Tuesday 30 April 2024


Putin Orders Destruction of All Covid-19 Vaccines in Russia

No nation was immune to the most elaborate disinformation campaign in the history of humanity.

By Michael Baxter - @Real Raw News

March 4, 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the destruction of all Covid-19 vaccine stockpiles on Russian soil, citing an undeniable connection between what has been dubbed the “Moscow Vax” and a sudden surge of HIV infections in vaccinated persons, Federal Service Bureau agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News.

Although Putin has not made a formal announcement, he has tasked his right-hand man, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, with purging hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies of the Sputnik and CoviVac vaccine variants. The military will ensure compliance by auditing vaccine repositories and performing spot inspections.

Like President Trump, Putin was deceived by a lie; a global consortium of devious doctors, health professionals, and government stooges spun a convincing yarn about a virus that would ravage the world unless vaccines were developed to inoculate the population as soon as possible. The WHO had infiltrated the Russian Ministry of Health and planted agents of evil within the Council of Ministers and State Duma, and Western propaganda—fables of people sick with Covid falling dead on the street—seeped through Russia’s once secure borders. No nation was immune to the most elaborate disinformation campaign in the history of humanity.

On 2 December 2020, Russia launched its first mass vaccination experiment, beating other nations to the punch and delivering 6.9 million doses in the first week. As of 21 June 2022, 81.5 million people have received at least one dose, with 74.3 million fully vaccinated. In the West and Russia, vaccine recipients presented side effects such as cardiac ailments, seizures, and blood clots, with many dropping dead at home, at work, or in the streets.

“The American CIA is brilliant. When harmless Covid spread, they made up stories of so many people dying to get us all to beg for the vaccine. Then when the vaccines came, we did start dying, and the governments can blame it on Covid, not vaccines. It was such a clever plot, the world believed it,” Zakharov said.

In December 2022, the Ministry of Health reported a dramatic, countrywide spike in HIV infections among persons who had received three or more Covid-19 vaccinations and did not fit the standard demographic—homosexuals and needle users. Between 2015-2019, Russia averaged 16,000 new infections per year. In 2022, that figure skyrocketed to 63,000 to include celibate, non-drug users.

Vladimir Putin, Zakharov said, arrived at the inescapable conclusion that vaccines could cause a person to develop HIV and AIDS. The evidence was unassailable; the more jabs a person got, the greater the odds of contracting HIV. Putin viewed the correlation as more than a simple coincidence—the vaccine was tailored to deliver Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

“A fake sickness tricks people into getting a vaccine that gives them real sicknesses,” Zakharov said. “Only satanic people could have dreamed this up. For President Putin, this is a very personal affair.”

Putin, he added, has remained “pureblood,” or unvaccinated, but one of his daughters was diagnosed with HIV two weeks after she’d taken her third jab.

“President Putin told her not to get any more vaccines, but she is Westernized, she accepted the lies, and now she must stay on medicine her whole life. This infuriated President Putin,” Zakharov said.

The daughter’s diagnosis was the last straw. On Wednesday, Putin decreed that Covid-19 vaccines be destroyed, and he banned all vaccine imports. The Russian military, our source said, has already destroyed vaccines at hospitals in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, and Saratov, and was forced to “put down” hospital staff that resisted the vaccine purge. Putin has reportedly said he will not rest until every vial is shattered.

Also, Putin has ordered the execution of 130 scientists responsible for creating the Sputnik vaccines.

“Here we don’t bring the guilty to trial—a waste of time. Why waste time when we know they are guilty. We deal with these matters severely,” Zakharov said.

In closing, we asked Zakharov whether Putin would have ordered such drastic action had his daughter not been diagnosed with HIV.

“No, he still would take care of these criminals. But her diagnosis crystallized his hatred for these evil people. There will be no more vaccines in Russia,” he said.

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