which in 2019 was 47, but there is new evidence that it is continuing to grow.
SIMPLE. Just be born into the LUCKY SPERM CLUB!!!

Fundamentally speaking the act of Voting is a transformation of trust by a mandate from the voter to the Politician that ought to represent the voter... it is a contract.
The Politician by this contract is required to represent the needs and wants of the voter.
Which means every Politician has broken this contract and we are not obliged to follow any law as a result.
All Laws are null & void because the Politicians have broken the contract so we are not obliged to follow any law.

What is a Trust Agreement?

A trust agreement is a legal document that allows the trustor to transfer the ownership of assets to the trustee to be held for the trustor's beneficiaries. While the trustee becomes the legal owner of the assets, the trustor retains equitable ownership of the assets.

To put it mildly... we the voter are the trustor giving trust to the Politicians to hold our assets which is the land respectively may it be Germany or the USA to the benefit of us the voter.
Under no circumstances does this contract allow Politicians to hold power over us.
Under no circumstance does that allow politicians to go to war or support a war as it is with Ukraine or Israel.
Under no circumstance does this allow for any Politician to allow Mass Immigration that changes the foundations of society.
It also in cooperates the fundamental audit of any politician and administration at the end of their term... to be held accountable for their actions... something that is missing at the moment... and this for a very good reason, the same reason Hillary the Bitch Clinton (who lost to Donald Trump) had an e-mail server installed in her house... nefarious reasons that are prevalent in politics that rake of corruption through the whole charade.
Any and every and all politicians must be held by the power of this contract accountable for their actions which must be to the beneficiary which is we the people.
Politicians are weasels.
They don't mince words.
Nor do they straddle a single issue.
They have  the courage of their convictions.
They give the people a declaration of principles as clear and clean cut as the Declaration of Independence which inspired it.
So much, at least, you will admit to be true of the democratic national convention, whether you agree with it or not.
Yet they themselves are a product of self entitlement and general disdain, disrespect for the people who struggle to find their way in life.

The examples are manifold.
Lets start with John Kerry of the Skull & Bones society... a Generational Wanker.
The same Generational Wanker that now wants to enslave you because he is Jewish.
The same Kerry who denies to fly his private plane but lies to us all the same.

The year 1966 was a banner year for the Prince of Darkness. Approaching the dog days of summer in that momentous year, Anton LaVey, a decadent, ex-circus entertainer, also a Jew, formally founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco. The date: June 6, 1966, or 6-6-66.

Across the nation, in New England at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, a young man spent the year 1966 in his somber new residence, the Tomb. The Tomb is a gothic, mausoleum-like stone building just off campus, adjacent to an ancient cemetery complete with Masonic tombstones, odd-shaped crypts, and what is called the "garden of the dead."

A New Name for a Jewish Bonesman

The young man's name was John F. Kerry (really John F. Kohn, Jewish). The Tomb, in fact, is the home of Chapter 322 of the Order of Skull & Bones, a satanic, clandestine lodge of Freemasonry first organized in 1832. Each year, fifteen (15; 1+5=6) carefully chosen young men of preferred bloodlines take up residence inside its thick walls. At their initiation into The Order, each man lies naked inside a coffin and "bonds" with his fellow bonesmen by confessing his sexual thoughts and deeds from birth. Then, each initiate is given, as a memento, a human bone with his new name "inscribed" on it.

Then there is the Bush Family Skull & Bones who's crimes start with Prescott Bush financing Adolf Hitler.
Herbert Bush who killed JFK as the head of the CIA in Denver.
Marvin Bush who was until September 10 2001 Head of Security in the WTC and as such responsible for rigging the WTC I & II and VII  with explosives.
On Sept 11 2001... the next day... all three buildings exploded in bright daylight as a result of the Bush Family at work.
Herbert Wanker Bush who started a war in Afghanistan that lasted for 20 years.
The Bush Family are Generational Satanists.

There is a compelling theory that Barbara’s biological father was Satanist Aleister Crowley
The theory holds that Barbara’s mom, Pauline Pierce (1896-1949), was friends with satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) — maybe more than friends. Pauline had a reputation of being a bit on the wild side in the ’20s. It has been reported that she and Aleister were in France together around September or October of 1924. Upon her return to America, Pauline gave birth to Barbara Pierce on June 8, 1925.

Then we have the first openly Pedophile President of the USA... Pedo Joe Biden.
The only reason this pedophile scum was selected is because he belongs to the Clinton / Rockefeller Mafia.
His Job was before to install and transfer Biological Weapons research to Ukraine in order to provoke war with Russia on behalf of the Clinton / Rockefeller Mafia.
His Crackpot son of a Bitch whoreson Hunter also helped the CIA to transfer Biological Weapons research to Ukraine.
Pedo Joe Biden is responsible for the war in Ukraine together with the Clinton / Rockefeller Mafia who are behind it.
Alone for that he deserves the Death Penalty.

When as it stand Criminals assume by the way of deception lies blackmail and a Mafia that makes concentrated efforts to subvert National Sovereignty into a Globalist Dictatorship then we need to realize that all ways of old are gone and done.
Politicians are nothing more than cooperate Kiddy fuckers driving society over the cliff.
And nobody more so than open Pedophile and CIA operative Zionist Joe Biden.
So I advocate the Killing of Joe Biden an Audit of the Government and reduced power of the Government the re nationalization of the FED and the removal of all political Lobbies.
Until such time this is achieved the Government by the will of the people has lost its mandate and has no power.
Furthermore the Government is under Criminal Investigation by the People and all secrets must be revealed and made openly and publically available for everyone to investigate.
Which means all Bank Accounts Phone numbers and communication of every Politician even the Top Secret ones... especially them.
Any association with an outside power such as the WEF or Israel should result in an instant Death Penalty by public hanging.

All Politicians are guilty at minimum for two Crimes:

A) Criminal Bankruptcy
B) Treason

As it stands the USA and every other Government who is supporting the Globalist Agenda is undermined by the Zionist Stooges of the new Fascists with the aim of concentrating power into the hands of a few Jewish Zionist Bankers.
This is done as a deliberate act of domestic Terrorism by said Politicians with the WEF Identified as a major force of undermining National Sovereignty by subverting Politics as an act of domestic Terrorism.
The centralization of Power is undemocratic and as such Illegal.
This is known as Treason.
They use the mandate of representing us to enslave us by stealth... a very wicked and sinister way but according to the law of representation all their actions are Illegal because they don't represent us.

Nancy Pelosi is another Whore who deserves the Death Penalty.
Her most vicious crime is to erase WTC7 from the 9/11 report.

Then there is the small fact of Insider trading and conflict of Interest

Insider and several other news organizations have identified 78 members of Congress who've recently failed to properly report their financial trades as mandated by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012, also known as the STOCK Act.

Congress passed the law a decade ago to combat insider trading and conflicts of interest among their own members and force lawmakers to be more transparent about their personal financial dealings. A key provision of the law mandates that lawmakers publicly — and quickly — disclose any stock trade made by themselves, a spouse, or a dependent child.

But many members of Congress have not fully complied with the law. They offer excuses including ignorance of the law, clerical errors, and mistakes by an accountant. Insider has chronicled this widespread nature of this phenomenon in "Conflicted Congress," an ongoing reporting project initially published in December 2021.

78 members of Congress have violated a law designed to prevent insider trading and stop conflicts-of-interest

As a Basic Rule... no Lawyer must be allowed to make a law.
Conflict of Interest!
Lawyers that make Laws and profit from the Laws they make are a fundamental Conflict of Interest.
The problem we are facing today is by no means to a small amount the fact that Lawyers make Laws and Profit from them.
Add to this the breach of trust contract between voter and representative.
And then you understand the significance of it.
In plain side we have a Generational Dictatorship by private and cooperate Interests that hide behind a sheer impenetrable wall of bureaucracy and misinformation made by Lawyers to serve the Generational Kakistocracy which is impenetrable for normies and hard to understand.
And if someone like Donald Trump actually is voted in... well you know the rest.
What Pedo Joe Biden has done to the USA no enemy has done before because he is one of the Clinton / Rockefeller Zionist Mafia.

What we have is a system of systematic fraud... corruption Bureaucracy.
A system that suffocated the Individual by celebrating mediocrity perversions and failure.
Otherwise how come someone like me who has real solutions is not even considered?
They say "Rule Based Society"... where the rule and rule followers are promoted and Free thinkers not.
In a rule based Society it is more important to follow the rules with the outcome that the outcome don't matter and the sloths and slobs rule over the intelligence.

Under the contract of voting and Trust Law every Politician has to report back to the trustee... we the people.
This also excludes for any politician to be part of any Organization that undermines this fact.
This includes Freemasons Bilderberg the WEF Bohemian Grove Skull & Bones and others.
In fact under the RICO Law all Politicians are a Mafia... essentially Organized Criminals pretending to be Politicians.

The WEF can be prosecuted under the RICO ACT
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act aka Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970) and is codified at 18 U.S.C. ch. 96 as 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1968.

The WEF is essentially that: a Criminal Terrorist Organization which falls under the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
Essentially it is a Mafia which controls the CIA FBI INTERPOL Politics Media and Banks.
Using the Rico act we can legally arrest them all.
Citizen arrest for the Police cannot be trusted.

Declare the WEF and all Associates an International Terrorist Organization

Same for the Bilderberg Group and Freemasons for that matter.

Bilderberg: Michael Meacher tables question in Parliament in 2013
Watch this clip and see the weasels weasel.

130 decision makers travel to a private Organization that makes decisions over the head of the electoral against the Trust law enacted by voting.
Treason that is!
Every Politician should be stripped of all of their possessions and dropped naked in an open zoo by water and bananas till they die.
To be spat upon anyone who wants to spit upon thee.
And their women and children should be raped by donkeys right in front of their eyes.

The Bullingdon Club... Oxford's Skull & Bones

Nathaniel Rothschild David Cameron, former chancellor George Osborne Peter Mendelson and the former PM Boris Johnson are well-known former members of the exclusive society. A club photograph which includes Cameron and Johnson among members posing in their dress uniform has often proved the bane of their political careers, frequently reprinted in newspapers and mentioned in Parliament as evidence that they are out of touch with ordinary people.
They are as Satanic as only a Rothschild can be.
And you have the connection right there.

Richy Sunak and the Digital ID         

Richy Sunak is a Nazi slimeball... so is von der Leyen and every WEF WHO member.
The Digital ID is the same as the Auschwitz Tattoo nothing more nothing less.
Only that it is infinitely worse.

What is the IBM Digital Health Pass?

IBM® Digital Health Pass is designed to help businesses efficiently verify multiple types of COVID-19 health credentials for employees, customers, fans and travelers entering their site based on their own criteria.
COVID-19, Digital Health Pass offers an end-to-end vaccination and COVID-19 test verification solution that is compliant with employee privacy and trust.
The Digital Health Pass can help you check people’s COVID-19 health credentials before they enter your facility. The technology allows businesses to establish their entry criteria for test results or vaccination status and to verify many types of widely used health credentials. 

This exact Technology is nothing but a modern Version of the technology used in the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz. This Technology was invented by Herman Hollerith of IBM as an Identification based Database for the NAZIS to categorize Prisoners in Auschwitz. The Tattoo then is the Digital ID / Tattoo / chip linked to a Database of everything. The principle Technology is Identical. This must get out to the people it is a Scandal. Are we all Prisoners of Auschwitz?

If you ask IBM... the answer is Yes!

Planet Auschwitz

For all that don't know... Richy Sunak's Family created the Adhaar System of Digital ID to enslave 1.2 Billion People in India.

What Happens When a Billion Identities Are Digitized?

Over the last decade, India’s Aadhaar, a biometrically secured national identification system, has allowed millions to participate in the country’s economic life. But the system’s success has ignited a debate over whether any entity, public or private, should have the ability to pool our full digital profiles.

In 2009, India had no nationally recognized form of identification. Indians carried separate ID cards relating to various government functions—taxes, subsidized food, cooking gas, water—but none served as an all-purpose identification throughout the country. And often what ID systems did exist were so systemically tainted that half of names on the rolls were fakes, while the neediest, the very people social programs were designed to help, were excluded because they couldn’t pay the required bribes.

Today, more than 1.2 billion Indians have what Paul Romer, a Nobel laureate and former World Bank chief economist, has described as “the most sophisticated ID program in the world.” The program, called Aadhaar, provides each individual with a biometrically secured, 12-digit identification number. Aadhaar represents a remarkable feat of policy, design, technology, and real-world implementation.
Aadhaar went to everyone everywhere.

What is more...
There is no limit for this Technology.
This technology applied is the same as the IBM numbers in Auschwitz.
This technology applied is the same as the chain around the slaves.
This technology applied is the same as a brand mark on a cattle.
This technology applied allows total control over all people with no limitation whatsoever.

This technology can and will be used for the following:
Facial Recognition
Financial Status
Travel Tracking
Travel Prohibition
Political affiliation
Political Opposition Tracking
Political Viewpoints
Human Tracking
Physical Location Tracking
Time stamp Tracking
Association Tracking
Group Tracking
Sleep patterns
Consumption patterns
Social affiliation
Social patterns
Voting patterns
Thought control
Mind Control
Preemptive Policing

What is more this Data then can be manipulated in any and every way the Government wants.
Yet the Government has no accountability whatsoever which again is a breach of contract.
It makes us all prisoners to those who control this Technology.
And those who control this technology are the people in power yesterday today and tomorrow by Family Connections and Cooperate affiliation.
It is a clear Violation of all Human Rights.
It is a Holocaust Technology designed to control all of Humanity.
And a Holocaust is what they plan... the culling of the Herd.

And to manipulate this data they will use AI.
AI is designed to do just that... manipulate the Masses... Hack the Human.
It is called "Behavioral Modification Science".
Don't be fooled... behind these nice words is the most sinister plan of World Governance aka Slavery that there can be.

The story of Babylon is monumental, and of great historical significance.
Considering the circumstances of the world today it has been demoted to probably one of the most obscure and insignificant events of our ancient history.
This important story is rarely mentioned in modern history books and intentionally forgotten.
It is there that we find the Origins of Freemasonry and Judaism alike, the Babylonian Talmud.
It is there that we find the Law of Nimrod / Hamurabi that to this day are withheld from society and upheld by those initiated in the secret societies that to this day rule us manipulate us and force us against our wishes and against our will.

" Behold, the people is  one, and they all have one language and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they had imagined to do.
Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they might not understand one another's speech."

This is an ongoing process by the same Families who trace their Bloodlines to Babylon... the Rockefeller / Rothschild scum.
And they are the same families behind the wars... AI... Government... Money... Media... WEF...WHO.
They are Draco.
And they want to use AI to enslave this whole world.

The Government exists only to gain power.
The Government serves only itself and to extent this power.
The Government NEVER gives up this power.
When the Government claims to give up power... as it does with the Global Pandemic Treaty... we all should be aware that it is in reality a power grab by the Government.
They "give up" power and hand it to the WHO which then can claim any Pandemic under any circumstance which make them the solemn Authority in this crisis theater.
The WHO then instructs the Government to act on behalf of the WHO to enforce any action deemed necessary by the WHO.
And if this instruction is... kill the firstborn and cull the herd... the Government will enforce this new Global Authority like it always does with upmost brutality but without accountability which now lies within the WHO.
The Government gives Illegally Authority it never had to begin with but most importantly Accountability it tries to avoid to the WHO which then in return gives more power and less accountability to the Government.  
In the most simplistic term this is called Treason.
It is their way of deception on which they wage war against us.

This is why we all must support the Farmers & Truckers and bring this and every Government down to their knees.
Bring the Traitors to Justice.
Reset the system and change it so that it serves the people.
Every Government needs to be Audited on an annual basis.
Treason such as fuelling War in Israel and Ukraine with the aim of WW3 must be dealt with the Death Penalty.

The Farmers are protesting because of the "Green New Deal"...
So the argument for their authoritarian exercise is Climate Change...
Therefore they make the Farmers life impossible by enforcing laws that will kill millions through starvation.
But what if we can destroy their argument by giving something better...
Currently the biggest polluter is Aviation whole at the same time private jets tank tax free.
So we the people enforce the end of Aviation by introducing a worldwide network of Hypersonic Zero Emission Trains ending Aviation Pollution to absolute Zero Emissions and making a tax hike of 100.000% for private jets and private jet fuel...


We are living in a Dictatorship that defies all Laws because it is Generational.
Zionism Judaism Money and Freemasonry are essential and the Backbone of this Kakistocracy.
The worst of the worst come out on top.
They use Money to influence others.
So essentially we must take money out of the equation.
As a rule... Energy from Water solves a big part of the problem.
Another is Free Education for life.
Me as a lifelong Learner it is essential that talent gets the tools to develop.
We can use the Internet to bring education free of charge to every place in this world.
As such we erase all problems in a Jiffy.
Educate people and end all poverty.
For poverty is created by the Banks.
And the Banks are created to create Poverty.
Divide an Conquer.
We need less laws and less Lawyers.
Educated people don't need Laws... they act responsibly.
So we need to teach respect in order to have a respectful society.
Make Education Free for Life to the benefit of Society.
I am an Anarchist through and through with the best possible intentions.
Teach people ZEN and Kung Fu.
Only if one can defend oneself one can live in peace.
Bring down this Government once and for all.


Fritz Freud


Buy me a Coffee

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