Monday, 29 April 2024


The Final Battle of a War Unseen

Watch your back or meet your maker

For quite some time I write about that a certain group of people... and I promise I don't mention the Jews... have the long standing plan to enslave all of Humanity.
Everybody always tells me how this is not possible and they are all conspiracy theories.
On contrary it is very easy to do it if you control the money like the Rothchilds do as you have infinite money yourself to spend on all things nefarious.
Of course these people have to hide behind lies smokescreens more lies deception and organizations so you don't get it.
They have to twist your words in such a way that you think you said it when you didn't.
They have to twist your mind in such a way that you believe their thoughts are yours when they clearly aren't.
This is all part of the Globalist Mind Melt MK Ultra programming Network that consists of Money Media Government run by them very people... them who must not be named.
In their dark underground Bunkers they listen to every word we speak to every conversation we have every idea we put forward only to subvert / pervert it so they can use it as a weapon against us.
Every step forward for us is a step towards insanity for them.
So they come up with ever greater plans to enslave Humanity increasing with their level of Insanity and pushing us all to a point of no return.
This point has now been reached.
After this year 2023 there will be no turning back, we will have a civil war against the Globalists as I predicted which control the Government Forces and there will be WW3 breaking out in the Middle East courtesy of Israel who will blame it on Iran but it will be Israeli forced dressed as Iranians who will do the deed.
It's a natural double con, same as it ever was.
The Usual suspects are the WEF Klaus Schwab Yuval Harari the IMF A Yahoo called Nathan Bill Gates and the Actor of the Year...

Now why do I give Elon Schmuck the Actor of the year awards?
Because he is!
The Twit Twit files are just that... a shitshow... a distraction.
It is a shitshow and Elon Schmuck is your host... the TechnoRat for the Technocrats of the Transhumanist Zionist Mafia.
And the Twitter shitshow of things we all knew before that he brings to "light" is only for the purpose to conceal from you the real shenanigans.
It is there only to get your attention while at the same time he has sold our souls to the devil which are his handlers whom must not be named..
I write extensively that little boy Elon has done nothing of his own but only followed orders of his Transhumanist handlers of demonic certainties.... those who must not be named... and Israel which must be named.
I write for a long time that Starlink Neural Lace Neural Link Open AI combined with other Technologies are a gigantic weapon against all of Humanity.

Today I double down on this and I stress out that the danger we face is a danger we never faced before, the single greatest danger that Humanity has ever faced.
And at the center of this is Israel and the Antichrist himself Benjammin  Nethan the Yahoo, King of Isisrael.
You see STARLINK is the problem but it doesn't belong to Elon Schmuck anymore.
Elon Schmuck gave control over the STARLINK Network to T-Mobile / Deutsche Telekom which is controlled by Ori Cohen who is a member of the UNIT 8200 Alumini and a Member of the Mossad.
Israel controls Starlink.

But this isn't the only problem... Israel also controls your car!
Ask yourself this: Why would a country that has no car production industry have the interest in car cyber security?
Because their (Unit 8200 Mossad Israel WEF) interest is control.
They are insatiably greedy insane Idiots that believe it is their God Right to rule over the Goy which are we.
The power over life and death i.e. God Mode is what they want over each and everyone.

Argus Cyber Security is an Israeli automotive cyber security company. It was purchased by Continental AG in 2017, for $430 million. In October 2017, Argus added a solution to enable OEMs to deliver over-the-air vehicle software updates.
The company was founded in 2013, by Ofer Ben-Noon, Oron Lavi, and Yaron Galula, three ex-soldiers of Israel's Unit 8200. The Argus management team includes former employees of Daimler, Fiat Chrysler, and General Motors.

Argus Software is already in over 65 million cars (their Number) and probably in 90% of all cars on use today.

Why is that important?
Unit 8200 is a State controlled advanced Hacker Unit for Cyber Warfare.
Meaning they control your car and if they don't like you, you will have an accident!
Are you someone who is not in line with their politics and openly criticizes them?
Are you labeled a terrorist by them?
Get into your car and they can take you out! So easy.
Imagine if Adolf Hitler had that power... Israel is Adolf Hitler!
If they can update their software on your car remotely from any point to anywhere, they can create an accident for any car anywhere at any time.
And they can now for they have STARLINK.
STARLINK is not fully operational yet and it better never be.
Right now there are less than 10% of the STARLINK Network in Operation.
When fully operational they reach every corner of this world so there is no place to hide.
And just to let you know... this software is already in your car installed without you ever knowing it.
It is also on your Android phone your Iphone your smart watch your smart appliance.
They won't tell you.
This is how evil them who must not be named really are...
And it doesn't end there.
Read this Article from my Friend on Smart Cities:

It is called the Internet of things.
And in the Grand theme of things you are just a thing.
Watch this Documentary.
But keep in mind that they leave one small but important factor out of the equation... YOU!

The Technology they use to connect Humans to the Internet is called NEURAL LACE.
NEURAL LACE are self assembling Graphene Nanobots that measure control and reprogram your EEG i.e. Brain waves.
So they invented COVID just for you to get this Technology into your Body.
And if you get tested they put your DNA into a database in Isisrael.

The Stockholm Syndrom of the Internet of things

The Internet of things is really simple:
Everything that can be connected to the Internet will  be connected to the Internet.
This also includes you!
You must understand that for those who must not be named you are only an Animal that needs to be controlled.
But like always we in Germany had a Group of people who wanted to control everything and everyone... they were called "The Nazis" and they opened the darkest chapters of Humanity in my Backyard.
But not once but Twice... as they repeated this in the old DDR the Federal Republic of East Germany.
That gave us the STASI Erich Mielke and Angela Merkel.
And now for the third Time a German, Ursula von der Leyen together with Klaus Schwab repeats the same shit Adolf Hitler did in exactly the same sequence.
Which means that Adolf Hitler was just another puppet for the handlers who must not be named the same like Pedo Joe Biden Zelinsky Macron... them are all Rothschilds and so was Adolf Hitler.
Them who must not be named, the Voldemort (Love the Dead) of Human Society are them Rothschilds.
What they want is clear, total enslavement of the Human Race and total control and nothing short of it.

In this article I write about the Robots they already have.
And I urge you to read it again.
An Army of Robots ready to be deployed plus the new Tesla Robot Army and the stuff Elon Musk works on after midnight.

Alexa = Hitler

Have you ever tried to rename your Alexa into Hitler?
Ghee that would be fun.
"Hey Hitler... what time is it?"
But joke aside Alexa or Siri or your Smartphone are already your personal STASI / GESTAPO officer in your house.
They listen in on every conversation, know what you watch, know where you are.
And they report that back to the AI overlords
But for the Handlers of Humanity (those who must not be named) this isn't even remotely good enough.
Because you can still switch it off and many people don't like this kind of intrusive technology.
Even when it creeps into our houses like a Trojan Horse for this is what it really is.
But for you to accept this kind of open enslavement you must learn to love it... hence you must learn to love your enslavement and to love your Oppressor... Stockholm Syndrome.
Of course like all things nefarious they must highlight the fact that it helps you solves all the problems in the world +++ which of course it don't.
So they sell you all the positives without telling you any of the possible negatives, trouble invites trouble.
You see they have a couple of problems, one is that they are misleading customers, all of them, and that is an Illegal thing which would cost them Billion of $ in damages would someone file a class action lawsuit against Apple Alphabet and Microsoft.
All this AI does need legal consent and because they don't tell you about the negative aspects they are misleading customers.
Your Data belongs to you, simple as that.
So in order to sell you their shit they have to hide the 7 deadly sins and sell you crack Ice cream instead.
Dear me...

Here is a real world example:

The Peculiar Case of the VTech Hacker

VTech toys include some of the best electronic toys for kids.            
Designed for baby, infant, toddler, and pre-k learning levels, shop interactive tech toys at VTech.

So VTech sells interactive "smart" toys for children as young as it gets.
But in order to operate them both parents and the children need to register.
The toys then store every Image conversation Name Location and everything on their servers or in the cloud where it can be hacked easily.

What it shows is that all the "smart" gadgets all over the world do the same... they spy on you.
They spy on your children.
And there is no way to secure your data because they sell the data collected from you so someone must have access.
And if one person has access to a database, this person can be hacked.
And this is even without thinking that the company may be founded by CIA / Mossad money (like many of the startups in Israel are founded by Unit8200).
And if a company like VTech was founded on the grounds to collect as much data on you and your child as it is possible there is no way in defending yourself or your child.
And many companies that do this kind of thing are funded by the CIA / Mossad… Intel, Google, Facebook…
Oh and never forget IBM as they have already proven to work with and for Adolf Hitler.
And the new Digital ID is exactly that… IBM’s re invention of the Auschwitz Technology that controlled the Concentration camps.
The proof is in the pudding and the pudding is full of poison.

Open AI => the Joseph Goebbels of VAI (Virtual Artificial Intelligence)

Open AI was founded by Elon Schmuck.
As you know what I think of Elon Schmuck... he is an insane insatiable lying piece of crap... the Actor of the Year... and Satan's best mate if not Satan himself mind you (but that is Benjammin Nathan Yahoo).
Their handlers behind the veil make the politics.
And it is never just one thing... it is always the sum of all things and the capabilities that it brings to the whole.
And I shall explain the connections: Bill Gates, you know your favorite depopulation Guru...
Bill Gates just like Elon Schmuck belongs to the Old them who must not be named Illuminati Bloodlines.
Bill Gates just like Elon Schmuck believes in overpopulation and that we must reduce the population.
Of course they don't want to be caught so they play tricks on us.

Food for thought:
If Overpopulation is / was the problem now and then, mustn't me congratulate Adolf Hitler for the work he has done on the side of the Depopulation Guru's?
If yes then Bill Gates Elon Schmuck Klaus Schwab Yuval Harari Macron Legarde IMF Rothchilds Rockefeller they are all one and the same: 
Them are the Adolf Hitler of our current times.

So Open AI was founded to produce AI capable of controlling Humanity.
It is propaganda to ensure the slaves of the system that it is there to help and by helping controlling instead of eventually to replace which is the real Truth behind it.
But it gets darker as we speak.
I wrote about AI as the operation system of a Quantum Computer a long time ago.
Quantum Computers have no benefit to humanity whatsoever apart of controlling the vast amount of data collected from humanity.
Quantum computers have no operation system, they are mechanical Frankenstein's Monsters created by those who must not be named to enslave all of humanity.
They are your slave master prison guard torturer.

Quantative Manipulation

Now Machine Learning is simple...
You write an algorithm as to sort out the chuck from the yield... so you need a lot of data input on how to learn.
The capability of machine learning depends on data input and the greater the input the greater its capabilities.
The Human Interaction, willingly and unwillingly give this data input to the machine.
The more the machine knows about you the more they can control you.
There is also a little thing called Quantative Manipulation:
The more people you can control the more people you can manipulate.
And the ultimate goal is to manipulate all of Humanity into accepting AI as the new God that controls Humanity.
I wrote about this before.

But now the Game changed big time.
One head of this Medusa is ChatGPT.
ChatGPT is a new AI Chatbot from OpenAI.
OpenAI is now under the control of Micrsoft i.e. Bill Gates.
And Bill Gates is the Friend of all as we know...

ChatGPT is more dangerous than you think

Here is Brett Weinstein on JRE explaining it.

The Nuclear Bomb of AI: Neural Processors

But the problem we face is infinite times more dangerous than anything before.
It is not Open AI.
It is not the fact that Microsoft has invested at least $1 billion in OpenAI and has an exclusive license to use GPT-3.
It is not the integration of ChhatGPT into Microsoft and the Bing search engine.

If the problem becomes inescapable what will you do?
Will you default or will you fight?
Those who do neither will fade away.

Question: Do you know what a Neural Processor is?

A neural processor, a neural processing unit (NPU), or simply an AI Accelerator is a specialized circuit that implements all the necessary control and arithmetic logic necessary to execute machine learning algorithms, typically by operating on predictive models such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) or random forests (RFs).

NPUs sometimes go by similar names such as a tensor processing unit (TPU), neural network processor (NNP) and intelligence processing unit (IPU) as well as vision processing unit (VPU) and graph processing unit (GPU).

How does that work?
AI needs data input, the more the better.
So in order to give AI this data you need to be monitored... monitored to extract data from you to ensure all your actions can be pre determined and used against you if you don't comply.
Basically the machine observes you and everything you do extracts the mathematical data and forms upon this data a computer model of what a human should can and must to which the human has to comply to or else be punished for.
Simple isn't it?
AI is the new digital Adolf Hitler if you ask me...
But it gets darker.
So let's swallow the sun...

Apple’s Neural Engine: 
A Custom-designed Coprocessor That Accelerates Machine Learning Tasks On Apple Devices

Neural Engines are hardware pieces that speed up and optimize machine learning and neural networks for efficiency. It can be used to improve video analysis, voice recognition, and image processing.
NPU stands for Neural Processing Unit, and ANE stands for Neural Engine. A Neural processing unit (NPU), like a GPU, accelerates neural network operations such as convolutions and matrix multiplication.

AI works like a Blockchain.
If everyone gives a penny we have a total sum.
This total sum is a machine learning entity that we create by giving a penny.
This penny is Neural Processor power.
And they want to create this entity by stealth through the Backdoor without you knowing it.

AI= Personalized STASI / GESTAPO

So basically every Iphone is connected to AI which is legally a breach of contract.
It is an Invasion of privacy and theft of personal Data.
But this isn't just Apple, it is everyone.

The future of AI and deep learning has several uses in science and quantum-level calculations, plus many more discoveries. Machine learning and artificial intelligence have been the most significant focuses over the last two years. The top three manufacturers — AMD, NVIDIA, and Intel — have introduced their advanced hardware and software in several supercomputers and various new applications

And now AMD has topped this up:

Meet the 'Phoenix' Chips: Mobile Ryzen 7040 Series With ‘Ryzen AI

The most interesting angle of these chips is the inclusion of a dedicated AI engine, which AMD is dubbing “Ryzen AI.”
Simple examples, brought forward by AMD keynote guest Panos Panay of Microsoft, of today's features that employ AI hardware in this localized way include video conferencing enhancements such as realtime background-blur and eye-tracking calculations. In time, “AI is going to reinvent how you do everything on Windows,” noted Panay. AMD is confident enough in Ryzen AI to put it up against the neural engines in Apple’s late-model homegrown CPUs.

How far reaching are the implications of such a technology?

To put it blunt, the capabilities of such technology working in unison are infinite.
And make no mistake, they are all in it together and you are the target.
All the Information of every Human will be concentrated into an AI Network of total control over the entire Human race with the exclusion of them who must not be named.
With pervasive AI coming to the fore in 2023 as a mega-trend, this AI-hardware integration into the CPU is a big step forward for the model of the modern CPU, as working with AI-based data sets with low power overhead and minimal performance impact will become increasingly vital, even in consumer devices.

So what does this AI NPU do on your Iphone or even now on your Laptop?
Well the implications are infinite but will inevitably be used to totally control you and everything you do without you noticing it.
They call it "Influencing"... I call it manipulation.
So let me get this off my chest:
AI is your personalized STASI officer you never asked for.
The capabilities are as following:
Total control over the interaction between you and your device, any device and every device.
Everything "smart" is then controlled by AI in this new Utopia.
You say "Open Fridge"... Fridge say no!
No beer for you my little drunk fella, you voted grey... or you had enough... or whatever.
Spin this further and give AI the power over say... your car.
Argus Cyber security has already the power over your car.
So it really is a logical conclusion that they would give the operations to AI.
AI can then disable your car if you had a beer or two or even can crash your car if AI thinks you surplus to Human Society.

The principle of AI is a Databank of infinite proportions.
As such everything you do will be stored as raw data which is the goal of Digitalization.
It is the same Fascism as Adolf Hitler but the names are Klaus Schwab and Ursula von der Leyen.
Same Nazis different cunt!

But that doesn't stop here:
Since your Laptop including Camera and Microphone even your Mouse pad and the surface of your Laptop are then connected to AI it can monitor your (presumed) Intellectual and / or emotional status.
And if you are deemed emotionally unfit it can disable you.
AI is your own personal enemy that will work against you at all costs that you create and train with all of your actions.
AI is your own personal nightmare, your own personal prison guard, your own personal STASI Officer, your own personal executioner.
AI is the Devil you create.

Let me give you some examples of the capabilities of such a system:

1) Voice Monitoring
AI will monitor everything you say through the Microphone in your laptop.
So if you say the wrong thing you can be switched off.
And not just on your own laptop but from the entire Internet via AI and voice recognition.

2) Key Logging
AI will also monitor what you write and where you write it from and to.
If it is deemed unsuitable it will either change what you write or delete you from the Internet.

3) Facial Recognition
Clearview AI the company founded by a Mossad Agent (and Rudy Gulliani's personal spy) and a Gay Model.
It is an arm of the Unit 8200 extension of the Mossad.
Now given that AI is implemented in its name it is a small step for humanity to understand that in the greater picture of total control, AI will take this one over if it hadn't done already.

The end product of all of this is eventually a Database of everything and everyone connected in real time to the target and operated by AI.
It will include all the points I make in this article.
The basis of this exists already:

Israel DNA Database - The Establishment of a Rapid, Semi-Automated Analysis System

The Israel Police DNA database, also known as IPDIS (Israel Police DNA Index System), has been operating since February 2007. During that time more than 135,000 reference samples have been uploaded and more than 2000 hits reported. We have developed an effective semi-automated system that includes two automated punchers, three liquid handler robots and four genetic analyzers. An inhouse LIMS program enables full tracking of every sample through the entire process of registration, pre-PCR handling, analysis of profiles, uploading to the database, hit reports and ultimately storage. The LIMS is also responsible for the future tracking of samples and their profiles to be expunged from the database according to the Israeli DNA legislation. The database is administered by an in-house developed software program, where reference and evidentiary profiles are uploaded, stored, searched and matched. The DNA database has proven to be an effective investigative tool

4) Eyeball Tracking
In Windows 10, having an eye tracker as part of your device or system enables you to control your PC with only your eyes, enjoy more immersive game experiences, assist those with reading difficulties, and more. Some apps and services request permission to access your eye tracker, and you can always control which apps can access your eye tracker in Windows settings.

So basically your Operation System has already the capability of Eyeball Tracking meaning it knows already where you look at when and for how long.
It can determine by that fact what kind of mood you are in, how concentrated you work, which co worker you fancy and so on.

5) Mood Recognition
So by that matter and by the fact that you feed the AI you basically tell the AI what mood you are in.
For example your football team has lost or you had a party and need to sober up, or you had a row with your GF.
All that you feed into the Database enabling them to control you without you knowing it.
So in the end by reading your face your computer will know how you feel and so does the AI.
Correction: They do never know but they presume they know.

6) Health Status
To take this a step further say your Computer Identifies you as depressive can then through the AI inform the local Hospital and if deemed a suicide risk can then take you into a closed Institution where you never see the day again...
For women they know your period and everything else through connection when you buy your tampons when you get a pregnancy test and just about everything about you.
And all that in real time.
And there are devices for sale now that you can shove up your vagina that do that.
Isn't it great?

7) Friends & Family
Just as today if you are connected to a certain criminal say Osama Bin Ladin and you happen to have a Champagne Breakfast with George Bush of the Carlyle Group in a Hotel on Sept 11 2001, AI could Identify you all your family members friends and collaborators and arrest you... or shut down the whole aerospace and put you onto a plane to safety.

The Bush Family, Bin Ladens & The Carlyle Group

AI could if any of the connected family members are involved in any activities deemed unlawful by any Government compile a search profile together with authenticated search warrant and real time pinging of their locations, audio visual tracking and trapping by disabling all their access codes credit cards and everything connected to them within minutes.

8) Interests
All of your Interests will be monitored in real time may it be political sexual or otherwise.
You will be judged by this profile and the view AI has of you.

9) Connections
If you or anyone remotely connected to you does anything out of the ordinary you will be judged by.
It is a bit like .... if AI had a name I call him Stalin, Lenin, Trotzky, Hitler.
Ideologically insufferable Idiots.

Future Technologies That Will Revolutionize Our World
The 4th Industrial Revolution
(Please watch at least the first 10 minutes so you understand)

Twitter the new Social Credit Score.

AI will take all this data collected from every human and uses it to enslave humanity.
AI is the Central Intelligence that is at the center of their evil plan, them who must not be named.
All this connectivity all these Lies and all the Facts turn out to be what I been writing all along.
A minority of people of a specific background (They who must not be named) concealing from you the fact that they are building a prison planet around you together with AI Overlords.

I repeat myself but again STARLINK is the major Issue here.
AI itself is just a box.
The problem is when you connect this box... like you connect the computer to a printer.
Now give this box the power to collect data from every human and that is what makes this box powerful, it is the connection, the law of possibilities.
STARLINK gives infinite connections i.e. infinite possibilities to AI which then in return controls Humanity through the STARLINK Network.
It provides the 5G artificial Intelligence Warfare Infrastructure.
Again I wrote about this extensively.

And here

But now with the new AI capabilities & connection installed at CPU levels it becomes increasingly inescapable for anyone who values their Freedom.
And the real question nobody asks is who is doing it and why?
Because the result itself that they are Implementing AI into everyone's life without wanting us to know about is a testimony of Evil, a confession of nefarious intent.
They are literally selling us technology which they know is dangerous but they do it anyway.
This concludes that all of their actions must be seen as aggression, which they are.
It is a hostile takeover by a few who must not be named against the many who have no way of defending against an attack they know nothing about.
To say this is a War against Humanity would be an understatement.
It is a war of the worlds... WW3... the final Battle.
2023 will be the year that decides the fate of humanity.
There will be war.
There is war already.

End Game - Technology 
Dystopian Future
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence

On the Bright side, if there is a bright side to all of this... every action they execute at this point is Illegal.
Every Politician is Corrupt.
Every Government is Evil.
Undermined by the powers that be by those who must not be named.
Their Intent is Evil.
Their weapon are their lies.
Their enemy is Truth.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Fritz Freud

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