Sunday, 28 April 2024


Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare

Dream a little Dream with me....

Personal Note:
I am not a beggar nor do I write for Money people know this.
Still I have to live beneath what is called the poverty line... less than $300 p/m.
Which means I hardly can pay my bills.
This does get to me in recent times which does affect my ability to concentrate on my writing as I try to solve other people's problems while mine pile up.
So if you can... are well off enough...  and like my work please consider buying me a coffee... thank you.

Buy me a Coffee

Spend your lazy, endless, crazy days inside my head
You're so selfish, you're not the only one who thinks he's dead
I'm paid to smile, now I'm on trial for what you think I said
But I never said that everything would be okay
And I never said that we would live to see another day, yeah, yeah

Motivate me, I wanna get myself out of this bed
Captivate me, I want good thoughts inside of my head
If I fall down, would you come around, and pick me right up off the ground?
If I fall down, would you come around, and pick me right up off the ground?

I'm realistic and narcissistic, you say I'm selfish and absurd
You try to change me, you try to save me
You say I'm gonna learn
I'm so blind, I'm out of time, you're so unkind sometimes
I never lied, I never lied, I never lied
'Cause I never said that everything would be okay
And I never said that we would live to see another day, yeah, yeah

Motivate me, I wanna get myself out of this bed
Captivate me, I want good thoughts inside of my head
If I fall down, would you come around, and pick me right up off the ground?

Good Charlotte - The Motivation Proclamation

Have you eaten?
Because if you have you might like to skip this one because I ain't holding back.
Generally my aim is and was to make my Invention a valuable business because I am an honest man... more honest than all politicians in the world combined which I generally refer as pedophiles child molesters perverts and scum.
More scum than them are the Bill Gates and Elon Musk Soros Rothschild Rockefeller and Klaus Schwab... walking satanic scum who should die a slow and very painful death so that their screams should be heard across dimension inflicting the most horrible pain... a death by a million cuts... with every cut six drops of Aciid in the wound... giving only LSD to drink... so that their evil demons eat them alive.
I don't care.
This is the world today... the richest man has to steal from me... one of the poorest my life's work.
That is a fact.
And worse of all... I couldn't even finish it... I have to try to convince people of a work which I cannot even present properly because them have ruined and destroyed all aspects of my life apart of one... my spiritual self.
And my Spirituality is worth more than any of those.
I will find solutions and they will be punished... that is my will... that is my aim... that is my destiny.
So if you think you can vote yourself out of this shit... or that hard work gets you anywhere... fuck off.
Please kill yourself you waste my precious air.
And don't even come to me with Jesus... he died for his sins not mine.
I am not a sinner... my life is not a sin... everything I do is beautiful.

You however you sent your children into schools... you give your children to pedophiles in schools where they are systematically abused tortured and molested lied to and don't even know what and who they are.
GenZ is fucked up... literally... and all they do is fuck... literally... because of Politicians who are fuckers and the Satanic fuck ups who fuck children when they come fresh out of the womb with the Umbilical cord still attached... Blood thirsty parasites.
And when your Grandmother dies... those Freemason scum go at midnight into the Graveyard and dig her up just to gangrape the corpse by the Satanic Freemason Lodge twice over... just for fun.
These are the past time leisure activities of those in power who cry war... necrophilia... pedophilia... and this is just for starters.
It gets worse the higher you climb the ladder in this Monkey business.
One of the Rituals of Freemasonry is to fuck a Goat... literally... Goatfuckers... Beastiality... Graverobbers... these are the people in power.
Look at Macron who married a man... or Obama... same shit... or Clinton... they are Rockefeller/ Rothschild by blood... literally Demons in a catsuit.
And this is the only reason they are in Power.
They are born corrupt Demons... and possessed by Demons.
Just look at Hillary laughing... "We came he saw he died"...
Ghee... I like Hillary seeing her daughter and her Grandchild die in front of her... tortured... and hear her screams dying the death of a million cuts...

The Bible is a scripture written by them 13 tribes of the Illuminati who are Offspring of our creator race some call the Anunaki some call it Draco I call it the God Race because they play God over us along all these times.
All the Bible promises us is Armageddon when the third Temple is build by those Demons... and they are doing it now.
Burn them at stake... Gods they never were... Demons they are.
They made us in their image meaning they created us for a purpose as a machine as slaves to serve them and by accident they made us alive and they say this is our sin to be alive and they have the right to punish us for being alive.
Fuck you God... I AM free.

Through their Satanic practices they have destroyed their soul and opened themselves to Demonic Possession... they are not Human anymore... some of them never were.
The places you find them is Hollywood... Politics... Media...and the Banks.
And of course in the White House the Gates and Clinton and Obama Foundations.
They like to teach... children in particular... how to fuck. 
Materialistic Pedophiles with insatiable insanity which they think and make you to think it is the gold standard... which it isn't.
Yes we are living in a materialistic world... but the truth is that we do so because they exist... and they created and designed this system in such a way that they always come out on top and nothing ever changes.
In fact in the last 2000 or more years the same people have been in power all the time... speaking about diversity here...
Want proof?
Willhelm Reich... Victor Schauberger... Nikola Tesla...Stan Meyer... Bruce De Palma & Me...
They are so rich they have to steal from the poor... and kill us.
Yet they are all Liars and I expose them any day any time any place...

All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely on force.

We know that the Obama administration and his worker bees in the DOJ, FBI and CIA abused FISA throughout the Obama and Trump administrations.
The FBI alone used the intel database 278,000 times! Their illegal misuse of the FISA gave us the entirely fabricated Russia collusion hoax and destroyed numerous lives by implicating them in their scheme to destroy Trump. The Republicans in Congress know this and yet voted to perpetuate it!
The same betrayal is at work regarding the billions sent to Ukraine, Biden’s proxy war against Russia that is being fought to the death of every last Ukrainian fighter. 
Why? Because those members of Congress all get rich off war. Defense industry lobbyists pay millions to buy those votes. But the war in Ukraine is lost. It is just a money-laundering operation now, one big grift.
As J.D. Vance wrote the other day, another $60 billion will make no difference. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is not remotely a champion of democracy; he’s a dictator, a puppet of the oligarchs. Ukraine has long been one of the most corrupt nations on the planet. 
Biden sold his soul, if he ever had one, to the moneyed crooks of Ukraine and China to enrich himself. He demonstrates no allegiance to America or its founding principles. He and his partners in crime are protected by our unscrupulous agents of chaos in the DOJ, CIA and FBI. Those once lofty institutions, or so we thought, have all been co-opted by greed and anti-Americanism. They have let the WEF and the WHO have their way with the American people. That is what the pandemic and the vaccine mandates were all about. 
Who is paying them all to betray their own country, who, besides George Soros?

In extraordinary events the USA Congress approved now a package of$95 Billion... money they don't have... to give to themselves and their corrupt cronies... which they are all related to by Incest and Pedophilia.
Speaking about Corruption in the highest Office...
Where does the money come from?
It don't exist... in fact it is a burden upon the next Generation who are deprived of everything because of that.
Everyone who voted for that is a Pedophile
It really is a Vampire Ball.
And they are really Vampires... Vampires that fund wars in foreign countries while they push their own into total destruction... both in the USA and the EU... which proves the point I am making.

“Whether he wrote DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER, or whether he refrained from writing it, made no difference … The Thought Police would get him just the same … the arrests invariably happened at night … In the vast majority of cases there was no trial, no report of the arrest. People simply disappeared, always during the night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: vaporized was the usual word.”

- George Orwell, 1984

The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder.
The highest bidder, by the way, has always been the Deep State.
Money Banks Media = Rothschild Rockefeller... it truly is a Vampire Ball.
But the Truth is... every Politician has a House... and this House can burn to the Ground...
We all should burn their Houses to the Ground as a way to say... Thank you... with an added... Fuck you.

The reason why this world is in shits is simple... Religion is Mind control... and the Government is based on Religion.
Religion serves only one purpose and that is to uphold the Status Quo... so that the Aristocracy in fact has not changed over the last 3000 years with the same people in power ruling through the Occult.
And yes... the Pope is a Satanic Pedophile scumbag just like all priests are no matter what Religion they serve... they are the Devil incarnate and have been all the time.
Once they were Gods... then they were Kings... then they were emperors... Politicians...
Now they rule through the Occult.
We outsmart them any given day.
You might not like it... you may say I am arrogant... I don't care.
I am the first person to show that faster than the speed of light travel can be achieved through my technology and if we are not allowed to openly discuss that and I cannot present my findings which ultimately result in Humanity going out into space and achieving Interstellar Travel... how do you explain that?
You can't.
But yet you allow your children to go to school and suck a Transvestite teacher's dick.
That is a fact of reality which bothers me.
This is the reason I write...
And if you think this is Science Fiction... well I give you a reality check.

Genetically targeted Biological Warfare Covid and MRNA

Dr. Robert Malone worked for the CIA when he created the MRNA technology as a delivery System for Biological Warfare.
Every thing in the field of Nanotechnology and the surrounding fields is basically financed by the CIA MOSSAD Military and so on... the Satanic Pedophile Complex.
Everything in AI is also funded by the same people.
And all of them belong and are controlled to the 13 tribes of the Illuminati with the whole purpose of their existenz being a Planetary Genocide... a Holocaust of Biblical proportions... Wargasm.
This is done across the board financing enemies like China and the USA alike in order to scoop up the knowledge and use it indiscriminately.
Of course they don't want to be known and make themselves look like Gods... it is the reason they control Religion and all the Media & the Government.
Prime examples are Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos who buy the Media WaPo Twitter to make themselves look good when in fact they belong to the same Bloodlines... rotten from the inside... with a God complex.
I wrote this a few years ago...

Covid-19 or the presumption of it is in fact a MK Ultra Operation designed to control your thinking and by extension your doing.
The Apple Iphone with its capabilities is designed as a Mesh Surveillance Network that can detect you even if you have no Iphone and it works well together with Elon Musk and his Neural Link / Starlink Network especially if you had your nano injection shots of Graphene that assembles inside your body to form their own personal mesh network called Neural Lace.
If I am wrong please sue me Mr. Musk.

Covid-19 = MK Ultra: The Ultimate Divide & Conquer

Covid-19 was the ultimate pedophile act... it never existed.
It was a scam designed to intimidate you and scare you into taking these jabs.
These jabs were laced with a Nanotechnology... Neural Lace... which i warned about from the beginning.
Anyone who has taken those jabs will die... turbo cancer... Myocarditis... and they invent ever more excuses to cover their lies when the truth is simple...
The jabs have been laced with Neural Lace Nanotechnology which causes all these problems now.

Neural Lace is a BCI a Brain Computer Interface that can detect and write Brainwave patterns.
Don't take my word for it... here is Elon Musk... oh and he predicted a population collapse also...
Did he know something he wouldn't tell us about?

This Video on Brighteon is Elon Musk telling us about it.
Covid is a hoax designed to scare you into taking the Jabs. Inside those Jabs is a Technology developed by Elon Musk DARPA Harvard Wyss Foundation (Chelsea owner Hansjörg Wyss & Klaus Schwab ). This technology consists of Magnetically activated self assembling Graphene Oxide / Dioxide Nanoparticles that form a kind of net around your brain. They record your Brainwaves similar to an EEG. They can also program your Brain. Neural Lace is the name. It is part of the most dangerous weapon against humanity consisting of:
They are designed to connect the Human to the AI controlled Network that is Starlink.
It is a Human to Machine Quantum AI interface.

Everything about Elon Musk is Satanic... he is one of them.

The first time I came across BCI's was when I saw the film "Firefox" by and with Clint Eastwood.
This was in 1982.
Computers weren't even a thing in these day as you had to wait a long time to load a game that was over in no time and I rather played Football.
I got into computers later in the 80's when I realized the potential of them.
Fast forward to now and we have Artificial Intelligence, yet the most stupid Generation of Idiots coming out of the schools... because all they learn is to suck a transvestite's teachers dick!
And it all leads back to the ruling class who are Satanic Pedophiles... all of them... Freemasons Zionists Jews...
They are the same people and they are all inbred and in bed with each other against Humanity.
This is their Big Secret.
They rape kids for fun and eat Children for Breakfast...
Worse they put aborted fetus cells in your food.

Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives

And the Fake Meat Industry is doing the same using basically Human Embryonic Cells to create what is essentially a Cannibal Burger.

Scientists have created an edible steak made from human cells

The creators of the Ouroboros Steak envision the DIY steak kit allowing users to collect cells from their own cheek using a cotton swab and depositing them onto pre-grown scaffolds made from mushroom mycelium.
They are then stored in a warm environment for three months and fed human serum until the steak is fully grown. Industrial designer on the project, Grace Knight, argues that using human blood is cheaper and more sustainable than FBS.
She also highlights that this project is “technically not” cannibalism.

Made by a group of American scientists, the Ouroboros Steak could, in theory, be grown by the diner in the comfort of their home, using their own cells, which are harvested from inside of the cheek

Which to me is no surprise since the Ritual of the last supper is literally a Vampire Ritual.
Drink the Blood of Christ.
Eat the Flesh of Christ.
A Jesus Burger... no thanx.

Dr. Deborah sent me this one...

The push to vaccinate the whole planet is to use reverse transcriptase and transfection to alter the genome rendering individuals genetically modified and therefore patentable under the law a kin to Monsanto's Round Up ready corn and thus owned property by the patent holder which is the Pirbright Institute a crown corporation owned by the monarchy. This removes your human rights and voids the magna carta which is why they are trying to now ratify what's called the Terra Carta.

Interestingly the Pirbright Institute was on my list...
They promise Food security... which can mean anything.
However they also talk about Stakeholder Capitalism which links them directly to the Great Reset and the WEF.

We work collaboratively with stakeholders globally, including research and academic institutions, government ministries and agencies, multilateral organisations, non-government organisations (NGOs) that range from big international charities to local advocacy groups, as well as philanthropic foundations and commercial companies.

Add to this MRNA and PCR... something you should be familiar with... by now.

PCR and the Use of Reverse Transcriptase to Clone Expressed Genes

The cloning of expressed genes and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), two biotechnological breakthroughs of the 1970s and 1980s, continue to play significant roles in science today. Both technologies give researchers the means to make more DNA, but they do so in different ways. In particular, cloning involves the synthesis of DNA from mRNA using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. Although this method reverses the flow of genetic information as described by the central dogma, it effectively mimics the process by which RNA viruses "flip" the direction of transcription in their host cells, thereby causing these cells to manufacture viral DNA even though the viruses themselves contain only RNA. In contrast, the polymerase chain reaction does not involve the use of an initial mRNA template to manufacture DNA. Rather, PCR involves the synthesis of multiple copies of specific DNA fragments using an enzyme known as DNA polymerase. This method allows for the creation of literally billions of DNA molecules within a matter of hours, making it much more efficient than the cloning of expressed genes. However, cloning remains the go-to method for researchers when only the mRNA template (and not the DNA template) of a sequence of interest is available.

So we have fake meat made from Human Cells and Additives  made from Human Embryo cells and they all come from the Vampire Squid Aristocracy linked to the Crown which are the Rothschild Family of Vampires.
They feed you this shit through Warren Buffet's Coke and fast food Nestle and who knows what is going on behind the scene.
Imagine there is an Underground Facility near the Texan Border where clones of Bill Gates and Jeffry Epstein are created by the thousands and integrated into the Immigration Flood...
Then we have the MRNA Jabs CIA funded laced with NEURAL LACE BCI.
Could it get worse?
It sure does.

DNA Nanostructures for Drug Delivery

Researchers at the Wyss Institute have developed two methods for building arbitrarily shaped nanostructures using DNA, with a focus on translating the technology towards nanofabrication and drug delivery applications.

One proprietary nanofabrication technique, called “DNA-brick self-assembly,” uses short, synthetic strands of DNA that work like interlocking Lego® bricks. It capitalizes on the ability to program DNA to form into predesigned shapes thanks to the underlying “recipe” of DNA base pairs: A (adenosine) only binds to T (thymine) and C (cytosine) only binds to G (guanine).

The second DNA nanofabrication method being developed at the Wyss Institute is known as DNA origami. Using the principle of programmable self-assembly, strands of DNA are directed to form custom, specific shapes of tightly cross-linked double helices. One long single strand of DNA is used as a ‘scaffold,’ which is manipulated to form a lattice through base-pairing with numerous short, chemically-synthesized DNA strands that are specially designed using computer software. In this manner, DNA origami is now being used to create 3D structures, with the goal of building nanoscale tools and drug delivery devices.

Now this is Harvard... the Harvard Wyss Foundation.
If you look closer at the Harvard Wyss Foundation you will find that Hanjörg Wyss is a lifelong Family Friend of Klaus Schwab... Escher-Wyss.
Which directly links them to the WEF.
And the Escher-Wyss factory of Ravensburg had their own concentration camp of Slave Labor.
And was awarded the "National Socialist Model Company" by no one else but Adolf Hitler himself.

Escher-Wyss Ravensburg and the War

Ravensburg was an anomaly in wartime Germany, as it was never targeted by any Allied airstrikes. The presence of the Red Cross, and a rumoured agreement with various companies including Escher-Wyss, saw the allied forces publicly agree to not target the Southern German town. It was not classified as a significant military target throughout the war and, for that reason, the town still maintains many of its original features. However, much darker things were afoot in Ravensburg once the war began.

Eugen Schwab continued to manage the "National Socialist Model Company" for Escher-Wyss, and the Swiss company would aid the Nazi Wermacht produce significant weapons of war as well as more basic armaments. The Escher-Wyss company was a leader in large turbine technology for hydroelectric dams and power plants, but they also manufactured parts for German fighter planes

Western military intelligence were already aware of Escher-Wyss' complicity and collaboration with the Nazis. There are records available from western military intelligence at the time, specifically Record Group 226 (RG 226) from the data compiled by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which shows the Allied forces were aware of some of the Escher-Wyss' business dealings with the Nazis.

Now we have the connection between the US Government the WEF Harvard and the Nazis... let's bring Israel into the playing field... meet Ido Bachelet.

This is a TED Talk by Ido Bachelet from 2013 where he talks about this DNA Origami of the Harvard Wyss Institute.

And for sure he works together with Pfizer now.

Pfizer partnering with Ido Bachelet on DNA nanorobots

However we know now that his Nanobots are inside these Jabs so he works for Pfizer much, much longer...

Pfizer Admits mRNA Jabs Contain ‘Nanobots’ That Permanently Alters DNA

Which means  that Ido Bachelet worked together with Pfizer for at least before the Covid-19 scam.
These Nanobots can "study your biology and activate targeted medication when necessary".
The term for this is "Precision Medicine".
Precision Medicine just another term for Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare.
And the Jews and the Nazis work together on this which makes them one...

But of course we need an enemy to blame this all on... China.
Blame others for the evil that you are... MO of the Jews...

China building Bio Weapon that can target people based on race. China has been amassing a disturbing amount of genetic data from the rest of the world.

Here is the connection to Politics.

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, pharmaceutical research and technological advancement are merged as a sophisticated, all-encompassing giant, powering the system of control.
Today, we are witnessing an emerging and indefinite era of virus hysteria, which is allowing for existing medical innovations to subsequently be used as a tool of control. 
The resemblance to the fictional system become more of a reality with each passing day, and many companies across the world are involved in bringing this vision to fruition.
At the center of this push is a market worth trillions of dollars — Gene Data Storage & Sequencing.
One of these companies should be of considerable notice — Gene Technology Alliance Foundation (GTA). The chairman is actually the father of Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, Henry Palaszczuk.
Henry Palaszczuk is typically known as a former member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, and Minister of the Beattie Government of Queensland.

Annastacia Palaszczuk has been at the helm of Queensland’s response to COVID-19, including the recent mandating of face masks and urging of testing since the pandemic beginning.
The significant linkage here is the fact COVID-19 tests have been marred in controversy, including suggestions th program may actually be the largest covert genomic harvesting operation in history.
Firstly, let’s explore how COVID DNA collection could be possible.
In order for any of the COVID-19 tests to be conducted, they need to collect genetic samples from everyone. This is part of the overall testing processes in most countries.
There are four different techniques employed with COVID-19 testing, with each requiring the collection of your genetic material, usually through taking a sample from an upper respiratory tract. 
In this process, a collection swab is pushed deep into the nose, throat or nasopharynx (the space that connects the two) — collecting your cells in the process. 
This data is used to provide results, however, the virus has never been isolated — so what are they ‘testing’ for? The answer: Nothing. They are actually collecting information in order to re-engineer it.

Add  to this the Internet of Bodies

A new field called the Internet of Bodies (IoB) — a child branch of the IoT world — is already transforming health care, whilst jeopardising our most intimate personal information.
The ‘Internet of Bodies’ is a major part of the IoT revolution that connects the human body to a network through devices that are ingested, implanted or connected to the body in some way.

And Ursula von der Leyen

Joachim Freiherr von der Leyen ruled Galicia in a civil capacity for the Nazis during WWII.
And they run a Euthanasia Program called "The Institute for Typhus and Virus Research

Typhus research involving human subjects, who were purposely infected with the disease, was also carried out in various Nazi concentration camps, in particular at Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen and to a lesser extent at Auschwitz.

This one I wrote two years ago

Some things cannot be Ignored...
If you do Ignore them you will end up being swept away by the content of your Ignorance when the Tsunami of Truth hits the shores.
One thing that we cannot Ignore is the Fact that someone is controlling the Government behind what most people can see... and I mean all Governments anywhere everywhere.
The eye of the needle is plain to see... it is Klaus Schwab and his Kissinger inspired WEF better known as the NWO or the Elders of Zion.
The Elders of Zion are the WEF.
And if you look at the Protocols of the Elders of Zion you will find they have been Implemented by the WEF or their subservient structural implants into society such as BLM ANTIFA Extinction Rebellion... all controlled by the Mossad.

And this one too.

A team of Bill-Gates linked research scientists have announced they are developing a needle-less vaccine that spreads itself like a virus, meaning people will “catch” the vaccine like they would a cold or flu, without the need for needles and injections.
The research is being subsidized by high-profile funding organizations, including the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has longstanding financial ties to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
An international team of researchers are working on an experimental self-spreading vaccine that could stop the virus leaping from rats to humans — a phenomenon scientists call zoonotic spillover.

Genetically targeted Biological Weapons
Let me translate this for you:
Bill Gates works on a genetic Virus that targets specific genetic Groups and spreads throughout the population.
He does that with money stolen and works together with Klaus Schwab Elon Musk and Harvard.
He is targeting specific genetic groups to eliminate them.

But of course the vaccines are safe...

Pfizer CEO, Head Of NATO & Director Of The CIA Attended The 68th Bilderberg Meeting

Then we have Clearview Ai.
Clearview AI is a Company that harvests Data... in particular Facial Recognition Data

Clearview AI clients include, as mentioned in a BuzzFeed report, The Justice Department, Walmart, FBI, Homeland Security, and more.
The BBC reported that the founder of Clearview AI said the company has run one million searches for the US police department. The company claims to have more than 30 billion images in its database. Considering the world's current population (around 8 billion), it could have about four images of each person in the world.

However Clearview AI is a MOSSAD COMPANY... Unit8200.
It was funded by Rudolph Guliani's personal Mossad Spy... and his Homosexual shagpile...

Add to this AI... and you get Planet Auschwitz.

And of course the AI war.

Many people shrugged of the Idea of a war Humans against Machines...
And I been ridiculed for this a lot.
I can take it.
However the IoT and IoB are now certainties.
And as I show you with the Information provided Machines need not to be big machines... they can and are created at a Nano Level which is unseen to the Human eye.
However given my understanding how it all works together as I show you here how all of them are intertwined the aim is to create an AI so powerful it feeds of the Data Input created by the IoT and IoB creating the Machine Learning God... a machine that controls all of Humanity.

The script is written by the Gods of old now the Demons of mankind who saw their creation outgrow the creators and just like a jealous mother that wants to drown her beautiful child they want to kill us all and this is written in stone in the Georgia Guidestones by the Rosecrutions.

It is the Jewish predators of old who want to put humanity on the cross... again.

It is the culling of the herd for they see nothing human in us yet they deny us all education that would make us human and that they fear which is why they deny truth and force us to live their lies.
This is the foundation of their Religion:
"By the way of deception we shall wage war"... and that they do...

Imagine there is a war and nobody knows about it...
I wrote this a few years ago...

To win a war one has to acknowledge that we are in a war.
And that we are in a war that is plain to see if you open your eyes.
That this is a different kind of war than ever before is clear for all that are awaken to the Illusion.
The Illusion is that we differ from each other and that our leaders wanting to help us; wrong.
Our so called leaders are criminals Mafiosi’s pedophiles Satanists and worse.
They are natural Liars believing that we deserve to be punished for our existence.
They believe that we are God’s mistake when God itself is a mistake and they are mistaken.
The Government is our enemy every Government everywhere they all work together against the very people that vote for them, the people who trust them.
They are all paid by Satan Rothschild who has infinite money through the claim of ownership of the world banking system where you are a slave and they make ten times more money on your money when you deposit it into their banks.

It don't need to be that way... but it is.

I think one of the things that really separates us from the high primates is that we’re tool builders. I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of creation. So, that didn’t look so good. But, then somebody at Scientific American had the insight to test the efficiency of locomotion for a man on a bicycle. And, a man on a bicycle, a human on a bicycle, blew the condor away, completely off the top of the charts.

And that’s what a computer is to me. What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with, and it’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.”

-  Steve Jobs

I am a great fan of Steve Jobs... always was... always will be.
To me the purpose of his work was to create a Machine using Intuition to release the Human creativity.
And it did so to me at least.
To me a computer is an extension of the Mind... like my Sword when i am training.
Basic principles don't change.
And if they change they weren't principles in the first place.
Humans are born to be free.
At least that is what I thought a long time ago.
Now I realize we were created as a slave Race and the last 30 years especially the last five years it proves to be a fact.

The Rothschilds are the offspring of the Anunaki the Nephilim and date back to Nimrod the ruler of Babylon.
The Anunaki are a life form of pure energy that communicate via energy pulses i.e. 0 and 1... a natural digital communication.
Mathematics is their language for they have no emotions.
So if we are drawn to their playing field we lose.
Not only that but the control of money by one family is pure unadulterated Fascism... worse than Hitler who was a Rothschild as Klaus Schwab as Hillary Clinton.
And there is a reason for that as I write quite extensively about.
The reason again goes back to Babylon and the tower of Babel.
The story of Babylon is monumental, and of great historical significance.
Considering the circumstances of the world today it has been demoted to probably one of the most obscure and insignificant events of our ancient history.
This important story is rarely mentioned in modern history books and intentionally forgotten.
It is there that we find the Origins of Freemasonry and Judaism alike, the Babylonian Talmud.
It is there that we find the Law of Nimrod / Hamurabi that to this day are withheld from society and upheld by those initiated in the secret societies that to this day rule us manipulate us and force us against our wishes and against our will.

" Behold, the people is  one, and they all have one language and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they had imagined to do.
Let us go down, and there confound their language, that they might not understand one another's speech."

The Leaders of men build an empire together with a language and a culture, but always a culture of destruction, then left behind Freemasons to rule it and went to another place build up another empire with another language and then went to war and / or destroyed it from the inside.
This process can be traced back in time from Sumer to Egypt Greece Rome Kathargo Alexandria to Germany 1933 and to this present day the collapse of America...
It is the same procedure over and over again in plain sight...
Only if you look at it from the right perception you will understand it.

The current War in Ukraine Israel the BLM the Antifa the Trans Agenda CRT Extinction Rebellion Green New Deal WEF... these are all remnants of what happened in Babylon at the tower of Babel.
To this Day... and WW3 is next...

It is the same Gods of old who miss-lead us to this day through the networks of the Occult and make us believe anything they say... they spell it out and we have to follow...
Not in my book we don't.

Generally speaking... we were created by an Alien Race they call themselves the Anunaki.
Anu is the sun... Naki means Children... the Children of the Sun.
When they say Jesus is the son of God... it isn't.. it is THE SUN OF GOD.
Or if you read from right to left it is GOD OF THE SUN.
There you have it.
Ancient Hebrew the words were written without Vowels and read from right to left.
Amen = Amun = Amun Ra... God of the Sun
They are basically Dragons... Draco... they have no physical Body.
They live in HELL which means light...
HELL is the Sun... their heaven... the place with the most Energy.
And they want to bring the Light... Lucifer the bringer of Light.
They come to Illuminate the Earth...
Illuminati literally means... those who came to set the world on fire.
And look around you... you can see their work.
If you want to see the finished Article look at Venus... or Mars... both Planets have been destroyed by them from the inside in the same way they destroy this planet now by possession of Human Body and Mind... Mind Control.... controlling both sides... mutual assured self destruction.
This is the way Atlantis fell some 13 000 years ago before they came to earth.
Atlantis was Tiamat and is now the Asteroid Belt.
The waters of Atlantis came to earth as a Gigantic Ice Meteor and raised the water levels by 100m creating the great flood and an Ice Age.

They built the Pyramids which are Terraforming Machines that used Atmospheric electricity.
The pyramids were once covered by a Metallic sheet which draw the Atmospheric Electricity and powered this great machine.

You see clearly on the left edge of this "sarcophagus" that there has been an accident of great magnitude... great energy which melted the left edge away.
The electrical components such as the lid have been removed... but the sheet metal was found and this is well documented.
Also inside the Pyramids is still a chamber with the evidence of what I say... the Truth is hidden from us for they fear the Truth.
The Word Pyramid itself is Pi (3.1415) RA (The God of the Sun) and the Centre of the Earth's Landmass which is where it stands (0/0).
Which in itself reveals the Truth about all I am writing all along.

Energy beings aka Draco Dragons do not have any senses... we do
They communicate in a natural Digital Language and Mathematics based on it.
This digital language is the basis of Morse code and Computers.
We Humans have senses and emotions on which we work.
Them the Offspring of Draco do not have senses... they are sensless people and if you loook at Chuck Schumer Pedo Joe Ursula Netanyahoo and others... they are senseless people.
And these senseless people push us into WW3... hence Illuminati... to set the world on fire.
In their Occult Rituals they willingly beg to be possessed by Draco... i.e. demonic possession...
Through this they lose their Human Soul and become tools for the Hivemind of them.
We as Humans cannot allow these senseless beings to rule over us.
We must reject them and take their power by any and all means.
And rip up everything... start from scratch... and learn what it means to become Human.
With Compassion Love and Truth as the Foundation of our very existenz.
A spiritual Revolution is what they fear most.


We have a choice.
There will be Blood spilled and there must be Blood spilled.
Either them or us.
Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare.
They wage a war against Humanity... against their very own creation... and that for eternity.
They have created vast Databases of every aspect of Human existenz... Fingerprints... Dental records... Movement... Eyes... Hair Color... Facial Recognition... Sexual preference... Genetic Data... and they have just started.
All of this allows them now to target on a Genetic level any subgroup of Humans and erase them from Existenz.
And they have the Media which will call this Disease X.
To blame the blame elsewhere they invent excuses but can never tell the Truth...
By the way of deception they wage war... a war unseen... this is the final battle.

The outcome of this battle will determine the Future of Mankind.
Freedom and Interstellar Travel as I propose...
Or eternal Slavery of a Race that never was.
We are Animal at Heart with the Spirit of Gods.
Our Destiny is our Choice but we must chose wisely.
I propose ZEN for everyone should find ZEN within themselves as a choice.
I will never obey any Order.
I will never follow any Leader.
I will never trust any of those.
I know who I am.
My heart is pure.


Fritz Freud

Buy me a Coffee

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